Motivation and... Math?

Things to Look Out For:
(F/N) - First Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(H/C) - Hair Color
(E/C) - Eye Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(F/M) - Favorite Meal
(F/D) - Favorite Drink
As the book goes on, I will update the list/guide!
Hey guys! So, a couple announcements! First off, WE'RE TOP 10 ON #APHMAU FOR MY HERO!!!!! That's a HUGE accomplishment, and I thank you all for helping that story get there! So, yeah! Anyways, my present for you is an early update! Enjoy!!!
Garroth's Point of View:

   "Hey, Garroth," Laurence turned to me, "Can I talk to you after school today?"
   "Yeah, sure. But, did you hear about the new teacher for combat?"
   "No, I didn't. Who?"
   "I'm not sure, but I think she's teaching a personal class of like, 3 kids."
   "Chances are you'll be in that group, if it's advanced."
   "Speak for yourself! I really need to work on my aim. Speaking of which, we're here." Laurence and I walked in the room, and there were 3 adults. 2 of them were our combats teachers, Ms. Powers and Ms. Gold.
   "Hey boys, thank goodness both of you are here. We decided you and one other student would have an opportunity." Ms. Gold started.
   "Since you two have proven yourselves to be quite skilled in combat, we wanted to give you a bit of a harder lesson, since the practice appears to be easy for the both of you. Now, here we have Ms. Dark. She's an amazing trainer, and would like to work with you for the remainder of the school year. It's completely up to you whenever or not you would like to participate. Oh! Here's our 3rd student, Dante!" DANTE? But, he...
   "Um, hi Ms. Powers. Hello Ms. Gold." he smiled, "What's going on?"
   "OK, all of you are here. Stay here." Ms. Powers got everyone else's attention, and she shouted,
   "Everything drop your things and give me 20 push-ups and sit-ups! We have conditioning to do!" everyone else groaned, and Ms. Gold and Ms. Powers led us to their offices. It was a separate room that was connected to the combat room.
   "OK boys. So like we said before, you have an opportunity to train with one of the leading combat trainers for the year. However, this training requires you to be... isolated from the rest of the class. We can't have you train in the same room. That's why, we have this room." Ms. Gold sighed. She grabbed a key, and opened a door. There was a huge room, with fresh targets, dummies, swords, double blades... it was amazing.
   "But we will need to discuss something, that is if you accept." Ms. Dark commented, "Otherwise I will be on my way."
   "I do have a question for Dante, you're not in this class, so why are you..." I started.
   "You're right Garroth. I'm not in this class. However, I am Ms. Gold's personal student for lessons outside of school. When she found out I attended this Academy, she wanted me to join." Dante replied.
   "Right you are. Dante has scores from my personal training that would normally qualify as accelerated in this Academy. In fact, he has marks just as high as yours." Ms. Gold looked at me and Laurence. I had no idea...
   "Anyways, now you must make decision. Are you willing to make the change?"
   "I honestly don't see why not." Laurence answered, "It's a fantastic opportunity. I'm in."
   "I'm in as well." Dante answered. Everyone looked at me, and I smiled.
   "This is indeed a great opportunity, and I'm glad to hear that I have high enough scores for a chance like this. Of course I'll join."
   "That's wonderful news! Great choice boys. Alas, this is the ending of Ms. Gold and I teaching you." Ms. Powers sighed, "But, we will always be in the other room if you need us." they walked out, and Ms. Dark took us inside the room.
   "OK boys. Well since you don't know me at all, we can take today to warm up. I want you to be comfortable with talking to me, and being around me, as my last name isn't the most pleasing. So, I'm Ms. Dark, and I will be your teacher for the rest of the school year. But, now that everyone is gone. Do you know why this is advanced, and why this room is isolated?"
   "No." we all answered.
   "Besides the fact that there will be more challenges with the skills you already have, I will be introducing a new skill-set."
   "But, we've all mastered the basics and the accelerated standards of combat." Laurence replied.
   "All but one. One that isn't allowed, unless a special trainer instructs it. You will be learning how to use magicks-injected weapons. These are used in military, government, and special forces. Only so many are trained. This year, the Government has only allowed us trainers to teach 15 in total. You count as 1/5 of that."
   "M-Magicks?" Dante asked her.
   "Exactly. Which reminds me, I have gifts. These were supplied by not only myself, but two individuals who specialize in creating and designing weapons. These are the weapons you will be allowed to use during sessions, and when you graduate, you may keep them. First, I have two katanas for Dante. These powerful weapons are tipped with harming II, when you activate it."
   "It's for defense. Otherwise, they're regular sharps katanas. Laurence, you have a special sword. This was designed with the help of your magicks teachers, Mr. Jordan and Ms. Templeton. Right now, it's a Sharpness III emerald blade, but when you activate it, you can activate any Enchantment II ability. Keep this safe, and thank those teachers."
   "This is so... powerful."
   "As for you Garroth, we know you can't control magicks, which was why I designed both a weapon and an accessory for you. I designed these myself. Garroth, this diamond sword's magicks will be at their fullest potential when you wear this bracelet." she handed me a black and blue bracelet. "It's concealed to look like your everyday rubber bracelet from a fundraiser. It's waterproof, bulletproof, and can protect you from danger. But you must wear it at all times. When you put to mind to it, you can move any obstacle, any person, and you can control the outcome of your talents. But, you must be careful. Magicks come at a price."
   "I understand." the bell rang, and Ms. Dark smiled. "Alright boys, please place your weapons in their cases, and you may leave."
   "Yes ma'm." we all placed the weapons in the cases, which were also fancied up, and we all went out of class.
   "So, what do you all have next?" Dante asked Laurence and I.
   "I have Controlling Magicks." Laurence answered.
   "Really? I have a free period." I replied.
   "What How did I not know this?" Laurence asked me.
   "Well, I never really mentioned it. But, (F/N) and I are going to do our Math Project."
   "But, she just moved!" Dante exclaimed, shocked by the news.
   "Maybe she had good markings at her old school. Anyways, do we have practice?"
   "Not on Fridays, but I'll meet you in the library. Speaking of classes, Dante, what do you have?"
   "I have a free period. I'm probably going to do my homework in the library as well."
   "Alright, well I think Cadenza has sewing/design class, so I'll you all in the library."
   "Bye." Dante and I said at the same time. We walked up to the library, and Dante sat at a table, while I walked around. I soon bumped into (F/N).
   "Oops! Sorry Garroth!" she softly chuckled, "My bad!"
   "Sorry for not looking. So, where shall we go?"
   "Hmm... let's sit at that table by the window." she answered.
   "OK." we sat down, and she smiled, "So, I brought all my things. Really, all we have to do is describe each other in a nutshell, right?"
   "Basically, yes. It's kind of a strange project."
   "Why is that?" (F/N) asked, curiosity planted on her face.
   "Well, it's not Math, but it's different. I've never had a project where I learned about someone's personal life."
   "Me neither."
   "But, it's a good thing I get to know more about you, (F/N)."
   "I have a question, Alexis told me before I showed up to this Academy, you never really spoke to anyone."
   "That's true."
   "Well, that's a good question." I had to tell her the truth. She was my only friend, one who truly cared, "Well, when I was younger, a lot of people made fun of me for being so loud."
   "Yeah. So, I thought for a minute at the time. I thought, if everyone thinks I'm loud, why not become quiet. Why don't I shut out from the world for a while? So, I did. No one talked to me. I became awkward, different... I didn't mind. I guess this year, I had enough of being left out, and different. That's when you came. When Laila called my name, and I saw you, I knew that it was my time to change my approach to someone. And, I'm glad I did, honestly." I looked down.
   "Yeah. (F/N), you're probably the first person who has truly accepted me, and I thank you for that."
   "That's incredibly sweet, Garroth. And honestly, I did not plan on meeting anyone on my first day. I was always an outcast. I was called plenty of names in my lifetime. Soon, I was anti-social. The only thing I wanted to do was sit in my room and read. It was never friends and fun, until now. I guess I should be the one thanking you, for actually getting to know me as a person, rather than just another figure in the background." she blushed. We continued our conversation, and I had gathered so much about (F/N). The bell rang, and she stood up. "Alright, Garroth. I'm going to go,  so I'll see you tomorrow for the Festival?"
   "Yeah. I'll text you."
   "Cool." she smiled, and left the library. But as soon as she left, Laurence walked in. 
   "Garroth, I thought you would ditch me."
   "No... why did you..."
   "Because, I need to know something."
   "Know what?"
   "Why have you opened up all of a sudden?"
   "Garroth, when I first saw you, you were so quiet!"
   "Oh, that. I-I don't know." I admitted. It was a sudden change, but I felt it wasn't just because of (F/N). I had feelings before she came along.
   "Well, I came to tell you that I'm kind of happy we've talked."
   "Wait, what?"
   "Yeah! I mean, it's definitely a shocker to you, huh?"
   "No kidding. Why is it that you're glad I'm speaking?"
   "Because, I like to see people shift out of their comfort zone. As far as I can see, you're a cool, fun guy to be around. (F/N) said so. And, I kind of want to get to know you as a person."
   "This isn't because of the team?"
   "Does it look like this has to do with football? Plus, you're a lot nicer than Zane. I mean, you helped my sister and her violin. So, I have to thank you for that."
   "I helped?"
   "Uh, yeah. You risked getting in trouble for everyone, alongside Dante and (F/N). And you helped solve a mystery that can now save a teacher's class. My teacher's class. So, I own you an apology. I had always thought you were some sort of reserved, shy guy. I never knew you before... and I made assumptions that were obviously false."
   "I appreciate the fact that you brought it up. Thanks, and there's no need to apologize, Laurence. What matters now is that we are on good terms, maybe even friends..."
   "Definitely friends. I'll see you tomorrow Garroth."
   "Great, see you tomorrow!" Laurence flashed a smile, before walking out of the library. I smiled to myself, as I packed up my things.
   "Garroth!" Zane stormed into the library. "I've been waiting for you! Let's go!"
   "Ugh." I mumbled. I looked back, as Emmalyn mouthed,
   "Good luck." 
   I UPDATED!!!! :D But yeah, Garroth and Laurence are friends, not enemies! Rest assure you! But, I still have more plans as the story goes on! So, next chapter will be the weekend!!! I am so excited to release those chapters... they're my favorites at the moment ;) And thank you all so much for the outrageous amount of support. It truly means a lot to me, and I hope I can continue to make you all smile and happy! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this part and I'll see you in the next one! Buh-bye! ~Morgan :D

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