Episode 12: VineTube AU
It's been a few days since Vine left his job. Things are moving on like normal, except YouTube is still feeling downcast. He walks over to Vine's old tab and sees Vimeo sitting in it.
YouTube: Your tab's over there.
Vimeo: I know.
YouTube: So why are you sitting in Vine's tab?
Vimeo: It's not Vine's tab anymore. It's an empty tab, which I happen to claim as my tab part 2. Besides, Vine's in Michigan.
YouTube: No he isn't! His flight doesn't leave until—
Vimeo: Don't know, don't care. [turns back to her work]
YouTube: You know, the least you could do is show some respect. That man was a pioneer in his field, and if it wasn't for him you wouldn't even be sitting here right now. You wouldn't even be a website!
Vimeo: Do you seriously believe that? Sweetie, I've been a website here since you were a scrawny teenage dudebro in high school. The reason you never saw me among these rejects is because I'm actually good at what I do.
YouTube: At least Vine was likable. Everyone thinks you're pretentious.
Vimeo: My, what an imagination you must have to consider me pretentious. Besides, Edge likes me.
YouTube: Edge likes everyone, it's one of the reasons Tumblr hates her.
Vimeo: Whatever. My camera's almost out of battery, and I think this is a good place to stop.
YouTube: What do you mean? Have you been recording this?
Vimeo: Yes, and now I am going to upload it to my website so the entire world can see the depths of your stupidity.
YouTube: Gimme that! [steals tape] Ha! Now it's on my site, uploaded at a fraction of the time it would take for you to post it!
Vimeo: Fine, then I'll file a copyright violation and you'll get a strike on your account.
YouTube: But I posted it first so it's mine!
Vimeo: No, it's mine!
Quotev: If you guys don't stop arguing, someone's gonna get hurt.
YouTube: If you don't shut up, it's gonna be you!
Vimeo: That was uncalled for.
YouTube: Your face is uncalled for!
Vimeo: That's the second time you've stolen a line! This calls for two strikes and account termination!
Quotev: Don't—
Vimeo steps forward like she's going to punch YouTube, but then time stops. It's like everyone's doing an extreme version of The Mannequin Challenge. The camera turns 360 around the scene, then there's a snap and everything goes dark.
A moment later the screen lightens up. Vimeo and YouTube are lying on the floor of... Computer Corp? But not really, it looks so different. This is the exact copy of Computer Corp from before Windows 10.
A voice: Mmm whatcha saaay...
Sure, leave it to Tumblr to use memes in a stressful situation. But wait, this isn't Tumblr, it's—
Pandora: Come on, man. Get up.
YouTube gets up and looks around, confused. Vimeo looks around too.
Vimeo: Just some food for thought, maybe next time refer to both of us instead of just YouTube?
Spotify: That's what I keep telling them! Ugh, they never listen to me.
Wikipedia: Who might you be?
Twitter: Ohemgeeeee!!!!! New ppl!!! Hi!!!! Let me take a selfieeeeee!!! ASDFGHJKL;'!!!!!! #Excited #New #Selfie #Cute #...
Facebook: Ugh, Twitter, don't talk to them! They don't have #SWAG like us!
Twitter: #SWAG!!!!!
YouTube: [still confused] What is this place?
The other websites laugh. Vimeo whispers to herself.
Vimeo: Oh my god we're in a fanfiction. Not just any fanfiction, but an AU.
YouTube: Well, that's not too bad, right? Fanfic puts a lot of care and love into her creations, recently. We'll be okay.
Vimeo: This isn't Fanfic's work.
YouTube: Wattpad's gotten better too lately. Besides, maybe we can meet all the members of 1D!
Vimeo: It's not Wattpad either.
YouTube: Who is is there?
Vimeo: Quotev.
YouTube: I thought she was a quiz website?
Vimeo: Yes, but she's also an author. Why do you think everyone lets her do what she wants because "writing research"?
YouTube: But I've read her writing, and it's actually really good!
Vimeo: Yes, most of it is. But there's one AU, one unspeakable AU, an AU I can't believe she hasn't burned yet.
YouTube: What is it?
Vimeo: Interwebs inc.
*a different theme song plays*
Fanfic: Are y'all talkin' about AUs? I have a great coffee shop AU in need of proofreading. It's about 1D!
Wattpad: I can't believe you like 1D. It's so overrated.
Facebook: Shut up, reading's for nerds. I'd much rather be spending my time catching up on the legit best show ever: Keeping up with the Kardashians!
YouTube: [to Vimeo] I don't know how much of this I can take. This is not normal.
Vimeo: I know. They all seem two-dimensional, like cardboard cutouts. It's like every bit of character development has melted away into like 1 personality trait.
YouTube: Is this going to happen to us? Oh god, I don't want to become a cliche straight Dudebro!
Vimeo: That's why we have to get out of here.
YouTube: And how are we going to do that, Ms. Smart person?
Vimeo: Smart guy is fine, but thanks for not assuming. I have no idea what happens here, I've never made it past the first paragraph. All I know is trust no one.
YouTube: Nice advice. Nice, cliche advice.
Vimeo: Shut up.
YouTube: Make me!
Pinterest is listening to them. She starts crying.
Pinterest: STOP BEING MEAN 2 EACH OTHER!!! *leaves*
Vimeo: No, Pinterest, come back. You have so much more you can do. You can be a Pinvenger.
YouTube: She has a point. We can't keep turning on each other over silly disagreements. And we also can't live by the notion of "trust no one", because isolating ourselves so that nobody hurts us also makes sure that nobody can help us.
Vimeo: How would we know who to trust then?
YouTube: Leave it to me. [speaking to websites, doing a Google impression] Attention, websites.
Websites ignore YouTube.
Vimeo: Nice work, genius.
YouTube: Hey, we don't even usually respond until the second time. Attention, websites!
Yahoo looks up from her phone, glaring at YouTube.
Yahoo: Don't try to flirt with me again, YouTube.
YouTube: I won't! You're like, 10 years older than me and super not my type!
Yahoo: [rolls her eyes and looks back down at her phone]
Vimeo: We got one person, kind of? But we need the whole floor! Be more aggressive!
YouTube: Okay. Sorry everyone, but it's come to this. [sends a bunch of pop up ads to all websites]
Facebook: Omg eww!!!! An ad touched me!!!1!
YouTube: I need to make an announcement. Vimeo and I need to interview each and every one of you before lunch is over.
Tumblr: Why? That sounds so mainstream.
YouTube and Vimeo share a look.
Vimeo: Writing research.
YouTube: So everyone please find the time to answer some questions for us!
*websites disperse.*
Vimeo: So, wanna make this a game?
YouTube: Vimeo, this could literally be a matter of life and death. I don't think we should—
Vimeo: 20 bucks says I can interview more people than you.
YouTube: You're on.
YouTube and Vimeo interview all the websites. Some have over exaggerated versions of their personalities while others are polar opposites. Below are just samples of the interviews.
Yahoo: Why are you asking me all this? I don't even like Google!
Google: She had her chance back in 2002. I'm too rich for her now.
Tumblr: [stands on table] HE IS SOFT AND WARM LIKE MASH POTATO!
YouTube: [goes to write "OOC" next to Tumblr's name] Actually, canon Tumblr did that to me last week. [writes down "somewhat OOC"]
Fanfic: Wattpad? Well I ain't the type to wanna...
Wattpad: Boybands? Not my thing. But I do love cliches even though I never write them myself.
Twitter: Hello #YouTube!!! How are you on this fine #morning?!?!?!? I noticed #earlier you #fainted and hit your #head!!!! Are you #alright??!?!? The strangest #thing is that the #moment you #fell something else happened to #Vimeo where she also...
Vimeo: [thinking] She just keeps going and going...
Vimeo's done with all her interviews. She walks over and stands by YouTube, who is interviewing Facebook.
Facebook: So anyway, Tumblr's okay, but she's, like, got no swag!
Vimeo: Another exaggeration?
YouTube: This is the closest to canon I've found so far. One last question: What happened to Myspace?
Facebook: I dated him all through high school and then in May 2007 I stabbed him behind the school. He had it coming!
YouTube: Yup. That's our Facey.
Vimeo: Yes, but she's not the real Facey so we have to phrase the questions carefully. Allow me. *takes YouTube's chair* So, like, what's the deal with Quotev?
Facebook: Omg don't even get me started on this!!! First off, oversized sweaters? Soooo last season! Second, that hair? Seriously? Third, she always writes the dorkiest fanfics just crawling with self inserts—
Vimeo: Self inserts! That's it!
YouTube: Let's go!
Vimeo and YouTube leave. Facebook calls after them.
Vimeo and YouTube ignore her.
Vimeo: So if you were an obvious Quotev self-insert where would you hide?
YouTube: What are we doing with our lives where that's actually a valid question?
Vimeo: Come on, YouTube. This is serious!
YouTube: Says the girl who made a bet over who could obtain the most life-saving information!
Vimeo: Hey, it motivated you, didn't it?
YouTube: It could've gotten us killed!
Vimeo: But it didn't!
YouTube: That's not a chance I'd be willing to take!
Vimeo: You really are a hypocrite, aren't you?
Vimeo and YouTube start fighting. Vimeo pushes YouTube into a wall. The wall starts to glow.
Vimeo: Way to go, you've messed another thing up!
YouTube: You're the one who—
The floor starts to shake and then rise. Vimeo and YouTube look around, panicking. They float up to a giant palace-type building in the sky with the Quotev symbol on it.
Vimeo: I think we've found our self insert.
Quotev, flying and dressed in a cape, turns around from a bookshelf and drifts back to the ground.
Quotev: It's about time you got here! I've been waiting for hours!
YouTube: Where are we?
Quotev: This is my tab in this universe.
YouTube: Nice!
Vimeo: Whatever. We need to go home.
Quotev: But why wouldn't you stay? I thought I made this place fun?
YouTube: There's nothing for me here!
Quotev: Oh really? [floats over to intercom machine] Send me the meme man. [talking on the other end of the intercom] The green meme man. [hangs up] He should be here any moment.
The doors of Quotev's tab open. In walks a man wearing a green baseball hat with a V on it.
Vimeo: Of all the memes he could have said, it had to be the most obnoxious and outdated. We've seen enough here. Come on, YouTube. YouTube?
YouTube is smiling widely and ignoring Vimeo.
Vimeo: I said we've seen enough here. Let's go.
YouTube is still smiling at Vine.
Vimeo: This isn't anything monumental. She has a lot of characters in this story.
YouTube: But he's here! He didn't leave!
Vimeo: We can't let this distract us from what's important.
YouTube: It's important to me!
Vimeo: Why? This doesn't matter. You two were obnoxious together, and honestly we're better off without him. Just turn back to the real issue—
Vimeo reaches for YouTube's arm to turn him back around. YouTube slaps her.
Vimeo: YouTube, wait!
Vimeo walks out the doors of Quotev's tab and finds a series of staircases leading different directions. YouTube is sitting at the bottom of one, crying.
Vimeo: Are you okay?
YouTube: Does it look like I'm okay?
Vimeo: Fair point, sorry. But why are you upset?
YouTube: *with tears in his eyes* I'm not.
Vimeo: [gives him a questioning look]
YouTube: You wouldn't get it.
Vimeo: Well, try me.
YouTube: *sigh* Vine and I have been together ever since he started here. We worked together, we hung out together, we completely roasted you into oblivion together.
Vimeo: That's debatable. But go on.
YouTube: Now he's gone. And I'm alone.
Vimeo: But he was just a passing face. Sure, you were "bros", whatever that means, but websites come and go. I'm sure there will be another website soon for you to meme with. Being coworkers, that doesn't mean anything.
YouTube: It did to me. We could have been so much more, if only he'd stayed a few more months.
Vimeo: What do you mean? You're already friends outside of work.
YouTube: That's not what I mean. I liked him. Really liked him.
Vimeo: You mean, like a crush? Wow, I'm sorry, I didn't know. Is there anything I can do?
YouTube: Please just let me have one more moment with him? Then we can go home.
Vimeo: I'll make it look like we're being indecisive. She'll let us have some time, right?
YouTube: Yeah! Thank you, Vimeo!
Vimeo: You're welcome.
Vimeo and YouTube are standing in front of Quotev.
Quotev: [hovering] So. You're not sure if you want to stay or go.
Vimeo: Yes that is correct.
Quotev: I can't trap you here, I can't throw you out. But I can't keep the gateway open much longer. Alright, let's make a deal: You can have free reign of the place until the end of the day, but once the sun sets and my hair turns black, time is up, and any decisions are finalized.
YouTube: Sounds good!
Vimeo: What was that bit about trapping us here forever?
Quotev: Now, be gone!
Quotev pushes Vimeo and YouTube out the door. YouTube runs off to find Vine.
It is a few hours later. YouTube and Vine have been walking around town and talking and having fun.
Vine: ...and then I said, "I thought you said printer!"
They laugh.
YouTube: This has been really fun. I'm so glad we're together.
Vine: Me too, bro. You're a good friend.
YouTube: Listen, I need to tell you something. I—[he stops]
Vine: What is it?
YouTube looks around, noticing how it looks like the only things around are the sidewalk and the buildings, and nothing exists beyond that point.
YouTube: You're not him.
Vine: What?
YouTube: You're just a clone, an artist's interpretation. This isn't real. None of this is real.
Vine: You okay? You're scaring me.
YouTube: It's almost night. I'm out of time. I need to go home!
YouTube starts running away from the scene. Vine looks confused. He keeps running until the scene literally runs out. Since Quotev thought he would stay and talk to Vine for a while she didn't write the rest of this world. YouTube stands on the edge and looks down. It looks like outer space. He thinks for a while and then jumps, a platform catching him and carrying him back to Quotev's tab.
Quotev looks about to seal the portal, but she smiles.
Quotev: Oh, you changed your mind?
Vimeo: [runs toward YouTube and hugs him] You came back!
YouTube: Of course! What kind of person would I be if I left you alone to be trapped in a fictional universe?
Quotev: Take this quiz and find out.
Vimeo: Ugh, you again?
Quotev: Night draws near. Have you made your decision?
YouTube: [sounding like a whiny kid] I wanna go home!
Vimeo: Take us back to Computer Corp!
YouTube: The real Computer Corp!
Quotev: But this chapter was designed for you! Vine is back, and Edge left instead! I thought you'd like that?
YouTube: It's lies! I can't live in a world of lies! I have to accept it: Vine's gone. You two are the only friends I have now.
Quotev: Then I guess my work here is done.
Quotev touches her left hand to the red part of her 3D glasses and thrusts her arm out at Vimeo and then YouTube, sending beams of light out at them. Vimeo and YouTube collapse.
YouTube is slowly regaining consciousness.
Quotev: YouTube? YouTube?! Oh, what have I done? This is horrible!
YouTube: Where am I?
Quotev: You're alive! Thank... Thank... Thank you, I guess!
Vimeo: We're home! I never thought I'd miss this place so much!
Quotev: Um, you were here the whole time? What, did you guys have some vivid dreams when you passed out?
Vimeo: Yeah! We traveled to another—
Google: Vimeo, can you help me with a project?
Vimeo: Dude, I just woke up!
Google: Is that a no?
Vimeo: No, I'll do it. Seeya, YouTube, Quotev. *leaves*
YouTube: I thought I specifically asked for a world not full of lies.
Quotev: That's unrealistic. If people didn't lie, we'd be living in a world of cardboard cutouts devoid of any real character.
YouTube: True.
Quotev: Also, please don't be mad at me for that. I was never really going to trap you there. I just needed you to stop fighting all the time.
YouTube: You truly scare me sometimes.
A/N This was a very interesting episode to write, because the only "real" characters in it were:
YouTube, a side character
Vimeo, A new character who, before this episode, had 5 lines.
Quotev, a side character who, before this, had 71 lines.
And, unlike every other season 2 episode, Edge wasn't in this and was only mentioned once.
So this was kind of challenging to write. But anyway, this episode was another suggested by ZSB2000. Originally it would have had Vine and YouTube in an AU, but since Vine left I reworked the story to give him a nice sendoff.
Also last week I started an official soundtrack for season 2 on my YouTube channel! (not the series channel because I didn't want to have to log in every time I wanted to add a video). You can find it by searching "Antisocial Media season 2 unofficial playlist" (or I can send a link). If you have any suggestions for songs, I'll listen to them!
Last but not least, this week I actually paused my writing to draw a picture of Quotev as a superhero. Here it is:
Stay golden, web fans!
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