Oh. My. Irene!

The picture is sorta what Irene looks like.

Jessica's POV:
As I fell to the ground I thought... Was death going to hurt? Was what I did ok? Are my friends ok? Is Herobrine and Loki dead? I kept thinking until I saw a bright light. I walked towards it. Standing in the light was a lady with long black hair. She was wearing a black dress.
"Hello Jessica. My name is Irene. I am here to give you a second chance."
"WHAT! Why would you do that!?!? I tried to kill someone!"
"Do you not want a second chance?" She asked
"Y-Yes! I mean.... No? I mean... Ug! I mean, yes. I want a second chance... Please."
"Ok. You will still have everything Herobrine put upon you like your cat ears, wolf tail, all the scars, tattoo's, multi colored eyes, etc. And you can become.... Evil... So to speak..."
"Uhhhh..... What do you mean, Evil?"
"Um... Let's just say that every blood moon you become not yourself... It's hard to explain."
"O-K then..."
"Now, Wake up Jessica. Wake up and live." Irene said as she disappeared and the light faded away. And I started free falling onto pointed rocks. Great. Just my luck that I die in the after life...

Third person POV:
After 1-2 hours of crying and taking out there anger they all made a circle around Jessica. They didn't know what to do or to say. So they just looked at there feet and some of the girls cried. Aldo, some boys did too.
"W-What happened?" Asked a shaken voice. Everyone looked up to see Jessica struggling to sit up right. Steven helped her sit up. Tears were streaming down his face. Aphmau's face lit up, as well as everyone else's.
"W-Why are y-you guys c-crying? ......... Waiiiiiiit..... STEVEN NEVER CRIES!!!!! WHAT HAPPENED STEVEN????? DID APHMAU REGECT YOU?!?!?!?" Jessica asked Steven and shaking his shoulders until he felt like he was going to puke
"Heh... Yep. That's Jessica alright..." Sly said. Everyone started laughing.
"Hahahahahahaha *cough cough*"
"Are you ok Jessica?"
"*cough cough* y-yeah. *cough cough cough*"
"Jessica, your not alright. Your coughing up blood." Sky said as he got her to lie down. Aphmau ripped part of her sleeve off and gave it to Sky. He took it and wiped up the blood from her lips. Laurence got her some water and Claire got her a blanket. She bundled up Jessica and helped her drink the water. Garroth went to go get Zoey to heal her. Jessica kept coughing up blood. Aphmau kept wiping the blood away until she passed out from lack of blood. Zoey arrived soon after Jessica passed out.

*time skip 1-3 hours*

Jessica's POV:
I kept coughing and coughing. I couldn't stop! ... Until I blacked out. But even then I kept thinking.
Hmm.... Maybe I should change my name. It HAS been getting a little confusing with Aphmau/Jessica and me.... Hmmm.... But what should I change it too???
I felt warm tingling sensation on my face and chest.
I might ask everyone else... Yeah! They'll know what my new name should be... Should I change my hair color too? Maybe red? Or pink? White? Blonde? Or maybe only streaks of color.... OH! So many choices!!!
I felt arms pick me up and the wind in my hair.
Hmm... I wonder where I'm going now... To the village? Yeah... Probably to see what's wrong with me... I mean, nothing's wrong except that I just came back to life. It's most likely just the side affects... I hope...
I felt something tickle my nose. I sneezed, and then bolted up.
"IWANACHANGEMYNAME!!!!!" I yelled. I looked around to see everyone staring at me with surprised looks on there face's. Laurence, Garroth and Sly walked over to me
"What was that Jessica?" Garroth asked
"I saaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiid...... I wana change my name."
"WHAT!?!?!?!!!?!?!?!?!?!" The boys yelled. I took in a deal breath
"I. Want. To. Change. My. Name." I repeated slowly
"Ok? To what?" Aphmau asked
"I don't know... I was hoping you guys would help me..."
"Ok! Sounds like fun!" Aphmau said as she helped me up.
"How about Maria?" Laurence offered
"Emily?" Garroth asked
"Angel?" Steven asked. Aphmau smacked his head
"Max?" Claire offered, shrugging her shoulders.
"Hazel?" Pbat asked.
".... Hazel. I like it... It has a nice ring to it..." I said smiling.
"Ok! Hazel it is!" Sly said as he patted my back. I stumbled forward and went face first into Sky's chest.

Once I regained my balance, with help from Sky... We all burst out laughing.
"Careful. I don't really have very good balance..."
"Heh... I see... Sorry about that Hazel." Sly apologized
"It's ok Sly... Now! Out to go walk around with out falling on my face!" I said as I stumbled to the door and walked out of the house. But missing the first step and falling on my face. I laughed and got up again. Spitting out some dirt that went into my mouth. Then continued on my way around.

Steven's POV:
As Hazel stumbled away everyone started talking in there own little groups. I walked over to SM.
"Hey guys. What do you think of Hazel's new name? ... And everything that just happened..." I asked slowly
"I like her new name... But I think she doesn't need to be involved with danger as much..." Claire said
"S-So you mean... Kick her out of the group?" Jose asked nervously
"No." She said slowly. Everyone was quiet for a while. An uncomfortable silence... 😬

Aphmau's POV:
Everyone in SM got really quiet for a while. It was weird, because everyone else got really quiet. After minuets on end of silence I spoke up.
"I'm going to go see if everyone in the village is ok... See you guys later?" I said as I walked out of the house. Geeez. It gets uncomfortable after a while you know? A person can only take so much of that...

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