Her past

Hey guys. This is again in Jessica's POV. Hope you like it! 🙃🤓😆

Jessica's POV:
I woke up in a dark room. On a bed. Not on a wall chained up. I looked around to see that I was still in Herobrine's castle. But on the bed Loki pushed me on. The door opened and Loki stepped forward. He had a bandages all over his face. I smiled a little.
"You DAD wants to see you right now." Loki said. Not smiling. He grabbed my arm and dragged me yo Herobrine's office. Herobrine looked at me. My ears, my tail... Behind him stood the girl that helped me yesterday. She looked scared. Her turquoise eyes glittered with tears. I looked at Herobrine. He smiled evily at me.
"Why hello Jessica. How nice of you to join us, after your... ATTEMPTED escape... Now, you now know that you have ears and a tail yes?" I nodded
"Well... Soon you will notice other... 'Differences'. Especially when we put more WHITE serum." He said casually as if it was nothing. Like it was completely normal to put HEROBRINE serum into your own daughter. Ha! So normal! I nodded again. He then grabbed the arm of the girl beside him and dragged her to the dark room with the metal table. Loki dragged me in after. In the room now were 2 metal tables. The girl got strapped into one, me into the other. She had the word fear wrapped all around her. Herobrine held up a metal rod with the numbers 02. They were numbering this poor girl, 02. He put it in the fire for a minuet before placing it right below her right shoulder. She screamed in pain as he pressed harder. I squeezed my eyes shut tight as she kept screaming in pain. Ai opened my eyes after a minuet and looked over at the girl. On her right arm was the number 02, burned onto her skin. Her eyes had tears in them and fear written all over her face. They took out purple needles. Looks like there only going to give her one serum. Make sense... She's not the daughter of the monster hovering above her. I am. Plus, we are just 'experiments' to them. Willing test subjects that they can make into freaks, monsters, nobody's. I thought they put 3 purple serums into her before she passed out. Then they moved over to me. They took out more white and multi colored serums. After long painful minuets they took me and her to the dark room that I slept in the last night.
"Ok Jessica, you have a choice, let her have the bed and you the wall, or vice versa." Herobrine said, holding up the girl for me to see her. Well... I'd really like the bed, but she needs it more. But am I up for the sacrifices? I mean, what has she done for me? But what have I done for her... Nothing both ways. I COULD help her. I mean... We are the first test subjects... Hmmm.... I thought for a moment.
"Let her have the bed." I said. He placed her on the bed and then chained me up to the wall. He smiled at me and punched my gut hard. I coughed up blood. He looked at the blood that was now on him. He smiled as he poked the blood with his finger and ate it. I gaged as he left the room.

*in the morning*
I woke up to the girl staring at me. I smiled weakly at her. She got up off the bed and stood in front of me.
"Hi. I'm Maddy." Said the girl
"I'm Jessica."
"It's nice to meet you... Um... Thank you god letting me have the bed. You can have it tonight if you want." She told me again, looking embarrassed. I smiled at her again.
"Thanks. But you need it more. I'm ok with the wall." I replied. She smiled thankfully, then she walked towards the dresser and pulled out 2 pairs of new clothes. She unlocked my chains and handed me a pair of clothes.
"Here. The shirt there is better then a belly shirt." She told me
"Thanks." I said as we changed in silence. I was now wearing a plain white t shirt, blue jean shorts and pink suspenders. Maddy was now wearing a plain blue t shirt and jean shorts. After we were changed Herobrine came in and gave us more needles. Then left. Maddy didn't pass out this time, but she looked close to it. I pulled at my new wolf tail for a while, sitting on the bed. Maddy was sitting on the bed beside me pulling at her hair. After an hour of that Herobrine pulled me into my old OLD room.
"Jessica," he said advancing to me, with his arms out like he was going to hug me. But then stopped himself.
"This outfit reminds me of when you were little. Oh how you were daddy's little girl... Blowing up everything up, leaving fire and lava in your wake... *sigh* good times... Good times..." Herobrine said as he looked up to the roof. (Picture above)
"*ahem* sorry. Getting a bit off topic here... I wanted to see how the serums were going. So I want you to walk in here and look at the screen." He said. I walked in the bedrock room, sat in the chair and looked at the screen. Herobrine closed the iron door behind me and the screen turned on. The screen showed Phoenix Drop burning, all my friends being hurt, bleeding, screaming. Begging for help. My eyes started to water. Next it showed Asgard on fire and all my superhero friends battling each other and screaming in pain. I felt tears run down my face. And a rage bubble over me. My fists clenched so hard I ripped some skin on the palm of my hand. The screen kept playing all these pictures and videos over and over again. I.... I c-can't take it anymore!!! I thought as I stood up. I felt power bubble over me, along with rage, anger, and sadness. I punched a bedrock wall and it crumbled. I walked through the now broken wall towards Herobrine and Loki.
"I cAnT tAkE iT aNy mOrE!!!!!!!!" I yelled at them as I ran towards the dark room wear Maddy was sitting. I busted open the door and grabbed Maddy's hand. She stood up and we ran to the gate. I felt a lot of pain but I zoned out of it. I busted the gate and we ran out of Herobrine's reach.

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