Laurence the Life-Saver
Things to Look Out For:
(F/N) - First Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(H/C) - Hair Color
(E/C) - Eye Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(F/M) - Favorite Meal
(F/D) - Favorite Drink
(F/F) - Favorite Food
(F/MV) - Favorite Movie
As the book goes on, I will update the list/guide!
You guys... are the sweetest people in the world. Aphmau is so fortunate to have such a kind, wonderful fan-base, and I am the most honored girl to be sharing that with her. You guys are truly amazing. The constant voting, and the sweet comments... thank you so much.
Your Point of View:
...some girls walked into the locker room, and they didn't look nice. One had white hair, and wore a black hoodie over their uniform. The other had pink eyes, scientific goggles, and wore a lab coat. They looked at me, before smirking at each other.
"Well, well... if it isn't the infamous (F/N) (L/N)." the one with white hair chuckled.
"Guess we were... lucky running into you here." the other one snickered.
"I-I'm sorry... I don't know who you are."
"There's no need for you to. We're here for... reasons."
"E-Excuse me? Did I do..."
"You didn't do anything, except this." she turned on a computer, and there was Garroth's video.
"H-How... that wasn't my doing... Garroth made it..."
"For you. We know. What you're doing is reversing the boundaries. You're changing everything. While it may not seem like it, you're damaging what was once our territory."
"Territory? Where are..."
"Aw, did you hear that Polly? She's clueless." the girl with the white hair cracked her fingers.
"Maybe we should change that, right Sasha?" Polly smirked.
"W-What are you... EEK!" I dodged a punch heading towards me from Sasha. That was close! I ran towards the exit, before Polly grabbed my leg. I fell on my stomach, and screamed.
"Shut up, loser." She stepped on my back, which not only cracked it, but what was left of the air in the lungs were released. They had knocked the air out of me... tears filled my eyes, as they walked out. I couldn't get up. My back hurt, and my lung were screaming for air. I couldn't yell, speak, only sit up against a wall, and try to catch my breath. The door flung open, and then I heard footsteps...
"What's going on?" Laurence. I quietly slammed my hand on the ground, which made a slap noise. My face felt pale, my body was weak. I winced, as I could feel a bruise. Laurence turned the corner, and gasped. "(F/N)! Stay calm!" I pointed to my chest, and he freaked. He bent down next to me. I could feel my vision getting blurry. "(F/N)! I'll fix this... STAY!!!"
Third Person's Point of View:
As (F/N) felt as if she were going to pass out, Laurence freaked out. He was in panic mode.
"How could this have happened so suddenly!?" he thought to himself as he slammed open the teacher's office in the locker rooms. He grabbed an inhaler, and dashed back to where (F/N) was. He was in his gear, which made it harder, He bent down and lifted (F/N)'s face up. She looked knocked out. He tried using the inhaler, but failed. He threw it, and laid her down. If that wasn't working, he'd have to... give her CPR. He bent down, and tried it. He could feel her moving. He quickly shot up, as (F/N) furiously coughed. Her coughs sounded coarse. She quickly turned to Laurence, who had a panicked look on his face. She grabbed Laurence and hugged him. He took this by shock, but the look on (F/N)'s face meant she went through trouble. He hugged her back, his cheeks slightly turning pink. He carried (F/N) out of the Locker Room, and into the hallway. He sat her down, and bent in front of her.
Your Point of View:
"(F/N)! W-What happened...?" Laurence asked me. His face was of worry and fear. My eyes were glossy and blurry, as I tried speaking,
"I-I... was putting on the assistant coaches gear, and then these 2 girls walked in. T-They were saying things a-about G-G-Garroth's video, and then one tried t-to... punch me. I dodged it, and t-tried running. But one grabbed my leg and I-I fell. The air w-w-was k-knocked out of me. And then, o-one stepped on my back and n-now it hurts." I whimpered. I never came to think of bullying here. That made me upset. And, Laurence was seeing this... "I-I didn't think..."
"Shh." he hugged me, and my eyes widened. Why did I feel... comfortable. I hugged him back, the embrace of his warm hug sending butterflies in my stomach. He helped me up, and chuckled, "Assistant Coach's uniform? You look cute." he winked, before sending those blue eyes my way. I looked down, embarrassed.
"Thanks, Casanova." I sniffed, giggling.
"Glad I made you smile." he walked me out, and Coach Logan looked at me, before softening his expression. He saw my red, puffy eyes from the crying, didn't he? Laurence was excused by a dazed Coach Logan. He joined Dante and Garroth in warmups, and I received a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, and Coach Logan looked at me concerned,
"(F/N)? Is everything OK?" Could I lie to him? Could I tell him otherwise. Could I... no. He had been too nice lately, and I didn't want to lose that trust. I told him the story, and his eyes widened.
"I'm glad you told me (F/N). It may not seem like it now, but I'm glad you trust me enough. Do you need me to send a notification to Principal Aphmau?"
"Sure. I just don't want what happened at my old school to happen here. I love Aphmau's Academy." I answered.
"I completely understand. So, Laurence was late because he was helping you?"
"Got it. He's excused once more."
"Once more...?"
"Yeah. Laurence is one to help others. While he may be popular, he's not snobby, nor mean. He's one of my favorites because he's got a side of him that represents care."
"I didn't know you had a soft side, Coach."
"H-Hey!" I laughed, and Coach laughed as well. "You got me. Now come on, let's try Rotation 4."
"Got it."
~~Time Skip~~
"That was a good day." Dante panted, as he adjusted his shirt.
"Yeah, you did good (F/N)." Garroth smiled.
"Thanks. So, how about we go to Kawaii~Chan's cafe?" I asked them.
"Yeah!" Cadenza answered. She chose to watch the practice, while doing homework. Alexis was there, too. She left with Levin and... Malachi I think. We all went to our cars, and I had decided to carpool with Laurence and Cadenza this morning. I sat in the back, and then they hopped into the car.
"(F/N), are you sure you're OK?" Laurence looked at me, his breaths disoriented from the practice.
"Yes, I'm fine. T-Thanks Laurence. let's just go to Kawaii~Chan's cafe. I could really use a (F/D)." Laurence slightly chuckled, and I shot a quick smile.
Laurence's Point of View:
(F/N), Dante and Garroth headed into Kawaii~Chan's cafe. I was going to, until Cadenza pulled me aside.
"Laurence, what happened?"
"I mean, what happened? Why is (F/N)... saddened?"
"You can see it?"
"I'm not blind. Did something happen?" I explained the situation to Cadenza, her face relieved as soon as I mentioned I saved her.
"That's awful... I hate those girls."
"Didn't they used to be friends with you?"
"Yeah, they were. What changed them? I don't know, and I never will know. I feel terrible now, Laurence. If they were the cause of this, it makes me feel like it's my fault." Cadenza looked down.
"Cadenza... we can't think about that."
"I-I know. Just, be careful, will you?"
"Of course I will."
"You're the best brother, Laurence." she stepped inside of the cafe. Sasha and Polly were a reoccurring problem for Cadenza, and even mentioning them made me feel like a complete idiot. Wait... Cadenza rarely calls me her brother. That put a smile to my face. She... finally meant it, right?
Your Point of View:
We all ordered our drinks, and I was going to sit down, when my back started stinging. I winced, and Garroth instantly noticed this.
"(F/N)..." he walked up to me, "Are you OK?"
"I-I need to sit down." he helped me to a lower seat, and I sighed, "Sorry."
"It's fine. Did something happen while I was gone?"
"While you were gone? You've been here the whole time."
"I mean, before practice. Did something happen when we separated?"
"We can talk another time. Let's try to keep the topic distant now, yeah?"
"Yeah. Thanks Garroth." he nodded, and he sat down next to me. Laurence took the other seat next to me, and Dante and Cadenza sat in the other seats.
"So, how was practice you guys?" Cadenza asked us, "I couldn't pay much attention, since I had to finish my work and stuff like that."
"It was good. I mean, we're still good on offense, it's just defense!"
"Yeah. I swear, Zane doesn't do anything." Laurence groaned, "He gets on my nerves."
"I hear he carpooled with Zenix today. Chances are they are at our house." Garroth groaned, "I don't like any of Zane's friends."
"Yeah, they're all really rude in school." Dante replied, "I mean, they're REALLY rude. They push around everyone. They're basically the bullies."
"Yeah..." Cadenza shifted in her seat uncomfortably, and sighed, "Let's just move onto another point. (F/N), isn't that an assistant coach's uniform?"
"Yeah. Coach Logan gave it to me."
"She's become the official assistant coach!" Garroth exclaimed, smiling, "I can't wait till your first game as coach."
"Thanks Garroth." I smiled, taking a sip of my (F/D). Ah, Kawaii~Chan was amazing at making these! We continued to talk for a while, before we all headed home. I hopped in Laurence's car along with Cadenza, and they dropped me off at home.
"Thank guys!"
"No problem! See you tomorrow, (F/N)." Laurence smiled, as he drove off. I walked into my house, to see someone standing in front of me. Mom?
"Mom... why are you..."
"(F/N), you're home."
"Y-Yeah... what's going on?"
"Nothing. I just had a long day at work, that's all."
"There's more to that."
"Mom, are you becoming stubborn? I can see it in your eyes. Is that... Advil?" I looked at the counter.
"Yeah. I had a headache."
"OK. Let's get you to bed. You look awful."
"Way to be blunt."
"I know, I got it from someone. Now come on." she chuckled at that, and I put her in her bed.
"You know, I think about whenever or not you're going to do this as I get older."
"Mom, no. I don't even want to think about that."
"Alright. But, tell me about what's happened. I feel distant from you."
"OK." I sat down, and told her about all my adventures.
"Sounds like one of those cheesy movies, or love books."
"Geez, mom."
"But I am really happy for you, (F/N). They sound wonderful. Maybe on Sunday, we should host a dinner for them."
"Alright, alright... I'm..." she was interrupted when the phone rang. It was Dad. She picked it up, and answered it.
"Hello?" she continued to talk, before hanging up. She sighed,
"What? What..."
"He's still busy." she grumbled.
"I know. I just need to sleep honey."
"I understand. I'll let you sleep. Alright, see ya." I kissed her forehead, and she smiled,
"See ya." I closed her door, and walked to my room.
"Whoops! Forgot my books!" I exclaimed out-loud. I covered my mouth, before giggling. I headed downstairs, and my phone turned on. Did I get a message? Surely enough, I did... from Laurence.
L: Hey (F/N), can I talk to you on the phone?
Y: Sure!
He called me, and I answered, smiling.
"Hey Laurence." I sat down.
"Hey. I wanted to ask you something."
"Yeah, sure! What's up?"
"Do you want to go to dinner on Saturday?"
I suck at updating. I'm really sorry for making you all wait for this. I wanted to say a few things, cause yeah. First off... on October 29th, we hit 500 followers. Guys, this was at lunch(thanks Andrew XD) and all my friends were jumping around and I was like, "WHHAAAA???" Like, THAT'S HALF OF 1,000. Thank you all SO SO SO much. This truly means the world to me. Writing is one of my passions in life, and I am so honored to see that so many of you know this, and care about it. It means a lot that 500(now more) are willing to take time from your day to read any of my books. Thank you. <3 Also, I am going to Orlando, Florida on the 11th-15th of November. BUT, this will not be anytime I update. I'm going to extremely busy with NaNoWriMo and the Journalism/Cinematography Competition. We're the only Middle School in the Top 10, so that's a HUGE DEAL. I'm going to warn you, I will not updating. I'm really sorry. Also, November in general will be a really rough month for this book. I only have November to write 25,000 words. So, I really need to focus on The Study and Sweets Club if I want to get it done. Hitting that word goal will be the only way I'll be able to publish the book. So, that will be my main concern this month. I will try to update this 1-2 a week. Again, I am so sorry. BUT, CAN WE ALL FANGIRL IN THE COMMENTS ABOUT THAT MOMENT WITH LAURENCE? LIKE, SimplyKy was squealing! XD thanks gurl ;) Alright, I'll respond to da comments. BUT, hopefully you enjoyed this part, and I'll see you in the next one! Buh-bye! ~Morgan :D
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