Battle of the Bands (Part 2)
Things to Look Out For:
(F/N) - First Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(H/C) - Hair Color
(E/C) - Eye Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(F/M) - Favorite Meal
(F/D) - Favorite Drink
(F/F) - Favorite Food
(F/MV) - Favorite Movie
(M/N) - Mother's Name
(FA/N) - Father's Name
(F/B) - Favorite Book
As the book goes on, I will update the list/guide!
And the moment you've been waiting for... BATTLE OF THE BANDS PART 2!! Well... maybe you've been waiting idk XD But, let's get to the part now, WHEE!!! Also just a note... this is longer than normal chapters... so if you like long things, then *yay*!!!! LIKE, MUCH LONGER XD
Your Point of View:
Checking into the hotel took forever. But eventually we got our room keys, and apparently Principal Aphmau had given us 3 rooms for each band. One was for the adult that was supervising us. That gave us a perfect set, and then we split up. Cadenza and I got one room, and the guys got the other... leaving Hayden with the supervisor's room. My mom planned on going back home with my dad. Cadenza and I walked into our room, and we instantly fell in love. The beds were made with white sheets and gold pillows, and we had a huge dresser, and desk, and a chair with cushions. The bathroom was really nice. It was big, and the shower and toilet were separated from the sink and mirror. We would only be staying one night, but I already thought it was going to be great. We set our bags down, and Cadenza being the girl that she is, had this HUGE bag, while I only had PJs, an outfit for the next day, and then some makeup, and things I would normally use in the morning.
"This is such a lovely room!" Cadenza squealed, "I am so excited! When does Battle of the Bands start?"
"Not until later I don't think. We eat dinner at 5:00 in our rooms, and then we head on out. Our meal's already taken care of, so I think we stay in our rooms for that. I'm sure they did that since they wouldn't want drama before the actual show." I replied.
"Cool. OH MY GOSH," Cadenza started, "IT'S 4:30 ALREADY."
"No way." I looked at her phone, "Huh, guess it is. Which reminds me, what are we going to get?" then, we heard a knock on the door. I answered it, and it was an employee.
"Hello there, I'm here to take your order. I assume you both are part of the Battle of the Bands competition?"
"Yes." Cadenza replied.
"Great, then here is your menu. Because your supervisor or facility already paid for your meal, you can pick anything from that menu."
"I'll have (F/M)." you replied, giving Cadenza the menu.
"I'll take a BLT with fries." she gave a menu back to the employee.
"Great, thank you girls." they had closed the door, and Cadenza took the bed next to the window. I sat on my bed, and asked Cadenza,
"Are you as anxious as I am?"
"I'm really nervous. But I know we're going to do just fine if we just keep our confidence and work it out there."
"Yeah... I mean, it's really nerve-wracking, being out there. I was having a freak-out mentally just for the school... but this, you said 100,000. That'a a lot more."
"While it might be more people, nothing else changes. We're still the same group, still singing a song, and still looking highly-fashionable while doing so."
"Heh, I guess you're right." I giggled.
"Of course I am." she smirked. I laughed, and she smiled. We heard another knock on the door, and it was my mom.
"I get to stay with you guys for now. I brought food for myself." she smirked. Of course she did. "So, how are you guys feeling?"
"Nervous, but excited." I replied.
"Me too, to be honest." Cadenza sighed, "All of this is just becoming a blur, you know?"
"Yeah, but as soon as the time comes, it's going to take so long for all those other bands. Do you know how long until I see you? Almost 4 hours."
"4... HOURS?" Cadenza exclaimed, "Oh my goodness."
"Yeah, but they want us to go down there at 6, for a brief talk, then you guys wait in the lobbies and in the different meeting rooms until your room is called. When your room is called, your bands are taken backstage. Luckily, you share a room with the other bands from the Academy, plus a couple others." she explained. "I go in the audience with all the parents... The Phoenix Drop reserved around maybe 9-10 seats just in the audience. We got great seats too, and your Principal is going to be here too, so is the Band teacher and the Drama and Music teachers. We got great seats too. We're at the front in the second level, so I think Vylad is it and the Art teacher made some words and a poster to tape to the banister! You'll be able to see us almost instantly!"
"Haha! Good to know!" Cadenza laughed. "And yes, it's Vylad."
"Good, I hate messing up names!" she commented. "But yeah, I have to wait until around 10:00 just to see you guys, and then they have 30 minutes to judge, and then at around 11:00 they announce the winners, before they give the winners information about a land battle."
"A land battle?"
"Yep. Basically every city, every town that tried for their first Battle of the Bands, and won, go the land battle, then the Top 3 that win land go to National."
"Whoa." Cadenza gasped.
"Right? So cool!" we heard a knock on the door, and it was our food. The employee left, and my mom got out her food. She had brought a sandwich, chips, and a bunch of other things.
"So, this is just the beginning of a huge thing?" Cadenza asked us.
"I guess." I replied.
"Oh, and the public gets to pick a band they want to be in the Land Battle."
"The public?"
"Yep, this thing's gonna be broad-casted on a streaming site. I think your school's doing an after-school thing to support the bands in Battle of the Bands. Almost everyone went."
"Wow..." I took a bite of my (F/M), and put it in my mouth. It was really good! We all ate, and by the time I was full, it was around 5:40 something. We got up, and then the guys had knocked on our door. I answered it, and Dante was at the door.
"Hey, are you guys ready?" he asked us.
"Yeah, we're ready." I answered. Cadenza, my mom and I walked out, and all the guys were already out, including Hayden.
"Let's go!" Laurence jumped around. As I walked behind them, I got a good look of what everyone was wearing. Dante had on a simple red t-shirt, black jeans, and gray shoes. His wrist had a watch and a bracelet of The Phoenix Drop. His hair was slightly styled, and a little bit left for added style. Garroth was wearing a medium blue button up t-shirt, jeans, and black tennis shoes. His hair was spiked up in the front, and he had on a blue watch, similar to Dante's and a bracelet as well. Laurence's hair was a bit ruffled around, which made him look kind of cool, and he wore a black and white striped zip-up jacket, a dark green t-shirt, and black jeans. He also had a pair of gray Vans. He had a green watch like the other guys, and a bracelet of The Phoenix Drop. I guess everyone wore one! We found ourselves in the lobby, where all 86 bands were.
"HELLO BANDS!" a girl spoke from a mic, "My name is May, and I'm one of your judges, so you might want to listen up." everyone quieted down, before she continued, "Anyways! My name is Ms. May Hemsley, and I would like ALL of you to pay attention. So, what we're going to have you do is separate into different rooms. There are 2 main hallways, so the 86 bands will be split up into sets of 43. Inside of each hall are 6 rooms. So, most of you will be sharing a room with 6 other bands including your own, and a hallway on the left will have 8 bands in one. Do not fret, as the rooms are MASSIVE, so you'll have tons of space. The closer you get to performing, the closer you move towards the stage. So, one the left hallway, will be Bands from 1 to 43, in the right will be Bands 44 to 86. There will be signs on the doors, to let you know what room your band is specifically in. We will even have your band name written on the sign. I wish you all good luck, and I'll see you from the stage!" Ms. Hemsley left, and then the gang and I walked towards the right hallway. We saw our name on the left, so we walked into a HUGE room. They weren't kidding when they said massive. We picked a corner of the room, and put all our things there. We even got 2 outlets to use, as some of us brought our chargers in case. We also brought snacks, our devices like phones and laptops, and we brought the games my mom had carried along. We watched as some other bands walked in. We saw Our Mod Mod World come in, and they sat in an area beside us. Then, the shadows knights came in, and sat in the corner next to ours. Aphmau's Academy had a whole wall claimed. I found that funny. Then, some other bands came in, and sat around the room.
~~Time Skip~~
"Hey!" Cadenza groaned, "Aw! My phone just died."
"I knew it." Dante laughed.
"I was getting bored of my game anyways." Laurence shrugged, "Say, should we play Apples to Apples?" he asked us. I looked at the time, and it was 8:30.
"Yeah, I could." I replied.
"Me too." Garroth smiled.
"Did you guys say Apples to Apples?" a girl asked from behind us, we turned around, and a girl with a dinosaur beanie looked at us curiously.
"Yeah! Megan, right?" Dante asked her.
"Uh-huh! Can... can I join you guys? It's just I LOVE that game."
"Of course! In fact, all of you guys can join if you want." I offered.
"I don't think Polly would want to, since she likes hanging around Sasha. But, I can ask everyone else in the band."
"Cool!" Cadenza flashed a smile. We were all sitting in a circle. The Phoenix Drop was playing, and so was 5/6 of My Mod Mod World. I recognized Marsh and Reese from football, and Tommy from Science class, and Laila... from my first day.
"Normally you would hang out with Sasha and Polly, Laila." Reese exclaimed.
"Yeah, but I can't turn down a game of Apples to Apples. Plus, all they've been talking about is girly stuff." she shrugged. We started the game, and Tommy was the first judge.
"Hmm... the word is Spooky!" he smiled, setting the first Green Card down.
~~Another Time Skip~~
"And there they are!" someone stepped in, "OK, now you guys are up for backstage... I can pull 3 bands. WAIT DANNY WHO JUST WENT?" she yelled over.
"BAND 75!" the man named Danny yelled back.
"Ok!" she giggled, "So, I need 76, 77, and 78 to come with me. Pack up all your things, cause we lock the room right after all of you leave."
"Aw!" Laurence groaned, "But I was winning!"
"Aw! We were tied!" Laila laughed, smirking, "BAM. 10 cards. WHAT UP?"
"Dang it!" Laurence laughed as well. We all picked up our things, and walked out. Hayden was there with two moving guys. They were going to prepare our instruments. There was all our instruments, and I sighed. I got even more nervous.
"OK, so first after this band is My Mod Mod World. Then, it's The Shadow Knights, and then it's the Phoenix Drop. So, My Mod Mod World, you're going to follow Danny, and then the other two bands, you're going to follow me to the backstage seating. Because we were late in scheduling, they had to go really soon. Fortunately, you guys have some time to relax! We saw chairs, and people were giving signs. The Shadow Knights sat in front of us, while we sat behind them. I was seated behind Sasha and Zenix. As we watched people set up instruments, I could feel my heart drop. I was placed in between Garroth and Laurence, and I gulped. I took my water bottle, and took a sip out of it. I sighed, closing the bottle, and putting it back. I could feel my legs shaking, I was so nervous. My Mod Mod World had just finished their song, and I was still shaking. The Shadow Knights got up, and then we moved up. I continued shaking, and it was definitely more visible, thanks to the stage lighting.
"(F/N), are you OK?" Garroth asked me, whispering.
"J-J-Just nervous..." I shook. "T-That's all."
"Hey," Laurence put a hand on my shoulder, "We're going to be just fine. We're going to go out there and rock it, like we always do. It may not be a full on rock song, but it's our song."
"Y-Yeah." I looked down.
"Hey, don't be so afraid." Garroth assured me, "We're going to be OK. We've gotten so close, and this is something we can all remember together. We're going to do amazing.
"Exactly. We're all here for you, (F/N). We're all here." Laurence smiled. We all hugged, and Cadenza and Dante joined us. I hugged them back, and then the same lady called us up. We stood up, and went around the stage. We saw the curtain close, and they set up our instruments. Dante was almost instantly placed, and Cadenza and Laurence were near the edges, but not too far. Garroth's keyboard was placed closer to the center, and my mic was placed just left of center stage. Someone gave me my shaker, and then everyone's mics were adjusted. Laurence and Cadenza got their instruments, and they were tuning them. I could hear the announcer.
"Up next is a band who recently got together this year. As their supervisor descries them, they are a group of 5 who light up every room they walk in. They are almost like glue, unable to take apart. I am proud to introduce our next band, The Phoenix Drop!" The curtains unfolded, and I could see the words, the Phoenix Drop. I smiled, and sighed. I looked back at everyone, and they smiled. I looked back, and put my hands on the microphone. Everyone gave the cue to Garroth, and he started,
~~Italic=You, Bold=Garroth, Both=Both
"Hey, I hear the voice of a preacher from the back room
Calling my name and I follow just to find you
I trace the faith to a broken down television and put on the weather
And I've trained myself to give up on the past 'cause
I frozen time between hearses and caskets
Lost control when I panicked at the acid test
I wanna get better."
"While my friends were getting high and chasing girls down parkway lines
I was losing my mind 'cause the love, the love, the love, the love, the love
That I gave wasted on a nice face
In a blaze of fear I put a helmet on a helmet
Counting seconds through the night and got carried away
So now I'm standing on the overpass screaming at the cars,
"Hey, I wanna get better!"
"I didn't know I was lonely 'til I saw your face,"
"I wanna get better, better, better, better,
I wanna get better,"
"I didn't know I was broken 'til I wanted to change!"
"I wanna get better, better, better, better,
I wanna get better!"
"I go up to my room and there's girls on the ceiling
Cut out their pictures and I chase that feeling
Of an eighteen year old who didn't know what loss was
Now I'm a stranger,"
"And I miss the days of a life still permanent
Mourn the years before I got carried away
So now I'm staring at the interstate screaming at myself,
Hey, I wanna get better!"
"I didn't know I was lonely 'til I saw your face,"
"I wanna get better, better, better, better,
I wanna get better."
"I didn't know I was broken 'til I wanted to change!"
"I wanna get better, better, better, better,
I wanna get better,"
"Cause I'm sleeping in the back of a taxi
I'm screaming from my bedroom window
Even if its gonna kill me,"
"Woke up this morning early before my family
From this dream where she was trying to show me
How a life can move from the darkness
She said to get better,"
"So I put a bullet where I shoulda put a helmet
And I crash my car cause I wanna get carried away
That's why I'm standing on the overpass screaming at myself,
Hey, I wanna get better!
I wanna get better
I wanna get better, better, better, better!"
"I didn't know I was lonely 'til I saw your face,"
"I wanna get better, better, better, better,
I wanna get better,"
"I didn't know I was broken 'til I wanted to change!"
"I wanna get better, better, better, better,
I wanna get better!"
The audience stood up and roared out an applause, and I couldn't help but smile. I instantly looked back at the group, and they all got up, and we all hugged. Everyone cheered and whooped, and then we all bowed. I could see our families above, jumping around and holding posters. We stepped back, and thanked everyone as the curtain closed. I felt like a champion, going out there and performing. My heart was racing, and I loved every second of it. We walked off stage, and Cadenza and I start jumping around.
"We... we just did that." I sighed, "We actually did that."
"We rocked it! Did you see the standing ovation! Ah!" Cadenza squealed.
"Wow... that was a rush." Laurence laughed, "We did it!"
"I am s-s-still shaking l-like crazy t-t-though." Garroth stuttered. We all hugged, and then Hayden came over.
"You guys... YOU GUYS ROCKED IT!" he laughed, "Ha ha! I cannot believe you pulled that one off! You should've seen Ms. May Hemsley. SHE WAS SCREAMING IN HER ARMS, she was so wowed. Fortunately you guys don't have to sit through too much, so they'll be announcing the winners real soon."
"OK!" Dante replied. I think all of us were still in awe. Like Hayden had said, the competition did end, and the Top Ten bands were called.
"Alright!" Ms. Hemsley walked on stage, "Hello audience, thank you for sticking around for the last 4 hours, that was fun, right?" everyone cheered, and she laughed, "But now, I GET TO ANNOUNCE THE WINNERS, WOO-HOO!" she pulled out a card, "This very card has the Top 10 bands, so yeah!" we listened in agony, before we heard My Mod Mod World, and then The Phoenix Drop! We stepped out, and we all stood there, hand in hand. "Congrats to these bands!" I could see Garroth trembling a bit. I realized, the Shadow Knights were never called up. I took his hand, and assured him. He relaxed a bit, and we all continued to stand there.
"OK, here are the Top 5! We have, Fangirl Frenzy, Mysterious Melody, The Phoenix Drop, The Heart's Beat, and Sky and the Gamers!" (You expected that one, come on!) I looked back, and I saw Laila sigh. I gave her a side hug, and she smiled.
"Thanks." she whispered.
"You rocked it." I winked. They left, and then we spread out.
"OK, so now it's the Top 3. In 3rd place, we had Fangirl Frenzy!" the girls over there squealed, and collected their trophies. "Wow! Lots of squealing!" everyone in the audience laughed, and then she continued, "In 2nd, we have Sky and the Gamers." it was the same school from football. They collected their prize, and stood to the side.
"Alright, and in 1st, and the Band that will be advancing to the Land Battle in the summer, is The Phoenix Drop!" I jumped around, and hugged everyone. Confetti fell, and we all jumped around. We collected our prize, before I had a microphone in front of my face. "So, how does 1st place feel?" she asked me.
"Honestly, this is by far the coolest thing I've ever done. These guys are just so supportive, and they are so fun to be around. Practicing was a blast, and just doing this with them is absolutely amazing. Thank you, thank you so much." I smiled, before tears fell down. They were of happiness, mind you. I could see my mom squealing, and everyone back there standing up and whooping. We all walked off the stage, and we were placed in a room. I guess we were going to be interviewed... we all went into that room, and hugged.
"We won!" Cadenza sobbed, "We actually won!" I wouldn't let my tears fall down, but my eyes were definitely watering. Before we knew it, our families were let in, and they all bombarded us with hugs.
"You guys!" Marie squealed, "I'm so proud!"
"You all crushed it out there." Ms. Musa high-fived us. Then, reporters were let in. They took our families, and everyone was fighting over all of us, eventually, I saw a girl in the crowd with a camera and mic, and I walked over to her. This was going to take a while... wasn't it?
Yeah, nothing to say here. If I ramble on, that's gonna be another 100 words XD Welp, I hope you all enjoyed this part, and I'll see you in the next one! Buh-bye! ~Morgan :D
"Oh wait! I do have something!" There's a contest in the Contests and Challenges book! If you liked the prank... check it out ;)
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