Ch 30
A/N: Thank you so much guys for 2k+ views! It means a lot. Hope you guys liked the last chapter. I hope it wasn't cheesy or that it didn't escalate quickly. Read the A/N at the end to find out when the next chapter will be out. On with the chapter!
"You ready?"
Today was the day. The day of funeral. Funeral of none other than Andrew Mayfair. It had been scheduled to be held a little over a week since he was killed. Hermione had gotten to know about some relatives of Andy, and had asked McGonagall to inform them, but not even a day had passed when they had gotten their reply. And it wasn't even a bit polite, mind you, and they had swiftly rejected to come to his funeral, claiming that they believed that they didn't have any relations with him, and he was just a pain in the neck for them.
Hermione had been full of anger and would have apparated straight away to their home for giving them a lecture, if it hadn't been for Draco, who had succeeded in stopping her. But in return for saving their lives (You could never know what Hermione would do in her anger), he had himself suffered terribly. He had been on the receiving end of her wand when the famous Bat Bogey Hex had been cast, this time surprisingly by Hermione and not Ginny, and had barely managed to dodge the other hexes thrown at his way.
And when somebody would make fun of his condition after that, he would get so riled up and start his small speech, "It is not easy, you know, controlling her when she is ready to just kill someone. Though I am thankful that she is my girlfriend, I absolutely do not want to face her wrath again......." But nobody would stay long enough to hear it till the end.
But Draco would be so engrossed in his speech that he wouldn't notice the absence of that person, and when he would do, he would get so offended and say, "My father will hear about this!"
This continued for a few days until Blaise was so fed up by him that when Draco said that dialouge again, he exclaimed, "You know what, Draco, even your father wouldn't like to hear about that, so stop this dialouge of yours, because honestly, didn't you learn anything else than that, or did you fail all your tests you had before you came to Hogwarts?"
And then Theo would step in saying, "Oh wait, you always refused to to give any tests. Hmm.... That must be the reason for your lack of words. Honestly, Blaise, how did we even thought that he is intelligent? And do tell me how you manage to tolerate him, Hermione, specially now that he is your boyfriend."
And what followed next, left every else in bursts of laughter. Draco would pick up the frying pan or any other utensils he would find in the small kitchen in the Heads' Dormitory, and would chase both of them with it all around the common room, occaisionally throwing those utensils at them.
But at the end of it, they would hug each other again, making some people like Harry rolling his eyes at them, which only resulted in Draco throwing utensils at him, and the same process would follow, this time Harry chasing Draco, but they would never hug each other again, not because they didn't want to although it was one of the minor reasons, but because Hermione would shout at them to stop, and neither wanted to face her wrath again.
"Yeah. Just a moment. I am coming." Came the reply from the other side of the door.
"You alright there?" Said the voice from outside the door.
"Yes, I am fine. Give me a minute, I will be out." Was the reply that came back.
"You said the same thing thirty minutes ago, Hermione. I know that-that this is not easy for you, but just come out, okay? I want to talk to you. Please come out." The person standing outside said.
When there was no reply, he said, "Either you will be out right now, or I will break your door down. You heard me, Hermione, and you know I don't back out. You know I am not a very patient person."
But before he could do anything, the door opened, and the person he had been requesting to come out, stood there.
Her eyes were bloodshot and puffy, and there were year stains on her cheeks. She was hiccuping and was fidgeting with her fingers.
Draco watched as she tried so hard to keep the tears at bay, but no matter how hard she tried, tears escaped from her eyes, one following the other.
He grabbed her hand in his and squeezed it gently, to let her know that he was here. And that was when she broke down. She collapsed in his arms and clutched his shirt tightly, as if she was afraid that she would lose him too.
His arms immeditaley wrapped themselves around her, and held her tight. He slowly rocked them back and forth, trying not to cry himself. Even if he had hated Andy the moment he had seen him, and he had died a few hours after they had become friends, he still felt sad. Hermione wouldn't be here with him, if it wasn't for him. Hell, he had even saved his life twice along with Harry's and Hermione's. He did all of this for them, and yet Draco couldn't do anything for him. But, he knew that she needed him now, and he understood that. He placed one of his arms on her lower back, slowly rubbing circles on it, and the other in her hair, whispering, "It will be okay," in her ear.
Suddenly he was hit with a sense of déjà vu. He remembered the time when this had happened, only it was the other way round then. He was the one who had hugged her first, he was the one who had broken down, and he was the one who had needed her. But, this time it was different.
After about eleven minutes, Hermione slowly pulled away from him. She wiped her face with the sleeve of her black dress and looked up at him.
"Thank you, Draco." She said.
"For what?" He asked her.
"For holding me, comforting me, and being there for me when I needed you the most." She said and looked down at her feet.
Draco placed his arm around her waist, and the other one under her chin to make her look at him. Once she did that, he kissed her forehead and then her tear stained cheeks.
"If you will be thanking me for that, then I should thank you too. You did all of these for me, and more than once." He said.
"You don't have to thank me for that. I am happy to be there for you, Draco." She said.
"The why are you thanking me? I am happy to be by your side, Hermione." Draco said and kissed her on her cheek.
"How did I get so lucky to have you?" Hermione said.
"Well...... I think I was obliged to be by your side after all those requests you and all the other Gryffindors made. However, I think you may need to say please and stop punching me to have me by your side a little longer." Draco said and smirked at her.
Hermione grinned at him and punched his chest playfully. "Still your cocky self, Malfoy." She said.
He laughed in response and placed a hand on his chest in mock-hurt and said, "Oww... Women, what part of not punching me you did not understood?"
Hermione smirked and said, "I don't know, maybe you are just punchable, I guess. Though I think I miss the punch from my third year."
"The day I let you repeat that punch, will be the day I stop eating green apples." Draco muttered.
"You sure about that?" Hermione asked and raised an eyebrow at him.
One look at her face was enough to let him know that his statement would have an adverse effect on him. So he quickly said, "Now that you asked it, no. However, I am good at spells too, Granger, you may need to be in check all the time when you are around me."
Hermione just chuckled at this and looked out the window, her smile fading. Draco noticed this and held her hands in his. Bringing her hands to his lips, he kissed her knuckles and said, "He wouldn't want you to be sad, Hermione. What do you think he would say when he sees that you are being sad?"
Hermione turned back to him and said, "You are right."
"Aren't I always?" He smirked at her. Hermione chuckled at him and allowed him to lead them out the Heads' Dormitory. Just before they could step out from the portrait, she tugged on his arm and he turned to her.
"I love you, Draco." She said and smiled at him.
And he replied just as smoothly as ever.
"Who doesn't?"
"He was a great person. Great, kind, sweet and so much more. But most importantly, brave. You were one of the bravest persons I have ever known, and I hope you know that, Andy."
Hermione glanced back at Draco and he smiled encouragingly at her. She was nervous when McGonagall had called her for this, but Draco had told her that he knew she would be able to do it.
"He was one of my best friends. He was there whenever I needed someone. He made me laugh when I was filled with sadness. He saved me life so many times, and I can't thank you enough for that, Andy. You were great at whatever you did, whether it was studies or Quidditch. You were strong, yet kind. Intelligent, yet helpful. Determined, I am sorry to say, but lazy." She allowed a small smile to make its way on her face.
"You always thought that you didn't deserve any of this, but believe me, Andy, you deserved much more than this. I never got to apologise properly to you for those words I said, and I regret it everyday. But I just want to say one thing, not just to you, but to everyone here. Your past or your mistakes don't define you. It's what you do after you have made the mistakes that make all the difference. Thank you so much everything. I hope you are happy where ever you are." She finished and turned her back on all of them.
She pointed her wand at the white tombstone. Before their eyes, words begin to carve themselves into the stone, they read:
Andrew Robert Mayfair
Cherished by friends
Beloved son of Lincoln and Racheal Mayfair
The world is a richer place because he once lived here
She pointed her wand at the grave and said, "Orchideous." They all watched as a brunch of flowers grew from the dirt.
Draco came and stood next to her. Little by little, the people who had come, started going back to the castle. Ginny and Harry walked towards them and gave her a hug. "You were amazing." Harry said as he pulled away.
Ginny nodded and gave her a hug as well. "You both want to go inside?" She asked them.
Hermione was about to answer but Draco beat her to it. "No. We will stay outside for a bit more, and then we will join you both inside." He said.
They both nodded. But before they could walk away, Harry said, "Don't try hexing us now, Malfoy, in fear that you will lose the final. I am watching you."
Draco smirked and said, "Why, I wonder what have I done to be worthy of your attention, Saint Potter. I will remember this moment for the rest of my life. Getting Chosen One's attention, certainly the number one thing on my bucket list."
Harry rolled his eyes at him but grinned at him after a moment. They both knew that the other person was trying to joke to make the situation a bit lighter, and had no malice in their words. They left shortly after, leaving the Gryffindor Princess and her Slytherin Prince there.
Draco wrapped an arm around her shoulder, letting her rest her head on his shoulder. "That was beautiful." He said.
"It was the truth." She said and looked at the tombstone. "He was a really good person." She added.
Draco simply nodded at that.
"He is really gone, isn't he?" She said, her voice no louder than a whisper.
"Yeah, he is. But I know that he will always be here, with us. Watching us from where ever he is, and probably grinning at me when ever I show off my Quidditch stunts." He said.
Hermione cracked a smile and said, "Can't even say a sentence properly without appreciating yourself, can you?"
Draco just smirked at her in return.
"You are doing it again!"
It was a week and a few days later. The day of the final match of the Quidditch Season. Everyone waited for the finals, specially when it was the match between Gryffindor and Slytherin, the biggest rivalry.
Draco had been working very hard with his team. To their luck, McGonagall had cancelled classes for that week, to give students time to recover from the attack, and to prepare for the finals. Draco would wake up before Hermione, and would return after she would be asleep. Sometimes he would find her sleeping on the couch in the common room, and he would be filled with guilt, she had fallen asleep while waiting for him. He would pick her up, and carry her to her room. And then he would tuck her in, and leave the room, but not before kissing her forehead and saying, "I love you," to her.
Hermione wasn't able to watch the practices for a few days at first because of Head Girl duties, but as soon as McGonagall allowed it, she would spend the entire day at the Quidditch Pitch, watching the Slytherin and Gryffindor teams practice. But she would have to return to the castle before dinner.
"What if something goes wrong?"
Draco was currently pacing in their common room, his habit when he was nervous. He had not even eaten breakfast yet, and they had only an hour before the match started.
"Come and sit here for a moment, Draco." Hermione said.
Draco immediatley obeyed and sat down next to her. He knew better than to say 'no' to her, especially when she was frustrated. He didn't want to be at the receiving end of her wand when she used those hexes again.
She placed her hand on top of his, and he immediately interwined their fingers. She smiled at him and said, "It will be fine, Draco. Everything will be okay. And you will do great, I know it."
"This is my last chance to win the Quidditch Cup for Slytherin, Hermione. What if I fail again like I did against Gryffindor in the first match?" He asked her.
"Don't worry, you won't." She said.
"How do you know?" He asked her.
"Trust me, I just know." She said.
"Will you be cheering for me?" He asked her.
"I will be cheering for the best team. And now eat, otherwise I will tie you up here, and won't allow you to play the match." She threatened him.
He chuckled at her, but nevertheless picked up the sandwich.
"And here are the Gryffindors!" yelled Lee Jordan, who was acting as commentator again. McGonagall had wanted to appoint someone else, but everyone had requested her to call Lee again. Even if she denied it, she herself loved his commentaries, even if they tend to be biased or going off topic, they at least provided entertainment.
"Potter, Thomas, Smith, Weasley, Finnigan, Patil, Longbottom. The same team that had played this Quidditch season's first match against Slytherin. Many had doubts about Smith's keeping skills, but Potter had apparently assured everyone that he had improved. Well, only one way to find out." Lee said.
"And here comes the Slytherin team, led by Captain Malfoy. Members are: Malfoy, Zabini, Nott, Greengrass, Marvery, Nott, Burke, Headington. Like the Gryffindors, this is also the same team that played the first match, against Gryffindor. Well, this is going to be an interesting match, both the teams are playing with the same players, and this is the final. Let us which team wins this time." He continued.
"Captains, shake hands!" said Madam Hooch.
Draco and Harry approached each other and grasped each other's hand tightly; but this time it was in a friendly. Harry smiled at him and Draco smiled back. They wished good luck to each other and went back.
"Mount your brooms!" said Madam Hooch. "Three... two... one..."
The sound of her whistle was lost in the roar from the crowd as fourteen brooms rose into the air.
Draco again felt his hair fly back off his forehead; his nerves left him in the thrill of the flight; he glanced around, saw Harry at the other end and sped off in the search of the Snitch.
"And it's Slytherin in possession, Lyra Marvery of Slytherin with the Quaffle, heading straight for the Gryffindor goal posts, looking good, Marvery, Argh, wait— she dodged the Quaffle — WHAM! — but she is hit with it this time- nice Bludger work there by Seamus Finnigan, Marvery drops the Quaffle, it's caught by — Ginny Weasley, Gryffindor in possession-WHAM- Bludger work by Cavery of Slytherin and Zabini with the Quaffle, Slytherin back in possession-heading straight towards Gryffindor goal posts, Smith save it!-no- Smith fails to save it-Zabini scores- TEN-ZERO TO SLYTHERIN!"
Cheers could be heard among the Slytherins, and boos among the Gryffindors. Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs were, as always, neutral.
"Potter, I had thought that you had assured everyone that Smith has gotten better at keeping, but this is clearly the contrary of that. You could have just called Wood instead of him." Lee said, making several people chuckle.
Again Harry couldn't believe it, Smith, the keeper of his team, fouled Slytherin's chaser Blaise Zabini with his elbows. Why does he have to do this in every match? I can't deal with his temper. I wish I could call Oliver here, Harry thought.
He shot Harry an apologetic look and went back towards the Gryffindor goal posts. The nerve of him, Harry frustratingly thought.
"Penalty shot to Slytherin for the foul called Cobbing on their Chaser!" shrieked Madam Hooch, zooming between them.
Madam Hooch blew her whistle and Daphne Greengrass, who had permanently replaced the other chaser, flew forward to take the penalty.
"Why does it happen every time? Honestly, couldn't you Slytherins' ever fail to score a goal? Or did you all drink Felix Felicis for some good luck? And Peter, would you like me to come and do the keeping instead? I would do a much better job. I don't know how you even got the position, you no good for keeping idiot-" Lee started but as always McGonagall cut him off.
"Ummm... No, Professor. No need for that. Let's get back on the game people. Thomas of Gryffindor with the Quaffle- heading towards the goal-will he able to score?- yes, he did it. Thomas scores- TWENTY- TEN TO SLYTHERIN!" Lee said.
Draco was panicking while flying around the pitch. Unlike the first game, they weren't able to stop Gryffindor from scoring, and soon they would be equal to them in score, or even more than them. He had to catch the Snitch before Harry did, he couldn't fail his team again.
He looked around and found Hermione sitting among the Gryffindors. She was cheering for both the teams, wearing scarlet coloured top, and thin green coloured shrug on top of that. He smiled at her when she looked at him, and she smiled back, while mouthing 'good luck' to him. She was truly one of a kind.
She made him panic a little less, and his spirits rose. With this new found spirit, he again sped off in the search of the precious little golden ball.
"So, what do you peeps think about this match? Just to let you all know, there is currently a bet going on about which team will win this match. If you want to participate, send a parchment to me with your name, amount of money and which team you are betting on. I am sure you all could conjure a parchment and a quill to write, but do it within the next five minutes. Betting at an ongoing Quidditch match, hmm..... Never happened before, but looks like it is changing." Lee informed to everyone.
After a while, he said, "Come on guys! Only three parchments have been received by me till now! Get on with it! Conjure, write, send. It's that simple-" But as usual, McGonagall cut him off.
"If this match ends." Lee muttered, but thankfully McGonagall did nothing except glaring at him.
"Let's see who catches the Snitch first. Both the seekers are riding the Firebolt, though Potter's riding it from his third year, way before than Malfoy. But remember that Malfoy's been riding brooms since his childhood, so he has a much better experience. Well, I don't know who's going to win anymore. Let's talk about their fans though. Potter's quite famous here, since his first year. He has many fangirls, some who even wanted to have a chance with him. But remember folks, he's taken now, and it looks pretty serious. His girlfriend is none other than Ginny Weasley, the Chaser of this team. Now on the topic of Malfoy. Slytherin or not, you have got to admit that this guy is like a model here, or like a celebrity. He's got girls swooning at him, but it doesn't look like they have gotten a chance yet. As far as I know, Malfoy's still single, and maybe you girls can ask him out. But who knows, maybe he has a girlfriend and is hiding her from anyone. If anyone knows about it, you can tell me. Or better yet, come here and announce it. I am sure-" Lee again started, but, the usual happened.
"What do you think, should we tell him that Malfoy's taken? By none other than our Gryffindor Princess right here." Ron whispered to Hermione, who was standing next to him. Harry had askee Ron to play as keeper, but he had declined, saying it wouldn't be fair to the other team.
"Hmm.... I think not now. Maybe after the match or something." Hermione whispered back and smiled at him. "Are you okay with me dating him?" She added.
"I may still hate him, but it doesn't mean that I would stop you from dating him. He still maybe a jerk, but he makes you happy, and treats you nicely, I have seen that. And you deserve that. So, I could try to be civil with him, after all we all have grown up, and it's time to leave those petty rivalries behind." Ron said and smiled at her.
She smiled back and hugged him. "Thank you, Ron." She said and they turned back to the game as she pulled away.
"Oh come on, Professor. You know you won't be happy if I don't do the commentary. You probably missed me all these years...." After receiving another death glare from her, he added, "As for the score, Zabini scores again- FIFTY-FOURTY TO SLYTHERIN!"
"Where are you, goldy snitchy Snitch?" Draco muttered as he looked around.
And then, finally he spotted it. It was near the Gryffindor stands where his lover was sitting.
"You are literally my good luck, Granger." He said as he directed his broom in that direction and sped off.
But it looks like he was just a moment late, Harry was already diving towards that point. But as if the luck was on his side, he was nearer to the stands than Harry, who was on the other end of the Pitch.
He could faintly hear the sound of Lee yelling as Ginny scored again, making the scores equal. He had to catch it, it was now or never.
Suddenly the pitch became quiet as everyone registered that the two Captain-Seekers have found the Snitch.
"Go!Go!Go!" He urged his broom. He urged his broom downwards, and could see Harry slowly coming close to him.
He flattened himself to the broom handle as Neville sent a Bludger at him, luckily dodging it. He was just a few centimetres away from it.
It was just near his fingertips. But the stands were also just behind the Snitch. He would either crash or catch the Snitch.
And then.......
What Draco had never thought happened.
He had just closed his fingers around the ball and had crashed onto the Stands. He fell of his broom onto the ground.
For a moment, he felt as if time stopped. But then......
Draco sat up on the ground and raised his hand to show everyone the tiny little ball as his team mates ran towards him.
He was suddenly surrounded by his team mates. They were hugging and clapping him on the back. Madam Hooch gave him the Quidditch Cup Trophy and he raised it along with his team mates.
He saw Harry making his way towards him. "Well played, Malfoy. You deserved it." Harry congratulated him.
Draco held his hand out to him and said, "Thanks, Potter."
Harry thought for a moment, and then shook his former enemy's hand.
The handshake which was offered to him almost eight years ago, was finally accepted by Harry now.
But Draco's mind wasn't there. He was looking around for someone, and he suddenly spotted her running towards him.
He caught her with one arm, his other arm holding the Trophy, and she wrapped her arms around him.
"Congratulations, Draco. You did it. I told you, you won't fail." She said as she pulled away.
"Thanks, love. I never imagined holding the Trophy with one arm, and having you by my side, my other arm around you, but I am not complaining. I quite like it." He said and passed the Trophy to her.
"Why are you giving this to me?" Hermione asked him as she held it.
"This is yours as much as it is mine. Besides, you might be the only Gryffindor to hold the Trophy after losing it." He said and grinned at her.
Hermione smiled back as she everyone looking at them. "Did you hear what Lee said earlier? About you being single." She asked him.
"Let's prove him wrong then, shall we?" He asked her back. They both had doubts about telling it to everyone, but after discussing about it three days back, they felt that it won't harm to tell anyone. It was better than letting everyone assume things.
He held the Trophy with her, and placed his arm around her waist. Her one hand was holding the Trophy and she placed the other one on his cheek. He grinned at her before placing his lips on her. Though it wasn't the first time they were kissing, but it was still special.
They pulled away after a few moments and saw most of the students gaping at them, but their group was beaming at them.
Instead of answering, McGonagall chased him out of the stands with her wand. She finally had had enough of him.
Though she would deny it, Lee swore that he saw McGonagall smiling as she saw those two together.
"Finally!" He sighed as he collapsed on the couch.
They had just returned from the party that the Slyterins had organised after winning the match. But this time, there was a change. This time, not only the Slytherins were invited, but the other House students were invited as well. Draco, Blaise, Pansy and Theo had managed to convince most of the Slytherins, sepcially those in seventh year that it was time to leave all the prejudices and make friends with the other students, after all this was their last year here, and not much time was left until their year ended.
After a few minutes of persuasion, they agreed and invitations were send to everyone. Well mainly, fifth years and above since they had snuggled firewhiskey.
The group had gone, and they had enjoyed themselves very much. Draco had introduced Hermione to everyone as his girlfriend, and most of them had been civil towards her, except a few who still held those prejudices. Three hours later, they had left the party, Draco being exhausted from the match earlier, and dancing without taking a rest for more than hour, and came back to the Heads' Dormitories.
"Well, I have to say, I enjoyed myself. Slytherins aren't that bad." Hermione said as sat next to him.
"My dear, you are currently dating a Slytherin, and Slytherin Prince at that. So, of course we are nice, atleast some of us are." He said, saying the last part while remembering a person who had called her a mudblood.
She placed her hand on top of his and said, "It's okay, Draco. It takes time for a change. You can't expect everyone to suddenly change their beliefs. And, as I believe, not all Slytherins are evil like everyone else thinks they are."
He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and she rested her head on his shoulder. Placing his head on top of hers, he asked, "You believed it? After all this time?"
And her reply made him smile at her.
A/N: That was it for this chapter. It was 5000+ words. Hope you guys liked it. I wanted to add a few more scenes, but it had already exceeded the limit I wanted it to be, so those scenes will be in the next chapter. What do you all think about the Quidditch scene? I really wanted Draco to catch the Snitch before Harry, and win the Cup for his team, so I made the Slytherins win. And, I hope it didn't escalate too quickly. I just wanted to have a simple ending for this chapter. Random question: If you could choose two houses for you, which houses would you choose? Answer me in the comments below. Vote, comment and please share my story. Reviews are always appreciated. Thank you!
Next chapter on 12/4/20(Sunday).
Until next time.
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