18: Yet More Porn, Fucking Sue Me, Whatever

Frank found himself tied to the bed with his hands cuffed together, his legs spread and his knees up in the air - utterly at Gerard's mercy, and enjoying it more than anything, because god, there was just nothing that the nineteen year old loved more than being Gerard's little slut.

"Fuck, you're so fucking pretty. You know that, don't you? Or do I have to show you just what you do to me and just how you make me feel?" Gerard smirked, having returned to the drawer and leaving Frank's heart beating like never before. "Because, fuck, I want to do everything to you. I never want you to stop screaming out my name and I never want you to forget that you're mine."

"I could never forget that." Frank assured him, his voice cracking a little as every little hair on his body seemed to stand up at once. "Never."

"You're such a fucking slut - it's fucking ridiculous." Gerard chuckled, pulling a buttplug out of the drawer. "And I bet a little slut like you would want nothing more than to be so fucking full." He over-emphasised his words for the sake of Frank's reaction and the little whimpers that the nineteen year old never quite succeeded into suppressing, and just the way that those hazel eyes of Frank's grew so wide when they met Gerard's. "Tell your master what you want, little slut."

Frank moaned in response, his heartbeat increasing as Gerard sat down on the bed beside Frank, who was still squirming far more than Gerard would have liked. "Master- I... I-"

"Fucking keep still, you slut." Gerard rolled his eyes, moving onto his knees and pulling Frank's legs apart like they were nothing, before grabbing onto the younger's hips and making sure that he dug his fingernails into that pale skin of Frank's entirely far more than was necessary - really, he was just marking his territory, and really, in Gerard's eyes at the very least, it was very necessary indeed. "You can't stop squirming and you can't stop fucking whinging, and I haven't even put the fucking plug in you yet."

"I want it in me." Frank spoke up: far too quick and far too eager, but Gerard didn't mind at all, in fact, he seemed proud of the nineteen year old's slutty behaviour more than anything.

"Of course you do." Gerard snorted, trailing fingertips down the younger's thighs and stopping to glare every time Frank let out a helpless little breathy whine, because he knew that by now, he was entirely in Gerard's control, and it gave him an odd kind of ecstasy. Frank didn't know why and he doubted that he'd ever know, but all of a sudden, he really just fucking loved being owned, being Gerard's, and he felt like there was nothing else in the whole that he could ever possibly be other than Gerard's little whore.

And he wore the bracelet Gerard gave him everyday just to prove that.

"Such a fucking shame that the lube's over at the other side of the room isn't it, Iero?" Gerard chuckled, pulling away, leaving Frank to whimper at the lack of Gerard's cold touch on his skin. "Hell, what will we ever do? I'll have to leave you- and you're such a little whore that you couldn't possibly survive without me touching those pretty little thighs of yours, could you-"

"We don't need it." Frank exclaimed, breaking Gerard's clearly baited words with just the response that the vampire wanted to hear. Gerard met his boyfriend's gaze with widened eyes, almost as if to say 'are you sure about that?'. "I can take it without, master. I'll be good, master. I just feel so fucking empty, I-"

"You want me. You want me to fuck you, don't you, Iero?" Gerard snorted, refusing to touch the nineteen year old despite his continuous whining, and just for the sake of angering him.

"Yes master." Frank's reply was instant, and on Gerard's end, entirely expected; he fucking owned Frank at this point, and he knew it.

"I'm sorry, but you've got to earn it, Iero." Gerard chuckled, watching as Frank's eyes widened further it what Gerard couldn't help but hope was disappointment. "Sluts like you have to work very hard to get rewarded, because fuck, punishing you is just so much more fun."

"Can I have the plug at least?" Frank asked, puppy dog eyes intact and Gerard knew it was fucking pathetic, but there was nothing quite like knowing that he was entirely in control of Frank, and that the nineteen year old would adhere to his every word and with very little questioning.

"You're forgetting something there, aren't you?" Gerard's tone grew harsh as he brought his hand down against Frank's ass, leaving a red mark that he hoped would bruise, at least just for a little while. "What am I, slut?"

"Sorry, master." Frank blushed, his tone breathy, and his head spiralling out of control at the unexpected, yet perhaps overly appreciated, slap to his ass. "Please may I have the plug, master? I'll be good, I'll do anything-"

"Anything?" Gerard's eyes lit up at that, and Frank knew within in an instant that he'd made a horrible mistake, but something about just how fucking excited Gerard got just couldn't help but intrigue him.

"Yes master." Frank sighed out, biting his lip and trying not to think of the consequences.

"Let me gag you, let me blindfold you and let me tie you up on your hands and knees - let me leave you fucking scared and uncertain, and let me control you completely. I'll plug your pretty little ass up, and I'll even let it vibrate, but I'll bring a little knife out to play, because I want to make you bleed for me, Iero. I want you to know that you'll only ever be mine. What do you say, slut?" Gerard grinned, watching as Frank began to sweat a little as his mind fell into torment regarding the eventual outcome of the decision he was faced with.

"Will you let me come, master? Will you touch me? Will you fuck me?" Frank asked and he hated to say that he was seriously considering it, but Gerard only rolled his eyes: they were doing this regardless - it was just politer to ask.

"If you're a good boy. If you don't squirm and you don't struggle, and if you make sure you look so fucking delicious that there's nothing can I do about the urge to fuck you until you've come harder than ever before, then yes, I will." Gerard smirked, untying Frank from the bed and pulling him up onto his knees before him. "What do you say, Iero?"

"Yes master."


It was only when Frank was utterly in Gerard's control that he began to grow just a little nervous, because he couldn't fucking see, he couldn't fuck talk, he couldn't fucking move, and all his trust was in Gerard, and just to add to that, Gerard had a fucking knife, and maybe Frank should have thought with his head instead of his hormones, but there was just something about saying 'no' to Gerard Way that had rather recently become nothing but impossible.

"I've lubed it a little. I know you didn't want me to, but this is different, you've never been such a whore for me before and I'm going to reward you for that." Gerard's voice grew louder along with the sound of his footsteps as he approached Frank: kneeling on the bed and utterly in his control. "You ready? Just nod, okay."

Frank nodded, the gesture accompanied with muffled words that became nothing but indecipherable, slutty moans; Gerard appreciated them nonetheless.

The vampire spread Frank's legs a little more, chuckling as he gasped with the cold touch against his skin once again. "I'm going to stretch you first. Just a little - I promise. I'm as eager as you are, but I don't want this to hurt you. It's something else that's supposed to hurt here." Gerard smirked all he liked, because Frank had no fucking idea if he was or not, but of course, due to experience, Frank highly expected it.

Gerard pushed one finger in at first, watching as Frank almost leaned back into his touch. "Fucking slut." And in response to the appreciative little mewls, he added a second and Frank shivered, leaning back and almost attempting to fuck himself on Gerard's fingers. "Don't you fucking dare - behave."

And with that, Gerard pulled out, grabbing the buttplug and pushing it in, leaving Frank to moan against the gag as he turned on the vibrations: just a little, of course, he didn't want to distract Frank from the main attraction here.

As Frank continued to moan and squirm, Gerard grabbed the knife from the side - it was a small blade: sharp but not too sharp, capable of hurting, but not dealing severe damage, and that was exactly what Gerard needed right now.

He started in silence, pressing the cold tip of the blade, at first gently, against Frank's chest, letting him gasp, before dragging it down the centre of his chest, gradually applying more pressure until he'd created a wound deep enough to draw blood: beautiful little crimson droplets against Frank's pale chest, and fuck, Gerard was getting hard over this - over the sight of his bleeding little slut.

He was so fucking hard and he couldn't help but make sure Frank knew about it: getting up and pressing it against Frank's face. "Fucking feel that?" Frank moaned in response, leaning in, and Gerard could tell that he wanted nothing more than to choke upon it. "I'm so fucking hard for you, fucking whore." Gerard chuckled, pulling away, and taking advantage of the distraction and pressing the tip of the knife down at the top of Frank's back, repeating the actions he'd taken upon Frank's chest and receiving perhaps even more satisfying results.

"I miss your whining, you know? I miss you calling me 'master', and I miss your begging. I want you to tell me how much it hurts, and I want you to plead. I'm tempted to take that gag away. What do you think, slut?" Gerard received adequately slutty little moans in response and rolled his eyes before undoing the gag and throwing it down onto the bed beside them.

"Fuck me, master." And of course, that was the first thing to escape Frank's lips, and of course, he received nothing but a slap for that, and even Frank would admit that he deserved it. "I'm sorry, master, but I'm so hard for you - I need this, and I need you."

In response, Gerard only turned the vibrations up, and Frank let out a moan loud enough to have Gerard pressing the blade against Frank's neck - gently, of course. "You can't see it, but you can feel it, can't you, slut? You've been nothing but trouble ever since I let you speak, you know?"

"I'm sorry, master." Frank exclaimed, his breath growing heavy as he awaited punishment of some sort.

"Hmm..." Gerard sighed out, considering the worth of his apology. "Let me bite you, Iero-"

"Yes master." And Frank was agreeing before Gerard could even finish his sentence, leaving the vampire to chuckle as he placed the blade on the bedside table, and pressing his lips against the back of Frank's neck: his words nothing more than a whisper that Frank could fucking feel against his skin.

"I want to taste you, and then, dear god then, I'll throw you down onto the bed - on your hands and knees and I'll probably spank you a little - just for being so damn pretty, and then, then I'll pull that plug out of your pretty little ass and fuck you until you're screaming. Let me bite you, Iero."

"Yes master." Frank agreed for the second time, beginning to sweat a little as Gerard began to kiss the back of his neck, the kiss growing more angry and more passionate as it began to bruise and soon enough, Frank began to bleed - just a little: that was all Gerard need to taste before he was driven absolutely fucking crazy.

Gerard uncuffed Frank's hands as he pulled away - harder than ever before and all because of this stupidly pretty little fucking slut of his. "Get on your fucking knees." He snapped, leaving Frank to gasp as he scrambled to follow instructions, nearly falling flat on his face amidst the process of doing so. "Fuck, you want this more than I do, don't you? And that's nearly fucking impossible, but-"

"I do, master. I need this more than ever."

And for that, Frank got the previously promised spanking: his master's hand hard against his ass with no warning until the actual impact of the blow. Frank, of course, enjoyed it nonetheless, at first mewling and jumping a little in shock, before moaning a little and spreading his legs, pushing himself closer to Gerard until the vampire's hand was resting against his ass.

"You're asking for another like that, slut." Gerard chided, running his fingertips down Frank's ass, just to be a tease and just to ensure that Frank was practically at breaking point before he even considered pulling the plug out of his little slut's ass.

"Yes, I am, master." Frank couldn't help but comment in response, despite knowing the consequences of such actions all too well; he didn't care how hard Gerard hit his ass and how much it bruised and how much it hurt to sit down tomorrow - he didn't care at all, he just wanted to obedient and he just wanted to be his master's little slut.

Frank was expecting the second slap against his ass, and he wasn't prepared for, but definitely knew he deserved the third, the forth, and the fifth. He even found himself smiling a little - a fucking masochistic smile that was entirely Gerard's fault, because he was hardly the same person since he'd met the vampire, well, in the bedroom at the very least.

And although that wasn't necessarily a bad thing, he knew that Alex and that the Frank Iero from New York would do nothing but look down upon the well-behaved little slut that did everything and far too much for his master. But right now, this was all Frank Iero was and all that he felt like he could ever be.

And yet he was content - utterly belittled from the self he once knew himself to be, but content in such a position, or at least so that not a single discomfort was raised as Gerard continued to spank him: alternating between cheeks and hitting him harder last time, actually shocking the nineteen year old as he reached number ten, and just like that Gerard stopped and Frank started breathing again, and really, he hadn't even realised that he stopped - he didn't think much of it, but perhaps he should have.

"I can't possibly let you enjoy yourself too much can I, Iero?" Gerard smirked, playing with the plug: grabbing it and pulling it in and out of Frank's ass, just a little and just gently with the vibrations turned down - he didn't want his whore coming already, especially not without him, he was however, incredibly open to his little slut moaning for him. "You're not going to come until I do, and then until I let you. You got that, Iero?"

"Yes master." He attempted to keep calm and his response simple, but it was littered with gasps as Gerard decided to be an asshole and purposely make it harder for him to speak as he began to move the plug more vigorously, before stopping completely and just pulling it out entirely, leaving Frank to let out a disappointed whine, as expected.

Gerard left Frank to moan and beg as he lubed himself up; Frank was already stretched and he was stupidly hard so really there was no point in doing anything other than getting straight to the point and pushing his tip against that pretty boy ass of Frank's.

"Please.... master." Frank overemphasised his words, pushing his ass up against Gerard and really, the elder couldn't help but laugh, giving Frank a light slap on the ass, before spreading his legs - nice and wide, and then gripping him by the hips: too tight, but that was just how this was going to be.

"Are you ready, Iero?" He whispered, shivering a little, over come by want and hating teasing Frank right now, because like this, he was teasing himself too more than anything.

"Yes maste-" Frank didn't quite get to finish his response, as Gerard found himself pushing into his slut with just the first syllable, and soon enough Frank's words faded out into moans that were drowned out by Gerard's cursing as he began to grip Frank's hips tighter as he found himself fucking the nineteen year old so hard that he couldn't fucking hold himself up anymore.

And still, Frank never complained, and still, Frank was the most obedient little whore that anyone had ever met, but that was a side of him that would always be exclusively Gerard's.

"Don't you fucking dare come." Gerard snapped, pulling Frank up against him and fucking him deeper, leaving the nineteen year old to submit to Gerard entirely, breathing far too heavily to even consider throwing out a response, and simply concentrating on his master's orders as he let Gerard fuck him so hard he was dizzy, and for what felt like forever.

"I'm fucking close, Iero." Gerard moaned out, his words against Frank's neck and he didn't even expect the nineteen year to respond, only grabbing him harder than ever, thrusting into him so much that it had to hurt like hell, and letting go all at once: coming deep in Frank's ass and falling forward as Frank fell onto the bed, panting heavily and his head spinning - still fucking hard.

Gerard, still fucked up and his head clouded with post-orgasm dysphoria, reached for Frank's dick, jacking him off as fast as he could with fingers that didn't quite feel real at all - his body still tingling and his head still spinning after having come so fucking hard.

And within seconds, Frank was coming too - all over his pretty little chest and Gerard managed a chuckle, kissing his boyfriend on the cheek as he pulled out, and lay down on the bed beside Frank, who only moved to curl up into Gerard's side, and although it was sickening cliché and cutesy, Gerard didn't mind at all, because Frank Iero was the best little slut that he'd ever had.

"Gerard..." Frank exhaled, his words pressed into Gerard's side.


"I think I love you."

And, just like that, Gerard's little bubble of perfected reality popped, and if Frank was falling in love with him, Gerard was just fucking falling, and not in a good way at all.


Hey:) Sorry if this is kind of bad my head's kind of fucked up right now but whatever:/ Anyway, votes and comments are appreciated if you enjoyed this chapter. I love you guys<3

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