Episode 5: On a lighter note, Yahoogle!
Tumblr is drawing some cute rupphire art, trying to shade Ruby's hair by scribbling on it. Suddenly she's scribbling all over the picture, then on her desk. she then almost knocks her desk over completely. She looks around, angry, then sits back down and listens to some calming music (i.e. a rickroll)
Pinterest: What's got you worked up?
Tumblr: Well, pardon my French, but La mise à jour est de la merde, BuzzFeed ne cessez de me suivre, et mon OTP a rompu.
Pinterest: In English, please?
Tumblr: The update's shit, Buzzfeed won't stop following me, and my OTP broke up.
Pinterest: That sucks.
Tumblr: Yeah... And on top of it all, I can't find anyone to ship Edge with, and it's really bumming me out.
Pinterest: Well, maybe she's like you?
Tumblr: You mean aromantic? Pin, I may never have a romantic partner, but I still want people to look at me and think "damn, she and that one person would be good together, maybe they can still be my BrOTP". Plus, even if she doesn't feel the same way, she isn't. Always ask before you ship, kids!
Pinterest: Who are you talking to?
Tumblr: Nobody. It's just important to make sure you don't offend people.
Pinterest: What about in 2012 when you used to ship J-
Tumblr: Don't bring 2012 me into this! Anyway, got any ideas for operation Edgeship?
Pinterest: Well the only one annoying enough is Bing-
Tumblr: Cousins. I checked.
Pinterest: That explains a lot.
Facebook leans around cardboard wall between her and Tumblr's tabs.
Facebook: Why don't you just ask her who she likes?
Tumblr: Fine. But you guys have to come too.
Pinterest: Of course!
Facebook: I guess.
*theme song plays*
They walk to Edge's office. Edge and Quotev are drawing on the walls.
Edge: Hey Tumblr! What do you need?
Pinterest: Well first, what's Quotev doing here?
Quotev: Writing research.
Pinterest: Fair enough.
Tumblr: Anyway, we seem to have run into some complications while shipping you.
Pinterest: You do know what shipping is, right?
Edge: Yes, DevA explained it to me. What seems to be the problem?
Pinterest: We can't.
Edge: Excuse me?
Tumblr: We cannot find a single person in this entire office to ship you with.
Facebook: I guess what we're saying is, who do you like?
Edge: Nobody yet. I just don't see the point of it.
Facebook: Well, choose someone! Just say the first name you think of.
Edge: Okay... Google.
Facebook: Google?
Pinterest: Hold on, I just need to... *throws up off camera* Okay I'm back.
Tumblr: Why Google?
Edge: You guys just said to say the first thing that I thought of!
Facebook: Listen, it might have been "cute" when you had a crush on the hot chemistry substitute in high school, but when he marries Tracy McCormick and they have 3 kids named Oreo, Frog, and Livelaughlove Smith, you'll realized you dodged a bullet.
Tumblr: If I may translate this for someone who had a normal childhood, you're not a little kid anymore. Crushes like this aren't cute.
Edge: I never said-
Pinterest: Besides, he's already taken.
Edge: He's married?
Facebook: No, his status is just "in a relationship", but if it takes him being married to stop you, then I think we all know what to do here.
Facebook, Tumblr, and Pinterest leave.
Edge: I don't think I have a crush on Google, do I?
Quotev: *shrugs* Love is just a random series of impulses in your brain, and society's view of eternal love is unrealistic in at least 60% of cases, so I wouldn't worry about it. Pass me the yellow marker.
Edge: *hands Quotev marker* That sounds complicated. *looks at Quotev's drawing* Um, this stuff washes off right? I'm not sure I should have that on my wall.
Camera turns and reveals a giant drawing of Quotev as a dragon surrounded by pizza rolls.
Quotev: Why would anyone want to erase that? *puts on 3D glasses* I look awesome.
Google is eating lunch in the new cafeteria alone at a table. Facebook, Tumblr, and Pinterest sit down at the table.
Facebook: [across from Google] You need to get married.
Google: I require context on this. Pinterest?
Pinterest: Edge may or may not have a crush on you, but she won't if you get married.
Google: Edge? That doesn't make sense. But anyway, I don't know. Would Yahoo even say yes?
Facebook: Wow, Bing! Your Google cosplay has gotten so much better! It's just your acting that needs work.
Google: I'm not Bing?
Facebook: Oh really? Because you're obviously not the real Google if you don't think she'll say yes.
Pinterest: She loves you so fricking much!
Tumblr: Yeah, plus you guys are, like, the only OTP I have now.
Google: Shipping real people is a morally gray area.
Tumblr: Morally gray? Have you met me? I'm the Empress of being morally gray.
Pinterest: What other reasons do you have?
Google: I don't know... Chrome and Firefox will make fun of me?
Facebook: Chrome will make fun of you no matter what.
Pinterest: And I'm pretty sure he's in San Francisco right now.
Facebook: As for Firefox, I haven't seen her all day.
Tumblr: I wonder where she is.
Fanfic is sitting by herself in a window on the empty fifth floor. Cleverbot walks up behind her.
Cleverbot: Boom!
Fanfic flinches. She didn't see Cleverbot. Firefox runs after Cleverbot.
Firefox: [to Cleverbot] Get back here! [to Fanfic] Hey Fanfic! You okay?
Fanfic: Oh. Hey Firefox. What are you doing here?
Firefox: It was my turn to watch Clev and they got away from me. Why are you here?
Fanfic: *sighs* Well, I suppose you heard what happened yesterday.
Firefox: No, I wasn't here. Why?
Fanfic: Wattpad and I broke up.
Firefox: No! Why?
Fanfic: I don't know. She said we weren't normal, she talked to Facebook and Instagram, and she called herself awful about a thousand times, and said I don't deserve to have to put up with someone as bad as her.
Firefox: She said all that?
Fanfic: Basically.
Firefox: Let's take a walk.
They leave and go to the second floor.
Fanfic: Is there a reason you brought me down here?
Firefox: Not really. I just wanted to multitask. *steps halfway into room* Hey Roblox, whatcha working on?
Roblox: Finding new ways to screw over n00bs.
Firefox: That's nice. *leaves* Now, back to you, why are you isolating yourself? You're always surrounded by the Pinvengers.
Fanfic: *sighs* I don't want to get in the way. Wattpad's probably still with the Pinvengers, and she might need space. Plus, hanging out with your ex has to be the most awkward thing ever, right?
Firefox: Well, what if I told you the Pinvengers aren't even together right now.
Fanfic: Oh no. Is it because of me?
Firefox: I don't think so. Right now Pinterest, Tumblr, and Facebook are trying to convince Google to propose to Yahoo, and Idk where the rest are.
Fanfic: That sounds like something they'd do. But you're missing a major part of it.
Firefox: What's that?
Fanfic: What if I run into her? What if it's some sort of big deal and we don't even connect like back when we were just friends? What if she becomes nothing but, well, an ex-girlfriend?
Firefox: Listen, in the 14 years I've been here-
Fanfic: 14?
Firefox: My birthday was last week. Anyway, in my 14 years at this company, I have dated a lot of people, which also means I've broken up with, and been broken up with by many people. And unfortunately I can't just hide in a window on an empty floor. Now, this definitely isn't true for all relationships, but you and Wattpad seem to have this bond, this connection, this love for each other that screams, whether romantically or platonically as friends, you should and will be together. I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't avoid doing something because you think you'll be awkward, because chances are you'll be glad you did it.
Fanfic: Okay. I think I get it.
Firefox: Glad I could help.
Fanfic: But I'm curious. Who else here did you date? Google?
Firefox: No.
Fanfic: Safari?
Firefox: Yes, 5 years ago for 4 months.
Fanfic: Wikipedia?
Firefox: God no!
Fanfic: Bing?
Firefox rolls her eyes and walks faster. Fanfic half-jogs to catch up.
Fanfic: Bing?
Back at the cafeteria.
Google: Ladies, I'm almost done with my lunch, and we all have work to do, and this all still sounds pretty spontaneous, so-
Fanfic: *sits down at table* Do it on New Year's Eve.
Tumblr: Well look who's back.
Fanfic: Hey Tumblr.
Google: I don't know... I don't think the party we went to last year is a yearly thing.
Tumblr: And even if it is, we're not getting invited back. I'm banned there.
Facebook: You're banned at someone's house?
Tumblr: Shut up you're banned there too.
Fanfic: Well, we could always help you throw your own party, Google, and you could propose to Yahoo there.
Pinterest: Ooh! Fun!
Google: Sounds reasonable, but who would I invite?
Fanfic: Us, her, all your friends basically. Not Bing.
Google: Okay, sounds good. But this is still all pretty sudden. Why do I have to make up my mind today?
Fanfic: Well, we could give you time to think, but this way we have more time to plan the "perfect moment". Trust me.
Google: Okay, I'll do it.
The group cheers.
It is a few hours later at the end of the day. Everyone is either finishing their work or getting ready to leave. Yahoo is looking out the window waiting for Google to finish. She's looking very pensive.
Google: What're you thinking about?
Yahoo: I can't believe just 5 days ago everything was completely different. Watfic was still a great couple, Instagram was still dressed in that ridiculous bow, this floor was still only for social media, and we didn't even know Edge. The only constant's been us.
Google: Is that a good thing?
Yahoo: I would consider it a great thing. Even though I'm conflicted about how everything's changing, the fact that we're still here proves our strength. I love you.
Google: I love you too.
Tumblr: [lurking behind Bing's tab] *hisses/whispers* Propose NOW!
Bing: Can you get out of the way? I need something from that shelf.
Tumblr: Make me. I'm stalking OTP #140 here.
Bing: You have too much time on your hands.
Scene moves to Fanfic's tab.
Firefox: Did you talk to her yet?
Fanfic: Not yet, sorry.
Firefox: Don't apologize! Only you know how much you can handle. Hopefully at some point you'll be back to normal, but right now, it's enough that you're out here trying to make other people's lives better.
Fanfic: Thank you. [a pause] Why are you doing this? Why would you want to help me?
Firefox: Well, I've always considered myself your honorary big sister you never had. Also, I was the first non-robot character based off a real person in your story. Other than yourself.
Fanfic: Well, I appreciate this. Thanks again.
Firefox: No problem, "Fauna".
Scene moves to Wikipedia's tab.
Wattpad: I don't know why she hasn't talked to me all day. What if she's avoiding me? What if I'm accidentally avoiding her? What if-
Wikipedia: Will you stop talking about that purple-haired witch for 2 minutes?!
Wattpad: She's not a witch! *sighs* I just want things to go back to normal. [a pause] And her hair's not Purple. It's indigo.
Wikipedia: *sighs* Agree to disagree, Wattney. *puts arm around Wattpad*
Wattpad: *flinches and moves away* Don't touch me. And don't call me that! Only Fanfic can call me that.
Wikipedia: You need to get over her. Luckily, I'm here, and I can help you be a normal person again.
He puts his arm around Wattpad again. She rolls her eyes.
Scene moves to Facebook's tab.
Myspace: Hey Facey.
Facebook: What do you want?
Myspace: That new haircut makes you look like a boy.
Facebook: Thank you.
Myspace: Why so smug?
Facebook: First of all, it doesn't. Secondly, haircuts don't have genders. It's just hair. And lastly, it makes me smile that, even if I were a boy, I would still be hotter than you.
Myspace: Nice job, president of the debate team.
Facebook: I was cheer captain. *puts on coat* And a damn good one at that. *leaves*
Myspace: *whispering to himself* What a b****.
Scene changes to Pandora's tab.
Spotify: Hey Dora, it's time to go.
Pandora: Hold on, I need to create a new playlist.
Spotify: Pandora...
Pandora: It'll only be half a second.
Spotify: *turns Pandora's chair around* We can listen to Hamilton in the car.
Pandora: *excited gasp* Can I be Washington?
Spotify: Of course! You're the best Washington. Let's go.
They walk out of the office together.
Instagram: I guess those two just have to be part of our new normal.
Edge runs out of her office.
Edge: Hey! Everyone! I know some of you have already left, but if you all could stop doing that, I want to say I've really enjoyed my time here with you guys. This first week has been really fun, and I just want to thank everyone who was nice to me. I hope we have a good next week, then next month, then next year, until I'm just a part of this family.
Everyone ignores Edge.
Edge: I also have this survey about my "work ethic" and "performance" here, whatever that is. If you can fill it out, I would really appreciate it! Thanks!
Almost everyone ignores Edge. Yahoo stops Edge as she's about to leave.
Edge: Oh, hey Yahoo. Do you need me to get something before I go?
Yahoo: No, Edge, I'm fine. I just wanted to say you've been great this week, and I think you'll be a great browser one day!
Edge: Thank you so much! Also *whispering to Yahoo* If anyone says anything about me and Google, don't believe them. *normal voice* Okay, bye everyone!
Yahoo looks confused, but then shrugs and returns to normal. The ending shot is of the office functioning as a whole. During this shot, we can here
Google, Tumblr, DevA, Fanfic, Wattpad, Facebook, Instagram, and Edge: Are we ever going to be back to normal?
Yahoo, Firefox, Wikipedia, Myspace, Pandora, and Spotify: Of course.
End of episode.
A/N I'll try to keep this short to make up for last week.
First, the French might not be exact because I used Google Translate. If any of my readers speak French and wouldn't mind checking the translation, I'd appreciate it!
So, what do you guys think is going to happen in the next few episodes? Are things really going to be back to normal?
Stay golden, web fans!
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