( Zane X Laurence ) do you remember?
This is my entry for
Here ya go cat mom
( Zane's POV )
I woke up with a start to the sound of glass breaking down stairs, I look over at my alarm clock reading 2:15 in the morning, I groan as I pull my legs over the side of my bed stepping onto the cold floor' I cringed at the feeling before walking towards my door stumbling a bit from tiredness,
I exited my room with ease closing the door behind me, I could hear my brother's loud snores from across the hall you could probably hear it from across the city,
I make my way down the hall and to the steps I start going down each step, one by one creaking the floorboard slightly as I do, I see the refrigerator light shining through the kitchen and a certain brown-haired roommate putting his hand underneath the water that was running and glass clearly all over the floor,
" Laurence?" I asked questioningly
The brown-haired boy looked up suprized but then relaxed again,
" oh hey one eye sorry to wake you, I was just getting a glass of water and I kind of, you know, broke it "
He said apologetically despite his insult,
I sighed as I walked up to him seeing a few small cuts on his hands that were bleeding not too badly but a good enough to make a mess.
" geez Laurence can't you do anything by yourself, Irean you're such a child " I said to him angrily as I moved him to the couch in our living room, I set him down on the couch and went back to the kitchen to grab the medkit that's in one of the cabinets, unfortunately living with two very tall people is a living hell when you're short, especially when trying to get certain things, so I grabbed my stool from beside the island and put it next to the counter while I climb up and grab the medkit I could feel Laurence's eyes burn at me while he Chuckles
" SHUT UP " I snap at him scream whispering so I don't wake up my brother although that would be impossible,
I got off the counter and went back over to the living room with the med kit, I opened it up and took out some gaze as well as some cotton and anti-infection cream and I go to work on Laurence's hand.
" hey Zane " Laurence says his voice dropping a little while I start to wrap his wound
I hum to him in response
" do you remember when we were kids " he asks me as he puts his head down so his hair is now covering his face, I look up at him with a questionable look
" I honestly don't I never remember much about when I was a kid "
I answer him honestly while I finish up wrapping up his wound, Laurence looks at his hand before leaning back against the couch I do the same on the other end
" well I do I remember when we first met I think you were 8 at the time and me and Garoth were 11 I remember how Garroth used to bully you and
Vlad was always stuck to your side like glue " he tells me a smile on his face as he remembers I lean back and close my eyes( eye) trying to remember but all I could do was listen
" I remember we used to play games, we pretend to be knights in shining armor, or robbers trying to steal the world's biggest diamond "
I smiled at the thought of four young children not caring about the harsh things around them and only making up amazing lands and their mind, and then bringing them to life with their imagination.
" I remember there's this one time we had Vlad dressed up as the Golden Goose and we had garroth dressed up like a giant dragon I was supposed to defeat garroth in order to get the Golden Goose that was owned by the princess, which you were pretending to be " he Chuckles slightly and I play kick him
" I remember how the entire thing played out, you and Vlad drew a castle on some cardboard and me and garroth made swords and fake wings we wrapped Vlad in a white towel and strapped piece of paper that was drawn on with orange marker, and made it into a cone and put it on his mouth, and he was squawking the whole time, it was so funny "
A chuckle at the thought of my younger brother doing that sort of an action, that would be something he would do
" then Garroth, we grabbed one of your mother's green Cardigans and put it on him, as well as putting on the fake Wings me and him made, I remember him jumping off the porch thinking he could fly but ending up on his butt he still laughed in the end " I open my eyes to see Laurence with a big smile on his face, while looking up at the ceiling with such a happy look
" and then there was me we put one of your dad's gray suits on me and one of his gray fedoras and called me a night, I would swing around a sword made of cardboard looking dashing of course "
He says exaggeratedly while he flips his hair to the side
" yeah right suuure " I teased him,
Putting my legs on top of his that were on the couch,
" And Then There Was You
You had on one of your mother's pink dresses and these huge high heels that you kept falling out of, we also made you a weird wand, or scepter or whatever you want to call it, you kept waving it around commanding people to do things, it was probably the cutest thing I've ever seen " he Chuckles his face getting a little warm with a little hue of pink dusting his cheeks, while on the other hand my face was nearly a deep shade of tomato red,
I don't know why my face heated up all of a sudden But I ignored it and continue to listen to the story,
" I remember slaying the evil dragon garroth, and bringing back the Golden Goose also known as b
Vlad back to the princess at his cardboard castle "
If you've gotten this far my insta is Stupidcupidpics there you will find my face good job on finding this your a true fan of me which idk why but thanks (fist person to message me on insta gets a drawing done for them)
He says in a over-exaggerated voice
I laugh at the tone of voice he used but then it was silent for a few moments before he continued
" and I remember the princess and the Knight getting married in the end,
Man you used to love me so much, but I really liked you to back, I got you a promise ring well it was plastic but you still loved it " my face was extremely red now he could probably feel the heat radiating off of my face all the way from cross the couch, and I look to the side not wanting to meet his baby blue eyes
" well I don't remember that at all so it never happened "
I said him trying to cover up my embarrassment and flusterment with annoyance,
" Oh but it did I even still have the ring I never let go of it "
He said playingwith his necklace with a dirty looking ring that he never takes off
" then why don't I still have the ring and why do you have it " I said sitting up as his expression got darker, he leaned up and grabbed me so now I was leaning against his chest while he hugs me tightly, my face was so red could put a fire hydrant to shame,
" L-LARENCE " I squeaked but all he did was shush me,
I brought myself to look up at him my eyes widened when I noticed the tears streaming down his face he wouldn't look at me
" Laurence? " I said putting my hand on his cheek wiping away a tear
He finally looked down at me he gave me a warm smile putting me closer to his chest and rubbing circles in my back, I started to feel more drowsy he started to hum a song that sounded familiar but I couldn't quite place my finger on it.
it made me get more and more tired, with each second my eyelids getting heavier, I looked up one more time
" Laurence " I said sleepily before I was seconds away from passing out he placed the gentle kiss on my lips, I didn't fight back I accepted it, I melted into it as I fell asleep on to his chest.
( Laurence POV )
" I remember the day I found this ring on the side of the road where car crash had happened "
I said to a sleeping Zane as more tears came out of my eyes, and I hugged him tighter,
" I remember seeing your limp beat up body underneath one of the cars, while police officers and paramedics took you out from underneath it "
My voice getting more shaky, as I curl up into a ball with Zane safely secure in my arms
" I remember you going into an emergency room, and I remember you being in a coma for 7 months "
My voice was shaky and cracking, I couldn't stop the tears from flowing
" and I remember the day you woke up, and I remember you saying who are you, I remember you being terrified of me, I remember you throwing things that were in reach at me, I remember you crying and being completely scared out of your wits, I remember vowing to myself I would never want to see you like that again, I remember letting go of you so you wouldn't be hurt again I remember..."
" I remember when you loved me"
hope you like the book and cover
Reese's Pieces everyone)
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