Fruit on Your Face
Things to Look Out For:
(F/N) - First Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(H/C) - Hair Color
(E/C) - Eye Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(F/M) - Favorite Meal
(F/D) - Favorite Drink
(F/F) - Favorite Food
(F/MV) - Favorite Movie
(M/N) - Mother's Name
(FA/N) - Father's Name
(F/B) - Favorite Book
As the book goes on, I will update the list/guide!
huehuehue... thingzz XD There's an announcements video above I MADE. You don't have to watch it, it's mainly just my voice. You are more than welcome to play it while you read... it's basically just audio!
Your Point of View:
As we arrived at Dante's, I could feel a sense of emptiness.
"Hey Dante..."
"Let me guess, why haven't you met my parents yet?" he asked.
"Whoa." he chuckled, before we got out of the car. He locked it, and opened his front door. "They work way too much. My mom is a doctor, and is currently doing a research across the ocean for people in poverty, and my dad... he works for a travelling agency, so he's always gone." he shrugged.
"Yeah. I've always had the house to myself. That's why I'm so close to Laurence, because I'm always alone, and he's someone I can talk to when my parents can't."
"That's so neat."
"Yeah. But, welcome to my home." he turned on the light, and I looked around. Everything looked so pretty. And so organized. Who... "Well, I call it my home anyways. If you're wondering who does chores, it's either me or the maid that comes in every Sunday to clean whatever." he replied.
"Wow, it's amazing."
"This is just the beginning." he smiled. I took off my shoes, and he did as well. There was a ton of decorations, and then when you walked into the living room, it was all football stuff, from a million teams. "My dad is a huge... sports fan." he chuckled, "One of the reasons why I play football and exercise so much."
"This is so cool!"
"Thanks. But, I know for sure I won't fall asleep until I get my mind off of that thing, so we can do anything if you want." he smiled. "Oh wait, there's a basement!"
"Of course you have a basement, Dante." I rolled my eyes.
"No, like a really cool basement." he said. I laughed, as he opened up the door. As soon as I started walking the stairs, I could instantly see an air hockey table. As soon as I stepped down from the last step, I could see everything a guy would dream of, and everything someone like me would dream of. There was Foosball, and then there was a TV with a ton of video games, and I just stood there in awe.
"This is amazing, Dante!" I exclaimed, "Look at all of this!"
"I'm glad you like it." he chuckled.
"Like it, I love it. It's like any kid's dream." I laughed, "But I'm a kid, so we're doing all this."
"Fair enough." he laughed. "Actually, you need something to wear for the night. Let me check to see if my mom has anything you could wear, or maybe I have something. I don't know. I'll be right back!" he went upstairs, and I continued looking around. The walls were surrounded with posters, movie posters, photos... it was really cool down here. A couple minutes later Dante came back, and handed me some clothes.
"This was the only thing I could find."
"I'm sure it's fine. Thanks Dante." I smiled. He nodded, as I walked into the bathroom in the basement. I closed and locked the door, and quickly change. He had given me a pair of black sweat shorts and an old t-shirt. It seemed to fit pretty OK. I grabbed the clothes I had on before, and I folded them, before walking out.
"OK, well, at least it fits." he looked over. He was on the couch, on his phone. "You can set your clothes in the laundry room. We can get rid of the smoke scent."
"OK." I walked into the laundry room, and set my clothes in the washer. I started them, and then closed the door.
"So, what should we start with?"
"I really want to play air hockey." I laughed.
"Fine with me." he smiled. I got the red side, and he picked blue. We started, and started talking as well.
"Are your parents OK? I think I saw them through the window."
"They looked OK. They were both standing up, and my mom texted me. I'm sure they're fine. Luckily the guy was put to justice, right?"
"Even though that was really scary." I hit the puck, and it went into Dante's goal.
"Yay! First point!" I laughed, "But I'm sure they're fine. After all, they were walking, and my dad was talking, and so was my mom if she could text me."
"Yeah that's true. I guess I'm still shocked by that. I mean, we were so close to that guy with the gun." he shrugged.
"Don't worry, I am too."
"But I think we should move onto a better subject. So, you and Laurence for Prom, but you and Garroth for other things... what's up with that?" he smirked.
"Well, Laurence's promposal was very cute, so I accepted. And Garroth... what do you mean other things?"
"To get Cadenza to shut up, Vylad showed her some scenes from the wedding, like walking down the aisle, and then dancing."
"Vylad, stalker much?"
"He was filming on a full-on camera, I think he wanted to surprise his parents for Christmas or something."
"Oh, well that makes sense. But yeah, Garroth's mom asked me to be a bridesmaid, and I accepted. She wanted to do that so Garroth wouldn't be so quiet."
"That's cool. Are you excited for Prom?"
"Yeah. Did... did you ask someone?"
"Mm-hmm." my eyes widened.
"Her name's Nicole, and she's cool, so I asked her to Prom, and she said yes. Also, Garroth and Cadenza are tagging along as a friend group together, since the the other 3 in the Phoenix Drop have dates, so yeah."
"That's neat." I replied, hitting the puck away. "Cadenza's making my Prom dress for me... I'm kind of scared of how it will turn out, to be honest."
"I wouldn't worry at all." Dante assured me, "If Cadenza was good at one thing, it would be making clothes and hemming them. She used to stitch up things if Laurence and I ripped them."
"Aw!" I laughed.
"Yeah. But, I'm pretty she's gonna make Laurence's tie match your dress. She is all about that shipping. Not like Kawaii~Chan though.
"Oh! Kawaii~Chan! Is she going to Prom?"
"Brendan actually had the guts to ask her, so yeah, she's coming. I'm shocked too. But, I bet he was stuttering like no tomorrow." he laughed. We continued to play, until I won by one point, and then we sat at the TV.
"What game should we...?"
"MARIO KART!" I yelled, picking it up.
"Ha ha! OK!" we set up the thing, and I grabbed a controller. We played for a couple hours, before he won the last round...
"Really? But, I did so well!"
"I beat you!" he jumped up, "I am the new champion!" he laughed.
"Good game." I laughed as well.
"This was a bonding moment." he realized, "We always hung out with everyone else... there's never been a time besides the park when we hung out together as a duo."
"Yeah... that's true." I replied. For the rest of the night, we only talked. We talked about our lives, our many, MANY memories, and he helped me through the process of decided who I really wanted to be with. The personality I wanted most, the companionship in which I deserved. Dante was a great help, and I definitely owed him one, for sure.
~~Time Skip~~
I woke up in the morning, and Dante was on the opposite side of the couch. He was on his phone. He had this L shaped couch. I took the foot-area, and he took up the rest.
"You're awake." he chuckled.
"Yeah, this couch is really soft." I laughed softly. He chuckled, and set his phone down. "Alright, your clothes are in the dryer, and then if you want, we can have breakfast here or anywhere, really."
"I'm fine with just having it here." I shrugged.
"Awesome, you know Laurence might be a good cook, but I make better eggs than he does." I giggled, and got up. I grabbed my clothes, and changed into them. They smelt like flowers, and that was nice. Thankfully, my hair was up, so I simply adjusted my hair, until it was somewhat decent. I walked out, and Dante was still downstairs, on his phone. "What do you want?"
"Anything I can eat." I answered.
"Pancakes, eggs, and bacon it is." he smiled. We walked upstairs, and I insisted on helping, so he let me help with the bacon. Not that it was much, but I would feel bad if he did it all on his own. We finished making the breakfast in a quicker amount of time though, so we could eat sooner. We each got plates, and Dante grabbed some fruit from his fridge.
"You eat surprisingly healthy for a teen that stays alone." I said as I got fruit.
"Yeah, well... I've always had the habit, I guess. But, I can't have too many things junk-wise if I want to keep running fast." he smiled, "But hey, have you by any chance gotten request letters from colleges?"
"I have... I think everyone has." I replied, "Why do you ask?"
"Because I... I got a letter from the college I've always wanted to go to, even when I was a kid."
"Dante, that's great!" I smiled. "Where is it?"
"It's pretty local, but it's SO hard to get in. I've been working my butt off for it... but I mean, there's a ton of other letters too. This is one of those schools that's will to pay maybe 5,000 dollars of my tuition, just to have me."
"What classes would you take?"
"Communications, and they want me to play for their football team. They think I could be drafted." he smiled. I dropped my fork.
"As in, pro football?"
"DANTE! That's... that's HUGE! That's like everybody's dream job, and you have the opportunity to do it!" I exclaimed.
"It is my dream job."
"I think you should go for it... was it the University of Scaleswind?"
"Y-Yeah, it was."
"I got a letter from there as well." I admitted. "They want me to go in and interview if I want."
"For what?"
"I'm thinking about either going into school for Communications, English, or for Marketing." I answered. "But I'm thinking Communications, mainly because they are a variety of things you can do with a degree like that."
"That's great!" Dante smiled, "Wouldn't that be so cool to go to the same college!" he exclaimed.
"It would be, wouldn't it?" I smiled. "Oh, and Dante?"
"You got fruit on your face." he face-palmed as I laughed. Perhaps it would be cool to go to college with my friends... no, it would be amazing. But... the others have different dreams of what they want to become as well, so I doubt that would be the case. I took a bite of the eggs, and my tongue woke up to a burst of flavor. "Holy eggs!" I exclaimed. Dante looked up, before laughing.
"I knew you'd like them!"
"I dunno." he shrugged. We finished our breakfast, and then hung out, before I decided on texting my mom.
"Sorry mom. I was at a friend's! I should be back by 1:00, is that OK?" I sent that, and I got an instant reply,
"It's OK, and yeah! You can come back anytime." I closed my phone, and Dante walked up to me, "What did she say?"
"I can come back whenever. What time is it?"
"It's 11:30." he shrugged, "Wanna see what everyone else is doing?"
"Sure." I replied. He texted out:
"Hey, (F/N) and I want to know if you all want to do something today." we got a reply from Garroth,
"I'm down for anything." and another from Laurence.
"I'm not busy, however, Cadenza wanted to take this weekend to work on her Prom dress. So, I can hang."
"Cool with being the only girl?" Dante asked me.
"Yeah, I'm cool. You guys are my friends, really?" we laughed. "Hey, should we tell them what happened last night?"
"Well, duh!" he replied. "Yeah we should! I mean, they would probably freak, but I want to see their reactions." I laughed, as we walked to the front door. We put on our shoes, and walked out. We hopped into the car, and went to their houses, picking them up.
"Now that we're together..." Garroth started, "What are we doing?"
"We're taking you to the cafe to tell you a story." Dante smirked.
"O-OK..." Laurence sat back. Let's just say, their faces were paler than a vampire's in a time span of less than 20 minutes.
SO MANY FILLERS I'M SORRY! BUT, I have some good news... the last chapters of this are actually kind of important XD So yeah! Expect to see some important events... soon! So, yeah! :D I hope you all enjoyed this part, and I'll see you in the next one! Buh-bye! ~Morgan <3
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