Is it the apocalypse?
Tanjiro POV:
I woke up and decided to go get breakfast out today but something weird happened when I got there.
Somegirl: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I turned to the side to see some guy biting into a girl's neck at first I just ignored it and left thinking that it was staged because there was a new zombie movie coming out, but when I got home I started to rethink that thought.
Yuichiro: Tanjiro what took you so long did you see the new video that came out?!
Tanjiro: No? What video?
Yuichiro: Come look.
Tanjiro: Wait! Is Muichiro still asleep? If so we should wait for him.
Yuichiro: Let him sleep, just look!
Tanjiro: Ok, ok.
I looked at the video and it was of the women who got bit by that guy, but sense I still don't belive it could be real I just shoved it off.
Yuichiro: Don't the effects look so cool?! It looks so real!
Tanjiro: I guess
Muichiro: Can you two shut up!?
Me an Yuichiro look to the side to see Muichiro looking insanly tired.
Tanjiro: Jeez did you go to sleep at last night!!
I yelled, clearly worried.
Muichiro: Of course I did.
Yuichiro: Doesn't look like it.
Yuichiro whispered to himself
Muichiro: Whatever I'm hungry.
Tanjiro: Sorry but all I have is a cup of coffee cause SOMEONE ate all of the food.
I said looking at Yuichiro.
Yuichiro: Whatever, me and Muichiro can go to the store, now let's go!
Muichiro: Now?
Yuichiro: Yes, Now!
When they got there cause lazy :)
Muichiro POV:
Me and Yuichiro had just gotten to the store and after we got to the snack section I started to hear screams. Yuichiro ignored it but I wanted to see what was happening so I went to look. I went down the next isle and saw five people surronding a girl who a chunk of neck missing. I was getting insanly scared of course and went to see if she okay as well. She was choking for about five minutes and then passed out, some of the people were convinced she died before help could arive and that wouldn't be shocking sense there was huge chunk of her neck missing. But then something happened that shocked everyone. The women got up when the ambulance arived but she was acting different. For example she just stared at everyone and her eye's looked bland and lifeless and she was so pale, like paper white. She slowly stood up and I was the first to see if she was okay.
Muichiro: Are you okay miss?
Random Women: ...
Muichiro: Miss?
Random Women: RRRHHHGGGG!!!!
The women never even said anything she just groaned and pounced on me trying to bite my neck. I held her back but it was only a matter of time before she would be able to get a good chunk out of my neck. My arms almost gave out on me until of people in the isle finally decided to help and while I was getting up she scratched my leg. "What's wrong with her?" I thought to myself. I had ran away from the isle and turned around to see if I was alone then felt someone tap me on the sholder. I flinched and turned and it was just Yuichiro who was already yelling at me.
Yuichiro: Why did you run off?! You could've gotton lost!!
Muichiro: I'm sorry! I tried to help the lady in the other isle but all she did was try to bite me and then she scrached me!
Yuichiro: Really? Where did she scratch you?
Muichiro: My leg. Right here
Yuichiro: She clearly got you good cause it's still bleeding, like a lot.
We were just about to pay but then a man jumped into the isle and was bleeding so much as if someone ripped open his insides. And just like the women from the last isle he tried to bite me.
Muichiro: GET OFF ME!!!!
Bloody Man: GGGRRAHH!!
He was about to bite me until Yuichiro had pushed him off. I had got up and we both ran out of the isle and looked around the store. And everyone was running away, getting bitten, and attacking eachother.
Muichiro: Whats wrong with everyone?
I said about to burst into tears
Yuichiro: I don't know! Let's just leave before someone else tries to bite you!
We both ran out the store but five of those things chased us and while running away I dropped the bag I was holding without even realizing it. We ended up taking a break in a random ally and waited until those things left.
Muichiro: Are they still there?
I asked trying not to cry
Yuichiro: No there not, let's go.
We both made it home and knocked on the door waiting for Tanjiro to answer. While all I could hear were the screams of people outside. Tanjiro finally opened the door and hugged me pulling us both inside and locking the door.
Tanjiro POV:
I looked at the news and the video's posted online ther not actually fake there actually people out there turning into zombies, I was so worried that something might have happened to you.
I said to only Muichiro
Yuichiro: Wow! Thanks for CARING ABOUT ME.
Tanjiro: Your welcome.
Yuichiro rolled his eyes
Tanjiro: OMG! Muichiro what happened to your leg!
Muichiro: One of the women at the store scrached me.
Tanjiro: Well come on let me help you!
I took Muichiro to the bathroom and cleaned the wound and wrapped a bandage around it. Then Yuichiro came and started yelling.
We both followed him and saw on the news that people were killing eachother undead or not, they didn't care about anyone else they just wanted to survive. There were even people sacrificing there kids just to survive. The reporting was saying to stay indoors and the military will deal with the situation and then got tackeled and the women standing next to him who was supposted to be his wife just ran saying he's on his own and as he was being bitten the camera man just started laughing while running off. I turned off the TV and there was a thick silence, so I broke it.
Tanjiro: We should be fine, I mean you two got groceries right?
Yuichiro: I got the snacks and Muichiro got the actual food.
Muichiro: Actually when we were running I accidently dropped my bag.
Muichiro had said while looking at the floor. I was about to say it was okay but Yuichiro spoke up first, and what he had to say wasn't good.
I looked at Muichiro who was clearly trying extremely hard not to cry. I didn't want either of them to be upset so I thought I should suggest going somewhere else to stay.
Tanjiro: Yuichiro don't scream. Maybe we can stay with Kanao and the other's they definently have enough food you know how greedy they are. And even if they don't you still shouldn't yell you know zombies relay on sound.
Yuichiro: We don't know that yet, what if they can see but can't hear huh?
Muichiro: W-Well we c-can do what T-Tanjiro said and stay with K-kanao and test it out t-then.
Yuichiro: Whatever but I'm not going today so we'll tomorrow!
Yuichiro went to his room and locked himself inside. Me and Muichiro went to our room too. Muichiro went striaght into bed and started tearing up.
Tanjiro: Muichiro... are you okay?
Muichiro: .... No, because of me we have to risk our live trying to make it to Kanao's house tomorrow. We would have never had to if I hadn't dropped the bag.
Tanjiro: It's not your fault, you had to get away the food wasn't worth it. Besides maybe we still have something left in the fridge.
Muichiro: Maybe.
I turned Muichiro to face me and kissed him softly. Eventally I bit his bottom lip making him open mouth and I slid my tounge in his mouth and we kept kissing but then I bit his tounge and he broke the kiss.
Muichiro: Ow! That hurt.
Tanjiro: Sorry Mui.
I had looked at his neck and pulled him closer as I gave a him a hickey.
Muichiro: Nngh Tanjiro~
I was about to bite harder until I heard someone knocking on the front door. Me and Muichiro looked at eachother before deciding to go see who it is. I approched the front door and saw a man holding his wife in his arms yelling for us to open the door. I opened the and let them closing it as soon as they got in and locking it.
*////*: Thank you they hurt my wife!
Tanjiro: Sir we need to check you and your wife for bite marks.
*////*: What? But we didn't get bit!
Tanjiro: Were not saying that you did. But if one of you did get bit and just don't know it you would be putting our lives at risk.
*////*: Okay then, my name is (insert name)
I checked the man he had no bite marks or injuries whatsoever but his wife a visably large chunck of her leg missing, she had clearly been bitten so I told him and he jsut snapped at me.
He was cut off as his wife pounced up and started to rip his insides out and eat him whole. Sense she paid no attention to me and Muichiro at the moment I pushed them both into the bathroom and closed the door. I realized that this was a way to test two theories, one if their smart, and two if they relay on sound.
Tanjiro: Muichiro can you get Yuichiro for me?
Muichiro: Okay?
Muichiro POV
I walked to Yuichiro's room and hesitated before knocking on the door. I waited a bit but he didn't respond so I tried to open the door but it was locked. So I knocked again and he still didn't respond.
Muichiro: Yuichiro? I'm s-sorry for d-dropping the f-food... but T-Tanjiro wanted me to c-come get y-you.
Yuichiro: I don't care what Tanjiro wants just leave me alone!
I knew he would get mad if I said this and would probably blame me but it was the only way to get him to come out of his room.
I had yelled, it took a minute but he unlocked his door and came and he looked really mad. And just like I thought he blamed it on me but atleast he didn't yell this time.
Yuichiro: Of course one got in! Thats because your stupid and you never learn from your mistakes!
Muichiro: Can you just p-please at least s-see what Tanjiro w-wants?
Yuichiro: Fine whatever!
We both went to Tanjiro and Yuichiro was about to say something but Tanjiro shushed him.
Tanjiro: Quiet, they've been in there for a while and if they were smart they would've opened the door by now the only thing we have to test now is if they can see or not.
Tanjiro said quietly as he went to kitchen and grabbed a glass. He threw it to the other side of the room and opened the door and to my shock they........
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