"Screw the Script!" (Part 2)

Things to Look Out For:
(F/N) - First Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(H/C) - Hair Color
(E/C) - Eye Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(F/M) - Favorite Meal
(F/D) - Favorite Drink
(F/F) - Favorite Food
(F/MV) - Favorite Movie
(M/N) - Mother's Name
(FA/N) - Father's Name
As the book goes on, I will update the list/guide!
Hey guys! Thank you all so much for being so understanding in my decision to refrain from writing Aphmau's Academy for a week. It's been such a crowded week, and it honestly was a bit stressful and very hard for me to take on. Also, I almost cried reading the comments on the last thing I updated, which was: Does This Count as a Face Reveal?. They were so sweet, and I felt so wonderful. That I thank you for. Let's go to the next part... <3
Your Point of View:

As Ms. Collins and Mr. Sparklez continued to sob and blow their nose, thanks to remembering their past, (F/N) and Laurence were preparing to go on.
"Laurence, are you OK? I'm sorry if you got upset at a line I said... I didn't..."
"(F/N)," he looked at the girl in the princess dress, "I was just... against myself being the Lord."
"I'll tell you later. For now, we have a thing to perform."
"Laurence, are you..."
"I'm sure. Come on, let's go."
"Alright..." as (F/N) and Laurence were still taking a bit of a break, Garroth, Dante, and Cadenza were eavesdropping.
"Laurence..." Cadenza whispered, "He never hides anything."
"What do you mean, hide?" Dante asked Cadenza, unsure of what she meant.
"I mean, normally he would say something instantly if he didn't like it. He is one to be blunt."
"That's true..." Dante commented. "He knows that I could've been the Lord if he didn't want to. That makes me feel like a terrible friend." Dante sighed, "How could I have missed that?"
"We were all distracted." Garroth looked up on stage, to see the two setting up in their positions. "I think the best thing to do is to wait once this is over, then maybe we can confront him. Now's not a good time."
"Garroth's right." Cadenza answered.
"I-I... I know. I just feel bad now." Dante admitted, looking down.
"It shows a lot about you, you know." Garroth looked at him.
"You care so much. It shows you're truly worried. Don't worry, Dante. We'll find a solution."
"Yeah." They looked up at the stage, and the lights turned on.
"I'll see what exactly? Please, I just want to go home. Please." (F/N) sat down in the chair that Lord Laurence led her to.
"Stay there." he walked off, and soon, the stage projector rolled down, along with the screen. Then, a photo flashed. It was a sketch. Lord Laurence's sketch.
"You see, Princess, I have plans of my own, and I have my solutions to making them from dreams to a new, magical reality. You see, here, I'll explain:
"I needed something epic,
Something to make a mark,
I needed to create a scar
That could shatter the hearts
Of all the closest innocence,
To break all the the crowns
Of all the kings and queens
So that I could win the crowd

But what who there for me to simply woo?
The answer's simple, that answer is you

I need to
Take you out of your home castle,
And take you to my one instead,
I need you to become my lover,
I needed to take the crown off of your head
Oh wait I have it,
But then I see that
That there's somebody out there
that could drag me down instead."
"You're not getting to the plan."
"You're killing my spotlight!"
"Well you're taking too long!"
"You just ruined the mood of the music."
"Sorry if it was kind of crappy."
"Well then... I'll have to find another way to do this. Just... give me a minute." Laurence walked off the stage and (F/N) sat down, still looking kind of confused. Then, the lights became red.
"Haha! I have found... The Map of Madness!" he laughed. (F/N) tried to hold back a laugh. "I will use this to rule this entire world, and to make you my Queen." he walked up to (F/N), and caressed her cheek in a playful way, "I can't wait to see you become my Queen, Princess."
"WATCH OUT!" Dante and Cadenza ran on stage, and Garroth stumbled onto the stage.
"That was quick... Princess (F/N)." He looked at the princess who was sitting in the chair, who slowly looked over to Garroth.
"What are you doing here?" Laurence growled.
"I'm here for... (F/N). You're not getting away with your plan." Garroth stepped up against Laurence. Dante and Cadenza got (F/N), and held her back.
"We already have her. Just give up." Garroth looked into Laurence's eyes. If was as if he was giving Laurence a death glare.
"Never. I will never give up."
"Very well, I will have to." Laurence got out a sword, and Garroth stumbled back. (F/N) gasped in shock, and Cadenza's eyes widened, and Dante pushed Cadenza back. This wasn't in the script.

Your Point of View:

I freaked out when Laurence actually got out a sword. Garroth's eyes widened, and Cadenza was pushed back by Dante. He stood in front of both myself and Cadenza.
"Laurence!" Garroth looked at him shocked.
"I'm not going to let you take away Princess (F/N) without a duel." he sneered.
"S-Stop! I'm not going to fight you!" Garroth yelled. "Stop this war."
"How can I? The fun just started." he chuckled. He swiped his sword at Garroth, and Garroth dodged it. I jumped. THIS HAD TO STOP.
"S-STOP IT!" I yelled, "JUST STOP!"

"Never." Laurence looked at Garroth, then Garroth yelled,
"LAURENCE!" Dante ran up to Laurence and kicked him. Laurence fell to the ground, and I got a glimpse of his eyes. They were red. Not blue, RED. I screamed, and then Cadenza shushed me.
"WHAT THE NETHER?" Dante yelled. Everyone got quiet. Garroth grabbed Laurence's sword, and then Cadenza walked up and grabbed it. She went back next to me, and I was frozen in my tracks. I didn't want to move. Garroth walked up to Laurence, and bent down next to him,
"What happened... that made you chance? What happened... that caused all of this damage to your heart. Do not mix reality with personal thoughts." Then, Garroth walked up to me,
   "Garroth..." Dante walked up behind him.
   "Please, a moment." He looked at Cadenza and Dante. They left the stage. Laurence was still on the ground.
   "N-Now..." I looked down. Garroth hugged me, and I was confused. But, I felt a bit uncomfortable.
   "Shh..." Garroth released the hug, and looked into my eyes, "Do you remember who I am?" I looked into his eyes, a bit unsure. He was going back to the script.
   "Y-Yes... you're the Prince who danced with me. But then, you suddenly left."
   "What did I say before I left?"
   "I'll see you again..." I gulped, "M-My love..."
   "No need to be nervous." the lights turned down. The only thing you could see was a red glow. Then, it turned completely black. It was the end. And a very abrupt one at that. Laurence got up, and groaned, and then all of us walked backstage.
   "We will talk about this after today." Cadenza looked at all of us, a stern look planted on her face. We walked out, and bowed. Everyone clapped, and everyone cheered. At least it was still good, I guess. We walked off stage, to where Mr. Sparklez and Ms. Collins were.
   "You guys!" Ms. Collins squeezed us, as we all laughed.
   "That was quite a show." Mr. Sparklez smiled, "I'm very proud of all of you."
   "I'm quite surprised actually." we all turned around, to see Principal Aphmau, "I came to see what all the singing was about. You all did such a wonderful job."
   "T-Thank you." Cadenza smiled, shocked at the comment.
   "You all have done something more than enough this week. It's almost angelic. First, I see this young man," Principal Aphmau looked towards Garroth, "face his fears, and show everyone what kind of spirit he has. He managed to make this absolutely charming video about a girl he knew for only 2 weeks, and then I see Dante and Cadenza step out of their comfort zone by creating some wonderous things that even I've never seen before, and Laurence... you've become even more of a man." 
   "Thank you." All of them said at the same time. 
   "And (F/N)... I think you've shocked me the most, honestly." She looked at me. I slightly reddened. "You've made such an impact ever since you walked into this school. I praise you for that, you know. I can't say that about many students... and the fact that I say it now... it's kind of weird. I tell you what... it looks like Laurence is going to pass out, and your face is drained. I'm going to excuse you from the rest of your classes for the day. Take it as an, award for your hard work this week."
   "Thank you, so much." I smiled.
   "Of course. You all did an amazing job. Have a wonderful rest of your day." we all thanked her once more, and then everyone decided to drop everyone else's cars at their homes, and then take one. We decided on Laurence's car, so everyone took their cars back, and then finally all of us piled into one car. 
   "That took longer than I thought." Dante looked over to his phone, "But at least we still have about an hour and a half until school's over. What should we do?"
   "We should go to the Mall!" Cadenza squealed. 
   "I mean, we could, right? I'd want to go to the Arcade." Laurence admitted. 
   "We'd probably have to head back to the school for football practice." Garroth added.
   "So what? We have an hour before then! I say yes!"
   "I mean, I guess it would be cool." I replied, "I've never been to the Mall here before anyways."
   "That's right! We so have to give you a makeover!"
   "But I have to go to practice!"
   "At least the hair?" she looked at me with such puppy eyes. I sighed, knowing that if I didn't accept, she would probably be disappointed. And today was going so well! I didn't want to ruin that, now did I?
   "Fine. But JUST the hair. Nothing else."
   "YAY!" she squealed, "Thank you! Let's go!!" Garroth looked over at me, and whispered to me,
   "What did you get yourself into?"
   "I have no idea." I admitted. He looked at me, and then whispered,
   "Good luck."
   "Thanks." I mumbled. He chuckled, and then I looked out the window.
   "You might wanna look out the other window. We're here." Laurence commented. I looked out the other window and gasped. It... was huge.
   "This is going to be the best mall trip ever!" Cadenza squealed. 
   "Oh no..." I mouthed. Dante looked back, before snorting.
   "You shouldn't have agreed."
   "I figure." I sighed, slumping in my seat.
   I UPDATED THANK IRENE OMG... I am really sorry. I am really sorry for not updating. I love writing this book so much, and I missed it! The problem is I have a book to work on, and I'm no where near the point that I want to be at. Apologies if I don't update for another week. It's been tough, I tell you. Lots and lots of things have happened, that will remain personal until it becomes far too much, which I believe it will be. I know, negative Nancy, bleh bleh bleh... BUT AT LEAST I UPDATED! And what the heck happened to Laurence? I have no idea ;) School sucks, and so does drama. Sometimes i wish I could just spend the whole day writing... where I'd have no worries, no drama, I'd just be enveloped in my own little world... but I have a life so... XD That's not happening anytime soon. Sorry in advance if I don't update in like, a week again. I need to get things done for once XD Well, I hope you enjoyed this part, and I'll see you in the next one. Buh-bye! ~Morgan :D

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