Troublemakers and Teachers (Part 2)

Things to Look Out For:
(F/N) - First Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(H/C) - Hair Color
(E/C) - Eye Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(F/M) - Favorite Meal
(F/D) - Favorite Drink
As the book goes on, I will update the list/guide!
   Hello there! Before I start, this part is introducing the rest of the teachers. I clarified that last part, and I think I want to take a turn in this book, so look forward to that ;) The contest is CLOSED. For those still entering, I would appreciate it if you didn't. And one more thing, if you want to make fan art, feel free to! In fact, let me know if you post it on DeviantArt or something. I will definitely want to add it as an image on one of the chapters! This goes for all of my books!! OK, now enjoy!!!! :D
Your Point of View:

   Garroth and I sat down at a table, but no one else sat with us, which was actually kind of nice, being just the two of us. The tables could fit up to 8 people each. 
   "So, what do you have for lunch?" I asked him.
   "A sandwich, apple, water, chips, and a cookie. What about you?"
   "I have a salad, chips, fruit snacks, water, and... 4 Oreos." I replied. We were talking about stuff, when someone threw a carrot across the cafeteria. The carrot hit someone, and the boy jumped up and yelled, 
   "Who threw that?" then, the boy grabbed a grape, and threw it in the direction it came from. It hit a girl, and then everyone started throwing food!
   "Let's get out of here!" I yelled at Garroth. He nodded, and we dashed with our lunches out of the cafeteria.
   "I think we should tell the office."
   "Yeah. That's a good idea." we dashed to the office, and told the lady up at the front. She got up to tell the principal, but it looks like she was already notified.
   "Did you two come from lunch?" she asked.
   "Yeah. There's a huge food fight." Garroth replied.
   "Thank you for bringing this to my attention." she sighed, walking out.
   "Poor Principal Aphmau." I sighed.
   "But at least we won't get in trouble." Garroth added.
   "That's actually true." I smiled. "Well, should we go back?"
   "Yeah, but maybe try and hide, don't want spaghetti flying onto you, right?" I nodded, and we headed over to the cafeteria. We hid behind one of the pillars, and the sight was almost horrifying. Food flew everywhere, and I witnessed a girl being splashed by someone's soup. People were running around, and there were multiple people covered in sauces, soups, and other things. 
   "STUDENTS!" Aphmau roared. Garroth and I jumped. "EVERYONE TO THE GYM RIGHT NOW! TEACHERS, SET UP THE BLEACHERS!" I gulped, and Garroth sighed. We needed to find a spot where people weren't covered with tomato soup and juice. We ended up sitting in the front, at the very end of the bleachers. Fortunately, the area we were sitting in was reserved for those not covered the food, and those who took the advantage of leaving. Most of those people were teachers, but Cadenza was sitting on the other side of me.
   "LISTEN UP!" Aphmau caught everyone's attention, "What happened in that cafeteria? Why was there a food fight in this school? You all know the rules: You keep your food to yourselves. You do not throw food in the school! Now, I'm looking around, and I see that not everyone threw food. That's why I said those who weren't covered in food would sit to the right. Those people are excused, and may finish their lunch in Ms. Thorun's room. Ms. Thourn and Ms. Musa, please watch those kids, please."
   "Yes Ms. Aphmau." the teachers said at the same time. Garroth, Cadenza and I stood up with about 10 other students, and walked down to her room. Laurence caught up with us, too. He was also clean, as well as people like Dante, Alexis and Levin. 
   "That was crazy. All those people had food all over them!" Alexis said as we walked.
   "What was for school lunch today anyways?" Cadenza asked everyone.
   "I think it was a choice between pizza, spaghetti, or grilled cheese and tomato soup." Dante answered, sighing. 
   "Only the perfect choices for a food fight." Laurence mumbled. "Why today, though? It just seems unexpected."
   "Aren't food fights supposed to be unexpected?" I asked him.
   "Eh, I guess you're right on that."
   "Alright guys, just don't make a mess of my room. I guess Ms. Musa and I will be eating with you all." Ms. Thorun smiled, "Find a desk to sit at. I'll let you all move them, just as long as you push them back when you're done." We all nodded, and since I seemed to recognize everyone, we just made one big table. 
   "So, you're new... (F/N) was it?" a girl with extremely red hair tied in a low ponytail asked me.
   "Yeah, I am."
   "Well, I think we should start introducing ourselves. I'm Kiki!" she started.
   "I'm Nicole." a girl with googles on her head smiled.
   "I'm Malachi." A boy with brown hair and green eyes waved.
   "I'm Kyle." a boy with dirty blonde and light green eyes added.
   "I'm Levin." the boy Alexis liked introduced himself.
   "I'm Lucinda." a girl with orange hair smiled.
   "You know me as Dante." Dante took a bite of his lunch.
   "You know who I am already!" Alexis giggled.
   "You're my Agriculture partner, and you already know who I am." Cadenza said, smiling.
   "And you seem to know Laurence and Garroth too." Alexis added.
   "Well, it's nice to meet you all." I smiled. All of us talked about a bunch of things, and it was great getting to know all of them. They all seemed super nice!

Ms. Musa's Point of View:

   "It's nice to see the kids introduce themselves." Mr. Thourn pointed out.
   "Yeah, it is." I replied.
   "Is something wrong? Your voice is a bit monotone."
   "I don't get it Shadow. I mean, I try so hard to make a decent class out of the things I have. Except, the band teacher thinks that my class is stupid. Those kids destroyed my room today."
   "What did they do?" she asked me.
   "They threw some sort of paint on all the instruments. Laurence there caught me trying to clean a drum-set. Speaking of which I need to finish up cleaning that stuff up."
   "How's the funds?"
   "They're extremely low this year. Because Orchestra has become a big deal, the school only supplied me with 200 dollars. If one of those kids breaks an instrument, my class is done for."
   "Why only 200?"
   "It was all they could give me. Even my paycheck is lower than the rest. I love teaching, don't get me wrong, but the disadvantages of a band class are outrageous! Especially here at the Academy."
   "I don't get it, the tuition is expensive here. Shouldn't there by an equal payment for each elective, for the exception of Agriculture and Digital Arts?"
   "That's what I thought. But because so many orchestra kids broke their instruments, I was forced to take money out of my class funds, since if they paid, they wouldn't have enough for the huge travel trip to perform. We were supposed to do Battle of the Bands this year, but unless I dedicate my personal savings to the school, my kids can't do it."
   "How much would you have to pay personally?"
   "150 bucks."
   "WHAT?" I sighed, and slammed my head against the desk, "That's awful!"
   "It's for the kids. I'd risk it for the kids."
   "Morgan, that's too much! You can't let them push you around!"
   "I have no choice! It's either I accept things as they are, or I lose my job!" that was when Mr. Fullington walked into the classroom.
   "Ms. Musa, may I speak with you?" he looked over at Shadow, "Privately?" I looked over at Shadow, and I asked him, 
   "Why can't she be a part of it?"
   "It's about our department."
   "Oh fine." I got up, and we went out to the hall.
   "Ms. Musa, I hate to be the messenger of bad news, but we have to use some of your funds."
   "W-What? What for?"
   "We need to pay off a violin. The strings were completely busted, and the repairing process will cost about 190 dollars, plus tax is about 200." 
   "But, that's all I have for Battle of the Bands! I can't give you anymore funds!"
   "I'm sorry..."
   "You know what?" I stood up, "No."
   "I am sick of tired of this Donald. Every single year, you ask me for funds, just so you can get more funds for your trip. What about my students? We are supposed to do Battle of the Bands this year!"
   "And what? You think that your pathetic class is better than mine?"

Your Point of View:

   "And what? You think that your pathetic class is better than mine?" a male's voice growled.
   "My kids need opportunities as well. Band is just as important as Orchestra!" I looked at the teacher's table, and Ms. Musa was gone. Laurence's head perked up, and he peeked beyond the door. I followed him, and we both listened,
   "You really think that? Band is nothing but trash. Here, we need sophistication. Band is nothing but a sloppy piece of music, if you could even call it that."
   "How dare you! I refuse to let you take the rest of my funds. Either you make a fundraiser, you ask the parents to pay, or you pay yourself!"
   "Please, you can't even afford Battle of the Bands! You'd have to pay for half yourself! What good does that do?"
   "How dare you eavesdrop!"
   "I have my ways, and I will find those funds. Just you wait, you're class will be shut down for good." Then, the teacher raised his foot, and stomped it on Ms. Musa's foot. She winced in pain, and the teacher walked away, laughing. 
   "There's no... Battle of the Bands?" Laurence looked down. I could hear Ms. Musa sniff, before she headed towards the classroom. I yanked Laurence back to his seat. She had tears in her eyes.
   "Shadow, I have to go. I'm sorry, but you'll have to watch the kids yourself."
   "O-Ok." she grabbed her things, and rushed out the door." That was interesting.
   "What was that for?" he asked me.
   "Sorry, but she seemed mad for that teacher eavesdropping, and we don't need to get into any trouble." the bell rang, signaling that lunch was over.
   "That was terrible. Mr. Fullington is a rude man."
   "He's the Orchestra teacher here. He gives the impression of a cool teacher, but we band kids know he's nothing but evil inside. I can't believe Ms. Musa would pay for half, just so we could perform."
   "She seems like an awesome teacher."
   "She is. She's one of my all-time favorites. Ms. Musa isn't your typical teacher, but that goes too far. You saw that, right?"
   "Yeah, I did. She was even crying."
   "I'm going to talk to her after-school."
   "But... wouldn't Coach get mad?"
   "I'll just tell him I was checking up on a grade. Will you come with me?"
   "Yeah, I will."
   "Thank you."
   "Yeah." I replied, smiling. Next class was Art and Design. Garroth, Laurence and I walked up to Art together, Cadenza and Dante trailing behind. We all had an assigned table together, which was super nice. I sat in between Garroth and Cadenza, and across from Laurence and Dante. 
   "Alright class!" Ms. Weathers smiled, "Today we will be rotating projects. So, those of you who were in my group last time, will be in Ms. Rockwell's group. That means the right side of the class. The left side will be my group." I sighed. Another project, huh?
   "OK guys!" Ms. Rockwell started, "Since I'm mainly Design, you all will be designing a certain thing. Now, there are no boundaries, just as long as it's appropriate. So, what will you be designing? Well, I will be assigning you all tasks from older times. Your job is to modernize this article of clothing or accessory. The best one will be entered in the Art Contest!" she smiled, "Alright, so I'll be assigning groups by who's at your table.
   "Ok, there are 5 of you. You boys will be a group of 3, and you girls will be a group of 2." she handed us cards upside down, and went to the next table. Cadenza flipped ours, and squealed, 
   "YES!" she smiled.
   "Huh?" I tilted my head in confusion.
   "We get to modernize a princess ballgown!" she cheered.
   "Yep! Say, Laurence, what did you guys get?"
   "We got a knight's armor." he said flipping the card so we could see.
   "Cool! Say (F/N), since you have 2 projects with me, why don't we set up a time to do them over the weekend?" she asked me.
   "That sounds great!"
   "OOH! We could do a sleepover!" she squealed. 
   "A-A... sleepover?" I asked her.
   "Yeah! Are you allowed to have sleepovers?"
   "Y-yeah... but I've never really been to a sleepover..."
   "WHAT?" the class shushed, and she blushed. The class became louder, and the boys looked at me,
   "OK, what girl hasn't been at a sleepover? Aren't those like a big deal or something?" Dante asked me.
   "I don't know! I've never had a chance..." I admitted.
   "Well then, I'm going to throw the best sleepover ever for you! We're gonna work on our projects, then I'm going to show you how a sleepover works!" she smiled. 
   "Our cards are from the same time era," Garroth said pointing at the dates, "Does this mean something?"
   "Glad you pointed that out, Garroth." Ms. Rockwell walked up to our table, "This gives you an opportunity for a 4. So, both groups can work together for a 4, or you can work as separate groups. It's just, collaboration is a huge part for planning, and I think it would be cool if you all worked together." she walked away.
   "So, what do we want to do?" Garroth asked us.
   "Why don't I invite you guys over the same time Cadenza brings (F/N)? We can all work on the project, and then we can all chill.
   "Huh..." I looked at them confused.
   "Wait a minute... LAURENCE! Did you..."
   "Oh, forgot! Cadenza and I are siblings." Laurence rolled his eyes. 
   "Oh! That makes so much sense now!" 
   "Really Laurence?" 
   "Whatever, so can we all do Saturday night and part of Sunday?" Cadenza asked us.
   "I can." Dante answered.
   "I can too." Garroth answered.
   "I'm positive I can, yeah. Except, don't be surprised if my mom starts calling me like crazy." I answered. Garroth chuckled, and I sighed.
   "Wait, why?" Laurence asked me. 
   "Cause, she thought it was fascinating enough I had managed to make a friend. But, 4? I was very anti-social!"
   "Yeah, when I picked up (F/N) to check out something with me, her mom was trying to hide her excitement." Garroth looked at the group.
   "It was too much when I got back."
   "I know, I saw her spying on me from your window." Garroth smirked. I blushed, as Dante burst out laughing,
   "That's a sad story!"
   "Way to be blunt, Dante!" Laurence laughed with him.
   "Not funny!" I pouted.
   "It kind of is." Garroth chuckled with them.
   "Whatever!" I rolled my eyes. For the rest of the period, we kept talking until the bell rang. We all went to Performing Arts together, and walked into the classroom.
   "A GROUP OF 5!!!!" Mr. Sparklez clapped his hands.
   "OH FINALLY!" Ms. Collins shouted. They handed us a paper, "Read it, and come see us when you've finished.
   "What the..." Dante looked at us weirdly.
   "Don't question it." Garroth mumbled. We all sat down, and Laurence read the paper out loud. 
   "Monologue #17. Requirements, 2 female characters, and 3 male characters. Subject, an evil Lord tries to lock up an innocent princess. 3 travelers, a fairy, a wizard, and a Prince travel through an enchanted forest to save the princess. Monologue is invented by students, and must include the elements of drama, comedy, and song for an A." he read out loud, "So, another project?" he asked the group.
   "Yeah, I guess. Let's go see them." we all walked up to them, and Mr. Sparklez was talking to a group of 3. 
   "Hey guys! Did you read the requirements?" Ms. Collins asked us.
   "Yeah, we did." Cadenza replied.
   "Sorry for applying this on you, but Mr. Sparklez and I were in desperate need of a group of 5. Anyways, your project is one of my personal favorites. You are one of the few groups who gets to make their own scripts. You have until Wednesday to plan, organize, and practice your script. You actually perform on Thursday, so a week from now. I would suggest planning something over the weekend or something."
   "OK!" we all exclaimed at the same time. We walked back to where we were sitting before, and Laurence sighed, 
   "Thank god we're actually in the same classes."
   "No kidding. At least we can all do Saturday and part of Sunday." I added.
   "Yeah. So, who's gonna be who?" Dante asked us.
   "I'm not sure. But what I do know is that I have a princess dress and a fairy costume. Do each of you have costumes?" Cadenza asked us.
   "Well, I have no costumes, besides a cheap tiara that we could probably use, and I have a light up fairy wand from how long ago? i think if I get new batteries for it, then it should work."
   "I have a cape that could be considered evil." Dante shrugged.
   "I have a prince costume of Zane's that happened to be too big for him." Garroth snickered.
   "Seriously?" Laurence asked him.
   "Yeah." Garroth answered. "He was into Anime for a while, and cosplayed."
   "All we have is that weird cloak that Grandma gave me, Cadenza."
   "OH YEAH! That was when we went to the Renaissance Festival! Isn't that still open for another week?" Cadenza asked us.
   "YEAH!" Laurence replied.
   "The Renaissance Festival?" I asked them.
   "We need to go. I love that place!" Garroth smiled, "It's like a festival dedicated to a storybook world. There's things like fairies, and knights, and wizards, and royalty."
   "Not to mention they have killer food." Dante commented.
   "It sounds cool. I've never heard of such a thing." I replied.
   "OK, we're taking you now, whenever or not you like it. Can we go Saturday?" Laurence asked Cadenza.
   "I say yes!" Cadenza squealed, "We could get inspired there! It's gonna be a blast! You'll have tons of fun there, (F/N)!"
   "You guys are the best!" we continued to talk for a while, before the bell rang. We already had so much planned for the weekend. Then, I had the rest of Sunday to spend time with my mom. It's too bad I don't have Journalism with anyone, but I had a free period with Garroth! Today was a busy day, but it was a plan for success!
   THIS WAS SO LONG!!!! You're welcome(if you like long chapters)!!! I am so happy these are getting longer. It means I'm becoming more productive(in my opinion). But, if you haven't heard of the Renaissance Festival, it's one of my favorite childhood memories. It's literally a storybook turned to real life. It's such a wonderful festival, and I always get a natural flower crown every year. Here's a question: Have you ever been to the Renaissance Festival? CUZ IT'S BOOTIFUL! So, I have finally set up a group of friends for you! Sorry if you don't like Dante or Cadenza, I personally liked their characters in Minecraft Diaries, therefore I decided that they would be your friends! Also, a workload of projects! But, I have several ideas that I just want to plaster on here!!!! This is personally one of my favorite books to write, because there's so much freedom! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this long part, and I'll see you in the next one! And remember to share you fan-art with me! I would love to feature it on a chapter! Buh-bye! ~Morgan :D
   (Oh, and I added LesleyGalvan's character, Mr. Fullington. I told you I have tricks up my sleeve! I wanted to revise the character, so yeah :D)

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