- 4.3

[The scene changes to Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Jasper seated on the Hogwarts Express train. A voice calls out from the hall.]

Trolley Lady: Anything form the trolley?! [she arrives at their compartment door, Harry and Ron hurriedly pulls out there money and rushes up to her] Anything from the trolley dears?

Ron: Packet of drewbals and a liquorice wand. [she hand him the drewbals, but he notices he doesn't have enough for the liquorice wand] On second thought, just the drewbals.

Harry: [shrugs] It's alright, I'll get them.

Ron: [shakes his head, pays the lady] Just the drewbals, thanks.

[As Harry scans the trolley, a group of girls come near to order some sweets. Including Cho Chang, a fifth year Ravenclaw.]

Cho: Two pumpkin pasties please. [she looks up to see Harry scanning the trolley, she smiles] Hello, Harry.

Jasmine narrowed her eyes, "Who the bloody hell is she?"

Peyton chuckled, "Cho Chang, a fifth year Ravenclaw, and one of the many girls who fancied Harry."

Amara smirked, "And don't forget to include yourself of the many girls, Pey."

Peyton groaned, "Disclaimer, I did some stupid shit this year and the next. Just beware."

[Before he could even say hello back, Avery walks up to the trolley from the other end of the hall.]

Avery: [smiles] Good day, Elizabeth. Can I please get four chocolate frogs, a liquorice wand, a pumpkin pastie please.

Trolley Lady :[ smiles brightly] Of course, dear. [gently hands the girls her sweets.]

Harry: [smiles at Avery] Hello love.

"And just like that, Cho is gone." Jasper laughed.

Avery: [playfully rolls her eyes] Hello, Harry. Thank you, Liz. [she pays the lady for her treats and hands the liquorice wand to Harry] Tell Ron, he owes me one. [winks at Harry] Later, Harriet.

Harry: [chuckles, mutters to himself] She's just so... [sighs.]

[Cho rolled her eyes in jealousy, and walks away. Harry goes back into the compartment, completely forgetting about getting treats for himself. He sets the liquorice wand on Ron's lap and daydreams out the window.]

Jasper: [snorts at Harry] Judging by that dopey smile on your face, I'm guessing you spoke to Moon in the hall.

Ron: [snorts] Obviously.

Hermione: [groans, and slams the newspaper she was reading down on her lap] This is horrible, how can the ministry not know who conjured it. Isn't there any security or?

Ron: Loads according to Dad, that's what worried them so much. Happened right under their noses.

[Hermione sees Harry rubbing his head.]

Hermione: It's hurting again isn't it, your scar.

Harry: I'm fine.

"Lies." Avery, Theo, & Mateo coughed out.

Hermione: [leans closer to the boy, speaking softly] You know Sirius will want to hear about this. What you saw at the world cup, and the dream.

Jasper: [abruptly looks up from his book] Dream? What dream?

[Harry glances at Ron who just shrugs chewing on his sweets, then he looks to Hermione who is slightly scowling at him for not telling Jasper the truth.]

Harry: [nervously scratches his head] I guess I forgot to tell you.

Jasper: [smacks his teeth] Yeah, you "forgot" to tell me because you knew I would tell Avery and you didn't want to worry her?

Harry: [mumbles in defeat] Something like that.

Jasper: [shakes his head, looks back at his book] That's the both of yous problem. Withholding things from each other to protect one another. [sighs] It's honestly tiring.

Harry: [raises an eyebrow] What is Avery withholding from me.

Jasper: [his heart jumps but he doesn't let it show, he shrugs] I just meant in general, Harriet.

"Lies. Again." Avery, Harry, & Ariel coughed out.

[Harry has written a letter, he marks Sirius Black on an envelope and gives it to an owl. We see four flying horses flying through the air pulling a carriage coming in to land at Hogwarts. The crowds cheer, all looking from the main entrance.]

Hagrid: Clear the runway! [as he directed the carriage, it comes a little too close to the giant, and he frantically starts to direct them away from him] AAHHH! [jumps out of the way]

[Suddenly, a large ship emerges from the water, letting its sail down.]

Harry: Well there's something you don't see everyday.

Amara: [shrugs] Well, in Scotland.

[The scene changes to the Great Hall. The sorting just finished, and everyone was listening to Dumbledore.]

Dumbledore: Now that we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement. This castle will not only be your home this year but home to some very special guests as well. You see Hogwarts has been choosen...

[Flich comes running through the Great Hall, high knees, to get to Dumbledore.]

Dumbledore: [whispering] What it is, Argus? [Flich purses his lips and whispers something about the guest] Just tell them to wait, tell them wait!

[Flich huffs and runs again, high knees, to relay the message. Some students in the hall laugh at his comical run.]

"High knees, high knees!" Peter chuckled.

Dumbledore: So Hogwarts has been choosen to host a legendary event. The Tri-Wizard tournament. Now for those of you who do not know, the tri-wizard tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school a single contestant is selected to compete. Now let me be clear, if choosen you stand alone. And trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint hearted, but more of that later. For now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of magic and their headmistress Madam Maxime.

[The doors to the hall open and reveal a group of young ladies dressed in blue dress robes, strutting into the room. One in particular looking familiar to three ravenclaw girls.]

Ariel: [squinting her eyes] Isn't that your cousin, Mara?

Amara: [eyes widen when she sees her cousin] Merlin, that is Peyton!

"Ugh, I hate that prissy ass walk." Natalie groaned.

"I know right, people think it's elegant and unique but it's actually tiring to look perfect and prim all the time." Diane added.

Peyton shrugged, "I used to half-arse it, but Madame Maxime would call me out for it."

"Praise Merlin I left during third year." Jasmine whispered to her boyfriend.

[The girls strutted down the aisle, making butterflies appear, after doing a small dance. One blond walked with her headmistress. And the headmistress was a taller giant than Hagrid]

Seamus: [stunned] Blimey, that's one big woman.

[Once the girls bowed, all the boys applauded wildly for them. Whistling and all. Making all the girls roll their eyes at their antics.]

Avery: [rolls her eyes] Hormones.

"My favorite word for that year." Avery laughed.

Dumbledore: And now our friends from the north, please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and the high master Igor Karkaroff.

[ A series of older boys walk up the aisle brandishing bo staffs, twirling them around and periodically stabbing them into the ground with a spark effect. Once again, someone stood out to the Ravenclaw girls.]

Avery: [stunned] Is that... Mateo?

[Mateo glanced over to the Ravenclaw table and made eye contact with Avery, and gave her a quick wink before continuing walking with his classmates.]

Ariel: [smirked] What was that?

Amara: [smirking] I believe Mateo just winked at out very own Avery Lupin.

Avery: [blushing] He didn't look like that last summer.

Amara/Ariel: Neither did you.

The present generation looks to Avery and Mateo, who were both blushing.

"You got yourself into another love triangle, Aves?" Remus groaned as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

Avery shook her head, "No! Not another triangle. This time it was a love square."

"A hexagon if you would." Jasper smirked.

"Shut it!" Avery & Peyton groaned.

[Viktor Krum walked into the hall with his headmaster right in tow, appalling every quidditch fanatic.]

Ron: [eyes widen] Blimey it's him, Viktor Krum.

[To end the routine, two boys breathed fire, making a veela.]

Karkaroff: Albus!

Dumbledore: Igor. [They embrace in a quick hug.] Let's make some room shall we? [He flicks his wand and two tables are added to the Ravenclaw table and the Slytherin table] Ladies, there's room for you at the Ravenclaw table. Gentlemen, the Slytherin table.

[As the Beauxbatons students make way to their seating, The Acey's go to the end of their table to wait for Peyton.]

Amara: [waving the girl over] Pey!

Peyton: [squeals] Mara! [rushes to her cousin and hugs her] Oh, how I've missed you, cousin. [notices Avery and Ariel] And friends! So good to see you both, Avery and Ariel.

Avery: [smiles brightly] It's so good to see again too, Peyton.

Dumbledore: Of course, [clears his throat] tuck in.

[The food appears in front of everyone, surprising the first years and the guest.]

Peyton: [stunned] Bloody hell! Is it like this every night?

Ariel: [chuckles as she fills her plate] Yes and no. The feast is for the first night, halloween, and the last day. Supper is a little more subtle than this.

Peyton: C'est tout simplement merveilleux !

Avery: N'est-ce pas! Vraiment merveilleux. [Multiple girls from Beauxbatons jerk their heads quickly to Avery, surprised.]

Fleur: [blinks in surprise] Tu parles français.

Avery: [nods] Couramment, c'est ma deuxième langue.

Ariel: [rolls her eyes] Let's not speak in French all not.

"You fluent little arseholes." Ginny giggled.

Avery: [chuckles] Sorry, Ari. My grandfather was French. He taught my mom and my mom taught me and Jasper.

Peyton: [gasp] Where is Jasp? [gasps again, looking to Ariel] Are you together yet?

Ariel: [blushes] He's over there with the Gryffindors, and technically we're not.

Amara: Yet.

Fleur: Tell us about your school houses?

[As the girls chatter away, Jasper notices Peyton talking to the girls.]

Jasper: This is going to be a fun term. Amara's cousins are here. [nods his head to the Ravenclaw table making his friends look that direction.] Well, technically they're her aunt and uncle, but tell everyone they're cousins because of their age.

Seamus: [whistles] Blimey, is it just me or do the Aceys plus the cousin look gorgeous.

Harry: [grumbles] Watch it.

Seamus: [scoffs] Come off it mate, she's not your girlfriend you can't keep the boys away from her.

Dean: [shrugs] Seamus is right. Besides, I don't think Seamus is the one you need to worry about.

[Dean nods his head over to the Durmstang students. Mateo was staring at Avery, admiring from a far.]

"Let me hear the crowd say 'uh-oh'." James laughed.

Harry: [scoffs] He could be looking at anyone of them.

Jasper: [snorts, sarcastically] Yeah, he's definitely looking at his twin sister, his cousin and one of his best friends lovingly. You're absolutely right, Harriet.

[Camera pans to the staff table up front.]

M. Maxime: Professor Dumblydore, my horses have travelled a long way. They will need 'tending to.

Dumbledore: Not to worry Madame Maxime, our gamekeeper Hagrid's more than capable of seeing to them. [Hagrid smiling at the two Headmasters]

M. Maxime: [looks to Hagrid] But you know Monsieur Hagrid, they drink only single malt whiskey.

Hagrid starts to turn bright red, seeing how the giant was flirting with him.

"Alright, Hagrid!" Peter yelled.

[Hagrid chuckles, staring at Madame Maxime and goes to stick his fork back into his plate, but ends up stabbing Flitwicks hand; causing the short man to yelp in pain.]

Flitwick: [yelps] Ah! [pulls the fork out, Hagrid tries to apologize] You idiot!

[As the students were finishing ip dessert, Dumbledore stood up to make one more announcement.]

Dumbledore: Your attention please! I would like to say a few words. Eternal glory, that is what awaits the student who wins the tri-wizard tournament. But to do this that student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks.

Twins: Wicked.

Dumbledore: For this reason the ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule. To explain  all this we have the head of the department of international magic cooperation Mister Bartimus Crouch.

[Thunder roars overhead, rain begins leaking through the roof and screams break out. A strange man stands in the doorway, he casts some magic upwards and seals the roof. Peace is restored, all heads turn the strange man who people realize is Alastor Moody.]

Ron: [eyes widen] Bloody hell, it's Mad-eye Moody.

Hermione: Alastor Moody? The Auror?

Dean: Auror?

Ron: Dark wizard catcher. Half the cells in Azkaban are full thanks to him. He's supposed to be mad as a hatter these days.

Jasper: [scoffs] You would be too if you spent your whole life catching dark wizards and keep losing limbs.

"When you think like a dark wizard for most of your career, it changes you." Moody clarified.

Dumbledore: Alastor. My dear old friend. Thanks for coming. [Shakes the man's hand]

Moody: Stupid ceiling. [Goes to the corner and pulls out his flask, downing the unknown substance.]

Seamus: What's that he's drinking, you suppose?

Harry: [narrowing his eyes at Moody] I don't know, but I don't think it's Pumpkin Juice.

Anelia shook her head, "Drinking on the job, in front of children. Alastor?"

"I wouldn't doubt him just yet, Miss Bones." Luna stated.

"There's always more than what meets the eye." Ginny added.

Barty: After much deliberation the ministry has concluded that for their own safety no student under the age of eighteen shall be allowed to put forth their name for the tri-wizard tournament. This decision is final.

[The crowd becomes unsettled, not liking the new rule instated.]


Peyton: [huffs] So they brought us fourth, fifth and sixth years for no reason. So bloody unorganized.

Dumbledore: [shouts] SILENCE !

Hermione: [whispers to Angelina] They're not to happy about that then.

[Dumbledore casts magic over a box which melds into a goblet containing a blue flame.]

Dumbledore: The goblet of fire. Anyone wishing to submit themselves for the tournament merely write their name upon a piece of parchment and throw it in the flame before this hour on Thursday night. Do not do so lightly, if choosen there's no turning back. As from this moment the tri-wizard tournament has begun.

"Well, shit." Sirius mumbled.

[As the everyone started to leave the Great Hall, Peyton was talking to the Aceys as her brother walked up to the group.]

Mateo: [clears his throat] Excuse me, I believe Amara wants to hug her favorite cousin. [Amara squeals and squeezes the boy into a hug.]

Peyton: [scoffs] Please, her favorite cousin is me. Plus, I'm the oldest.

Mateo: By three minutes.

Peyton: [sighs] The world was so peaceful during those three minutes.

Mateo: [rolls his eyes, smiles] Good to see you again, Ariel. [hugs the girl]

Ariel: [smiles, hugs him back] You too, but when did we decide to get handsome?

Mateo: [smiles, tilts his head] Do I really look that different from last summer?

Ariel: [smirks] Just ask Avery. [pushes Avery foward] She had a lot to say about your new appearance.

"He is rather dashing." A fourth year yelled out.

Mateo playfully waved her off, "Thank you, sweetheart. However, I'm spoken for."

"Who?" Diane and Mateo Sr. asked.

"Just wait and see." Mateo winked at his father and sister.

Amara: [smirks] Actually she had a lot of drool about your new appearance.

Mateo: [smirking at a blushing Avery] Oh really? I would love to hear your thoughts.

Avery: [playfully scoffs] As much as I would love to boost your ego, but we have to go to our common room—

Ariel: [interrupts, smirking] Actually we still have an hour until curfew.

Avery: [slightly glares at Ariel] Well, that's not nearly enough time for all of us to catch up. Maybe tomorrow we'll give you guys a tour and then catch up?

Peyton: [beams] Cela semble exquis, je suis partant !

Mateo: [smiles] Аз съм за това.

Amara: [smirks] Entonces, ¿todos vamos a hablar un idioma diferente ahora?

Avery: [groans] Stop it you fluent assholes! [making all of them laugh at her outburst.]

"She beat me by two seconds!" Ginny exclaimed.

[The scene then changes to the Great Hall, after hours. The Goblet of Fire's blue flame lighting the room. When Karakroff goes into the Great Hall, shutting it very suspiciously.]

[The next morning, it's Moody's first DADA class. Moody is teaching Harry and his classmates.]

Moody: Alastor Moody. [he wrote his name on the chalkboard] Ex-Auror, Ministry malcontent, and your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. I'm here because Dumbledore asked me, end of story, goodbye, the end. Any questions?

[No one raises their hand]

Moody: When it comes to the Dark Arts, I believe in a practical approach. But first, who can tell me how many Unforgivable Curses there are?

"Alastor!" Amelia gasped in horror that her top Auror was teaching a bunch of fourth years the unforgivable curses

Hermione: Three, sir.

Moody: [Writes "Unforgiveable" on a blackboard] And they are so named?

Hermione: Because they are unforgivable. The use of any one of them will...

Moody: [finishing her sentence] Will earn you a one-way ticket to Azkaban. Correct. Now, the Ministry says you're too young to see what these curses do. I SAY DIFFERENT! [turns around back to the chalkboard, as his magic eye watches the class from the back of his head.] You need to know what you're up against! You need to be prepared! [Seamus takes some gum out and puts it under his desk] You need to find another place to put your chewing gum besides the under-side of your desk, MR. FINNIGAN!

Seamus: [Whispering] No way. The old codger can see out the back of his head.

Moody: [Throws the piece of chalk at Seamus] AND HEAR ACROSS CLASSROOMS! So, which curse shall we see first? WEASLEY!

Ron: [Scared out of his wits] Yes?

Moody: Stand! [Ron rose out his seat, hesitantly] Give us a curse.

Ron: Well, my dad did tell me about one. The Imperius Curse.

Moody: Oh, yeah. Your father would know all about that. Gave the Ministry a bit of grief a few years ago. Perhaps this will show you why.

"Is he... is he serious?" Lily stammered.

"I'm too in shock to even joke about it right now." Sirius sighed.

[Moody takes a spider out of a jar.]
Moody: [points his wand at the spider] Engorgio! [the spider grows twice it size] Imperio! [the spider is now under Moody's complete control, he waved his wand and the spider moved around the class room.]

Moody: Don't worry, she's completely harmless. [the spider was now crawling up Parvati's arm, as the girl started to hyperventilate.]

Moody: [hovers the spider over Ron's head, the boy whimpering] But if she bites, she's lethal.

"I think I'm going to pass out." Ron whispered to his girlfriend in a panic.

"Don't worry, Ronald. It can't hurt you anymore." Hermione chuckled, holding his hand in comfort.

[Draco amd his crew started to laugh loudly, catching Moody's attention.]

Moody: What are you laughing at? [moves the spider onto Malfoy's face, making the boy slightly squeak as the class laughed at him.]

Moody: [laughs] Talented isn't she? What shall I have her do next? Jump out the window? Drown herself?

[Mad-Eye has the spider over a bucket of water, it's wriggling. The class is now quiet. He bring the spider back to his palm, ending the spell.]

Moody: Scores of witches and wizards have claimed that they only did You-Know-Who's bidding...under the influence of the Imperius Curse. But here's the rub: How do we sort out the liars? Another, another. [Students begin to raise their hands] Up, come on. [Neville slowly raises his hand] Longbottom, is it? [Neville lowers his hand and stands up] Professor Sprout tells me you have an aptitude for Herbology.

Neville: [Nervously gulps] There's the, um, the Cruciatus Curse.

[Avery's head abruptly turns to him in worry, while glancing at Jasper.]

"Why did you look at them like that?" Alice wondered.

Avery looked to Neville and Jasper who was avoiding eye contact. Avery sighed, "It'll be explained in the next movie."

Moody: Correct! Correct! Come, come. [the spider comes back] Particularly nasty. The torture curse. [Aims his wand at the spider] Crucio!

[The spider makes a terrifying squealing sound, seriously bothering Neville, who is watching it up close. Jasper tenses up, gripping the desk.]

Hermione: Stop it! Can't you see it's bothering him?! Stop it!

[Moody Releases the spider from the curse]

Avery: [whispers] Jasp, are you okay?

Jasper: [emotionless] Check on Neville.

Avery: [leans towards Jasper] But are you—

Jasper: [harshly whispers] I'm fine, check on Neville.

[Avery furrows her eyebrows and then nods to Ariel, who's sitting next to Jasper, to comfort him. She got up and glared at Moody as she passed him to comfort Neville.]

Moody: [Walks over and places the spider on Hermione's desk] Perhaps you could give us the last Unforgivable curse, Miss Granger. [Hermione shakes her head] No? [Points his wand at the spider] Avada Kedavra! [The spider falls, unmarked but dead. Harry is watching from a desk across.]

Avery: [emotionless] The Killing Curse. [the class looks at her] Only one person is known to have survived it...

"For now." The Original Trio muttered.

"What the bloody hell do I think I'm doing?" Moody sighed.

Moody: [looks at Harry] And he's sitting in this room.

[As the others turn their eyes to him, Harry looks up, sees Moody study him. Moody's tongue nervously probes the corner of his mouth as he takes out his flask and turns away. Harry's eyes drop down to the spider. Lying motionless.]

[The camera pans over the spiral staircase. Harry, Ron, and Hermione drifting from class.]

Ron: Brilliant, isn't he. Completely demented, of course, but he's really been there you know?

Hermione: [shakes her head, fuming] There's a reason those curses are unforgivable, and to perform them in a classroom. I mean did you see Neville's face. [Harry nudges her arm, nodding to Neville being comforted by Avery.]

Avery: [sighs] You know I hate seeing you like this, Nev.

Hermione: [puts a hand on Neville's shoulder] Neville?

[Moody limps towards the group, pats Neville's back.]

Moody: You alright son? [Neville nods] Come on, we'll have a cup of tea. I want to show you something.

"Hasn't he done enough?" Jasmine scolded.

Avery: [glares] Haven't you done enough?

"Like mother, like daughter." Remus mumbled.

Moody: Just want to have a little talk with Longbottom, Lupin. That's all. [turns around to go back to his class.]

Avery: [rubs Neville's arm] Come find me later, Nev. And we can go to the greenhouse, that always cheers you up. [He nodded, still sad and went up the stairs.] That fucking wanker ruined my Neville. [storms down the stairs]

Harry: [sighs] Now Avery's mad.

Ron: And no one needs that.

"No one needs a deLay-Lupin woman upset. The whole world is basically off its axis if that's happening." Chris declared.

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