Battle of the Bands: Auditions
Things to Look Out For:
(F/N) - First Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(H/C) - Hair Color
(E/C) - Eye Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(F/M) - Favorite Meal
(F/D) - Favorite Drink
(F/F) - Favorite Food
(F/MV) - Favorite Movie
(M/N) - Mother's Name
(FA/N) - Father's Name
(F/B) - Favorite Book
As the book goes on, I will update the list/guide!
And... now the moment some of you have been waiting for... Battle of the Band (Auditions). Although, I decided to add a bit of the twist to this audition... so let's see if you can find it! ALSO, 2 PARTS IN ONE DAY? I guess you could call this a celebration for 900 Music Notes, and an early Christmas present! Thank you all so much for clicking that follow button, it really does mean a lot! Let's go to the part, shall we?
Your Point of View:
Boy, did anxiety hit me like a weather storm. My foot was tapping the floor at record speed, and my legs were shaking. It was the day of auditions for Battle of the Bands, and I was freaking out. Garroth was in the bathroom... he wasn't speaking. Laurence and Dante were sweating from nervousness, and Cadenza... she seemed fine... but Laurence told me this morning she was mentally going insane. We were in 6th Period, and all of us were lip-syncing at this point. Garroth came back, and sat down. The bell of announcements rang, and my throat ran dry.
"Attention all students auditioning for Battle of the Bands, we would like all of you to meet in the gym. Thank you." We all got up, and walked out.
"Is everyone ready?" Dante asked us, looking ahead.
"I guess." Laurence answered, "I don't know about you guys, but I'm nervous."
"I'm nervous too." Cadenza shuddered, sighing, "We all know the song, right?" I looked back at Garroth, and he was looking down. I pulled him aside, and gave Cadenza a hand-motion. She nodded, and walked with the others.
"Garroth, you haven't spoken all day." I looked at him concerned. He looked extremely pale, and was shaking when I touched him. "Are you OK?"
"I-I... I can't sing." his voice croaked. I gasped, and he sighed.
"What? Oh no! How?"
"I don't know..." he whispered. He lost his voice!
"Garroth! Why didn't you say anything earlier?"
"Because... it s-started at lunch. It was fine this morning."
"What... what did you have for lunch?"
"What I normally have. Wait a minute... Zane made my lunch."
"WHAT? What did he put in it?"
"I don't know! But, he must've put something in my lunch." he coughed, and I sighed,
"So it was sibling sabotage."
"Are you sure?"
"P-Positive." he whispered.
"OK, we'll figure something out. Come on, we'll be late." he nodded, and we walked into the gym. I couldn't help but feel terrible. As we walked in, Zane and his band looked at us, before Zane chuckled. I shot him a look, before meeting up with Dante, Laurence and Cadenza.
"Guys... we have a problem." I sighed.
"Huh? What is it?" Laurence asked me, looking very concerned.
"Garroth... he lost his voice due to sabotage by Zane."
"WHAT?" Dante stood up, "But, he has to sing!"
"I can't..." Garroth's voice came out as a hoarse whisper.
"Oh my goodness." Cadenza's eyes widened, "That sounds awful! Oh no! What are we going to do?" we all thought, before I gasped, standing up.
"LAURENCE!" I jumped. Everyone looked up.
"What?" he stood up as well.
"Do you know the part?"
"Do you know the part Garroth's supposed to sing?"
"Well yeah, but I mean, I can't sing it as well..."
"You can sing, Laurence." Garroth whispered. "You did it twice..."
"I mean, I don't want to do that to you, Garroth."
"Do it. I don't care."
"I know the part."
"Will you do it, Laurence?" Dante stood up.
"We're counting on you, Loogy." Cadenza chuckled.
"Fine, OK. I'll do it." he smiled.
"Thank Irene!" I hugged everyone, "We're sure to get in! We just have to keep our spirits up, right? We can do that!"
"Yeah." Garroth whispered.
"Definitely." Dante smiled, "I think we can pull it off. We're here for a reason, and we're all in a band for a reason. I think if we try our hardest... we can make it."
"Attention students." the announcements came on, "Please make your way to the cafeteria stage. There are chairs set up to sit in. All students not participating in Battle of the Bands audition, report to the cafeteria stage." Was there an audience?
"People are going to watch us?!" Cadenza gulped, "Oh dear."
"Hey! We'll be OK!" I tried calming everyone down, "It's just our classmates. Plus, we're really good. We'll be sure to win them over like that!"
"(F/N)'s right. We've been practicing for so long, this song is locked in our heads." Laurence replied. "I say we go out there on that stage, and do our very best."
"Yeah!" Dante shouted. We all laughed, and then everyone went behind stage into the drama room.
"OK kids!" Ms. Musa smiled, "Here are your orders... first up is My Mod Mod World, next is Fire Fists, then it's Fly By 5, then The Phoenix Drop, and last will be the Shadow Knights! So, I want the first band to come set up with me, then I will be announcing each band. The judges are Mr. Sparklez, Ms. Collins, and Ms. Aphmau. Good luck, and use our time to practice, review, or just relax! See you all later!" The gang and I sat down, and we just kind of took 2 minutes to relax. Then, we could hear the first announcement.
"Hello everyone! I am Ms. Musa, and I am the Band teacher! So, welcome to the Academy's Battle of the Bands auditions! You all are here to be our audience, and to help us judge, which 3 bands should be taken to the competition! So, your teachers will be handing out little sheets of paper, which you can write your Top 3 bands. Your votes are going to contributed into the judging process, so be sure to pick your absolute favorites! So, who's ready to rock?" everyone cheered, and then stopped. "Very well then! I am proud to introduce our first band up, My Mod Mod World!" everyone cheered, and I could feel my stomach drop. I was shaking even more than before. Time flew as each band disappeared from the drama room. Then, it our turn. I grabbed my water, and everyone stood up. I took a sip, and we walked on stage. We moved the instruments around, and adjusted the mics. Cadenza and Laurence tuned their instruments, and then we heard the next announcement,
"Alright! What a great group! Next, is a group who all just met this year and in my opinion, are so inseparable! It's my honor to introduce the next band, The Phoenix Drop!" everyone cheered, and the curtain unfolded. I smiled, then looked at everyone. They all gave me confident looks, and I smiled. We were so going to do this.
Italic=You, Underline=Laurence, Both=Both, Both+Bold=All
(Cue the Music! XD)
There's a girl in the backyard bangin' on her drum
Sittin' in a junk pile laughing at the sun
Singin' "ah ha ha, I just wanna be a rockstar"
There's a boy in the backseat singin' to the song
Playin' on the radio, knowing he's the one
Singin' "ah ha ha, I just wanna be a rockstar"
Singin' "ah ha ha, I was born to be a rockstar!"
There's a girl in the tree top looking at the stars
Waiting for a touchdown comin' in from Mars
Thinkin' "is there anybody out there?"
There's a boy thinking of her playin' his guitar
Searching for the answer buried in his heart
Thinkin' "ah, ha ha, is there anybody out there?"
Singin' "ah, ha ha, is there anybody out there"
If there's a meaning can you show me a sign
The more I look it just gets harder to find
The world is spinnin' and I wanna know why
And we're all getting older wishin' we were young
Hangin' on the memory of what we would become
Singin' "ah ha ha, I was born to be a rockstar"
Singin' "ah ha ha, I just wanna be a rockstar"
Singin' "ah ha ha, I was born to be a rockstar!"
If there's a meaning can you show me a sign
The more I look it just gets harder to find
The world is spinnin' and I wanna know why
And maybe we will never figure it out
I got a feelin' that's what life's all about
I'm learning anything is possible now
Take a ticket and get off the line
Take a ticket and get off the line
Take a ticket and get off the line
Take a ticket and get off the line
So take a ticket and get off the line
Take a ticket and get off the line
So take a ticket and get off the line
So take a ticket and get off the line
(Take a ticket and get off the line)
Singin' "ah ha ha, I just wanna be a rockstar" (Take a ticket and get off the line)
(Take a ticket and get off the line)
Singin' "ah ha ha, I was born to be a rockstar!" (Take a ticket and get off the line)
(Take a ticket and get off the line)
Singin' "ah ha ha, I just wanna be a rockstar" (Take a ticket and get off the line)
(Take a ticket and get off the line)
Singin' "ah ha ha, I was born to be a rockstar!"
The audience roared, as everyone whooped, and clapped. We all bowed, and then the curtain closed. We walked off the stage, and we all jumped, hugging.
"We did it!" Dante laughed, "We actually did it!"
"I'm gonna cry!" Cadenza wailed, "We did amazing!"
"Well look at you kids!" Hayden walked up to us.
"Dad!" Cadenza and Laurence hugged him, and he chuckled, "I couldn't miss this. You guys rocked it! But, I have one question, what the heck was Laurence doing singing Garroth's part?"
"Lost my voice." Garroth whispered.
"That makes sense. Your parents gave me permission to take you all out of school to go bowling. So, you all in?"
"Heck yeah!" Dante cheered, "I'm in!"
"Little did you all know, I'm the Bowling Queen! Bow down to me." Cadenza smirked.
"That sounds like a challenge... I'm in!" I smiled.
"Count me in. Anything to leave school!" Laurence laughed. Garroth gave 2 thumbs up, and we all laughed.
"That looked like a yes. Let's go then!" Hayden smiled. "Did all of you carpool?"
"Yeah." Dante replied, "We all took my car."
"Cool. So, I guess you all can divide." the guys decided to go together in Dante's car, and Cadenza and I went with Hayden. The both of us sat in the back, and Hayden drove.
"Cadenza, you rocked it, and (F/N), you crushed it. You both did amazing."
"Thank you Hayden." I smiled.
"Thanks Dad."
"I'm serious. That audience wrote your band's name like that. I am so proud of you guys. Did Garroth seriously lose his voice?"
"Yep. But, at least he could still play piano."
"Yeah, that was a main instrument. Let's just thank Irene that Laurence can sing." Hayden laughed, "Now we know who can be a backup if we need it."
"That's for sure." Cadenza sighed, "But, Garroth's brother did something to him to sabotage his performance."
"What? Really?!" Hayden exclaimed.
"Yeah. He told me Zane was in charge of packing lunches, and Garroth must have gotten something that affected his voice. I wonder what though! I mean, his lunch looked completely normal!"
"It did. I didn't see anything weird about it, at all!" Cadenza commented.
"That's awful! But, I am glad you guys pulled it off. (F/N), have you been to these alleys?"
"No, I don't think so." I answered, shyly.
"You'll love it!" Cadenza cheered, "They have the best food here, and the best service. They're really nice."
"Cadenza competed in competitions before you moved here." Hayden explained.
"Really?" I looked up.
"Uh-huh. I am pretty good." she smirked.
"She is. She beat me!"
"Haha!" I laughed.
"Well, we're here. I'm not sure how good Garroth or Dante is, but I do know, and don't tell Laurence I said this, but he sucks." Hayden snickered. I giggled, and we got out of the car, we all met up in the building, and got a lane. The score was really close, but Cadenza did win... shocker! Dante got second, I got third, Hayden and Garroth tied for 4th, and Laurence got last. Hayden wanted to get a photo of us, so we all stood in front of the lane, and we all smiled, as Hayden took a photo. He sent it to us, and we all decided to do a round of laser tag. Hayden, Dante, and Cadenza were on one team, and Laurence, Garroth and I were on the other.
"You're going down." Hayden stuck his tongue out.
"Not without a fight!" Laurence snickered. We all went into our bases, and then the lights turned off. "OK, Garroth, you go left. I'll take the middle route. (F/N), you go right."
"OK!" we all ran, and I shot Cadenza. She groaned, and Garroth got shot. I shot Dante, and then Hayden shot me.
"Dang it!" I frowned. Hayden laughed, and Laurence shot him.
"Aw!" Hayden sighed.
"HAHA!" Laurence laughed. I was recovered, and then I walked around. I saw Dante once more, and shot him again, in style. He didn't even notice! I hid in a corner, and then got up, only to be knocked over.
"Whoa!" I exclaimed.
"Ah!" Laurence exclaimed. Laurence had fallen right on top of me, and our faces were inches apart. I blushed, as Laurence laughed, getting up. "S-Sorry (F/N)."
"It's fine." I laughed as he helped me up. "Too into the game, huh?"
"Heh, yeah..." then, I dodged a shot, and got Hayden. After a couple more minutes, the lights went back on, and we walked out. The scores were so close, but we won!
"YES!" I high-fived Laurence and Garroth, and we took off the gear.
"That was really fun!" Dante laughed.
"It sure was!" Hayden chuckled, "I like hanging out with you kids. Makes me feel young again. What time is it?"
"Um... it's 4:30." Cadenza looked at her phone.
"Call your parents. We're going out for burgers." we all cheered, and Hayden laughed. Today was so great, I had an awesome feeling about the results!
Yay! And this was kind of amazing! So many awesome moments! And while I might not be able to list them out, I know someone who will *cough cough* PRESLEY *hack* XD she's got the whole chapter summarized in one comment XD so if you read the comments, look for hers, cause they're pretty hilarious lol but yay! Battle of the Bands, and bowling, because I personally adore bowling... I just think it's really fun and I go sometimes with my brother and dad. Then afterwards we might go to Five Guys burgers and fries for food XD But yeah! I guess you all can fan-girl in the comments, and I'll try to respond! But, I hope you all enjoyed this part, and I'll see you in the next one! Buh-bye! ~Morgan :D
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