"Screw the Script!" (Part 1)

Things to Look Out For:
(F/N) - First Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(H/C) - Hair Color
(E/C) - Eye Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(F/M) - Favorite Meal
(F/D) - Favorite Drink
(F/F) - Favorite Food
(F/MV) - Favorite Movie
(M/N) - Mother's Name
(FA/N) - Father's Name
As the book goes on, I will update the list/guide!
Well dang! Pretty much all of you wanted to see the play, so I guess I can finally say, "Your wish is my command!" So, most of this will probably be the play! Also, I swear the comments XD I can't even! My friend (snowwolf1026) and I were just talking about how crazy the comments were, and I was literally dying of laughter. Yep... XD Let's just get to the part now, shall we?
Your Point of View: (Still in "Acting" Mode)

   "A-A... A visitor?" I looked back, then sighed, "Let them in."
   "As you wish." Dante left the stage, and out came Laurence. The girls were almost dying from Garroth, but seeing Laurence only made them squeal more.
   "Lord... Lord Laurence." I stood up, facing him. "W-Why...?"
   "Your father invited me. He invited me to make peace between both our kingdoms."
   "So? Why are you seeing me? Wouldn't you have to speak with my father?"
   "I already did. We had come up with a... final decision."
   "And that would be?"
   "You shall be my wife." he grabbed my wrist. We ran out the stage, while I was screaming.

Third Person's Point of View:

   Everyone gasped at the sudden change in plot, and Dante walked out, his helm still on his head. He took it off, and the armor he had on as well. Every girl in the audience swooned over the 3 guys. He took out his wand, and looked out the window.
   "I knew there was something suspicious." he mumbled in a deep voice. He took out the wand from the back pocket of his pants, and slapped the wind on his hand. It lit up, and a little bell was heard from the soundtrack. "Cadenza, are you there?"
   "Yes... we haven't spoke since last meeting. Is there something urgent, Dante?" Cadenza's voice asked. She was backstage. Dante explained the whole story.
   "Indeed there is. Princess (F/N) was captured from her castle, thanks to the one and only Lord Laurence."
   "Why didn't you do anything about it?!"
   "You know the what the prophesy said! You also know why I pretended to be a guard all these years! I cannot save her, her true prince must."
   "Who...? Wait... no. It can't be now!"
   "It is! Quickly meet me at Yggdrasil's Forest. We will continue this from there."
   "Should I bring the Council?"
   "There's no time for the Council!" the bell on the soundtrack rang again, and Dante walked off the stage. Then, Cadenza walked out, and Dante walked out the other side of the stage. 
   "Queen Cadenza. So, we meet again."
   "Unfortunate that this reunion resides in destiny. A destiny that shall determine the future of more than just two kingdoms. I'm sorry Dante, but we must try to help."
   "You're right. We need to go to O'khasis, and find Prince Garroth."
   "How are we going to persuade the king? Doesn't the prince have... an arranged marriage elsewhere?" Cadenza asked, slightly worried.
   "Yes, he does. But, he knows Princess (F/N)."
   "If we can trigger a memory of the two together, it might persuade him to help us, and save the prophesy." 
   "You're right. If you can get him knocked out for 5 minutes, then I can cast a spell that has a memory inside it. I can charge it to his brain, so that his dream consists of only the memory."
   "Yeah. We need to hurry. Irene knows what will happen to Princess (F/N)." they dashed off-stage, and then (F/N) and Laurence came on stage.
   "LET ME GO!" (F/N) yelled, fighting against Laurence's grasp. Laurence sat her on the chair, and then looked back.
    "Why should I? We're supposed to marry. How could I possibly let go of my fiance?" Laurence then evilly chuckled, "Answer me this, how can I let go of only the most divine of ladies... and how must I fulfill my duty as a Lord, if I don't follow through a request?"
   "You're lying. I'm not engaged to you. I'm engaged to..."
   "No one. See my point?"
   "N-No... I don't. I'm... GAH!" everyone gasped as a whirl sound blared as Laurence shot his hand out. It forced (F/N) to sit back in the chair, and he smirked, while chuckling to himself,
   "Oh (F/N), my sweet, sweet princess. You look dazed."
   "Stop it." (F/N) growled.
   "Why should I? I've got you in my posession, why should I stop?"
   "You're a monster." (F/N) saw a flash of pain in Laurence's eyes. She knew that the script was affecting him, emotionally. But, this was an act! It shouldn't hurt him, right? (F/N) looked at Laurence, as he looked back. Then, he growled. 
   "I'm no monster. You'll see." Then, they left the stage. (F/N) felt a sense of discomfort, as Laurence walked off stage. She didn't mean to hurt him.
   "That took too long." Cadenza groaned, walking on stage.
   "BUT IT WAS ONLY 2 SECONDS!" Dante protested.

~~(Cadenza-Italic, Dante-Bold)
    "So, what if it took longer,
   An hour or perhaps three,"

   "I think you're being dumb,
   "You've got to be kidding me!"

   "There's no time to slow it down
   We've got to go see,
   If this prince is the Prince 
   To help fill out the prophesy!"

   "We've got to go and see,"
   "You're kidding me?"
   "We've got to see!"
   "If Garroth is the prince that shall fill the prophesy!

   We need to know,
   That if he's so,
   Then we shall go,
   Go and save (F/N)'s destiny

   We'll soon be there,
   We'll soon be there,
   And we'll uncover the secret,
   That the two shall be

   A dreamy king
   A lovely queen
   In their future destiny!"

"But what happens if it isn't?" Dante asked.
   "Then at least we gave our best shot!" Cadenza rode her arm, and posed in a dramatic shot.
   "For a pint-sized fairy you are quite the drama!"

   "Well maybe we're just rebels, 
   "Let's run against the world!!"

   "I know that we have energy,
   "But your thoughts are obscure!

   "Perhaps there is another way
   We can find harmony

   But then how can promise 

    That the future's positive you see?"

   We've got to go and see,"
"You're kidding me?"
"We've got to see!"
"If Garroth is the prince that shall fill the prophesy!

We need to know,
That if he's so,
Then we shall go,
Go and save (F/N)'s destiny

We'll soon be there,
We'll soon be there,
And we'll uncover
the secret, t
hat the two shall be

A dreamy king
A lovely queen

In their future destiny!"   
   Garroth walked out, to see Cadenza and Dante in weird poses.
   "WHO ARE YOU?" Garroth looked at them, "AND WHY ARE YOU IN MY ROOM?"
   "I'm Cadenza, the..."
   "She's Cadenza, I'm Dante. Now listen!" Dante walked up to Garroth, and his face expression resembled that of fear and holding back laughter. "WE NEED YOU TO COME WITH US TO SAVE THIS PRINCESS FROM A LORD AND..."
   "Calm down Dante!" Cadenza pulled him back. "Sorry about that, he's an idiot. But, we need your help, Prince Garroth. You can trust us, I'm Cadenza, Queen of the Fairies. Dante here is Merlin's Son, Leader of the Magicks Users. We're here for a reason. Princess (F/N) is captured by Lord Laurence, and we need your help getting her back.
   "I-I don't recall knowing a (F/N), especially one of royalty." Dante tapped his wand, and Garroth collapsed. The lights went off, and then (F/N) and Garroth were on stage together. 
   "Prince Garroth." (F/N) turned around, her (H/C) hair swiftly moving as her head turned. Her (E/C) eyes gleamed ever so innocently at Garroth, "It's certainly a delight to see you."
   "I've heard much about you, Princess (F/N). You look more beautiful than the paintings."
   "Thank you." (F/N) slightly blushed.
   "Would you care to dance?" Garroth held his hand out, a hopeful side smile planted on his face. Even if this was a play/musical, (F/N) couldn't hold back the millions of butterflies fluttering in her stomach. It was an imaginary mess, and it made her nervous. She took his hand, and they positioned theirselves into a slow dance. The song was short, but perfectly captured the emotion of the scene, even if there was no setting to fall back on.
   She was a light in the darkness,
   He was uncovering the shade that hid his face
   They were an everlasting romance
   That spread across the world and outer space

   But how can that seem to make much sense?
   If we can't seem to understand

   The way they moved along the ballroom floor,
   And opened up their feeling's doors, I know,
   That anything can happen, in the moment
   The way they looked into their eyes,
   The way the stars managed to make a line,
   That represented what they were dreaming of,
   They were dreaming of true love

   It was like any other story,
   That mother read to us, it was a fairy-tale
   And then they couldn't help but feel that
   They knew each other in another world they shared

   But how can that seem to make much sense?
   If we can't seem to understand

   The way they moved along the ballroom floor,
   And opened up their feeling's doors, I know,
   That anything can happen, in the moment
   The way they looked into their eyes,
   The way the stars managed to make a line,
   That represented what they were dreaming of,
   They were dreaming of true love

   The lights turned off once more, and (F/N) left the stage. Garroth was on the ground, lying down. Dante and Cadenza sat across the stage, and Garroth woke up. The two jumped up, as Garroth got up. He turned to look at them, a face of determination flashed before everyone's eyes.
   "T-Tell me, where could she be?"
   "Do you trust us?" Cadenza walked up to Garroth, and looked into his eyes, hopeful.
   "I... I do. If this is the girl you are telling me is in danger, then it is my job to help her in any way possible. I do trust you. I trust both of you. How much time do we have?"
   "Only Irene knows. We must go now." Dante replied. 
   "Very well then." Garroth walked over to the right, and grabbed a sword, "Now let's go!" they dashed off-stage, and everyone clapped. Mr. Sparklez had tears in his eyes, and Ms. Collins had already used up nearly all the tissues. 
   "Ms. Collins," Mr. Sparklez looked at her, "C-Can I have a tissue?"
   "Yeah, here." she handed him a tissue, and he blew his nose, 
   "This... this is amazing." he looked up at the stage. "I mean, they don't have a scene, but they captured the emotion. It has c-comedy, has drama, and music. Not to mention romance."
   "I know... how long did we let the students write and practice?"
   "Like, a week. This kind of production would take at least a month. This is the best I've seen." Mr. Sparklez looked up at the stage, "I remember doing something like this when I was in High School."
   "Remember? We did it together. And look at us now, we're crying just as much as our teachers did when we performed. Remember, I was the fairy?"
   "And I was the young wizard. Yeah. Except, ours, and I'm not afraid to say it, wasn't as good as this."
   "As much as it stings to say it, I think you're right. I mean, the costumes... they're absolutely beautiful. Especially (F/N)'s. It's so detail-oriented."
   "And the props, those wands... they actually light up." Mr. Sparklez chuckled.
   "We didn't have those when we did it."
   "I really want to make this a reality again, Jordan. I miss it so much." Ms. Collins sighed, looking down.
   "But it's already a reality. And we're seeing it, right before our eyes." Jordan smiled.
   "Yeah, you're right. Besides, I'm sure they're going to finish strong." Little did they know, there was such thing as backstage, and there was such thing as realistic drama... It was going to change everything.
   DUN DUN DUN!!!! Hello guys! :D I updated! An actual chapter, too... well actually it's Part 1... BUT IT'S SOMETHING, RIGHT??? Anyways, what's up? Also, I am publishing this kind of late, I know. I'M SORRY! But, I'm probably on a plane right now(when you're reading this) SO, that's my excuse! But, I'm really happy with how this is turning out, so that's always nice, right? A couple things I seriously need to address. I'm going to be BUSY. Not only will I be attending this trip, but I have been working my butt off on my NaNoWriMo book. So, I will not publish another part until next week. I really want to catch up on my word count, so I'm going to take that week to do it, because I severely need it. Also, the songs... I don't use anyone else's song unless I tell you. Like, One Headlight or maybe I added another song(I'm not sure), so that's when you know, HEY! It's a REAL SONG! BUT, the songs that were in this chapter were written by me, once again. Will you ever see another chain of songs after the play? I'm not sure, and if so, probably not as many as this. BUT, you guys requested to see the whole play, so I figure it would be a good time to include the songs. So, I guess I can tell you what the songs are called, since why not? So, the song Cadenza and Dante sing shall be called Destiny, and the song that plays when Garroth and (F/N) are dancing, shall be called (They Were) Dreaming of True Love. So, tell me out of all the songs I've written, which one is your favorite? Also, should I write more songs? Do you guys like the songs? This is getting to be long. So, I will going on a small break(about 7-9 days), so that I can write for NaNoWriMo. I'm sorry if you hate that, but think about it like this:

   It's been my dream for about 3 years now to publish a book(didn't matter what it was about), and to have a name for myself, a name that would be linked to my creativity. NaNoWriMo is giving me the chance to do so, and I do not plan on wasting my opportunity. Right now, my main focus is chasing my dream and becoming an author. 

   Hopefully that wasn't too mean, (I hate being mean or rude) so yeah. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this part, and I'll see you in the next one. Buh-bye! ~Morgan <3 :D

   Also, here's a question(*cough* that was also posted on my feed *cough*), how many chapters do YOU think there will be in Aphmau's Academy? Guess in the comments!

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