The begining...
These are not my characters. These are Aphmau's and other fan fic writers characters. Please enjoy! :) ;) :)
??? POV:
*Flash back*
I was 5. I was 5 when I met her. We were at the orphanage together... Adopted by the same horrible "parents" together... Escaped at the age of 10 together from them... Met our first friends together... Anyway... Once we were 10 we ran away from our "Parents", Me and Claire... Claire and me. Alone in the world. It was 12:30 AM. We packed our stuff quietly and left with out a sound. Hopping from roof to roof. finally we made it to an empty ally in the city next to where we used to live. Just then a group of kids jumped down from the roof tops and surrounded us. One of them said:
"Who are you two?"
"I-I-I'm Claire. W-Who are you?"
"I am Sly. The one on my right is Kala and the one on my left is Kats. Steven is behind your friend and Castor is behind you. On Castor's right is Pbat and on Steven's left is Alex. Oh! And Jose is watching from the roof tops."
8 people... I thought.
"W-What d-do you w-want from us?" Claire asked
"We want to question you." And with that they tackled us. We blacked out. Once we woke up I noticed that we were in a room. No, I was in a room. Claire wasn't there! But... There was that Sly person here... He was sitting down in a chair beside me. His eyes were closed and a little drool always coming out of his mouth.
Is he asleep? I thought.
I tried to get out of the bed I was in quietly so that I could go find Claire. But as soon as I moved by body he was there. Right in front of me...
"What are you doing?"He asked. He didn't sound angry... But, curious. I just looked at him.
"Shy huh? Or don't like to talk... Either way... Your going to have to talk at some point. Can I at least know your name? Please?"
And for the first time ever... I told someone other than Claire my name that my "parents" gave me. I would of told him my real name... But I never knew it.
"I-I-it's J-J-J-Jessica." I stuttered
"Ok. It's nice to meet you. I'm gunna call you Jess. Ok?"
I just nodded yes.
"Now! ......... Come on. It's morning and your friend is already eating breakfast with the others."
I just nodded and followed him out of the room I was in, and threw multiple halls.
Finally we got there. They all were eating pancakes and beacon. They were all laughing and smiling. I haven't seen Claire smile since we met. Maybe she belongs here. Maybe I do too... Or maybe not... I really don't know yet. We'll see.
Claire smiled and waved for me too sit next to her. I smiled too. It felt good to smile again. Maybe I do belong here! 😄 I see everyone looking at me weirdly... Except Claire.
"Wow... Your really pretty when you smile Jess!" Sly said
I just nodded and looked at the floor. ☺️ Then I think it was the guy named Castor said:
"Why don't you come and eat. Then we can explain stuff and you guys can explain stuff to. Ok?"
I just nodded ok again and sat down next to Claire and started eating some breakfast.
*time skip to after breakfast.*
"Now... We are orphans. We met a couple years ago. So we made a small little group and thought ourselves basically every thing that we know now.... uuuummmmm... Yeah, we set up a base here and it kept growing. Now, it is your turn to tell us about you." Sly said rather quickly.
I didn't really want to say anything yet. And Claire saw that in my eyes. So she started talking first. She said:
"It was 5 years ago that I met Jess... I heard the people at the orphanage talking about a little girl with black Tangly hair and brown eyes. They said that they looked out to see nothing. Then a couple seconds later there was a big thump and... Poof. Jess was at the orphanage. Me and her have been together ever since."
"Wow... Tough life. Eh Sly?" The boy named Steven said as he nudged Sly with his elbow. "Shut it Steven! Now... Jess. What do you have to say? Do you remember when you 'fell out of the sky?'" Kala said as she gave Steven a punch to the shoulder.
"Ouch!" Steven said as he rubbed his arm
"................... I-I r-remember a- ....... A face. Well... More like a-a couple faces. T-Then a-a-a flash of light a-and gravity...... Gravity hurts. heh heh heh......."
"Well then..... Welcome to the club Jess... Claire. 😃" Kala said after a long moment of silence.
"yay!" Whispered Jess
"WWWOOO HHHOOO! OH YEAH!" Claire yelled and did a fist pump in the air.
"Now then... First off, do you remember who everyone is? Jess?"
*points to Sly*
*points to Kala*
*points to Kats*
*points to Steven*
"Weirdo Steven."
*everyone laughs except Steven.*
*points to Castor, Pbat, Jose, and Alex*
"Castor, Pbat, Jose, Alex."
"Good... Now, let's go pick your rooms and show you ours. Ok?"
I nod and Claire says yes as we follow them to our rooms.
"Claire, this is your room. Your stuff is already here." Kats said
*walks a little further down the hall.*
"Jess... This is your room. Now, go unpack. Steven will be up soon to see if your done. Ok?" Kats asked. I just nodded yes as he left.
I turn around and start to unpack and I start to hum to my self. When my room is done it looks like purple threw up every where. My walls are a lilac purple, My curtain is silver, and my bed is also a lilac purple. My pillow is a light blue and I have a picture of me and Claire hugging from when we first met hung up on the wall. Then I took out my phone and put it on the desk in my room. I quietly walked down stairs and I saw that in the main entrance there were pictures of everyone. Underneath the pictures were little fires. But they were different colors... Maybe whatever color the fire is, is there favorite color? Or that they are still an active member of the club? I duno...
"Are you done yet Jess?" Sly said
"AAAHHHGGG!" I screamed
"Sorry Jess. I didn't mean to scare you... I just wanted to tell you something that we didn't tell you before... We... Um... You know those super heroes? Like Spider-Man, Super man, ect. Well... We are the kids of them. We only found out yesterday... We wanted to keep it to a minimum. But, I had to tell you."
"Ok, so.... Kala is the daughter of Super man, Kats is the son of Spider man, Steven is the son of Batman,Castor is the son of Captain Amarica, Pbat is the son of The Hulk, Jose is the son of Spider Man, Alex is the son of Wolverine and I am the son of Iron Man."
"Well........ See you at lunch. You can go explore if you want or something. See you later!" Sly said as he ran to Kala to talk about something. I went to go see if me and Claire had a fire thing. We did. Mine was lilac purple and Claire's was black. So then I just wondered around.
*time skip 1 year*
Me and the gang were out in the woods when we found a hammer on the ground. It was HUGE! Everyone tried picking it up. Even Claire tried! But no one could. I tried when no one was looking and I was able to pick it up! It wasn't heavy... It just sent a shock threw me. I yelled in surprise and everyone looked at me holding the hammer.
"Hi." I said quietly
"How? How did you pick it up? It was so heavy!" Steven asked in astonishment.
"Well... I just picked it up like picking up a cupcake."
"And what are you wearing?" Sly asked
"I duno."
"What ever. Race you home guys!" Claire said as she sped off home leaving a trail of dust behind her.
"Hahaha. VeRRY funny Claire. Sense you found out that you are the daughter of The Flash, you have been running around! Don't you ever get tired?" Sly asked
"Nope!!" She said as she went around agian.
As we were walking Sly asked me something.
"Hey, do you thing that you are the missing daughter of Thor. Legend says that 11 years ago Thor had a baby girl, but his brother Loki took her and sent her to earth by mistake. They haven't found her yet... That could be you ya know... That's why only you could pick up that cool hammer..."
*end of flash back*
??? POV:
Me and Zenix were on patrol at the gate of Phoenix Drop when we heard a scream coming from the woods, then a girl came out of the woods wearing a ripped purple t-shirt and blood stained shorts. Her black hair was plastered to her face with blood and her gloves were torn apart. Her eyes were swollen like she had been crying recently. And her foot was caught in a trap. She looked at us warily then fainted and hit her head on a rock. Her blood was now coming from her head as well as every where else. Great! I hope she doesn't die from blood loss! I went to help her and Zenix went to go get Kiki. We brought her to Kiki's barn. I could get a better look at her now, she was really badly beaten up. There was a scar above her right eyebrow, and a scar on her right hand. There were cuts all up her arm and she kept shaking her head no. I hope she is ok. After Kiki treated her wounds and cleaned her up, she looked kinda cute... I left to let her recover... But, I think that I will keep an eye on her... I wonder who that Sly person she was murmuring about earlier was... Hhhhmmmmmmm.....
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