
Killer's P.O.V

Well, things have been going fantastic so far. And by that I mean things have been going absolutely terribly. Maybe in the beginning it was good, but now? Man, we've had giant zombie chickens attack and and a big zombie bear. It's only day two for crying out loud! I don't know what else might be out there, and I don't want to know. On the move one again. Nightmare decided to sit next to me. Again. But we still don't talk much. He's keeping with the excuse that Dream wouldn't leave him alone unless he sat next to me, but somehow I'm starting to doubt that. Dream hasn't said anything to him since he shot Fred.

"Hey Nightmare." I said, trying to break the silence. "Do you love your brother?"

"What brought this up?" He asked, not bothering to make eye contact.

"I just wanted to start a conversation."

Nightmare let out an annoyed sigh. "No. I don't love or care about him. It would just drag me down."

"OK..." I thought for a moment. "If you don't mind me asking, how did you...get all goopy like that?"

"Some scientists injected me with something. They wanted me to be a weapon. It worked, but not in their favour. I killed all of em."


Well, this just a lot more awkward. I heard Fell groan in the seat in front of us.

"Are you ok?" Sci asked.

"I don't feel so good..." Fell replied, putting his face in his hands and hunching over.

Sci rubbed Fell's back to comfort him. Fell was fine a moment ago, I wonder what happened. Sci said he wasn't infected. He wouldn't be lying, would he? I looked out the window beside me. We were out of the forest, now we were in the mountains. I had a thought of mountain lions attacking us suddenly. Or a big snake. Them being zombies, of course. At this point, I'm just scaring myself.

"You seem worried." Nightmare commented. "Afraid of a few zombies?"

"I've never really fought anything past human and monster zombies. These zombified animals are way beyond what I was trained for." I replied.

"Well, this is the reality of it all. It's not going to get any better."

I huffed. "You're a jerk, you know that?"

"I'm aware."

As the bus was turning a sharp corner, it stopped very, very suddenly. Stopping suddenly at this speed resulted in me falling over and onto Nightmare. For a few moments, I sat there frozen. Then I looked slowly up at him, a bit scared of how he would react. He was staring down at me with this unnerving glare. One that would make anyone, even the most confident of people, tremble in fear. I couldn't move, no matter how much I wanted to. I felt like the smallest move would result in me being thrown out the window and down the mountain.

"I-I...u-uh..." I couldn't find my tongue.

Nightmare's gaze, to my surprise, returned to normal. He sighed and went back to staring off into his own world. He didn't even bother to push me off.

"Sorry about that, everyone!" FC called out from the front.

"We'd we stop this time?" Dust asked.

"Skeleton bird! Skeleton bird on the windscreen!" Chip answered, flapping his wings wildly.

I panicked for a moment there. I managed to get up and look over the seat. As it turns out, what Chip meant by 'skeleton bird', was actually just a skeleton how fell from the sky. Wait, that's still not normal? Is it? The skeleton was a living monster. He was small, he could've been taken as a child. His mismatched eye lights gave the look of an insane person. Not to mention, he was wearing a straitjacket. The sleeves were loose and twice the length of his actual arms. He just played there on the windscreen, smiling at us. At least, what he thought was us. I couldn't tell if he could see us or not.

"Uh...what do we do?" Horror asked.

"Well normally when this happens, we turn of the windscreen wipes and move on." Error answered.

"How often to skeletons rain from the sky?"

"It was a joke, dumba*s."

"In all seriousness." Ink cut in. "I think we should go out and talk to him. We could help him if he's not infected."

"Good idea." Dream agreed. "Sci, bring the tester, will you?"

Sci nodded, taking the small devise out of his pocket. FC, Sci, Dream and Buddy went out. Chip flew off FC's shoulder and sat on the stirring wheel, not keen to go out and meet the strange skeleton.

"You should go with em." Nightmare suggested.

I looked at him. "Why?"

"Because your face is completely red, you need the fresh air."

In saying that I noticed that my face had heated up with blush. I took Nightmare's advise and ran outside with the others. We walked around to the front of the bus to see the small skeleton. He didn't notice us. He was too busy sliding up and down the windscreen.

He giggled as he slid down again. "Wee!"

This time he fell off the bus all together, hitting the ground with a thump.

"Ouchie." He said, rubbing his skull.

"Uh...excuse me." FC said.

The skeleton looked up at us. His smile immediately returned.

"Hello, strangers!" He chirped.

FC kneeled down in front of the skeleton. "My name's FC. What's your name?"

"Oh! You can call me Asy! You look nice, nice lady!"

FC smiled softly. "Why thank you."

Looking at Asy closer, I saw that his skull was covered in scars. They were small and too clean to be made by a zombie. Speaking of zombies, this guy reeked just as bad as them!

"What are you doing out here alone, Asy?" Dream asked.

"I'm here with friends! Many friends, lots of friends!" Asy replied happily.

"Where would these friends of your be?"

Asy pointed out to the side, into the sky. We all looked, but nobody was there. Yep, defiantly insane.

"Um...ok..." Dream looked back at Asy. "Do you mind if we take a quick sample of your blood?"

"I do mind! It's my blood! Mine!" Asy's smile grew wider. "Go right ahead, nice skele-man!"

Geez, this guy's even more confusing then Horror. Sci bent down in front of Asy and took out a needle. As soon as Asy saw who would be taking his blood, he cried out.


He got up and ran over to FC, hiding behind her. Sci was confused.

"What's wrong, Asy?" Dream asked.

"Scary scientist!" Asy yelled. "Scary scientist do scary things to me! Bad scientist! Bad!"

Sci huffed and stood up. "I assure you that I won't hurt you."

Asy tilted his head to the side. "You promise, scary scientist?"

"I promise."

Asy thought for a moment, then approached Sci. Sci carefully took Asy's arm and rolled up the unbelievably long sleeve. His arms were covered in colourful bandaids.

"What's with all the bandaids?" I asked.

"Magic sticky strips make the pain go away!" Asy replied, suddenly happy again. "Happy magic sticky strips!"


I swear, this guy has several screws loose. Sci took a small blood sample from Asy's arm and put in the devise. The devise beeped with the result.

"He's healthy. No infection." Sci announced.

"That's perfect, another life saved from the wastelands of zombie hoards." FC replied proudly.

"Oh! Zombie don't bother you if you smell like one!" Asy claimed.

"Well, that would explain a lot of things." I muttered.

"Do you want to come with us, Asy? We're going to a place of great safety." Dream said.

"Does it have apples?" Asy asked randomly.

Dream couldn't help but chuckle. "I believe so, yes."

"Yippee! Lets go then!"

Suddenly, Asy jumped onto Buddy's back. Buddy barked, but not in a dangerous way. He seemed to understand that Asy was just acting like a kid. An insane kid, but a kid nonetheless. Buddy happily took Asy into the bus, the rest of us followed him.

"Greetings, skele-friends!" Asy greeted upon seeing the rest of the group.

Blueberry happily waved at Asy, Ink smiled at him. The rest of the group, however, showed no interest. With that, Asy started running around, exploring this new place he found. With the bus doors closed once again, FC continued to drive through the mountains. I went to go sit down next to Nightmare again. Not surprisingly, he had taken advantage of me leaving and was now on the window side. I huffed and sat down next to him. He probably just wanted the window and didn't actually care if I needed fresh air or not. What a jerk.

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