The Delightful Dance (Part 2)

Things to Look Out For:
(F/N) - First Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(H/C) - Hair Color
(E/C) - Eye Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(F/M) - Favorite Meal
(F/D) - Favorite Drink
(F/F) - Favorite Food
(F/MV) - Favorite Movie
(M/N) - Mother's Name
(FA/N) - Father's Name
(F/B) - Favorite Book
As the book goes on, I will update the list/guide!
   NOPE. Go, and read XD
Your Point of View:

   I could see both Laurence and Garroth freeze, before Zane chuckled,
   "Such poor things. They have no words." he cackled.
   "Oh, I have words." Laurence growled, "I have plenty of things to say to you right now."
   "Like what?"
   "HOW DARE YOU RUIN THIS NIGHT FOR EVERYONE!" Laurence roared, "INCLUDING ME! Your evil, self-centered self just had to go and ruin everything! How can you call yourself a human? You should be ashamed to even stand in front of a crowd like this, especially your peers, teachers, even your Principal! THIS IS PROM, not a BATTLEFIELD!"
   "WHY WOULD YOU GO OUT AND DO THIS ZANE?" Garroth grabbed his brother, "You've gone way too far with your actions. You've crossed the line, big time. You've done enough to make my life a living nightmare, but it is completely unacceptable to put your mistakes on others. UNACCEPTABLE." Garroth growled. They were mad, REAL MAD. Dante and Cadenza helped me stand up, before I moved my fists into a ball. 
   "Calm down (F/N)..." Dante assured me.
   "Look at what you've done, Zane." I growled, "You've done this not in front of me, but in front of everyone! What do you have to say for yourself?"
   "Oh, I'm not done." I could see Laurence and Garroth be grabbed by these... things. They were black, and their eyes were yellow. Dante and Cadenza were taken as well, and placed next to Garroth and Laurence. I froze, before Zane laughed. Everyone yelled and screamed, and stood back. Even Aphmau did. Zane raised his arms up, and his whole body was consumed by darkness. I could see Laurence struggling to get out of the soul's reach, but failed. Zane's eyes turned white.
   "IT'S DARK MAGICKS!" Lucinda yelled, "QUICKLY, RUN OR HIDE BEHIND SOMETHING!" everyone did so, and I stood in place.
   "I'm definitely not done with you, Ms. (F/N)." Zane slowly walked up to me. I slowly backed up, before two of those things grabbed me. I squirmed around, before Zane was facing me. "You've made me this way, ever since the first day you showed up." 
   "YOU RUINED MY POPULARITY!" he roared, "You made my brothers, my friends, everyone seem better than me. You gave everyone the impression I was a monster. IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED?"
   "You inflicted that on yourself!" I fought back, "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?"
   "BECAUSE YOU'VE MADE A REAL MISTAKE SHOWING UP AT THIS SCHOOL." I could feel darkness hit him even more, before he laughed, "Would you like to feel my pain? Oh wait, no answers, of course you would." I could see a black orb appear in his hands, as he raised them up, "NOW YOU CAN!" I screamed, before Zane was instantly pushed out of the way. I could see red eyes, before I looked down. Laurence... he did it again. Garroth got away, and was surrounded by this... blue color. He punched the shadow souls, making them disappear, as Laurence held down Zane. I tried getting out of the other two's grasp, but they tightened the grip, making me wince. I couldn't move that much considering I had paint and paste on me. I could feel one let go, and I saw Garroth tackle it. I punched the other one, and ran the other direction. The soul grabbed me, and knocked me down onto my butt. Garroth was busy tackling the other one, and Laurence was fighting Zane. I saw Dante punch his and Cadenza's, before they got down. Dante grabbed the one heading for me, and Cadenza got me up. 
   "ARE YOU OK?" she whisper-yelled. I nodded, and then I could see Laurence and Zane still fighting. Garroth had taken care of the last Soul, and ran over to Laurence. Laurence looked... different. He had red and black armor on, his entire body was engulfed with red, and his eyes were glowing red. Garroth was engulfed in a blue and gray aura, but Dante looked the same, even though he was fighting off the weird creature. The only difference was he was surrounded by a red aura. What was different about Laurence?
   "YOU ARE A MONSTER!" Laurence wrestled Zane.
   "I could say the same about you, Shadow Knight." Zane laughed. Laurence growled, before Garroth tackled Laurence.
   "WHAT I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE YEARS AGO! LET ME AT HIM!" Laurence and Garroth tackled each other, before Dante took matters into his own hands. He grabbed Zane, leaving Zane defenseless. 
   "STOP IT LAURENCE!" Garroth yelled, pinning him down, "This is enough! We can talk it out like adults!"
   "NO!" Laurence roared, "This is all ruined!"
   "It can be changed! Come on Laurence!" Garroth pinned him down even more.
   "You know what can be changed? YOUR FEELINGS FOR HER!" Laurence pushed Garroth off of him, and Garroth got up. 
   "AND WHAT ABOUT YOU?" Garroth roared, "Look at yourself!"
   "What about me? I'M PERFECT!"
   "YEAH REALLY!" I was about to speak, when Cadenza shushed me. 
   "WELL, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" Garroth asked him.
   "MORE THAN YOU THAT'S FOR SURE!" Laurence laughed.
   "OH REALLY? So, YOU'VE done more than make a video of her?"
   "Yeah! I think writing a song for her is more than that!"
   "And dancing with her at a wedding!?"
   "And giving her a Promposal that won BEST PROMPOSAL!"
   "And being her friend on the FIRST DAY?"
   "YEAH! I THINK GETTING A KISS FROM HER WAS BETTER THAN ALL YOUR THINGS!" everyone gasped, as my eyes widened. 
   "W-What?" Garroth stepped back. "WHAT?" he roared.
   "Yeah, when you were too busy getting ready, SHE WAS KNOCKED OUT UNCONSCIOUS. I took it in my hands to get her air to BREATHE."
   "YOU KISSED HER!? OH THAT'S IT!" Garroth tackled Laurence, and Zane laughed. 
   "Oh, look at them, such children." he smirked. I took a minute to process what had happened. They just... they admitted to it. I could feel tears hit me eyes, as I blinked. A darkened tear ran down my cheek, thanks to the mascara and eyeliner being smudged. "I have nothing more to do. This was all I needed." he chuckled. 
   "S-Stop..." I whispered. I dropped down to my knees, before sniffed. "Stop..."
   "(F/N)..." Cadenza tried to calm me down. I shook her off, before standing up again. Everyone froze when I yelled, 
   "STOP FIGHTING!" my voice boomed throughout the entire room, and Laurence and Garroth looked up. "STOP IT NOW!" my voice shook. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? WHY IN THE WORLD ARE YOU TWO FIGHTING? YOU'RE LETTING HIM WIN!" I pointed towards Zane, who was hysterically laughing. "OH, I'll show you something to laugh at." Dante held his arms tighter, and I walked up to him, before slapping his face. The sound was heard throughout the entire room. "HOW ABOUT LAUGHING AT THAT?" I yelled at him. Dante made sure to hold him, and I walked up to the two boys who were on the ground. "GET. UP." They slowly got up, and I shook them. "WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING? CAN'T YOU SEE YOU'VE MADE FOOLS OF YOURSELVES? I CANNOT BELIEVE WHAT I'M SEEING! I THOUGHT YOU WERE BETTER THAN THIS!" I screamed, "I THOUGHT YOU TWO COULD HANDLE THINGS IN A WAY THAT WAS MATURE! You're fighting like little 8 years old..." I shrunk down. "W-Why? Why admit it now? This has been one of the worst things I've ever seen, and you both should be ashamed of your actions... and your emotions. I'm going to go change into a set of clothes from my locker. When I come back, I better see you two sorting this out like young men, not brats."
   "I can get the paste off." Lucinda offered, "It'll only take 10 minutes."
   "Please." I sighed. We walked off, and I could see Laurence and Garroth stand there, looking at each other. I could feel tears hit my eyes, and I sniffed. 
   "Let it out, (F/N)." Lucinda whispered. I did, and sobbed on the way to the bathrooms. "You did great out there."

Third Person's Point of View:

   As (F/N) and Lucinda left the scene, everyone had turned back to the two boys, whom were standing in front of everyone, messed up. Laurence and Garroth's bodies were engulfed in a white aura, while Dante's was in a red, and they all turned normal once again.
   "I suggest leaving, Zane." Dante let go of the boy, and Zane walked out. Dante and Cadenza stepped back, as Garroth and Laurence dropped to the floor.
   "Ow... what did we do?" Laurence groaned.
   "We messed up... big time." Garroth sighed. 
   "I'm really sorry." they said at the same time. Everyone clapped, as they hugged it out. 
   "What are we going to do now?" Laurence asked Garroth, "We... we really messed up. I feel awful, and hearing (F/N) say those things..."
   "I know. We acted like idiots. All because of some... feelings." Garroth sighed, "I feel really bad. (F/N) did not deserve any of this."
   "It's her first Prom too." Laurence sighed, grabbing his hair, "Oh Irene... we messed up big time..." 
   "We can fix this." Garroth looked at the door, "We're just going to have to wait." 
   "Aw man, I feel terrible." Laurence slumped down.
   "You guys can fix this." Dante went up to us.
   "Yeah, I agree with Dante. (F/N) is still your friend, you're just going to have to tell her you're sorry." Cadenza shrugged, "That's not too hard, right?"
   "Yeah..." Laurence looked down. He looked at his wrist, and his watch stopped glowing. Dante's and Garroth's did as well. "Is... is that how we turned into these forms... these bracelets?" Laurence held onto his wrist, and sighed.
   "I believe so." Dante replied, "But, yours was different, Laurence. Garroth and I were engulfed by the color of our watches. Yours was red... darker than mine though. We can discuss that later. For now, you need (F/N) to forgive the both of you for fighting."
   "Yeah... how about we all go, just to back you guys up?" Cadenza offered.
   "That sounds fine." Laurence sighed, "I just don't wanna mess up anything."

Your Point of View:

   Alright, I got all of it, (F/N)." Lucinda smiled, "Our Prom Queen is fixed once again! I even got your shoes, too."
   "Lucinda, I can't thank you enough."
   "Hey, can't ruin your night completely. Plus, it's a very lovely gown. No way does paint deserves to lay on that."
   "Hey, are you OK?"
   "I'm fine... I'm just feeling a lot of emotions at once."
   "I can tell. You'll be OK. None of it was your fault, and you have to accept that. Also, good for you for slapping Zane upside the head!" she laughed, "Boy, don't I wish I could do that everyday?" she smirked, "I'm going to head back to the dance floor, and help the others get it cleaned up. Take a little bit to calm yourself down, and give yourself a pep talk, OK?"
   "OK. Thanks Lucinda."
   "Alright, take care." she left, and I looked back into the mirror. I looked at myself. I rubbed the smudged part of my makeup, and it looked normal again. I sighed, as I looked back at myself. None of this was my fault... right? But, what Laurence and Garroth were talking about... they were talking about me. Garroth's defense... the first day, the gift... the wedding. Laurence... the song, Promposal... that day he saved me from Sasha and Polly... he kissed me. It was all about me, wasn't it? I looked at myself, my (E/C) eyes slightly watering up. Everything that happened in that room, from Zane's revenge, to Garroth and Laurence fighting about their feelings... it was all about me, and my actions at the Academy, and I couldn't help but feel bad. Like, really bad about it. I felt another tear, before I instantly wiped it. Lucinda said it wasn't my fault... it couldn't have been my fault. I mean, that was their opinion on me. Zane thought that I just so happened to be so mean, that he wanted revenge. Garroth and Laurence had just one day fell for me, and shared feelings for me than... meant more than friends. I face-palmed at the bluntness. Good grief, I needed help just to see it! But, I had to face them, it was now... or trying to avoid it, which I knew wasn't going to be the case.
   Good grief is right. OMG. So happened here I can't even. I am in need of one of pres_11's comments cause those things explain everything XD Welp, I don't have too much to say nowadays, since I have a really boring life. I was thinking about starting a journal, but then I was like, "Well my life is pretty boring so like, there would be nothing for me to actually talk about." So, that idea was scrapped XD But yeah... Lucinda is nice, just gonna... put that out there XD But, I'm gonna end it here so... I hope you enjoyed this part, and I'll see you in the next one! Buh~bye!! ~Morgan :)

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