Episode 15: Endings and Beginnings
Tumblr is running around the office in a way that can only be described as the way someone who walked through hell and was almost out would run.
Edge: *stops Tumblr* It wasn't that bad.
Tumblr: Oh really? Vine leaves, you're still here, Wikipedia is still with Wattpad, and don't even mention politics!
Edge: But those are just 4 things, surely everything else is good if you just look on the bright side?
Tumblr: That's an abridged list, here's a full one.
Tumblr unrolls a ten foot scroll covered in writing, saying everything bad that's happened in 2016.
Edge: Wow, well at least you've grown as a person, right? The bad times just make us stronger?
Tumblr starts writing on the list.
Edge: What are you adding?
Tumblr: This conversation.
The theme song plays
It is December 26th 2016, the 361st day of the year. Tumblr, DevA, and Instagram walk over to Google's tab.
Tumblr: It's time.
Google: For what?
DevA: For you to start planing the New Year's Eve party?
Instagram: So it can be super romantic and you can propose to Yahoo and we can ship it and, y'know...
Tumblr: asdfghjkl?
Google: What does that even mean?
DevA: Whatever. Just go tell people you're doing this.
Google: I just have to get someone's permission first, before I start completely redecorating my house.
Instagram: Who?
Google: Yahoo.
Tumblr: Omg you guys are living together?
Google: Kind of. I spend like 90% of my time at her house.
DevA: Aww! I ship it!
Google: Okay, now can I just go ask her?
Instagram: We're not stopping you.
Tumblr: Wait, let me set up a live stream first!
DevA: You can do that now?
Tumblr: Uh. [tries to figure out how to make this a feature] Maybe?
Google: I meant asking her alone.
Instagram: Fine.
Google walks over to Yahoo's tab. Tumblr, Instagram, and DevA hide in Bing's tab.
Bing: Stop—
Instagram: Move it, dweeb!
In Yahoo's tab.
Google: Hey, Yahoo.
Yahoo: Hello Google! How are things?
Google: Good, I guess.
Tumblr: [In Bing's tab] *Goog
Yahoo: [whispering] Quiet, Tumblr! [normal talking] So, Google, do you have any plans for New Year's Eve?
Google: Not at the moment.
DevA: [face palm]
Yahoo: Good! I had an idea. Remember the party we went to last year at Huffington Posts's house?
Google: What about it?
Yahoo: I was thinking we could have our own party like that this year, since it will be our anniversary.
Google: Yes, that sounds great!
Yahoo: Awesome! I'll start making the invitations!
Cheering can be heard from Bing's tab.
Yahoo: I take it they're coming too, right?
Google: You know we can't get rid of them.
December 27th
Wikipedia is walking around the office smugly.
Cortana: I know I'm going to regret asking this, but what's got you looking so full of yourself?
Wikipedia: I happen to possess the only copy of the tapes video recorded in Elevator B last week. Because of this, if anyone wants information about these events, they have to come to me.
Cortana: Interesting business tactic. Why would anyone want this information?
Wikipedia: Maybe something important happened there! I don't know!
Cortana: You mean you haven't even watched it?
Wikipedia: Not yet, but why would this be of any value to me? I am merely a middle man, buying the information and selling it at double the cost.
Cortana: You paid money for that?
Wikipedia: Just a couple hundred. Besides, I'm sure this will pay off in a big way.
Cortana: You gave the money to Vimeo, right?
Wikipedia: Yes, in exchange for a gold mine of controversy! Discourse awaits!
Cortana: Yeah, whatever. Do you know where Vimeo is?
Wikipedia: At her tab, talking to YouTube.
Cortana: Thanks. [tries to leave, Wikipedia stops her]
Wikipedia: May I ask why you're trying to locate her?
Cortana: I need to tell her she's bought herself a new best friend.
Tumblr, DevA, Pinterest, and Instagram walk up to Fanfic at lunch.
DevA: Hey, Fanfic. Any progress with Wattpad lately?
Fanfic: [obviously lying] What? No! Why would you think that?
Instagram: No reason. Anyways, did you hear about the New Year's Eve party Yahoo and Google are throwing?
Fanfic: Yep! I've already gotten an invitation!
Pinterest: That's odd. I haven't gotten mine yet.
Tumblr: Whatever. What if I told you we had a plan to use this party to get Watfic back together?
Instagram: We do?
Fanfic: Guys, stop! Wattpad is her own person and who she decides to date in none of my business! [whispering] But what did you guys have planned? I'm just curious.
DevA: We can't discuss it here, for fear of being overheard. Meet us tomorrow and we'll discuss.
Instagram: Wait, where are we meeting?
Pinterest: I thought we were meeting at Tumblr's house?
Tumblr: No, no. My house has become overrun by frogs. What about Instagram's place?
Pinterest: It depends on the time, I have to watch Rebecca and her friends until 7:30...
Instagram: Who says Rebecca can't help us with the plan?
Pinterest: You know Rebecca can be a handful sometimes...
Tumblr: So? That's why we'll have 5 hands!
DevA: Shut up guys, you're ruining the mysterious mood! Anyway, meet us tomorrow at an undefined place and undefined time, possibly at Instagram's house after 7:30, to discuss the details of the plan.
Fanfic: I'll be there!
Tumblr, DevA, Pinterest, and Instagram walk away.
DevA: And it would be ten hands, not five.
Tumblr: Shut up.
December 28th
Tumblr is going to lunch, but Yahoo stops her.
Yahoo: Tumblr, could you do a favor for me?
Tumblr: Let's see, I don't need to accompany you to the party because it's at your house, and you're already dating Eugs Googs, I can't help you choose a dress because I have literally no fashion sense, which you've probably already guessed from the everything about me, and I don't need to tackle anyone trying to get between you and Google. I've gone through every important plot point of last year's party, what else is there?
Yahoo: You forgot one thing: Handing out the rest of the invitations.
Tumblr: Crap! Why can't you just get one of the actual mail websites to send them for you?
Yahoo: I trust you more.
Tumblr: *laughs* That was your first mistake.
Fanfic notices this exchange and steps in.
Fanfic: Actually, Tumblr and I would love to deliver the invitations, Yahoo!
Yahoo: Great, thank you!
Fanfic and Tumblr walk away.
Tumblr: Why?
Fanfic: It's good to do nice things for people. [Tumblr rolls her eyes] Besides, it'll give us a reason to discuss the plan.
Tumblr: We're not talking about operation Watfic at work, did you not hear about that?
Fanfic: No, the other plan!
Tumblr: ?
Fanfic: The yahoogle plan!
Tumblr finally understands. She and Fanfic leave.
Google is working at his tab. Tumblr sneaks up behind him with a bag, attempting to kidnap him. Google turns around quickly and Tumblr hides the bag behind her back.
Google: Are you trying to kidnap me again?
Tumblr: Psh, no! Of course not! What do I look like, Facebook?
Google: Then what's the bag for?
Tumblr: It's, uh, my new way to carry invitations, which I plan to hand out. Speaking of plan, how exactly do you plan to propose to Yahoo?
Google: I thought I'd just do it traditionally when the moment felt right?
Tumblr: Don't make me laugh! You're going to frame it in the way a master fic writer would, and I'll be behind everything.
Google: Fine. Which way to the rest of my shippers?
Tumblr: Follow me.
Google sits on one side of a table, across from the Pinvengers (not including Wattpad), who all have notepads and pictures of various canon ships.
Google: So what are we doing here?
Tumblr: We're building the perfect proposal from elements of all our OTPs.
Instagram: Y'know, I always thought the ship catalog was just an inside joke, but it really does look like you have 140 couples here.
DevA: Honestly this is only a small fraction of our full collection. We're actually up to, what, 2,682?
Fanfic: 2,683 now. I mean, I should know. I'm the one Tumblr has on speed dial to call at 3 a.m. to talk about her ships.
Google: Enough about your extremely unhealthy sleep schedules, lunch is almost over, so either tell me what to do, or let me choose my own path.
Tumblr: A character making their own decisions? That's the dumbest trope I've ever heard!
Instagram: If I were you, I'd start with choosing a ring. Now, diamonds are super expensive and way too mainstream, so what about another gem?
Pinterest: But what gem could it be?
Tumblr: Well, Yahoo is kind of like Pearl sometimes, but more the motherly side of Pearl than the musical theatre/defying authority side of Pearl. Then again, she also seems like a Rose Quartz, but you're not that much like Greg, so... *thinking*
DevA: If I were you, I'd just go based on color schemes. Purple is her favorite color, right? So get her an Amethyst.
Tumblr: WHAT ABOUT A FUSION! But she isn't like Rainbow Quartz either, why must Yahoo be her own person and not an exact carbon copy of an existing show?!
Google: Let's just save the ring for later. Does anyone have any ideas before I go back to work?
Pinterest: I've got something! [slides Google a piece of paper, Tumblr steals it away.]
Tumblr: Oh yes. Yessss. This is good. Google, you're going to be the smoothest, most OTP-worthy website the world has ever seen!
Google: Can I see the idea?
Tumblr: Whatever, here it is. Just leave it to us.
Google: *reads paper* That's impossible.
Pinterest: With the Pinvengers, nothing is impossible.
December 29th
Fanfic and the rest of the Pinvengers (except for Wattpad) are still trying to find a way they can discuss the Watfic plan. Yahoo walks up to Tumblr's tab.
Yahoo: Tumblr, did you ever finish handing out the invitations?
Tumblr: What?
Yahoo: Remember? I told you to give one to every person attending the party? Which is in 2 days?
Tumblr: 3 days.
Yahoo: Well that depends on whether you count the fraction of the day we're in, and also the day of the event, so technically speaking I'm—Oh, whatever! You're just trying to distract me, aren't you? Have you sent the invitations?
Tumblr: Yes, and 100% of the invitations I sent RSVP'd Yes.
Yahoo: Really?
Facebook: [leans around wall] 100% of the invitations she sent were also to search engines, people who are dating you, and people named Google.
Yahoo: You only sent one invitation?
Tumblr: Dang it Facey! Why are you always just screwing everything up!
Facebook: *loading*
Yahoo: You really need to take this more seriously, Tumblr! I want this party to be unforgettable!
Tumblr: If all goes according to plan, it already will be.
Yahoo: Not if no one's there!
Facebook: [stops loading, screams]
Yahoo: I'd better deal with whatever that was. Deliver the invites!
Tumblr sighs, takes the pile of envelopes, and starts delivering them to the websites.
After delivering invitations to many other websites, Tumblr walks over to YouTube's tab where he's talking to Vimeo and Facebook.
YouTube: I mean, who knows at this point? The internet changes so fast, and my algorithm's so messed up, I might be outta here by 2018!
Facebook: Don't say that, if anyone's gonna be outta here it's me. I can't believe how much damage I've caused in one year.
YouTube: Well, there's a meme going around about all my ridiculous clickbait—
Facebook: Try fake news. Because of me, the racist cheeto-dusted prune will be in charge. I hate myself more every day.
Awkward silence interrupted by Tumblr running in and throwing invitations at people.
Tumblr: Everyone! Yahoogle party! Be there!
Facebook: *rolls her eyes* It's so important she doesn't even need full sentences.
Tumblr: Shut up, you're not even invited.
Facebook: I'm not?
Tumblr: Who would ever want you to come to anything? Huffington Post didn't ask you to come last year, why should this year be any different? Especially since we have not one but two very important missions this year.
Facebook: I promise to stay out of the way for the proposal. What's the other one?
Tumblr: It's a secret.
Vimeo: They're planning to somehow get Watfic back together.
Tumblr: How did you know that?
Vimeo: I'm friends with Cortana now. She knows things,
Tumblr: Yeah, whatever. This doesn't involve either of you.
Facebook: Actually, it directly involves me. I was one of the people who helped get them together in the first place, so I feel I have the right to help you guys.
Tumblr: Fine, you can come to one of our meetings.
Facebook: Thanks, I'll be there! [Tumblr starts to walk away] Wait, where is the meeting gonna be held?
Tumblr: Idk, wherever! I'll tell you when we find something!
Facebook: We can use my room from last year! They barely even touched it with the updates!
Tumblr: Fine. I'll call the Pinvengers.
Facebook: Can I do it?
Tumblr: Whatever, you're letting us use the room. Sure.
Facebook: Okay. Pinvengers, assemble!
Pinterest, DevA, Instagram, and Fanfic show up and strike Avengers-style poses.
Facebook: You're missing Wattpad.
DevA: Why would we need Wattpad?
Instagram: We're making a plan to get them together at the party. If they're both here, it kind of defeats the purpose.
Pinterest: I mean, unless you want to speed things up...
Tumblr: I'll kidnap Wattpad!
DevA: No kidnapping people!
Tumblr: Fine, I guess we'll do it the "normal" way. Facebook, show us the room.
Facebook: Follow me.
The websites follow Facebook to the conference room. Instagram helps Facebook move a bookshelf blocking the entrance, which is a huge hole cut out of some wallpaper.
DevA: What happened? When we were here last year there was an actual door.
Facebook: Don't ask any questions, just get in here.
The websites step into Facebook's room, and see almost everything exactly as it was before, covered in dust. Tumblr walks over to a bookshelf and knocks a few books off, labeled "Facebook's diary volumes 3-7". She goes to pick them up.
Facebook: [yelling with a fearful expression] Don't touch that! Don't touch anything in here! Well, the floor and the couch, but that's it!
Tumblr rolls her eyes and sits down on the floor.
Pinterest: Okay, let's get started on the plan.
Facebook: What I think we should do is—
Tumblr: Oh, not surprising the control freak is taking charge of the situation. What's you gonna do now, murder us?
Facebook: I don't understand, you were fine with letting me lead this 3 minutes ago?
Tumblr: You were just supposed to sit here and look pretty like you always do! Don't try to take control of the plan when you haven't even known Fanfic from the beginning!
Fanfic: Guys, stop it! She might not have known me in high school, but she has always been there. Remember when you guys started this ship all those years ago? She was there. And honestly, she was being the least creepy out of all of you.
Facebook: I was there literally every time you mentioned that ship.
Tumblr: Oh really? I must have blocked it from my memory.
Facebook: That's actually kind of off—
Tumblr: Blocked.
Facebook: You're such a—
DevA: Can you guys just stop fighting for one minute? We get it, you hate each other, but we're not here because of anyone in this room. We're here for the ship, which is all that matters.
Tumblr: Sorry. What was your idea, Facey?
Facebook: No, you first, Tumblr.
Tumblr: Okay, so what I'm thinking we should do is...
Tumblr starts whispering to the group so we can't hear the plan. The scene fades out.
December 30th
Fanfic walks into the office, talking to Facebook about the plan. She looks over and sees Wikipedia selling hundreds of copies of the video from Episode 13.
Facebook: Wow, déjà vu, am I right? Kind of?
Fanfic looks distraught.
Facebook: We should see what he's doing.
Fanfic: Should I go?
Facebook: No, let me. I'm still on neutral terms with him.
Facebook walks over to Wikipedia.
Wikipedia: Oh hello Facebook! Would you by any chance be interested in a copy of "Untold elevator stories part I"?
Facebook: What do you want, old man?
Wikipedia: I'm 3 years older than you?
Facebook: Why are you selling these tapes?
Wikipedia: Why not? I'm a business man, and I feel it is my job to supply information to the people, for a small fee.
Facebook: Isn't your website free?
Wikipedia: Yes, but this is premium content, sweetheart. Besides, I'm not saying they have to pay.
Buzzfeed takes a video without paying for it.
Wikipedia: Hey! Donations are greatly encouraged!
Buzzfeed rolls her eyes and gives Wikipedia $20.
Wikipedia: *takes the money* Thank you for you patronage!
Facebook: Why would this information be of value to anyone?
Wikipedia: Open your eyes, Facey! This is uncut real life information from one of the most private spaces in the office! This is like reality TV but better! Who knows what information this holds?
Facebook: So you haven't watched it yet?
Wikipedia: I will eventually! I don't have to check the validity of my information, I just have to get it to the people.
Facebook: That sounds irresponsible.
Wikipedia: Hypocrite, much?
Facebook: Touché.
Facebook walks back to Fanfic.
Fanfic: What's he doing? Why's he selling the tapes?
Facebook: Something about "spreading knowledge". Really he's just trying to make extra cash. He hasn't even watched it yet.
Fanfic: He hasn't? Yes! Thank you so much, Facebook!
Facebook: No problem. What was on that video that you didn't want him to see anyway?
Fanfic: If the plan works, you won't need to find out.
Fanfic and Facebook keep talking as they walk to their tabs.
Edge sits in her office working on a coloring book. Yahoo knocks on the door.
Edge: Come in!
Yahoo enters with an envelope in her hand.
Edge: Oh! Ms. Yahoo! What brings you to my office at 10 in the morning?
Yahoo: It's 7:30 in the afternoon.
Edge: Oh, sorry.
Yahoo: It's fine. Now, Edge, you've heard about the New Year's Eve party Google and I are hosting, right?
Edge: Yes, and I understand perfectly why you wouldn't want me to be there. I'll be fine. I'm just going to have a nice quiet evening and watch the year end by my—
Yahoo: You're invited. [hands Edge the envelope]
Edge screams and hugs Yahoo, flapping her hands excitedly.
Edge: Aaah! Thank you thank you thank you!
Yahoo: You're welcome! The party starts tomorrow at 9:00 p.m.
Edge: I'll be there!
Yahoo leaves. Edge sighs and smiles.
Edge: I'm wanted.
Pinterest and Tumblr arrive at Yahoo's house a few hours before the party.
Pinterest: Hi guys! Are we early enough?
Google: It's 4 in the afternoon.
Tumblr: Whatever. I just woke up.
Yahoo: Why are you two here so early?
Pinterest: We wanted to help decorate! [Tumblr rolls her eyes] I wanted to help decorated. Tumblr's here because I didn't want to show up alone.
Tumblr: I'll just be hanging out on your couch for the rest of the day. Got any food?
Google: [sigh] Check the fridge.
Pinterest helps Yahoo and Google set up the decorations while Tumblr watches the Doctor Who Christmas special 3 times in a row. Tumblr talks to Google right before the party starts.
Tumblr: Now, remember to go exactly according to the plan.
Google: Right. But what if there's a time when we're both having fun and her eyes sparkle like diamonds and it seems like my entire life has led up to this moment?
Tumblr: Nope. Follow the plan, make your shippers proud, you got this. Gtg, Yahoo just brought out the snacks. Goog luck!
Google sighs. The doorbell rings and Google gets it. It's YouTube and Vimeo.
Vimeo: Hello Google!
YouTube: 'Sup Googs.
Google: Hey guys! You're right on time, nobody's here yet.
Tumblr: [yelling] I'm here!
Google: Tumblr's here.
YouTube: Well that's good. Say, how many TVs do you guys have in this house?
Google: Just the one. Why?
Vimeo: We were going to set up livestreams to NYE celebrations all around the world.
YouTube: It wouldn't work anyway, Britain's already passed.
Vimeo: Dang.
YouTube: I guess Tumblr can just tell us what's going on in the world?
Tumblr: Our future is entirely dependent on whether Harry Styles puts "It's" before the year on his Twitter.
Vimeo: Thanks, Tumblr.
YouTube and Vimeo walk away with Tumblr. Instagram and Snapchat show up at the door.
Instagram: The party starts now.
Snapchat: 'Cause Snapchat's in the house!
Instagram: And Instagram. Ugh, it never sounds cool no matter who says it.
Instagram: Whatever. Let's blow the roof off this place!
Snapchat: Yeah! [puts on dog mask]
Google: I'm probably going to regret asking this, but what's with the mask?
Snapchat: Haven't you ever heard of filters? I've made a huge comeback this year, I don't even have to leave the party early now!
Google: I guess that means we need more food... Tumblr!
Only a few minutes later, the party's in full swing. It seems like everyone's there, The Pinvengers, Facebook's Squad, the new websites, the browsers, and Edge, who didn't realize this was supposed to be a formal occasion and showed up in a T-shirt and jeans. Tumblr walks over to YouTube.
YouTube: A TARDIS dress? Seriously?
Tumblr: Hey, at least I'm wearing actual clothes this year.
YouTube: Yeah. So, what's the plan?
Tumblr: What?
YouTube: You never go to parties unless you have some sort of ulterior motive. What is it?
Tumblr: Nothing! And I'm frankly offended that you'd accuse me of such—
YouTube: Is it either of those?
YouTube gestures at Fanfic dancing with Wattpad, then to Google, who accidentally dropped the engagement ring and is trying to pick it back up without Yahoo noticing.
Tumblr: Love works in mysterious ways.
YouTube: Has it ever occurred to you to let these relationships develop naturally?
Tumblr: Are you kidding me? I've had a 100% irl success rate this past year! Without me, they'd all just be floating around in the water. At least I can steer the ship.
The scene moves to Wattpad and Fanfic.
Wattpad: So then he says I can't even wear my hair in a ponytail to this party because "Ponytails were your hairstyle when you were dating the purple witch"
Fanfic: He is so annoying!
Wattpad: I know! But guess what? I wore it anyway.
Fanfic: It suits you.
Wattpad sees Wikipedia walking towards them.
Wattpad: Well, speak of the devil.
Wikipedia walks past them into another room.
Fanfic: Where's he going?
Wattpad: I think that's the kitchen.
Fanfic: But guests aren't allowed in the kitchen! What could he be doing?
Wattpad: I don't know. Let's follow him.
Wattpad and Fanfic sneak over to the kitchen door and peek in.
Wattpad: Can you see anything?
Fanfic: No, it's all dark. Wait, is that Chrome with him?
Wattpad: Why would he—
Wattpad is interrupted when Wikipedia starts talking.
Wikipedia: Listen up, big shot, 'cause I'm only going to ask this once: What is the plan?
Chrome: What?
Wikipedia: Don't play dumb with me, man! I know Fanfic has some sort of master plan to pit Wattney and I against each other, and I know you're in on it. Spill the beans or I'll—I'll shave your head!
Chrome: Dude, I seriously have no idea what you're talking about!
Wikipedia: Oh, so we're going to have to do this the hard way?
A buzzing sound can be heard offscreen. Fanfic and Wattpad wince as Chrome screams. Wikipedia walks back toward the door and Wattpad and Fanfic run away.
Fanfic: Your boyfriend is violent and dangerous! Why are you still with him?
Wattpad: I don't know, he can be nice sometimes?
Fanfic: Regardless of that, we need to tell someone.
Wattpad: Well what if we maybe... didn't?
Fanfic: What?
Wattpad: I don't want to get anyone in trouble, and it was dark after all. Maybe nothing happened?
Fanfic: He was willing to shave Chrome's hair, Chrome's favorite thing about himself, just to keep us apart.
Wattpad: Then maybe we shouldn't be together.
Fanfic: Wattpad—
Wattpad walks away from Fanfic, getting lost in the crowd of the party.
Facebook walks over to Tumblr, who is talking to DevA and Pinterest.
Facebook: So, how's the plan going?
Tumblr: Well, they're no longer standing next to each other. Interpret that as you will.
Facebook: None of my relationships were ever this complicated!
Tumblr: That's because none of your relationships lasted more than 2 months.
Pinterest: Well, except—
Facebook: Shut up.
Wikipedia walks around the party, smugly, until her runs into Fanfic.
Wikipedia: Ew, what are you doing? And where's my girlfriend?
Fanfic: Look, at this point, even I don't know. Could you just go away?
Wikipedia: With pleasure.
Wikipedia walks over to Cortana, who is talking to Siri, and interrupts them.
Wikipedia: Guess what?
Cortana: We're not friends.
Wikipedia: Yeah we are. Guess what?
Cortana: What?
Wikipedia: I finally understand why people say everything happens for a reason. The universe has perfectly aligned for Wattpad to be with me.
Cortana: What makes you think that?
Wikipedia: I've taken down Fanfic's big plan, Wattney ditched her best friend—sorry ex-best friend—because she's just so in love with me, and I have copyright over this glorious beacon of information. [kisses video tape of the elevator]
Cortana: Uh... Okay.
Wikipedia: You're supposed to be happy for me. Why aren't you cheering my name?
Cortana: Have you ever, like, actually watched that video?
Wikipedia: Why does everyone keep asking that?! I keep telling you, I'll watch it later!
Cortana: You might want to watch it now.
Wikipedia walks away to find somewhere he can watch the tape. Fanfic, who overheard this entire conversation, runs through the party frantically until Tumblr stops her.
Tumblr: So? How's the plan going?
Fanfic: I need to find Wattpad!
Tumblr: Slow down, chill! You still have at least 5 more steps before we need her involved again.
Fanfic: I can do that later! Right now, she might be in danger, and I just want to make sure she's okay.
Tumblr: Aww! Okay, I think she went into that room?
Tumblr points to a door down the hall.
Fanfic: Thanks, Tumblr!
Fanfic runs down the hall, finds the door, and walks in.
Wattpad is sitting on the bed in the guest room, texting. She looks up when Fanfic walks in.
Fanfic: Wattney, we need to talk.
Wattpad moves to sit on the edge of the bed next to Fanfic.
Fanfic: Listen, I'm still not over the time we kissed, and I'm sorry but I have no idea why you're dating that piece of crap. He's awful to you!
Wattpad: I know, I'm sorry. I just can't even deal with this right now. I want to go home. Things keep changing, I have no sense of identity anymore, and, yes, I'm dating a possible supervillain, but it's just, tomorrow's 2017, and maybe things will be different?
Fanfic: Things won't be different because of a new year. Even though we're writing a different date, things will still feel the same. You—
Wikipedia angrily throws open the door, almost ripping it off its hinges.
Wattpad: It was a mistake! It didn't mean anything!
Wikipedia: [voice cracking] HOW DOES THIS NOT MEAN ANYTHING?
Wikipedia holds up a laptop with the video on it, paused at the moment Fanfic kisses Wattpad.
Wattpad: Sweetie, I know you're mad—
Wikipedia gets an idea.
Wikipedia: I finally get it. This was all revenge, wasn't it? You could've had it all. I guess the only thing to do is make sure you can never see each other again. Farewell, girls. Good luck.
Wikipedia slams the door as he runs out to ruin the rest of the party.
Wattpad: What're we gonna do? If you lose your job, this will be chaos!
Fanfic: I don't know, we need a plan. Luckily, I know someone who has 2. [shouting] PINVENGERS, ASSEMBLE!
Tumblr, DevA, Pinterest, and Instagram burst through the door.
Tumblr: So? Is the plan getting you anywhere?
Fanfic: Not really. We need plan B.
Tumblr: You were plan B. Yahoogle's plan A.
Fanfic: Whatever. We need a plan to take Wikipedia down!
Tumblr: Wikipedia? He's hardly a threat.
Wattpad: Now he is.
Fanfic: He's lost sight of reality. It's time to remind him what's canon.
DevA: That's our specialty.
The Pinvengers run off.
Fanfic: We should get Yahoo and Google's help. It is their party he's destroying, after all.
Wattpad: Good idea. [yelling] Yahoo! Google!
Yahoo, Google, and Bing show up at the door.
Fanfic: Why is Bing here? I thought I told you specifically not to invite him.
Bing: I snuck in. It was easy.
Fanfic: Well, Wikipedia is destroying your party, in hopes to get me fired, somehow.
Google: That follows no logic?
Yahoo: Whatever. Let's save our party.
Bing: It's my party too!
They run off.
Wattpad: We have almost enough people. Hold on. [takes out phone and sends a text] Any second now.
Facebook: [bursts through door] What's he doing now?! I swear to god I'll kill that man if he hurts either of you!
Wattpad: Calm down! He's just destroying the party and trying to get Fanfic fired. Is there anything you can do?
Facebook: Leave it to me. [runs off]
Fanfic: That's enough people, what do we do now?
Wattpad: Now... We fight.
Fanfic: Yay! Battle scene!
Wattpad and Fanfic run out to the living room, where Wikipedia is destroying as much as he can get his hands on. The Pinvengers are yelling at him, Google, Yahoo, (and to a lesser extent, Bing), are fixing what he destroys quick as they can, and Facebook is trying to hunt him down. Everything is going perfectly, until...
Wikipedia grabs Wattpad's arm and pulls her into a kiss! Everyone stops, frozen in the awkwardness of the situation. Wattpad breaks away.
Wikipedia: Go on, fight me, girls! You're just making this easier.
Wikipedia laughs. Fanfic growls.
Wikipedia: Look, Wattney, if you just agree to love me and only me, I'll let your gal pal there go free. Make the decision, nerds.
Wattpad and Fanfic share a meaningful look.
Wattpad: I promise.
Fanfic stares ahead, dumbfounded. This can't be happening! But it is. Fanfic turns around, sobbing, in front of a crowd of shocked people. Tumblr whispers to her.
Tumblr: Kid, what're you doing? You have to get back out there! You can't let him win!
Fanfic: What's the point? She made her choice, and it wasn't me.
Instagram: But the plan!
Fanfic: The plan would've never worked anyway. It's time for me to move on.
Wattpad has been watching/listening to this conversation the whole time. She turns back to Wikipedia.
Wattpad: You know what would make this moment absolutely perfect? Kiss me.
Wikipedia: Oh? Don't mind if I do...
Wikipedia and Wattpad lean in to kiss again. At the last second, Wattpad smiles and headbutts him, pushes him on the ground, and starts kicking him.
Wattpad: I am not your "babe" or "dear" or "Wattney Jennifer Patterson"! I'm a human being, not some prize to be won! So why don't you take this classic case of male entitlement and leave you — you ***kipedia!
The crowd gasps.
Tumblr: Woo! Drag him!
Wattpad: Now I just want to go home, is that too much to ask?! Come on, Fauna, let's go.
Wattpad walks right out the door without even bothering to get her coat or any of her other belongings. Fanfic follows timidly behind her.
awkward silence
Tumblr: Well, that happened.
Wikipedia moans.
DevA: Is anyone going to bother helping him up?
Pinterest: I'll drive him home.
Bing: I'm going too!
Pinterest carries Wikipedia out to her car. Bing tries to help, but he can't.
More awkward silence
Edge: Is this what all your parties are like? 'Cause if so, I'm starting to realize why you guys never invite me to these things.
Even more awkward silence
Google: I don't think there's any saving this party, it would all just be best if you went home now. Sorry everyone.
Yahoo: Not so fast. [gets down on one knee] Google, through all the hardships 2016 threw at us, because of you this has been the best year of my life. Would you do me the honor of making this the first year of the rest of our lives? Eugene Douglas Google, Will you marry me?
Google: [crying] Yes!
They kiss. People start clapping.
Tumblr: None of this is going according to my plan!
YouTube: Don't you see? If you just allow the relationship to develop naturally, great things can happen!
Tumblr: Whatever. Every good ship here was my idea.
YouTube: Just let them have their moment, please?
Google gives Yahoo the ring he bought for her. They kiss again, giggling.
Wattpad walks onto the roof of the Computer Corp. building, Fanfic just a few steps behind her, completely out of breath.
Wattpad: Don't worry, this is the spot.
Wattpad and Fanfic sit down near the edge of the roof, Fanfic resting her head on Wattpad's shoulder. They stay like that for a while.
Fanfic: So, who's going to go first?
Wattpad: What?
Fanfic: We both have things we need to say, we can't just leave it at that. So who's going to say it first?
Wattpad: You can.
Fanfic: Okay. These last few months have been horrible. To both of us. But I feel like I was so busy pitying myself that I never stopped to hear your side of the story. Honestly, being apart was bad, but seeing you with Wikipedia, that was just unbearable.
Wattpad: How did you know he was such a bad guy? He never acted this way towards me before.
Fanfic: Well, I was you a few years ago, except I rejected him right there. I know his type. They get everything in the world on a plate, and then as soon as something jumps off, they feel entitled to it even if it's not theirs. He's tried to make my life hell ever since.
Wattpad: Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! If I'd known you had a history, I would have never—
Fanfic: It's not your fault.
Wattpad: I should have known from the beginning. He never really loved me, you know. He spent all our time plotting against you, talking about how we were hurting you. He was probably just dating me as revenge. I'm an idiot.
Fanfic: You're not an idiot. You're human. Humans make mistakes sometimes, we hurt each other's feelings, but we just need to make things right.
Wattpad: Yeah. Remember that time, way back in September, when I broke up with you?
Fanfic: One of the worst days of my life. But yes, continue.
Wattpad: The entire reason behind that was Facebook and Instagram were telling me our relationship wasn't like any of theirs. But I'm starting to think that was a good thing. That means we allow our love to grow and change, and that's more than any of them can do.
Fanfic: Are you saying that through all this time, you've wanted to be Watfic again?
Wattpad: I think you know the answer to that. [lies down on the roof] "Wattney stopped walking and stared into Fauna's galaxy-colored eyes. Were they blue with swirls of purple or purple with swirls of blue? It didn't matter. But Wattney stared into those kind, trusting eyes and said..."
Fanfic: [lies down next to Wattpad] Oh Wattney,
Wattpad: I always have.
They lie there in silence for a few moments.
Fanfic: Is it just me or does it feel like we've been living these last few months as characters from "A Chance Encounter"
Wattpad: I was just about to say that myself.
Fanfic and Wattpad fall asleep on the roof, next to each other, a couple once again.
A/N First off I want to say I'm sorry for posting this 2 days late, my internet wasn't working yesterday.
Secondly, this was my longest chapter yet, with a total of over 5,700 words! This is over 1,000 more than the previous record!
Third, I have a survey up right now to try and find your opinions on the best AsM moments of 2016! It's on my message board and I'll probably put it as an external link when this is published.
Happy 2017, web fans!
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