𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔰𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫
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Hyuck yawned tiredly as he dragged his stiff body towards the pre-school's entrance, eyes blinking a few consecutive times to waken himself further. The sky was blue and clear for once, black shaded birds drifting against the river's breeze overhead. He felt light, even if his back was torturing his figure, and his legs were beyond aching.
A few mothers and fathers were holding their children's hands by the door, chatting amongst themselves much to the young man's surprise. He knitted his brows together before trailing over and standing with them. "Hey guys. What's up?"
The older adults all breathed sighs of relief upon his arrival, one mother pushing her finger towards the entrance. "Hi Donghyuck. We're just surprised that the door's locked?"
"Locked?" The brunette grazed his tongue over his lip as his thoughts immediately rushed to Jisung. Usually he would've been here at the crack of dawn to open up and wait patiently for arrivals. "Maybe Jisung's sick today."
He pulled out his own keys which he hardly ever used, as the door was never really his problem. The jingling of the metal objects clinking together was the only sound to shatter the intense silence between everyone present. God I hope he's okay. He's never absent.
Once the door swung open with an eery creak, the kids all kissed their parents and guardians goodbye before sprinting in ahead of Hyuck and giggling as they stampeded up the staircase. The adults all waved fondly to the teacher before dispersing off towards the streets to make their ways towards wherever it may have been that they worked.
The secret leader wandered up after closing the wooden frame behind him, dragging himself up the steps and cringing every time his ass burned. He was almost happy for Renjun that this pain had been avoided and accepted....but it also opened his eyes to how truly horrible it would've been to be raped. Jaemin loved him, and he was gentle....Renjun had never been given that when he was younger.
A shrill scream resounded across the building, followed by another, and an entire chorus of more. Children came dashing from the play-room, shrieking and crying excessively before racing into Donghyuck's arms. He stiffened, breath starting to hitch and become increasingly rapid.
"What's going on?!" He yelled, brushing past the group nonetheless and running into the once safe space where two young adults educated and entertained innocent children. A room that was supposed to be filled with laughter and excitement...not a bloodbath with a familiar human being acting as the tap.
"H-Holy shit...." Donghyuck hissed, stomach lurching with unsettled food as the disgusting scent of metallic iron stung his nostrils. The kids kept whining and bawling, unable to comprehend what was going on. Hell, Donghyuck couldn't comprehend what was happening here.
"Everyone out! Don't go anywhere near him!" He called at the top of his shaky voice as he stumbled towards the body and collapsed beside it. His eyes burned and ached as he stared down at him, at the beautiful blonde with a cut up face, a gaping laceration to his neck with severed pipes releasing his drying blood sickeningly. His hands lay limp by his sides, eyes staring off towards the window to the side as though he was awake, simply daydreaming.
"Jisung!" He cried, grabbing the new adult's shoulders and shaking them gently in hopes of receiving a reaction. "O-Oh my God, Ji. N-No. No!" His voice continued crack and break with every attempt at volume. Tears clouded his vision as he pressed his hands all over the corpse, looking for a pulse that simply didn't exist anymore. He was kneeling in a pool of blood. Crimson life force that was starting to clot in order to save a dead man.
Hyuck whimpered uncontrollably as his nonsensical babbling spilled in continuous pleads. His hands were a shaking mess as they cupped the other's bloodied cheeks, the head tilting back to far from how his neck couldn't support it any longer, too chopped up.
"Park Jisung! What have you done?!" He screamed, sobbing and sobbing as he leaned down to press their foreheads together. He kissed his cold cheeks over and over, possibly wanting to bring them back to their once pink state, pulling him in close and crying so damn hard.
The children by the door continued to add to his depressed form, crying for their parents and for Jisung with open mouths and watery eyes. They shouldn't have seen this. Nobody should ever have had to see something so horrible.
As the oldest male lay his friend back down with quivering lips, he ran his hand over the blood patch on the blonde's chest, eyes narrowing as he wondered what was there. Wondering who'd done this never even crossed his mind before the symbol of the lightening bolt appeared, flashing far too many painful ideas into his unready mind.
Jupiter?! Fuck no! Nobody would do this! Nobody would kill my Jisung like this-
Oh, but someone might've. Someone bitter, upset, and all too scissor-happy. Someone who hated what Donghyuck loved, someone who'd always had it out for the brunette having a job. Someone mean.
Huang Renjun, that bastard! This is exactly his style! Chopping, mutilating, butchering! He's the only goddamn asshole who has a fucking motive for killing an innocent!
His eyes would've flickered red had they possessed such an ability. He looked up with a dead expression towards the window, towards that ugly blue sky that represented a nice day. His teeth gritted together unforgivingly as he stumbled to his feet, almost slipping with how weak his knees were.
"After I call the fucking police to notify them of this," Donghyuck whispered to himself while starting to wander towards the kitchen, "Renjun is fucked!"
He raged and growled upon seeing the shared phone snapped in half and discard on the floor in pieces. His brain could only project an image of Jisung struggling against that maniac, reaching for the phone and failing, perhaps dropping it. His life ended for no reason, and Donghyuck would be sure to avenge that.
"Kids!" He yelled, listening to their terrified whimpers. "You're going home! Line up!"
"HUANG RENJUN!" Donghyuck screeched as he stormed the base, kicking open every door he was faced with regardless of how unlikely it would be that his ex resided in them. His eyes were murderous, completely stained with bloodlust and anger as his hands were balled into fists by his sides.
The police had been one huge fucking joke. 'O-Oh, Jupiter?' they had said, 'we don't deal with them' they'd said. The sight alone of a mutilated and mangled body belonging to a boy who's life had barely begun did little to persuade them to help with arrests or questioning. Hell, when Donghyuck grabbed the poor man by the collar and used his leader-assertive dominance, reminding the force of who he was, it led them to cower and get the hell out of there as soon as they possibly could.
Jisung had been officially taken to a morgue to have tests run and all the necessary news prepared for the radio, television, and of course the poor boy's family. It sent his only close friend ballistic over how irritating this turn of events was. He had only wanted to protect him...
He'd let him down.
"GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE YOU SNEAKY WEASEL!" His voice kept cracking at regular intervals, but he couldn't have given half a damn.
Eventually the small Chinese male emerged with a highly confused expression from their bedroom, which they still shared since Renjun hated sleeping alone. "God, what is it?" He croaked, just having been ripped from a restive state.
"You!" Donghyuck hissed, sprinting to him and roughly grabbing his throat, pinning him up against the wall with his short legs unable to touch the ground. "You're a fucking piece of work, you know that?! I never asked for a murder, so what the fuck were you thinking?!"
"Wh-What?" Renjun choked, his small hands scratching at the younger's which was too tight on his wind pipes.
"Oh don't get smart with me. Not with everything we've been through!" The brunette snipped darkly as he drew the smaller back and slammed him against the wall again. His strength was tripled when adrenaline was added. "The slicing, the blood, the cat and mouse play. I know your style you prick!"
"D-Donghyuck....ser-seriously-" the older felt so threatened that bile was rising from his stomach to his throat. "Wh-"
"Jisung! You fucking psycho! What the fuck have you done to my Jisung?!"
Renjun's mind started to cloud over, the ability to intake the fragments of oxygen he could disappearing as dark patches decorated his deteriorating vision. Hoarse gasps sounded from his mouth as it remained open slightly, desperate to breathe.
Donghyuck simply glared intensely, shoulders relaxing as he took in a deep inhale and released his grip a little. Renjun broke down into immediate sobs as he dropped to the floor, coughing uncontrollably with tears in his eyes and memories flooding back from those dirty bastards who'd not only strangle him, but fuck him while doing so. Years and years would never take those sensations from him. Never ever.
"If you can't come up with a decent excuse, I won't hesitate to kill you here and now," Donghyuck stated without any form of feeling. Just....cold.
"A-An e-use f-for-" he continued to hack away as his chest heaved, "What? Wh-at h-happened to J-Jisung?"
"He's dead, Motherfucker. And I know you did it. You always do this! As soon as someone looks like a dumb threat, you finish them off quickly and call it a job well done!"
"I didn't-"
"Oh, of course not," the younger started to chuckle dryly, the sound absolutely dripping with sarcasm. "It was Bob down the road with a nice knife he's been wanting to test."
"H-Hyuck, you h-have to be-lieve m-me. I never ha-ted Jisung." He fell to relax on all fours, breathing out heavy sighs and finally regaining some composure. His throat tasted of blood, unsurprisingly.
"Of course you fucking did! You were always complaining about him!"
"He was collateral damage!"
"He was my friend! Where the hell were you when I needed a shoulder to cry on?! You always yell at me, nag at me, reprimand me! You wanted him gone, so you butchered him!"
Renjun could hardly believe what he was hearing. For some strange reason, he couldn't quite process the fact that the adorable and irritatingly lovable Park Jisung was dead. He'd always been a fact of life, for the Chinese male. And suddenly he....he wasn't there anymore....
"Lee Donghyuck," he started to pull himself up, leaning against the wall for support as he attempted to feel his weak legs. "I can't prove anything. I k-know it looks like me...I'd have thought the same, perhaps. But I've been here all night...with an upset stomach."
"Call me a liar," he blinked back even more unstoppable tears, the burn in his chest from listening to the man he loved accuse him of such acts stinging harder with each blow. "Shoot me down as I run. I won't stop you." His breath hitched as he heaved himself off the wall and pathetically stumbled to start escaping down the halls. "I didn't do it! I still love you!"
The younger just watched him escape with dull irises, no stunning, shiny hue or sparkle lighting them up like there usually was. He seemed to be at a loss now. A nasty crossroad where one direction meant believing his ex-lover of his innocence....the other willing to do unto him what he had potentially done to another.
He sniffled, swallowing harshly and moving to wander into his room and close the door with a slam. His back pressed against it as he tilted his head.....
He couldn't tell what to believe anymore.
Renjun sourly pulled himself along the cold streets dismally, under-eyes red from past tears, clothes flimsy and small since he'd been sleeping in them, and shoulders shivering from the bitter nip to the air.
Pedestrians continued to pass him by without batting an eyelash, just moving on with their insignificant lives. He felt so pointless as well....cast aside and treated like an annoying old toy that took up room in a box full of new ones.
Mark would've shaken his head had he seen the state of him, no doubt. Utterly pathetic.
As his mind considered the possibilities of what he could do, be it sitting in a café and lounging around until an epiphany hit, or perhaps hopping into a dumpster and letting the rats eat him alive. He'd lost everything now. There was nothing worth continuing for.
As he pulled out his scissors to eye the various scratches and memory imprints....a single droplet of salty water streamed down his damp cheek, a tiny piece of evidence that he was still human.
A sigh erupted from his lips as he groaned and stomped his feet childishly. He didn't want this. He didn't know what it was he'd have rathered, but not whatever he'd been given. Mark once told him that they'd never escape Jupiter, and that Renjun's dreams of running away together were pointless.
It ended up true, but he couldn't help but wonder what it would've been like had the older taken him up on the offer.....ran away somewhere far, somewhere beautiful with him.
As he glanced up to take in his grey tinged surroundings, his sights picked up on a boy with shaggy blonde hair, a navy trench coat and a coffee in hand, leaning against a wall. He seemed distracted, eyes shooting off into the distance as a straight line occupied his lips.
Hell, Renjun would've called him gorgeous had his face not struck a hundred, million bells in his head. At first he thought he was going crazy, gasping and scratching his arms violently, slapping his cheeks, pulling his long hair. Nothing snapped him out of this daze.
There's no way, he thought, breathing lightly and looking back over to notice at few people were staring at him as though he were a madman. That bloody boy was still there though, and still bearing the uncanny resemblance of Na Jaemin. His old best friend.
No. There was no way.
But the more he thought about it, the more sense things started to make....
Jisung's sudden death.
The likely style of murder matching his.
Donghyuck sneaking around with someone who wanted to remain anonymous.
Lucas and Taeil's obvious discomfort when he was around.
If that person was indeed his childhood playmate, then every dodgy pin could've been connected now. He had been played!
He started to walk towards him slowly, ignoring the cars that swerved around him as he crossed the road, ignoring the dirty looks from older people he received, simply keeping his sights on the outlaw. His lip caught between his teeth as his heart pounded louder and louder against his ribs, scissors sitting his his hands readily and smile growing ever so slightly when Jaemin started walking away to a more secluded area to read in peace.
This was just too fucking perfect.
A darkened figure seemed to follow the young blonde though, someone familiar as well, but only from behind. Who the hell is he hanging out with?
The hazel eyes of the curious boy lingered on the pair before they entered the beginning of an alleyway and stopped, leaving Renjun the perfect opportunity to act and assure he wasn't losing his mind.
He must've been though.
The face of the stranger with the murderous man was none other than Mark Lee. This made next to no sense, and left his heart aching desperately for their attention again. He wanted them back, and he wanted Jaemin to pay.
If he bleeds, he's real, the young adult thought, suddenly making a literal dash for him and in an instant, before any reactions could be enacted....
....He latched around Jaemin's warm body and plunged the scissors deep into his back, watching with wide eyes as their gazes met and those familiar orbs glassed over....slowly drooping as a small dribble of blood trickled from the corner of his lips.
Renjun let out a strangled gasp, crying out slightly in emotional pain as he caught the taller male and dropped to his knees to hold his currently unconscious frame. He tried to keep it together, but this was real.
Jaemin was really laying in his arms.
"And so you've found him," the ravenette standing over them hummed, crouching down to be level with the Chinese and wearing a shit-eating grin. "What will you do with our boy now?"
"M-M-Mark?" He sobbed, beginning to cry abruptly as reality had yet to set in with him. "P-Please-"
"Don't look at me," he pointed to Jaemin. "What is it you want to do. He's yours now."
.....He's mine now....
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