Coach Crankypants
Things to Look Out For:
(F/N) - First Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(H/C) - Hair Color
(E/C) - Eye Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
As the book goes on, I will update the list/guide!
OK, some of you have messaged me asking why I don't add cuss words in my stories. First off, they're unnecessary. I mean, you don't need to say that specific word for a sentence. There are synonyms out there people! Next, I know that some of my readers are younger, therefore I would like to keep my Aphmau stories appropriate, so that they can enjoy it too! And, my nieces also likes Minecraft Diaries, and they're 3 and 6, so I want to be able to read this to them without having to worry about cussing. Also, to whoever copies my books, I don't know who you are, but please stop. This is my work, and you need to ask for permission first before using my work. Thank you, and now... time for the part!
Your Point of View:
Practice wasn't much longer after the team's break was over. The coach blew his last whistle, which he decided he would start using for some random reason. The whistle was ear-piercing, and I literally had to put in my earbuds to block out the noise. The boys took off their football pads, and Laurence packed up everything in a matter of 1-2 minutes.
"Thanks for coming with me to practice, (F/N)!"
"Sure Alexis! I'll see you in class tomorrow!"
"See ya!" she walked away with Levin, and I turned around, to see Laurence heading over to me. I packed up my things, and put them in my bag. He looked frustrated, which I couldn't blame him. The team started slacking off towards the end of practice, which resulted in all of them having to do 2 laps around the field.
"Hey (F/N). Running sucks."
"Yeah, but you're not bad at it."
"Heh, guess you're right. But seriously Zane is a pain in the butt. Guess that's something Garroth and I have in common." he chuckled, "Anyways, are you going to talk to Coach about the coaching thing?"
"Yeah, I am."
"Great! You know what, why don't I just come with you?"
"OK!" I smiled. We walked over to Coach Logan, who was furiously writing down notes on a clipboard.
"Laurence, I need your help. Look, this play isn't right. Zane wrote it down wrong again!" he groaned.
"Here, (F/N), what do you think needs to happen?" Laurence winked at me, and gave me the sheet. Wait a minute... he was trying to help me... AW! I looked at the paper, and saw Dante's number running in the wrong direction. Everyone was on the left!
"You need to put Number 5 on the right." I looked at Coach Logan.
"Why is that, (F/N)?" he asked me in a mocking tone.
"Look, you have all your guys on the left. Number 5 is most likely your best running-back. I recommend having him start in the middle, doing a 5 yard rush to the left, and then zooming over to the right, so that he can catch the football. It distracts the other team, and then Laurence has an open guy to throw to." Laurence smirked, and Coach's eyes were wide open.
"OK..." Coach tried to think of something to say. Then, he cleared his throat, "Look, be here tomorrow at practice. We'll test your... adjustments. Although, it's definitely risky."
"It's better than the original play." I stated, defending my position.
"I'm not sure you thought of that yourself. You're a girl, and girls aren't suppose to know about the sport of football. They're supposed to be cheerleaders." Coach mumbled.
"Excuse me?" I started, "If you think that I am not capable of being an assistant coach, just because I'm a girl, you're wrong. I am also offended, Coach. I thought you knew better than to bring down a student."
"Ooh..." Laurence snickered.
"Whatever. Just be here tomorrow." Logan looked away.
"I will be. Can't wait to see your face when I prove you wrong." I walked away, and left Coach Logan there. Laurence followed me, and as soon as we were out of Coach's sight, we high-fived.
"That... was... EPIC!" Laurence snickered. I looked around for my car, before realizing... I went with Garroth this morning! (F/N) you're so stupid!
"I totally forgot I carpooled with someone this morning... and they're not here..."
"(F/N), I'll drop you off at your house." Laurence said in an obvious tone.
"Yeah! Besides, it's no problem!"
"Thank you so much, Laurence. I really appreciate it." I smiled. He walked me to his car, and he opened the passenger door for me. The car was surprisingly tidied up, and his closed the door for me. I buckled in, as he hopped into the driver's seat. He started the car, and I told him the directions to my house. The ride was a bit awkward, to be honest. I mean, I had just met Laurence! But, we got to my house, and I got out of the car. "Again, thank you so much, Laurence." I smiled.
"No problem. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Bye." I waved. He drove off, and I walked up to the door, and walked into the house. I sighed, as I set my bag down. I had tons of homework, and so little time to do it.
~~Time Skip~~
It was 8:15... I spent 3 hours straight on homework. I also completely forgot that my mom had gotten a job, so I was running on an empty stomach. Well, if I was gonna eat something, it'd have to be something light. I looked in the fridge, and there was leftover (F/M). Perhaps I would eat that. I grabbed, heated it up, and ate it. By the time I was finished, it was 8:30, so I quickly got ready for bed, set my alarm, and fell asleep.
~~Another Time Skip... otherwise me just being lazy XD~~
I woke up at the sound of my alarm, and quickly got up. Why did I feel so... energized? I looked at the time. It was 6:00, but I didn't feel so... tired. Interesting. I quickly got dressed in my uniform, brushed my hair, and put on mascara and lip balm. I put on a pair of white socks, and a pair of black flats. Honestly, this uniform made me look like I was 12. I walked downstairs, and found a note on the counter.
"Hey honey. I'm at work by the time you're reading this. I didn't make breakfast, since I was running a bit late, so you need to make breakfast. Also, we're in need of a couple groceries. I left 20 bucks for milk, turkey, apples, and if you want to get something, you can :) I'll see you later! ~Mom!"
I smiled at the note, and grabbed a box of cereal. I poured it in along with milk... looks like we did need milk... and ate it. I poured a glass of orange juice, and drank that along with the cereal. I brushed my teeth, and grabbed my bag and keys, and walked out the door. I hopped into my car, and drove to the school. Unfortunately, I was caught up in traffic. Oh, how I hated traffic. I had made it to the school, and went to my locker. I opened up my locker, and grabbed my Science stuff.
"Hey (F/N)!" I heard a familiar voice. I turned around to see Garroth.
"Hey Garroth!" I smiled, closing my locker.
"U-Um... can I talk to you?" he asked me.
"Of course you can, Garroth." I answered, facing him.
"C-Can we do it in private?"
"Yeah." he walked us out to the courtyard, and sat under a tree. "Garroth... is something going on...?" That was when he started looking down. I noticed a tear roll down his face. "G-Garroth!" I gasped. I hugged him, and tried to calm him down.
"I'm sorry..."
"No! You shouldn't be saying sorry at all."
"Can I trust you?" he asked me.
"Of course you can trust me. You're really the only person whose excepted me."
"Well... I got an email today... and it's kind of a crappy email." he handed me a phone, and I looked at it. My eyes widened at the sight.
Dear Mr. Garroth,
We hate to be the source of bad news... but there is a family crisis. You see, your mother and father were at work today, and then a group of criminals had successfully sneaked into the perimeter. The criminals had hacked into the logging system, using your mother's... identity. Later this morning, we found your mother... had passed. We trust that you can enclose this information to your brother, Zane.
We wish you good luck, O'khasis and Company
~~End of Email~~
"Garroth..." he got teared up, and I hugged him. He hugged me back, and I could feel a tear land on my shoulder. "I am so sorry."
"It wasn't your fault... besides, there's nothing I can do now. I'm in school, and my dad called me saying I can't discuss this with anyone."
"I see... this is obviously an important issue. I promise I will keep this protected. Are you going to be OK, Garroth?" I asked him.
"Y-Yeah, I just need some... time."
"I completely understand." the bell rang, and we walked into Science class. I could see Garroth slightly shaking. I whispered to him, "It's going to be fine. Think about something you like. If it gets to be too much, pull me out, and talk, OK?"
"OK. Thank you, (F/N)." he sat down in his seat, and I sat down next to Alexis.
"OK class, today will simply be another work day, meaning I'll be leaving you all alone, unless you have questions, or are completed with your project. So, get to work."
"Hey, (F/N)... are you going to football practice after-school?"
"Yeah. I'm going to test a play..."
"Interesting. Also, did you know that Student Council wants to throw a school-social early?"
"Yeah! I'm in it, and we all thought it was a good idea. I think they want it to be Prom."
"But, I thought that was at the end of a school year..."
"It is! It's just... wait a minute. You're a Senior, have you been to a Prom?" she asked me.
"I didn't think it was important. Plus, it was only open to Juniors and Seniors. I didn't have a date, nor did I have friends, so I didn't go."
"Aw, that's terrible! Principal Aphmau wants it to be open to all the grades this year, including Freshmen!" she squealed.
"Thanks for the news. Anyways, we were on the color blue..." School in general was long, and seeing Garroth upset made it longer. He was practically my first friend, and a friend... well, shouldn't be upset. However, school ended, and I headed towards the field. Alexis was next to me, and the guys were already on the field.
"Huh, didn't think you would show up." Coach Logan walked up to me.
"I'm not one to plan, and then ditch." I replied.
"Very well. As soon as the boys are done with warm-ups, then we can test your so-called play." he rolled his eyes. I sighed, and watched as the boys did warm-ups. Soon, they were done with warm-ups, and Logan called them all over.
"OK, boys... we're trying a new offense play. So, my offense, line up. Defense for scrimmage, get in position #7." the boys ran into positions, and Coach walked up to the offense. I stood there, awkwardly, on the sideline. Then, Laurence nodded. Coach walked back next to me, and then he blew the whistle.
"Down..." Laurence yelled, "Set, HIKE!" he faked it to Brian, then everyone was on the left. Soon, he threw it to Dante, and Dante ran.
"GO DANTE!" I yell, "RUN FASTER!" Dante had made to the touchdown line, and I cheered. "IT WORKED!" Coach Logan's eyes were widened, as the offense cheered. Laurence ran up to me and hugged me.
"Awesome idea!" he chuckled. He ran up to Dante, and they high-fived.
"Well, I am very sorry for doubting you, (F/N). You know what? Welcome to the team!"
WOO-HOO! :D I updated!
First off, I am SO sorry for the lack of updates! I've been extremely busy with school... stupid school... BUT, I'm back! Sorry this chapter was a bit all over the place... it's still the beginning of the book, and yes, it's gonna be shorter than My Hero. Sorry there... BUT, it's because I want to work on My Hero's Sequel. So, don't expect updates like that book... I'll update this maybe once or twice a week... which is still a bunch for a girl in school :P I will say, I have Friday off, so perhaps I'll update this Saturday as well, since I'll have time to write! Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this part, and I'll see you in the next one! Ciao!! ~Morgan :D
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