W-We Just Met...

Things to Look Out For:
(F/N) - First Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(H/C) - Hair Color
(E/C) - Eye Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(F/D) - Favorite Drink
(F/M) - Favorite Meal
As the book goes on, I will update the list/guide!
Glad to see a ton of support for this book already! You guys are awesome <3 and for that, early updates for everyone!
Your Point of View:

   As the day went on, I had more confidence. For once, I felt somewhat appreciated. It was rather nice for a change, a friend... it had been a while. Garroth seemed to like the same things as me, and he was successful in school. He even offered to help me with mine. Garroth was incredibly kind, and I... needed that. Our next classes were different, fortunately we had the same free period. That's when we would meet at the library. I looked once more at my schedule. Ms... Aphmau? She teaches a class here? I walked to the classroom, and opened the door. There she was, sitting at the desk. She looked up, and smiled.
   "You're here a bit early. You must be (F/N). I'm Ms. Aphmau, your principal and journaling teacher. But don't think of me as a strict person here. This class is perfect for releasing any emotions. It might be useful for you."
   "Thank you, and it's nice to meet you, Ms. Aphmau."
   "The pleasure is mine. By the way, have you made friends today?"
   "I have. I've made a friend." I answered sitting down in the front.
   "That's wonderful news. I'm glad you have. You may like this class." the rest of the students walked in, and she stood up to write something on the board. People sat in their seats, and some giving me glares. I ignored them, as I got them all day, so far at least. I watched as Ms. Aphmau moved away from the board. It said, Writing a Journal. Is this literal journal writing? I thought it was just article writing or something. "OK, I see that some of you are a bit confused. Journal writing. Or as I like to call it, rush writing. Now, this isn't a requirement, unless you want to pass this class with an A. If you don't want to do this, you can still get a B. Now, I believe that writing your inner feelings can help you in many ways, ways that allow you to look into your emotion, and realize things, like your mistakes, troubles, and can figure out solutions to your everyday problems. So today, I am giving each and everyone of you a journal. Now, don't think this is just a notebook for notes that you'll probably forget, because each of these journals has exactly 100 pages, and I will find out if you rip a sheet or 2 from it. These are also custom-made for this class, so therefore you cannot replace it. Now, aside from all that, does anyone have questions?"
   "Yeah, why are you assigning us this in the middle of the year?" a boy asked.
   "That's a good question. I chose the middle of the year, because you cannot join this class after the second half of the year, so I thought, if I'm going to have the same amount of students ensured, then do something I can keep track of." Well, at least she was honest! And, that was a weird rule. Does that mean classes are regulated after a certain amount of time? I snapped from my thoughts, when the squeaking noise of a white board marker interrupted them. "Anyways, you'll notice the journals are different colors. The color you get is the color you'll stick with. I already have the colors assigned to you, so no trading. And, now I will be calling out your names, so come on up when I call yours. I waited as she called everyone's name, then she called my name. I shuffled up to her desk. "Here you go, (F/N)." I looked down at it, and it was white. That was interesting. It could've been worse, right? I sat back down, and held the journal in my hands. "Now, you don't need to start writing right away, as you don't need to write about everything. So, there's one rule to this, you are not allowed to go further than 100 pages. When it is completely filled out, you can turn it in early. I am not going to be reading them, I'm going to look at the amount of things you write." she told us. "Now, since I don't have anything else to say, use this time to work on homework, study, or do whatever you kids do." she sat back down, and opened up a book. Most of the kids instantly got out their phones, and started doing things on those. I took out my binder, and started working on the math problems I got from the teacher.
~~TIme Skip~~
   By the time class ended, I was done with math, and all of my homework. Well, I was new. I didn't have much homework compared to those who have been here since the beginning of the year. Now, I had a free period with Garroth. I was about to leave, when Aphmau called me up. 
   "(F/N), can I speak to you for a bit?"
   "Sure." I answered. 
   "I don't normally say this to my students, but I want you to know that you can trust me. I may not seem like that, but I am, and I'm looking forward to your journal."
   "Thanks, Ms. Aphmau."
   "Of course. Have a good day, (F/N)." I repeated the words back, and walked out of class. As soon as I walked out, the halls were empty, except for a familar face waiting for me.
   "Hello (F/N), how was it?"
   "Lonely, but good. I was able to get my homework done, and got this journal."
   "Interesting. So, you ready to check out the library?"
   "Yeah!" I answered. We walked to the library, and he opened the door. It was enormous! It had so many books, and computers as well. The librarian looked up, and softly smiled.
   "Huh, I haven't seen anyone in here all day. Hello!"
   "Hello!" I answered back. 
   "You look new..." she told me.
   "It's my first day here."
   "Figure. I'm Emmalyn. If you need anything, I'll be here at the desk."
   "Thanks." Garroth and I walked over to a table in the back, and he asked me,
   "Say, I've been seeing those journals, but yours is different..." he told me.
   "Yeah, yours is white, it's... light. The others were colors like darker shades of grays, reds, blues..."
   "I didn't notice. Well, that's interesting."
   "Yeah. So, how's your day been going?" Garroth and I talked for the rest of our free period, as he finished his homework in his classes as well. The bell rang, signaling the end of my first day at school. Garroth walked me out, and gave me a slip of paper.
   "It's my phone number. Maybe we could hang out later or something. I have to drop my brother off at home, then I really want to try out this new cafe. Maybe you'd want to come?"
   "Yeah! I'll give you my address." I actually gave him both my address and my phone number.
   "Great, I'll stop by at maybe 3:30. Is that alright?"
   "That's a great time. I'll see you then."
   "See ya!" Garroth walked up to a boy, and they walked together. That must've been his brother. Well, they had the same bright blue eyes, didn't they? I walked to my car, and successfully drove home. I grabbed my bag, and hopped out of the car. My mom was waiting for me on the front porch, with a pitcher of lemonade.
   "Hey mom." I smiled.
   "Hey honey, how was school?"
   "It was actually kind of nice. I didn't get bullied on the first day, I got a journal, and I... well..."
   "What? Tell me!" her eyes sparkled with excitement. She was always interested in what I had to say.
   "I made a friend..." I smiled.
   "Oh honey! That's amazing news! So, what's her name?" I slightly blushed, and she smirked,
   "So, I see it's a guy... who?"
   "His name is Garroth. In fact, he picking me up at 3:30 to go to a new cafe that just opened."
   "Ooh! I'm so happy for you! Now, go change out of that uniform!"
   "Fine, but I'm taking the lemonade with me."
   "Fine with me." she giggled. I rolled my eyes at her excitement. Well, that went well. At least I think it did. I went inside, and upstairs to my room. I looked in my closet, and picked out a (F/C) blouse with black jeans and white Converse. I looked in the mirror, and simply brushed my hair once more, leaving it untangled. I took out my tiny bag of makeup, which consisted of a tube of mascara, a tube of clear lip-gloss, and lip balm. I put on some mascara, and used the lip-balm. I went downstairs, and my mom smiled.
   "Oh honey, you look great! Wait, are you wearing mascara?! YOU ARE!" she squealed. I wasn't one to wear makeup, and when I did, my mom went off like a billion fireworks.
   "Only a little bit. I want to look decent in public." I rolled my eyes.
   "Alright, but don't spoil your appetite. I'm making your favorite, (F/M)!" 
   "Really? Aw, thanks mom! I won't!" I smiled.
   "That's my girl. Did you finish your homework?"
   "Yeah, we had free time in class, and I finished it there. Plus, the free period at have at the end of the day." I told her.
   "Good. So, it's 3:15 now, you have a bit of time before Garroth picks you up."
   "OK, just... don't embarrass me mom." 
   "I won't, I promise!" she turned back to the kitchen, where she was starting to prepare food. I just sat on my phone for a bit, before the clock turned to 3:29.
   "Ooh! He's going to be here soon!" my mom squealed. "Is he cute?" she asked me.
   "Mom! I just met him! You'll see... I guess." I answered.
   "Alright, alright. I just really needed to ask!" the doorbell rang, and she jumped. I answered the door, and Garroth was wearing a light blue button up shirt, with black jeans and black tennis shoes. His hair was slightly ruffled, but it was cute, in a way.
   "Hey (F/N)." he smiled.
   "Hey Garroth, so..."
   "Hello!" my mom walked to the door. "You must be Garroth. I'm (F/N)'s mom."
   "Nice to meet you, Mrs. (L/N)."
   "Oh please, just call me (M/N). Anyways, you two have fun." she smiled. She walked away, and Garroth led me to his car, which was a black BMW. He opened up the passenger seat's door, and I thanked him, entering the car. He sat in the driver's seat, and started the car.
   "Guess what?" he asked me.
   "I think that new cafe is Kawaii~Chan's cafe."
   "Oh right! Kawaii~Chan's apparently the lunch lady at Aphmau's Academy. She makes the best lunches. It's why Aphmau hired her." he told me.
   "That's cool! So, is it only open after-school?"
   "Pretty much. Ready?"
   "Yeah!" I answered. Garroth drove off, and I could see my mom through the window. She was smiling like Cheshire Cat. This was going to be awesome! We got to the cafe, which wasn't too far away. Garroth and I got out of the car, and the building was a pink color, with tons of hearts.
   "Yep, this is definitely owned by Kawaii-Chan." Garroth chuckled. We walked in, and I saw a lady with pink hair behind the counter.
   "Oh! Hello Garroth-Kun! It's been a while!"
   "It's nice to see you, Kawaii-Chan. And, this is (F/N)."
   "Hello! Kawaii-Chan is excited to see Garroth-Kun with a friend!" she smiled, "So, what would (F/N)-Chan and Garroth-Kun like to order?" she asked us. I ordered (F/D), and Garroth chose to get a vanilla milkshake. He paid, which was really nice, and we got our order. We picked a table that had tallish stools, and sat down. Then, another customer alked in, and they looked over at us. We were talking about school, when they walked up to us, and asked us,
   "Are you two dating each other?"
   "W-What?" Garroth stuttered.
   "No, we are just hanging out." I answered quietly. 
   "Huh, interesting." she walked out, and Kawaii-Chan held back a laugh attack. Well that was awkward... I looked over to see Garroth flushed from embarrassment, and I awkwardly stirred my drink.
   HAHAHAHAHA SOMEONE THOUGH U WERE DATING! And Garroth is SO CUTE! I added the song that Garroth was dancing to in a side story episode. You know, the dinner date episode which with a Garroth friend-zoning Aphmau? Yeah, that one. However, it's only 11 seconds XD so, let your inner fangirl enjoy Garroth dancing! Anyways, you must be wondering why I uploaded this on Wednesday, rather than Friday? Because, today we did it guys. 300 followers! So, a present to you all are early uploads on this (Aphmau's Academy), and My Hero! So, hopefully you enjoyed this first part, and I'll see you in the next one! Ciao! ~Morgan <3
(Next chapter, I will add a Laurence moment, sorry Laurence fans.)

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