
Sci's P.O.V

We're on the move again. After throwing all the zombie bird bodies out onto the side of the road, FC decided it was best to keep going before more of them came. Everyone sat in a tense silence. I didn't like this kind of atmosphere, it's so unnerving. I was sitting next to Fell, quietly cleaning his wounds.

"How are you feeling?" I asked in a whisper.

"Like s**t." He replied, his eye sockets shut tight.

I sighed. "May I take a sample of your blood?"


"To test if you're infected."

Fell was silent for a moment, but he nodded. I took the sample from one of his wounds and put it into the small devise I had on me at all times, then I prayed that Fell wasn't infected. The device beeped when the result was ready. I stiffened when I saw it. Infected. He can't be infected...I tried again. Infected. Please no...

"Well?" Fell asked.

"Um..." I put the devise away. "'re fine..."

"You don't sound so sure."

"I'm sure, don't worry."

Lier. I'm a lier. But I knew what the others would do if they found out Fell was infected. They would kill him, shoot him right in the skull. I've seen it time and time again, everywhere I've been sent to. And, despite how many years of the apocalypse it's been, there's still no cure. The only lab in existence that thought it might have something was overrun by zombies. Somehow, however, I held hope in my soul that we would find something to help him. I looked out the window the the scenery. Trees flew past as we drove by. This time, there were no creepy zombie owls staring at us from them. But just thinking about them made me wonder, were there other creatures like that? The thought made me tremble.

Owls aren't the most dangerous animals in the world, so what could an animal built for power do to us? It's scary. You almost never feel safe here. Even a small mistake like leaving the roof open could result in death. Or infection, which it did. I looked over at Nightmare, who was still glaring at Ink. Holding a grudge isn't going to help anyone. Of course, I didn't have the courage to tell him that. Coward. I'm a coward.

"So what's you're story?" Fell asked.

I looked back at him. "Nothing interesting, really...I was trained at a lab and then hired by FC."

"Not so interesting? You're breaking warriors out of heavily fortified arenas, man!"

His eye sockets were slightly open. I could tell the the cuts around them made it hard to open them completely.

"I suppose." I said, looking down at the ground. "I don't really do much. I'm not much of a fighter."

"Sci, you whacked an owl with a baseball bat without even thinking."

I smiled slightly. "Yeah...I just wanted to protect you."

"Aw, how sweet." He teased.

I blushed and hid my face in my hands. Fell chuckled and put his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm just messing with ya." He said. "But, that was pretty sweet."

I huffed and took my hands away from my face. "What about you? What's your story?"

Fell leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms behind his head. "Well, as you probably know, I was delivered to the arena on the second truck, with Ink, Geno, Blue and Papyrus. Papyrus, as you know too, died to get us there."

"Did you have a brother?" I asked.

"Yep. His name was Edge. He looked a bit like Papyrus, but a whole lot more edgy. He also acted like he was the centre of the universe. A real b***h, he was."

"But...didn't you feel some sort of love for him?"

"I couldn't. He was younger then me, so we were put in different areas of the camp. I never really got to know him properly. I must of seen him...maybe four times? Five? I dunno. But because he was more determined to get a higher ranking then me, he went from a zombie warrior to a camp commander very quickly. He was the one who decided to send me off, along with the others, to that arena."

"'d think he would try and keep you there with him."

"Like I said, he's a real b***h. But, the camp was invaded shortly after we left. He made a terrible decision, now the camp's been destroyed. It was underground too, so nobody could escape without going through the zombies."

"That's...horrible. Truely horrible."

"Yeah...but I didn't share any strong connection with anyone there."

I thought about that. A small camp under the ground, only one way in or out, helpless if there ever was an attack. That made the arena seem a lot better. We were lucky compared to many others. Some were out in the world, no protection, no camp to help them, just surviving off whatever they can find. They can't drink water from taps or anything connected to the main water sources, that's mainly how the infection spread in the first place. A lab accidentally dropped the virus there, then it simply took over. It's amazing how such a simple thing could cause such destruction.

"Hey nerd." Fell said. "Don't think too much about it. It's better not to care, else you might find yourself in a bad situation."

I shook my head. "It's hard not to care anymore. I'd rather die caring then live heartless."

Fell smiled at me. "Strange. I said the same thing."

I smiled back. That's when I noticed that the bus had stopped moving.

"Why'd we stop?" Lust asked.

"Someone jumped out in front of the bus." FC said.

Most of us got up and looked through the front window to see. A human boy, who looked about eighteen, was waving his arms, signalling that he wanted to see us. He didn't seem infected.

"What should we do?" Dream asked.

"Hmm..." FC thought. "Lets go outside and see what he has to say."

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