The Twisted Truth (Part 2)

Things to Look Out For:
(F/N) - First Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(H/C) - Hair Color
(E/C) - Eye Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(F/M) - Favorite Meal
(F/D) - Favorite Drink
(F/F) - Favorite Food
(F/MV) - Favorite Movie
As the book goes on, I will update the list/guide!
I loved the comments XD SO MUCH RAGE!!! But, I SOWWY! I thought there needed to be drama... nothing like a little bit of good drama here and there, eh? Well, enough of me, I'm sure all of you want to see what happens, so... ONWARDS!
Garroth's Point of View:

"H-Hi class..." Ms. Rockwell cleared her throat, "So, today you all should have your designs. Please, get them out. I will be walking around the class. Please explain to me your idea, the design's result, and any extra things you would want me to know."
"Garroth..." Ms. Weathers walked up to me, "Can I speak to you outside please?"
"Um... well..."
"It's important." she sighed.
"Ms. Rockwell knows you were in our group, Garroth." (F/N) smiled, "Now, go on. I'll back you up here."
"Thanks. B-But... what's it about?"
"Well, it's about... personal life."
"OK." we walked outside, and she sighed. "Ms. Weathers... is everything OK?"
"I-I'm... I'm really sorry Garroth."
"I heard your mother passed away..."
"Oh. That's not your fault you know."
"Of course I know that. But, there's something that I need to tell you."
"Go on." I looked up at her, and she had tears in her eyes.
"Garroth... I-I've known your father for a year." I looked up, and she bit her mouth. "When your mother passed away, I was there to calm him down. I was there when you and Zane were at school to help him, and he... he moved on."
"I know that." I mumbled.
"I don't think you know who though."
"Do you?"
"Yes. He moved onto... me. He found comfort through me, and then..."
"You're saying my art teacher is my father's girlfriend?"
"No, I'm saying... your art teacher is... your father's... fiance." I looked at her hand, and there was indeed a ring, planted on her ring finger.
"I-I... I need to sit down."
"O-OK... I understand. Take as long as you need. Do you need anything?"
"N-No." she walked away, and I looked down. He... he moved on. He didn't care. He didn't care about my brothers, he didn't. He cared about his own personal needs. He betrayed us. And with my teacher... my art teacher. I could feel tears roll down my cheeks, as I felt the grayest of spirit take over my body in an instant. My eyes drooped down, as I felt my heart drop. It was painful, and so sudden. I needed comfort. I needed some happiness. But, did I want to shut out once more for that simple happiness?

Your Point of View:

Cadenza looked at me, nervous.
"(F/N)... Garroth didn't return with Ms. Weathers." I looked over to the door, and Ms. Weathers was talking to Ms. Rockwell. "I'm a bit worried. Something's up. Look at Ms. Weather's expression." I looked over to her, and she looked pained, almost mortified. She looked as if she were going to cry.
"She looks upset. Did something..."
"I bet. Go out there (F/N)..."
"Just... I'll tell them you went to the restroom, and didn't know you had to ask. Got it?"
"Y-Yeah. Thanks Cadenza."
"Of course. Now go." I nodded, and quickly walked out the door. I looked around, before seeing Garroth sitting down... he was looking down.
"G-Garroth?" I looked at him, and he looked up. Then, he quickly looked down. "Garroth, what's going on?" I walked over to him, and he sniffed. His nose sounded congested. He was crying.
"I-I... I don't know." he rolled his fist up in a ball, "I'm so lost. Why am I so... awful?"
"Garroth." I sat down next to him, and smiled. If I can smile, he can too, "You're anything but awful. Garroth, earlier this morning, when you played that video, it made me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I felt so fortunate when I bumped into you on my first day here, that I got to know you better. And for the time I have known you, you've been anything but awful. Don't ever call yourself negative things, because you are none of those, Garroth. You're special, and you've made not only me, but plenty of others happy."
"Does it sound like I'm lying to you? Of course."
"Thank you, (F/N). That made me feel a lot better."
"You know what else will?"
"Today during free period. Remember, we're talking to Ms. Musa about our band! How about after football, we grab drinks from Kawaii~Chan's cafe?"
"Yeah, that sounds nice." he had a slight smile on his face. He still looked down.
"Doesn't it? Sometimes in order to get through the day we must think of the positives, right?"
"Right. Thank you, (F/N). Today's been really bad."
"I can see that. Alright, are you ready to go back to class?"

Garroth's Point of View:

Did I need to shut out? No. Did I want to? Not so much anymore. I needed happiness. I had successfully found my happiness, and she was standing right next to me. That's all I needed.

Laurence's Point of View:

(F/N) was gone for a while. Cadenza noticed my expression of curiosity, and asked me,
"Is something on your mind?"
"No... I'm just worried for Garroth. He's old enough to realize what's happening. I wasn't. I can't imagine the pain he's going through."
"Right... you were going through the same thing."
"But I was a baby. It didn't affect me. Besides, I have you and Hayden."
"Yeah. Oh! Here they come!" they walked in, and Garroth looked... upset. He was smiling, and (F/N) tried to smile for him. I could see it through her. She was trying to help, and something told me it worked.
"Hey guys." I smiled, "We got that A!"
"Awesome! So, after this, we have Drama?"
"Yeah. I got the script. I made copies for everyone." Cadenza replied.
"Thanks." Dante said as he grabbed a sip of his water bottle.
"No problem." I sighed, looking over at Garroth and (F/N). I couldn't help but feel a sense of jealousy towards them. They had much more a connection.

~~Time Skip~~

Your Point of View:

After Drama was over, I walked to Journaling. As usual, I was first. The classrooms were very close. Ms. Aphmau was sitting at the desk, looking at a sheet of paper. She looked up, and smiled,
"Hello (F/N). How has your day been so far?"
"Interesting. Today we'll be having a free period. Feel free to write whatever has happened today in your journal."
"OK, thanks."

~~Another Time Skip~~

"Garroth?" I walked out, "Are we going to the Band Room?"
"Yeah, I think so." we walked to the Band Room, and Laurence was already there.
"Hey guys. Where's Dante and Cadenza?"
"Not sure... I thought they were coming from Debate." I answered.
"No, they're right there." Garroth looked towards one of the hallways, and they were walking over to us.
"Ready?" Dante asked us.
"I think so." Garroth answered.
"Yeah!" Laurence opened the door, and Ms. Musa was sitting down at her desk. She looked up, and squealed.
"Hello guys! Alright, last class a group performed, so there's all the instruments set up. It's up to you when you want to perform. Do you need a reference?"
"Feel free to use the projector. You guys are the first band to talk to me, so this is really exciting for me!" she admitted. She was really sweet! Cadenza grabbed sheets of paper,
"I came prepared. Let's set up some music stands."
"Awesome." Laurence replied. She had made one for each of us, even Dante! Laurence and Garroth tuned up their instruments, as Garroth got situated. Dante sat down in front of the drums, and I stood up to the mic. Ms. Musa turned her chair around, and connected the paper to a clipboard. Dante started with tapping the drumsticks together, than we all started. We performed the same song as last time, which was One Headlight. Ms. Musa was writing down notes, which made me slightly nervous. But, we finished, and she started clapping.
"That was... AMAZING!" she stood up and clapped, "You guys! You really surprised me!"
"Really?" Garroth smiled.
"Of course. You all are very talented. I can see what your father meant, Cadenza and Laurence. He emailed me."
"Of course he did." Cadenza giggled.
"Well, what do you think we should do?" Dante asked Ms. Musa.
"That is a very good question." she looked at her clipboard, "I just got information on Battle of the Bands this morning. I didn't tell my classes because it's not until later in the year, but you guys cannot tell anyone if I tell you."
"We won't." I replied.
"First, I'll give you some comments, and then I will give you information. Cadenza, I never knew you played bass."
"Well, I learned guitar."
"I can see that. Garroth, you play wonderfully on the keyboard. You're very talented. Just work on that fright. I could see the fear in your eyes. You're amazing, but you don't have the confidence yet. But it's not like we can't fix it, right?"
"Dante and Laurence, you guys have always been the top in your categories. Laurence, acoustic guitar was and has always your specialty, but you also rock electric. I think your best bet for this band is acoustic. Dante, you are the best drummer, based on the markings I've kept. You'e both shown your skill in this band, and I'm very proud of you both."
"Thanks Ms. Musa." Dante smiled.
"Yeah, that's really nice." Laurence added.
"It's most certainly the truth. And the lead singer, (F/N) (L/N)..."
"You shocked me. When you walked up to that mic, it was like, WHAT? When you sang, I instantly fell in love, and I would like to work more on you. Like Garroth, you've got to look up, and you've got to be confident. All of you are talented in your own ways, but you must learn to embrace it. You all also really look awesome together. I could already picture you all on that Battle of the Bands stage, rocking your butts off. You all killed it. Hayden gave me the song recommendation, and I loved it!" someone's phone went off, and Dante blushed. Was that... Fall Out Boy?"
"What that... the Phoenix by Fall Out Boy?" Laurence asked him. I knew it sounded so familiar!
"Yeah... I've been liking it for a while. Why?"
"The Phoenix..." Garroth mumbled... "I like that name."
"Phoenix are wonderful creatures." Cadenza sighed, before I saw a pencil roll off of Ms. Musa's desk. She noticed it too.
"Oops! Looks like my pencil dropped. Hold on..."
"THE PHOENIX DROP!" I blurted out, before laughing, "What am I saying? I got the words..."
"The Phoenix Drop... I like that." Cadenza smiled, "It sounds so cool!"
"You know what? I agree." Dante set the drumsticks down, "The Phoenix Drop... it rolls off the tongue."
"It does. (F/N), you're a genius!" Laurence exclaimed.
"W-What? I just mixed up the words!" I protested.
"I think our band name should be The Phoenix Drop." Garroth stood up.
"All in favor of our band name being the Phoenix Drop, put your hand in." Laurence put his hand out, and Cadenza walked up to him, putting her hand next to his. Soon, we formed a circle, and everyone had their hand in. It was a weird way to think of a name, but I loved it. I put my hand in, and everyone smiled.
"Wa-hoo!" Dante yelled. We all laughed, as Ms. Musa clapped her hands. We heard the bell ring, and Ms. Musa sighed,
"You guys are free to go. Have fun!"
"Thank you Ms. Musa!" we all left, and the guys headed towards the locker rooms. I walked into the gym, and Mr. Logan was holding a small box.
"(F/N)!" he walked up to me, "Just in time! The school has ordered new coach uniforms, and they got an assistant's shirt for you."
"Yeah. This box has a shirt, a jacket, a cap, and a beanie. They're all purple. It's for the games and practices. Speaking of which, our next game is this Friday. Now run along, try it on!"
"Thanks!" I walked out, the box in my hands. Today was quite an event... both good and bad. But then...
CHEESY CLIFFHANGERS FOR THE WIN!!!! :D :D :D Today I get to go to a Halloween party with my friends tonight! We're dressing up as part of the Survey Corps XD... maybe I'll get a photo to post on Instagram or Twitter. One of the two. Also, I am working on a project with Wingshy_Pure ! We both have YouTube channels, and we will be working on a duet cover of Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. So yeah... just a spoiler... you'll actually hear me sing! Also, we're only 6 followers from 500! That's like, half a thousand! Thank you all so much for your support on my stories... it honestly means the world to me, and I hope I can continue to make you smile and happy! Next chapter will have to do with Laurence, I promise! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this part, and I'll see you in the next one. Buh-bye! ~Morgan :D

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