Cuties and Casanovas
Things to Look Out For:
(F/N) - First Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(H/C) - Hair Color
(E/C) - Eye Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(F/M) - Favorite Meal
(F/D) - Favorite Drink
(F/F) - Favorite Food
(F/MV) - Favorite Movie
As the book goes on, I will update the list/guide!
Whoa. Guys, WE DID IT!!! We hit 10,000 reads on this story! Thank you all so much for making this story hit this checkpoint. Without your constant support, I'd be kind of lost in this world. Also, shout-out to pres_11 for helping me with the cover and some ideas. If you didn't know already, she knows me IRL XD that can be confusing I know. Sometimes she'll tell stories in the comments about how awkward we are XD Thank you, and let's go onto the story!
Your Point of View:
I woke up, an unfamiliar feeling took over, as I looked up. Garroth was waking up, and I freaked. I closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep. How long would I have to stay like this? Fortunately, no one else saw me wake up. Oh god this was awkward! I felt Garroth shuffle around, and he yawned. He was awake. I could feel his shoulder stiffen, and then he tapped my head.
"(F/N)... wake up." He did a couple more times, and I groaned,
"5 more minutes mom." he chuckled, and I actually opened my eyes. I blushed, even more so than I was before, and yawned.
"What time is it?"
"About 9:30-ish. You fell asleep during Inside Out."
"Whoops." I sat up, and Garroth sighed,
"Where's the rest of..."
"You two finally woke up!" Dante smirked, "Don't worry. You cuddling is Cadenza's new lock screen. She "ships" you guys. Whatever that means." he chuckled.
"So, breakfast is downstairs. Cadenza made pancakes. Dante and I tried to make our own, but we ruined them." Laurence looked back.
"Mine wasn't bad at all!" Dante protested.
"Eh, it could've tasted better."
"Pancakes?" I got up and ran downstairs, "FOOD!" I yelled. The guys laughed, and Cadenza was flipping pancakes. There were about 5 already on a huge plate. I took one of the smaller plates and got pancakes, eggs and bacon. "Thanks for breakfast, Cadenza!"
"No problem!" she smiled. I sat down, and soon the guys met up with us. Cadenza made the rest of the pancakes, and then joined us.
"So, when did you all wake up?" Garroth asked the rest of the group.
"Like, an hour ago." Laurence replied, taking a bite of his eggs.
"Yeah. We all woke up, and saw you two still sleeping. Cadenza took like, 50 photos."
"No! I took 32!" she exclaimed, correcting him.
"W-What? 32! What's the difference?!" I asked her, shocked. She turned on her phone, and there we were, my head was on Garroth's shoulder, and I was bundled up in a blanket, one that we shared. I blushed, as Garroth chuckled nervously. I took a bite of my pancakes, and Cadenza smirked. Then, as I was eating, I remembered something.
"Cadenza, that cooking project is due Monday."
"What project?"
"The one with the green food dye and white chocolate."
"Oh yeah, I forgot! We need to do that."
"I actually had an idea. You see, when my grandma visited us before, she used to give me a recipe before she went. I would try them the day after and some some to her. One of the recipes she gave me is a recipe for grasshopper bark. It uses mint, white chocolate, and green dye. It also uses milk chocolate."
"REALLY? That stuff is SO GOOD!" Dante exclaimed.
"That would give us a good grade. Let's do it!" Cadenza smiled.
"Remember, we needed feedback too, not by made-up characters though."
"That's why we're here." Laurence commented, "We'll be your critics."
"Awesome!" I smiled. "So, should we start after breakfast? it'll take a while to set."
"How long?"
"Like, 2 hours if we want it to be for sure set."
"Yeah. We should get started. What are you guys going to do?"
"Not sure. Maybe hang out." Laurence replied.
"I'm definitely staying for the chocolate though." Dante commented. Soon, we were all finished with breakfast, and Laurence took care of all our dishes. Cadenza and I went upstairs, and I grabbed the notebook. I always took it to my cooking class. We headed downstairs, and then we got out the recipe.
"So, this makes 2 pounds of the stuff. Should we split the recipe in half?"
"I think we should. It'll take less time. Plus, there will still be enough for her to sample." I answered.
"True. Alright. Start washing your hands. I'll get the ingredients. We should have everything we need in this house."
"Cool." I turned on the faucet, and washed my hands quickly. I dried them, and Cadenza had 2 bags of chocolate chips. One was milk chocolate, and the other was white chocolate.
"Each of these bags are 8 oz."
"Perfect. OK, we'll also need green food coloring and mint extract."
"Let's see... we have green food dye, a-ha! Mint! We're good!"
* I'm skipping the process cuz I'm too lazy... HOWEVER, this is an actual recipe. There's an external link to where I got the recipe! *
"That took... 2 hours." I sighed, blowing a piece of hair from my face."
"Yeah. Cause the guys kept eating all the chocolate!" she protested. "Well, we have it. It's DONE!" we high-fived, and the guys walked in.
"It's finally done?" Laurence asked us.
"Yeah." I answered. The boys were nothing but trouble. Except for Garroth, he knew not to get in the way.
"Awesome!" Dante smiled. They each took a piece, and Cadenza took out her phone,
"We need evidence that you were actually trying it. Otherwise, how will the class believe us?" she turned on the camera, and Dante went first. He smiled, and gave a thumbs up.
"This is amazing. It's chocolaty, minty... and perfect." he took another bite, as Cadenza moved onto Garroth and Laurence. They both took a bite, and Garroth's eyes widened as Laurence sighed in relief.
"It's so good!" Laurence took another bite, "I approve."
"This tastes like the time our family went to the fair and got ice cream. I got mint chocolate chip. This brings me back to so many positive memories." Garroth chuckled, "It's really good. You guys did awesome."
"Thanks!" I smiled. Cadenza ended the recording, and sighed, "Now, should we try it?"
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting." I giggled. I took one, and bit into it. Cadenza did the same. We high-fived, and smiled,
"Thank goodness! This is amazing. How did I not make this before?"
"I don't know. I'll leave a copy of the recipe."
"Awesome!" Laurence smiled. We all finished our pieces, and Cadenza and I cleaned up. I cleaned the dishes, as she scrubbed the counter.
"Where's the soap?" I asked her.
"In the cupboard underneath. Dang chocolate." I giggled, as I grabbed the soap. I squirted some, and bubbles flew up. Laurence walked up to one and popped it.
"Pop!" he smirked. I laughed, as I grabbed a rag. I grabbed some bubbles and put them on his face.
"There." I giggled back. He blew them off, and they landed on my cheek. I felt his hand wipe them off, and he chuckled. I smiled, as I scrubbed the last of the chocolate. His touch was soft, it almost made me blush. Almost. Then, I rinsed it out, which led to even more bubbles! One landed on my nose, and popped. I squeaked, and he laughed.
"Bubbles!" he said in a high pitched voice.
"Boop!" I popped a bubble. Laurence chuckled, and I smiled once more before I was done cleaning. He looked adorable... WHOA WHAT? I blushed at the thought, and shook it out. I put the tray on a towel, and Cadenza finished.
"Got it!"
"Got what?" Laurence asked Cadenza, confused.
"The chocolate, but I also got you two popping bubbles on my phone." she giggled. I blushed, and Laurence smirked, "Send it to me."
"Gotcha bro."
"You two are ridiculous." Dante walked up to Cadenza and Laurence. "Come on, let's go do something fun!"
"Like what?" Garroth asked Dante.
"Like, something fun. We have all of today, and it's only 11:30!"
"Yeah! Let's do something!" Laurence got up.
"DOES IT STILL WORK?" he asked her.
"YES!!! We have 5 different things. We have 2 microphones, drums, guitar, bass, and a keyboard."
"Let's test our band skills!" Garroth smiled.
"Woo-hoo!" I jumped. We all helped set up the console, and then everyone grabbed something. We connected one of the microphones to the keyboard. Garroth had the keyboard, Cadenza took the bass, Laurence got the guitar, Dante sat behind the drums, and I held the lead singer's mic. We looked through the song selection, until I saw a name I recognized.
~~Song- One Headlight by the Wallflowers)~~
"So long ago, I don't remember when
That's when they say I lost my only friend
Well they said she died easy of a broken heart disease
As I listened through the cemetery trees
I seen the sun comin' up at the funeral at dawn
The long broken arm of human law
Now it always seemed such a waste
She always had a pretty face
So I wondered how she hung around this place
Hey, come on try a little
Nothing is forever
There's got to be something better than
In the middle
But me & Cinderella
We put it all together
We can drive it home
With one headlight
She said it's cold
It feels like Independence Day
And I can't break away from this parade
But there's got to be an opening
Somewhere here in front of me
Through this maze of ugliness and greed
And I seen the sun up ahead
At the county line bridge
Sayin' all there's good and nothingness is dead
We'll run until she's out of breath
She ran until there's nothin' left
She hit the end-it's just her window ledge
Well this place is old
It feels just like a beat up truck
I turn the engine, but the engine doesn't turn
Well it smells of cheap wine & cigarettes
This place is always such a mess
Sometimes I think I'd like to watch it burn
I'm so alone, and I feel just like somebody else
Man, I ain't changed, but I know I ain't the same
But somewhere here in between the city walls of dyin' dreams
I think her death it must be killin' me"
"Dang, 97 percent." Laurence commented, "Not bad."
"I got 96." Cadenza replied.
"98." Dante smiled. "Still at it!"
"97 for vocals, and 98 for keyboard." Garroth mumbled. "I thought I was rusty, too!"
"99." I cheered, "Guys, we made it in the 90's range. Doesn't that mean something?"
"Yeah. It means we have a chance, guys. I think we should do it." Laurence looked at us, almost hopefully.
"I'm going to have to agree on this one. What are odds that this is a coincidence?" Garroth looked at Laurence.
"Was that you guys?" Hayden walked into the room.
"Yeah." Cadenza smiled.
"Dang! I missed it! Who was singing?" he asked us.
"I was." I answered.
"You're amazing. You guys wanna test it with actual instruments? We can set up the boost studio. It has all the chords, beats and lyrics. Only, it calculates the precision and accuracy of your sound."
"YES!" Laurence jumped up, "LET'S DO IT!"
"This is gonna be fun!" Dante exclaimed. We all headed downstairs, and I gasped. Garroth's eyes widened. Guess we were new to it.
"Welcome to the Box. This is where Dante and I practice band projects."
"Sometimes I work on violin here." Cadenza looked at the equipment.
"This is amazing." I looked at everything. These guys had everything, from the instruments to a full-length calculator.
"Come on!" we walked in, and Hayden looked at the set.
"Alright, everyone in? (F/N), try using a shaker. It keeps the beat steady. You and Dante will be what I like to call beat buddies, since you're the singer and he's the drums. You two lead the band. Garroth, you were background vocals?"
"I'm gonna set up a stand. You have no idea how excited I am!" Hayden dashed to get a stand, and Laurence laughed,
"He's back at it, Cadenza."
"No kidding. He loves music."
"Yeah. It's nice to see him like this again." Hayden came back, and set up the stand.
"OK guys. I'm gonna set up the simulation. There'll be a 4 beat start. Look at the screens for the go. Got it?"
"Yeah." we all said at the same time. He walked out, and sat in a different area. The screen turned on, and then Laurence first played. Then, Dante and Cadenza joined in. Garroth shortly came in after, and then after all the instruments were introduced, I started singing. It was easy using a shaker. Hayden was beaming through the room, and in a matter of minutes, the song ended. He stood up, and pressed a couple things.
"Alright, let's look at the real results." he turned on another setting, and then photos of the instruments came up next to the percentage.
"Well, I can't believe my eyes." Hayden whispered, "That's better than, anything I've seen before!"
"98 again!" Dante exclaimed, "And I thought I got lucky!"
"I moved up! 97!" Cadenza smiled.
"97... Wow." Laurence looked up, smiling.
"97 on vocals, and 98 on keys. Not bad." Garroth beamed.
"And... 99 percent on mine, just like last time." I sighed, of relief. "OK, so we're not delusional. This is real!"
"It is, and what were you all saying about joining in as a band?" Hayden asked us.
Wa-hoo! I finally got this done! Thank goodness too, my excitement for upcoming chapters is becoming too much for me to handle! And yeah, you're welcome Laurence fans! Also, I am making Hayden a cool person, cause I needed an adult figure for Cadenza and Laurence, and in Minecraft Diaries, that's who Hayden was. I'm going all out in this book, aren't I? But, surprises await us next chapter, as one of Garroth's secrets and a moment of realization unfolds >:D I love adding tricks and twists, it makes me feel like Alex Hirsch, and that feeling is epic. (The creator of Gravity Falls). I love it when pieces come together finally, cause then everything just makes sense! So, expect some tricks to be unfolded. Also, band alert, and you're the singer. I made it easy on you. You're welcome. I tried looking up female covers of Wonderwall, but the ones I saw were in a completely different key, and it made me upset, so I didn't want those! But, things can be discussed later. Hopefully you all liked this part, and I'll see you in the next! Buh-bye! ~Morgan :D <3
(Just a side note, for all those Garroth fan-fiction writers, doesn't it just make you cringe when his name gets underlined red? The struggle!!!)
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