Crushed by the Cymbals

Things to Look Out For:
(F/N) - First Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(H/C) - Hair Color
(E/C) - Eye Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(F/M) - Favorite Meal
(F/D) - Favorite Drink
(F/F) - Favorite Food
(F/MV) - Favorite Movie
(M/N) - Mother's Name
(FA/N) - Father's Name
As the book goes on, I will update the list/guide!
   And hello there! We're onto the next part already! I have so many ideas, I had to plan them! I can't there's only halfway left, including this. It honestly phases me. You are all so amazing! And 50,000 reads is only half. Who knows? Maybe someday this will hit 100,000. I will probably cry of happiness and throw confetti everywhere until my room turns into a rainbow XD But, let's move onto the next chapter, shall we?
Dante's Point of View:

   So, either my house was going turn out as a tornado, or it was going to be clean, for once... EVER. Instead of just having a night like the girls, the guys decided to have a sleepover, since we wanted to take advantage of the time. Garroth and I were setting up the mattresses, as Laurence went to go get the blankets from the closet. I heard a clank, and Laurence yelled, 
   "OW!" Garroth and I got up, and ran over to the closet, before Garroth helped Laurence. "Thanks." Laurence rubbed his head, "What was... a cymbal? DANTE!"
   "I didn't know that was there. Must have been an extra or something. You OK?" I asked him
   "Yeah... hey, don't you still take guitar?"
   "HA! Like I can! Even if I tried now I'd probably fail." I replied, "It's been so long since I've touched my guitar. It's still new, though. I also have a keyboard, rather than a grand piano. I don't know why. I think Gene was interested at one point." I commented.
   "Garroth, I have a question." Laurence asked him.
   "Remember Dante and I's project in 10th grade? Where we had backtracks to Our Song?"
   "Yeah! That was in Performing Arts, right?"
   "Do you know synth?"
   "Well I mean, I know the song... and I know the chords."
   "Dante, we need to film this."
   "What, why?"
   "BECAUSE! I think it would be cool."
   "Um, OK... Let me get my drums." I walked away. What in the world was Laurence... OH WAIT A MINUTE! "YOU MEAN TO START UP THAT OLD VIDEO THING, HUH?"
   "YES! WE HAVE TO!" he smiled, "Then in different things, we can have Cadenza and (F/N) join us."
   "Wait, you mean YouTube?" Garroth asked us, "I remember Zane doing something like that."
   "Why not?" Garroth shrugged, "Sounds fun!"
   "WOO-HOO!" Laurence jumped up and down. "Wait, Garroth, can you sing it?"
   "Yeah, why?"
   "Cause I suck. I'll do background vocals." 
   "OK. That's cool. As soon as we all got the stuff, I started the timer and backtrack, and then I got out my camera. Laurence placed it in front of the instruments, and adjusted it. Then, Garroth pressed the synth. Looks like we were starting.
Italics=Garroth, Bold=Laurence, Underline=Dante, All=All
I don't know why sometimes we seem so apart
Sewn together with a broken heart
I try to see you but it's getting dark

Words keep flowing out I wonder what they mean
You're like a little piece of kerosene
But girl you've always been a friend to me

And I've been too proud sometimes
Chasing fault lines

Oh no
I'm gonna be there always
After the pain has gone away
The feelings are so strong
This can be our song
This can be our song
Oh no

I'll never make you cry again
I'm gonna set things right again
And I won't let 'em go wrong
This can be our song
This can be our song

I don't know if someone else could handle me
I don't know what I'm supposed to be
You're the only one who really sees
You get me

I feel something growing deep inside of me

What I say and what I mean
Always seem to disagree
So help me through this hard time
Change these fault lines

Oh no
I'm gonna be there always
After the pain has gone away
The feelings are so strong
This can be our song
This can be our song
Oh no

I'll never make you cry again
I'm gonna set things right again
And I won't let 'em go wrong
This can be our song
This can be our song


Oh no
I'm gonna be there always
After the pain has gone away
The feelings are so strong

This can be our song
This can be our song

Oh no
I'll never make you cry again
I'm gonna set things right again
And I won't let 'em go wrong
This can be our song
This can be our song

(oh oh)
This can be our song
This can be our song
(oh oh)
This can be our song
This can be our song
Oh no
Oh no
This can be our song
This can be our song
   Laurence ended the video, and we all cheered. We did amazing! We all high-fived, and then we put the instruments away. And while I did seem like the dumb one, I knew something: This chaos was all started because of one person: (F/N). 

Your Point of View:

   "Hey (F/N), I have a question for you." Cadenza sat next to me, "Is it true?"
   "What's true?"
   "You... you didn't have friends?" I looked at Cadenza, and she looked at me with curiosity.
   "Y-Yeah, it's true. I was and always will be anti-social. I'm just not great with people, that's all."
   "Well, I have a hard time with trust." I admitted. I sighed, looking at Cadenza. "It was a long time ago. I used to have this schoolgirl crush on this random person, and then it spread, from someone who was once my best friend. Then, no one talked to me, and I had to accept that. So, when I went to Middle School, I thought things could change. That I could start fresh. Little did I know, the same things from Elementary would be used as blackmail against me in the future. For Middle School, I was just that girl that sat in the back of the class, who would fear partner work, knowing she would be applied all this work. Then, high school came along. I moved, but had a hard time adjusting. I had gotten used to shutting out people, that it naturally happened. I shut out everyone. Then, I got here, and I realized, I wasn't going to live a fulfilled life if I didn't have friends. My first day at the Academy I met Garroth in the morning, and then that led to meeting Laurence, then you, and then Dante."
   "Aw, I'm sorry."
   "Hey! It was in the past! It's not a big deal." I shrugged.
   "But, the real question is, do you like Garroth, or Laurence?"
   "Come on! Now that we're alone, we can talk about boys. But I need to know, would you prefer Garroth, or Laurence?"
   "What's that supposed to mean? I'm not really interested in a relationship."
   "But they are! Have you seen it, (F/N)? I mean, Garroth has taken you to a cafe, and even helps you frequently, Laurence took you out for dinner, and gave you a flower at the Festival after singing a beautiful song. Garroth made a slideshow in Math that had photos of you everywhere, and then he invited you to the movies!" Cadenza took a long breath, "Want me to continue?"
   "I'm sorry. I'm not used to people." I mumbled.
   "I'm just saying, they might to be more than friends with you. Heck, even DANTE saw this. He was the one who mentioned it to me!"
   "But, I'm not ready to... date."
   "I think you should start at least looking into it. I mean, they're incredibly kind guys. I think you should start getting to know them more as individuals. Give them a chance, (F/N)."
   "I-I don't know, Cadenza." I looked down, "I mean, they're nice. They're extremely nice, generous, and sweet, but I don't know yet."
   "You've definitely got yourself in a situation, don't you?"
   "I didn't mean for that to happen! I just... I'm just a bit shocked. I mean, I'm probably blind! Aw man! I feel terrible!"
   "Hey! It's not your fault. You're still a rookie. It's cool!" 
   "Rookie? What's that supposed to mean?"
   "Have you had your first kiss?"
   "No." I blushed, looking down.
   "So, my brother could potentially steal your first kiss." she winked. I turned tomato red.
   "Or... Garroth could, perhaps?"
   "H-he wouldn't... right?" I looked at her.
   "That's why you've got to give them a chance." she looked at me, hopeful. "I mean, they're not bad. You've scored, (F/N). If I were in your position, I could only imagine."
   "So, you wouldn't be freaked out if I just randomly started dating your brother?" I looked at her. She blushed, and then smiled,
   "Well, not really. At least I know you're nice, and sweet. Laurence needs someone like that."
   "I'll tell you what. I'll experiment with you for the rest of the year. I really want to venture out. You've barely moved from your comfort zone, and all of us can see it.
   "O-OK... but if something happens it's your fault."
   "Fine, fine... whatever! Now, have you heard?"
   "Heard what?"
   "Alexis said that Council is thinking about doing a social."
   "I think she said something in the beginning of my time at the Academy. She has a crush on Levin, I'm pretty sure."
   "She sure does. She was at the football game with your parents and I. She could only cheer Levin's name! It's so adorable, really! But, she really wants the Council to do it. I think it's supposed to be formal, and gives all grades a chance to celebrate, too."
   "It sounds like fun!"
   "I can only imagine!"

Garroth's Point of View:

   "GARROTH!" Laurence snapped his fingers in front of my head, "Geez! You're zoning out! Is everything alright?"
   "I mean, yeah, I'm just a little nervous, that's all."
   "Why is that?" Dante asked me. The two of them sat next to me.
   "Well, I found out my dad's and stepmother's wedding is in less time than Battle of the Bands."
   "Oh, really?" Dante questioned, a bit worried.
   "Yeah. I mean, it's great and all to see him happy, but I feel like this is all too soon. And... my dad wants me to take a date for it."
   "Well, yeah. But, why? I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure he meant (F/N). He looked specifically at my football jersey when telling me."
   "That's tough." Laurence sighed, "Your dad sounds strict."
   "He is. Fortunately it's my senior year. As soon as I'm done, I can move out and start on my own, starting with college."
   "That's true." Dante commented, "But, why (F/N)? I mean, you did seem pretty shocked when he went up to her."
   "Shocked? More like scared. I had never seen anything like that before, especially with someone as different as my father. I mean, it was strange for me. My father never compliments. Even when I got a 4.0 in my GPA, he grunted, as if it were nothing. He's never been satisfied, never been so... calm about things, I guess. He's never complimented, he only adds on."
   "I see... that's interesting." Dante commented, "But, it doesn't seem like the worst things ever. At least you would have a friend with you."
   "Yeah... that's true, I guess. I just feel pretty bad about it. I mean, as soon as some of the worst things happen, it's like I've met someone I can say I care about, and now I act like a weakling in front of her, too."
   "Do you like (F/N)?" Laurence asked me.
   "Do you... like (F/N)?" Laurence said it slower. Dante chuckled at his humor.
   "Like, as a friend?"
   "Are you acting stupid on purpose? I mean like a potential lover, lover boy."
   "W-WHAT?" I blushed, "Well... I mean..."
   "Because if you don't, then I will gladly take my chances." Laurence smiled. Wait a minute...
   "You like (F/N)?" I looked at him.
   "Yes, I do. And I am in no condition to say otherwise. I have no purpose to say otherwise, really. I would be lying if I said anything else." he shrugged.
   "I didn't know this, Laurence." Dante looked at him, his voice slightly silenced.
   "My main focus isn't love and relationships... but she makes me think differently."
   "I've never seen this before." Dante chuckled, "You're getting red!"
   "Am not!" Laurence laughed, "But I am serious."
   "I'm sorry Laurence, but I'm going to say otherwise as well. I like, maybe a slight love (F/N)." Garroth fought back.
   "I figure, it took you long enough to admit it out loud." Laurence responded.
   "Speak for yourself!" I protested, "You admitted only seconds before me!"
   "But at least I don't stutter like you do." he smirked. I blushed, and Dante laughed,
   "Look at you two yapping like a bunch of girls over their makeup. You don't stand a chance against me."
   "Wait," Laurence turned to look at Dante,
   "WHAT?" I stood up.
   "You like her too??!" Laurence exclaimed, shocked.
   "Well, unlike you two, I can be really - oh I don't know, COOL about it."
   "You're joking." I mumbled.
   "Yeah, you're right, I am!" Dante laughed, "Y-Y-Your reactions!" he laughed, falling to the floor. "You guys are so gullible! So LOVESTRUCK! *mwah*!" he cackled.
   "YOU!" Laurence tackled him, "I'll show you who's lovestruck! GARROTH GET HIS PHONE!" Laurence tickled him, which made Dante croak. I laughed, as I grabbed his phone.
   "ENTER 4321!" Laurence yelled. I did, and it unlocked his phone. "P-PHOTOS!" I clicked on the camera, and Dante was struggling. Laurence laughed, as Dante gasped for air, trying not to laugh anymore. I scrolled down, before seeing...
   "NICOLE!!!!" I gasped. Laurence laughed, and Dante whipped his arm, Laurence then frowned, getting up.
   "Well, it was fun while it lasted, hehe." Laurence grinned.
   WELL THAT WAS ADORABLE XD That moment when your characters confess something... I thought I could make this cooler XD Little did I know, that wouldn't work. Oops :P But hey! Updates!!! YAYAYAY!!!! But, hopefully this part has made your Monday, and if you haven't entered the contest, you have until the 23rd(it's a writing challenge, and winner gets a cameo in this book), and if you haven't seen my Spotify playlist, it's on my profile! I hope you enjoyed this part, and I'll see you in the next one! Buh-bye! ~Morgan :D

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