Episode 17: thnks fr th 2016s

Instagram is in the break room putting together a scrapbook. Pinterest and Snapchat are helping her, Pinterest by decorating the pages, and Snapchat by taking a new selfie every fifteen seconds and adding it to the large pile Instagram is sorting through. Edge walks past the table the websites are working at, whistling, but quickly runs back to the table and sits at it.

Edge: Do you guys need any help?

Instagram: You don't even know what we're doing.

Edge: Of course I do! You're... uh... [whispers to Pinterest] What are we doing here?

Pinterest: We're going through all our photos and memories from 2016 and organizing them into scrapbooks.

Edge: That sounds fun! But what's Snapchat doing?

Snapchat: [taking a selfie] What aren't I doing?

Instagram: Snapchat is supplying us with more content. We didn't take enough photos in 2016 to fill these books, so Snapchat volunteered to take some more selfies for us.

Edge: But wouldn't those be from 2017?

Instagram pauses for a moment, rethinks everything she's done, and slams her head down in the pile of pictures.


Pinterest and Edge look at each other, awkwardly. Snapchat leans across the table and takes a selfie with Instagram, face down in a pile of Snapchat's selfies.

Snapchat: This is so meta.

*the theme song*

A few minutes later, Instagram's finally gotten rid of all the extra selfies, and we are left with one small pile of photos. Edge picks up a picture of herself from the first pile.

Edge: What are these for?

Pinterest: These are our Top 10 people of 2016. We've met so many nice people this year that we thought this might as well be a page in the book.

Edge: Oh, I see. [sorts through photos] Why isn't Snapchat here? She is a new employee?

Snapchat: [lying underneath table, scrolling through her phone] Yeah, technically I was introduced in 2015, just because Instagram had a story with me in it, so people knew about me before.

Edge: But wouldn't that mean Quotev wouldn't be here because you knew about her before? And I'm sure my dad has mentioned me a few times?

Snapchat: Don't question the list, that's just how it works.

Pinterest: [looks up from her art] I finished the pages! I just need a pinch more glitter... [pours entire jar of glitter onto page] Oops.

Instagram: While Pinterest cleans that up, do you guys want to start the ceremony?

Snapchat: Why not?

Instagram: Okay, it's time to count down the top 10 best characters introduced in 2016!

10. Buzzfeed

Instagram: We can't do a top 10 list without mentioning Buzzfeed, right?

Snapchat: Agreed. She's always telling me to read those things!

Instagram: You do realize she's clickbaiting you, right? You can just not answer.

Snapchat: But number one did surprise me!

Instagram: Whatever.

Pinterest: Do you guys remember when we went through everything Tumblr's said and made it into a post?

Instagram: Tumblr stopped talking to you for a month after that, right?

Pinterest: No, it was just 2 days. But I did somehow end up ductaped to the ceiling for a few hours that night.

Snapchat: Omg Tumblr is so extra!

Pinterest: I can't confirm it was her, but it did end up as a meme, which was on the front page of Buzzfeed's articles the next day.

Instagram: Moving on, number nine.

9. Alex

Edge picks up a photo, or what was supposed to be a photo. The picture is dark, and there seems to not be anyone in it.

Snapchat: [picks up the photo] Why is there just a blank photo here?

Edge: Oh, I added that one. It's for Alex.

Instagram: Who?

Edge: The head of Computer Corp. Haven't you all met Alex?

Pinterest: Oh, I think I've met her! Isn't she the one who threw the 2015/16 New Year's Eve party and was Yahoo's roommate in college?

Edge: You're thinking of someone else. Alex is... different.

Pinterest: How so?

Edge: I don't really know. I mean, she's the one who makes the decisions here, so she technically caused the update. But besides that, I know about as much as you guys do.

Instagram: If none of us know anything about whoever this person is, why are they number nine?

Snapchat: Hey, everyone loves a mystery.

8. Cortana

Instagram: One thing I've noticed this year is how much more attention Cortana's gotten than Siri.

Snapchat: Siri isn't even on this list, and she's been here for years!

Edge: Wouldn't that disqualify her?

Snapchat: I think she'd  be eligible because we didn't  know of her until a few months ago.

Edge: It's odd how specific this list is. Almost like there's this whole other audience who's learned about us each individually over the course of the past 2 years.

Instagram: Nah, we just wanted the list to be a certain way.

Snapchat: But if this were a fictional world, which it isn't, I can see why people would like Cortana. She is, in Tumblr terms, a "problematic fave", and people are just drawn to that.

Pinterest: She wasn't always so salty. When she first got here, we thought she was just a wimp like Edge, no offense Edge.

Edge: None taken. I've hear it enough to basically block it out of my mind.

Instagram: One thing I don't get is, why do people like her more now, especially after she was the one who told Wikipedia to watch the elevator tapes?

Pinterest: Someone had to tell him eventually that Wattpad wasn't his. She might have just gone a little too far in finding proof.

Snapchat: Problematic faves, people just love 'em.

7. Spotify

Instagram: I don't think it's surprising to anyone who's next. [holds up picture of Spotify]

Pinterest: I don't know, I thought she'd be higher on the list?

Instagram: Spotify is a very private person, so she's not really the centre of attention here. That could change in 2017 tho.

Snapchat: What makes you so sure?

Instagram: I heard she and Pandora are working on some big events planned for later this year. I can't really go into it right now, but it's gonna be cool.

Edge: What makes you so sure?

Instagram: I overheard them discussing it after you told them you were making them stay on our floor. They did not take it well.

Edge: I don't know, I thought they'd be okay? I mean, they're already here, it's not like they have to move again.

Pinterest: Idk, guys. Just let them be mad at us for a while, I'm sure they'll get over it.

Instagram: Maybe they have a reason to be angry?

Edge: Why is it that you know all about our mysterious coworkers?

Instagram: Says the only person here who's actually interacted with the company president. 

6. Pandora

Instagram: [holding up a picture of Pandora next to the Spotify picture] And of course you can't have Spotify without her Pandora. They are such a cute couple!

Edge: Wait, they're dating? How come I never knew about this?

Snapchat: Idk, maybe you're not observant enough. [sneaks up behind Edge and takes a selfie]

Pinterest: But I think the real question here is, why is Pandora above Spotify?

Instagram: Two reasons, in my opinion: 1. We can't have a tie—

Pinterest: Why not?

Instagram: The whole point of this is to judge people and rank them against each other to see who are winners and who are losers!

Pinterest: That doesn't seem fair?

Snapchat: Oh my god! That is literally the most fair we could've made it!

Pinterest: Sorry.

Instagram: Anyway, 2. She's a huge dork and has a great voice and she's also kind of really cute. I mean, in a photogenic/artistic sort of way of course.

Snapchat: Sure you do.

Edge: I only wish Spotify and Pandora would talk to us more. They seem nice?

Snapchat: They're music websites. They don't socialize with common folk like us.

Pinterest: It didn't used to be this way with Pandora. Remember last year when she was dating YouTube?

Instagram: That only lasted, like, a month. YouTube's not a super romantic person.

Vimeo: [at the coffee maker] Are you seriously saying YouTube's not romantic?

Edge: Yes? I didn't miss anything, right?

Instagram: He really isn't. He uses memes to show affection, and who wants to date a guy like that?

Snapchat: Unless you have something you're not telling us about? [smirks]

Pinterest: Wait, are you guys dating? You would be such a cute couple! Can I plan your wedding? It's gonna be a beautiful wedding!

Vimeo: Me dating YouTube? Don't make me laugh. I mean, he's a great friend, but as a boyfriend? He's obnoxious.

Snapchat: Ouch. #Friendzoned!

Vimeo: No, he's not into me either.

Instagram: Then how do you know he's romantic?

Vimeo: That answer lies with the next person.

5. Vine

Instagram: He's dating Vine?

Vimeo: I'm not allowed to say, because I'm a good friend he trusts with this secret, but maybe.

Snapchat: Omg really? [climbs across table to get to Vimeo] Now, say it to the camera...

Vimeo: I can't believe you guys never guessed that? Vine's exactly the type of guy who'd work well with YouTube. Remember when he first got here and he meme'd so much we were banned from using memes for the rest of the day?

Snapchat: Dark times. Never forget.

Vimeo: And remember when they totally roasted each other? They're perfect together, tbh.

Instagram: Yeah, but speaking of the epic roast, we should be moving on to the third member of that debate.

4. Vimeo

Vimeo: Wait, I'm number 4? I outrank Vine?

Pinterest: It makes sense. Even though Vine was introduced and left during 2016, you still had more of a lasting impact.

Instagram: Plus you and YouTube are #FriendshipGoals.

Vimeo: Come on, guys. Not everything I do is connected to YouTube.

Snapchat: [zooms in on selfie] Oh yeah? What's that on your wrist?

Vimeo: A friendship bracelet. But the point is, I'm a multidimensional human being, and people like me because of that. I can rap, I can deduce people, I'm strong...

Instagram: We get it. You're perfect in every way.

Vimeo: Sorry.

Edge: Wow, the next person on this list is also at that group of tabs! That's so cool!

Vimeo: Wait, YouTube was introduced in 2015, so that means... oh no. I'm going to take a coffee break, do you guys want anything?

Edge: You're here because of a coffee break though?

Vimeo: Whatever. Bye! [runs over to coffee machine again]

3. Quotev

Instagram: Anyway, let's talk about Quotev.

Edge: Does anyone really know what her deal is? She has to be the strangest person I've met here.

Snapchat: It's just her thing. This office used to be boring, she makes it interesting.

Edge: I can't imagine this office ever being boring.

Pinterest: I just finished a chart for the scrapbook!

Edge: What is it?

Pinterest: It ranks all of Quotev's best moments on a weirdness scale, 10 being the strangest.

Snapchat: Wow, Quotev's really done a lot for the office.

2. Rebecca

Instagram: I've known Rebecca for almost a year, and honestly every moment she's here has been iconic.

Snapchat: Remember when she kicked Facebook in the leg the first time we saw her?

Instagram: That was flawless.

Edge: I thought you guys liked Facebook?

Instagram: Are you kidding? Facebook's mean.

Snapchat: She's so bossy and kind of a loose canon.

Instagram: She seriously just needs to chill. But Facebook isn't who we're talking about for once.

Pinterest: Remember when I got you all the day off just so we could help out at Rebecca's daycare center?

Instagram: That was amazing! Btw, are they still going to charge us for the damage we did to the bounce castle?

Pinterest: Hopefully not.

Snapchat: The point is, Rebecca's the most relatable person I've ever met, and she's only 10! Kids are just the best memes.

Edge: How are you guys ever going to find someone better than Rebecca? She's the best. You should just end it here, because whoever you pick has to be a step down.

Pinterest: I wouldn't be so sure. Instagram, will you do the honors?

Instagram: Sure. And now... The number one new person from 2016 is...

1. Edge!

Edge: Me?

Instagram: To put it in Twitter terms, yeap!

Edge: But I don't understand? I'm nothing like any of the people on this list? I'm not cool, or cute, or smart, or anything you guys like! I don't get invited to parties, and 90% of the time you guys all act like you want me fired!

Snapchat: Don't question the list. Now, let's take a selfie.

Edge: What? Yes! I'd love to!

Snapchat takes a selfie with Edge, who is smiling brightly. After the photo's taken, Edge and Snapchat go back to talking about 2016 moments, but we can't really hear them what we can hear, is Facebook muttering to herself around the corner.

Facebook: Sure, enjoy it now, kid. They all like you, just 'cause they feel bad about how they were before. But they don't really feel bad, do they? They just wanna keep you from doing anything you can't take back. Oh, I've been there, sweetie. I've been there.

A/N This episode was based off my results for the AsM 2016 survey! In addition to the Top 10 Characters list, the Top 10 Episodes are:

10. S1E12 - Humblr (The Gravity Falls Parody)
9. S1E29 - Stay golden, internet (The season one finale)
8. S1E19 - Fanfic's Story (part 2 of 3)
7. S2E12 - VineTube AU (Quotev traps Vimeo and YouTube in an AU)
6. S1E11 - New Year's (The first NYE episode)
5. S2E13 - Elevator (The episode that took place in an elevator)
4. S2E1 - Under New Man-Edge-ment (Season 2 premiere)
3. S1E18 - Fanfic's Story (part 1 of 3)
2. S1E20 - Fanfic's Story (part 3 of 3)

And number one is...
1. S2E15 - Endings and Beginnings!

So, if you get bored at all during the January Hiatus, check those out again!

There was much more interesting information in the survey, but I'll save that for another time.

Right now, some of you are probably thinking "January Hiatus? What the heck is that?". My response is, first of all, I admire you not swearing at me. Secondly, yes, there will be a short hiatus in January which I will explain next week, which won't have a new episode. (But it will have an episode promo so still check it out!). I know, I wish I could publish 1 episode a week all January too, but believe me. Big things are coming. Things that will change AsM forever.

And with that, I leave you with a code. This one is more difficult than the last few, but the key is in the title.


Stay golden, web fans!

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