Part IV

Anonymously Sweet

Warning: This story has a plotline based on males suffering from bulimia. It is highly triggering, and may cause discomfort with some readers. Please take caution.

Part IV: Eating Again.

Louis gazed at the food on his plate. Could he keep it down? He had to try at least. He didn’t want to die, he wanted to be thin. If he didn’t eat, he would die. And that is definitely not what the slim boy wanted.

Louis took the pancake in his mouth. The maple syrup coated flapjack being torn to bits in his mouth. Swallowing with a dry gulp.

No funny feeling!

Louis smile, shoving heaps of food in his mouth. He was nearly finished when he looked up to see his mother smiling at him.

“Wha?” He asked, mouth overflowing with pancake bits and other food on his plate he shoveled into his mouth.

“Just glad you’re eating. Putting meat on those bones.” She said kissing his forehead. Louis then realized what he had done.

Fat. Pig.

He gulped the last bit of his food. Whenever Louis got worked up, he tended to feel sick. Which he was beginning to now. He shook away his thoughts, trying to drown it out with a mug of tea. The hot liquid sliding down his throat before he tasted the familiar, but unfamiliar and unwanted additives. He grimaced pulling the mug back from his lips.

“You alright Louis?” His mother asked fixing the girls’ breakfast. Soon to be up.

“Fine. I gotta go to school I’ll be late.” He mumbled. She looked at his plate, then at the mug.

“Did I do something to your tea?” She asked confused.

“I just like plain tea now thanks.” He muttered grabbing his bag.

“You’ve always had your tea like that… Louis are you sure you’re alright?” She asked turning down the burner on the stove.

“I’ll be fine.” He whispered, closing the door. “If I was thinner.” He mumbled into the crisp autumn air. The sun arising, leaving the sky streaked with pink, yellow, orange, and small bits of blue, as he walked to he and Stan’s meet up area before school.


Louis walked through the hall, rushing to his locker to leave that damn forsaken hell hole known as ‘school’. Stan, of course being Louis only true friend, rushed up to him as soon as he saw him bopping through the crowd of rushing students.

“Lou! LouLouLouLou!” Stan chanted. The blue eyed boy finally turned to face him. Stan grabbed his shoulders.

“What is it now?” Louis smirked rolling his eyes at the excited boy.

“Guess who signed us up for the footie team?!” Louis glared at the boy.

“What do you mean us Stan?” Stan rolled his eyes.

“Oh come on Lou, we all know you’re great with that damn ball.” Louis whined. “Lou!”

“But I don’t have the energy to play anymore.” Louis told him. Stan gasped in a faking manner.

“By god never say that again! You won us the championship-“

“Yeah in middle school! Who says I even want to pl-“

“YOU WOULDN’T DARE!” Stan shouted. A few students paying attention to the two, making Louis more self conscious with each passerby.

“Cross me off the list mate.” Louis whispered, opening the green metal and clanging lockers. Stan looked at him, shocked. “What?”

“I think we need some coffee to change your mind.” Louis shook his head. “Coffee makes you think!”

“That’s why I have tea, and I won’t be having anymore from that place after the last visit.”

“Yeah, Yeah the bathroom I know. I know.” Stan grabbed his friend’s arm. “But you’ll go for me right? Because you love me?”

“So bitterly tempting.” Louis joked quietly.

“PLEASE!” Stan shouted. Louis slammed his locker.

“Fine! Will you stop shouting jesus.” Louis sighed. Stan clapped like a happy 4 year old.

“I’m sure a certain blue eyed guy would love to see you too.”

“His eyes were green.” Louis corrected. Stan smiled.

“Yeah, but only you would point that out if you didn’t like him.” Louis rolled his eyes.

“I can always go home and not abide your wishes for that shit coffee.” Stan through up his hands in innocent as the pair waltzed out of the building.


Louis’ eyes met the same blusher boy behind the counter as he took Stan’s order. Louis watched him intently, as Stan went to go grab a booth for the pair. His eyes roamed over him.

Green eyes, dark brown deflating curls round his head… Skinny. But Louis size. Maybe even taller. Bright pink lips with a, Dimple?

But only one thing stood out to Louis.

Skinny. Perfectly toned and skinny.

The boy had muscle to him. His arms slightly flexing as he reached up above him to grab the whipped cream to contaminate Stan’s drink with calories. A few sprinkles of what appeared to be shaved milk chocolate. Harry returned to Louis, small smile on his lips, passing him the drink.

Charming for a coffee boy.

Louis thought as he paid the boy, returning the drink to his coffee obsessed friend.

Stan smiled, talking a slurp of the mix, his tongue colleting the white cream on his upper lip.

“I don’t understand how you could hate this.” Stan said, taking a large sip of the drink. Louis shrugged, playing with the sugar packets of splenda from the little black canister in the middle of the table. Before one turned to another, Stan spilt a bit of his drink, making Louis laugh with sincere delight.

“Shit.” Stan muttered. “Can you grab a napkin for me please?” Louis nodded, grabbing 4 napkins from up front. As he returned to the table, he saw a sticky note flutter from his handful. His eyebrows scrunched together. He unfolded the yellow slip, reading over the colorful print.

No matter what the sale tells you, I think you’re Perfect! You’re fine the way you are J

Louis’ jaw dropped. Not only because someone knew, but beause this was possibly the sweetest thing anyone has ever…. Given/Sent/Said to him. He smiled wide, looking around the shop. No eyes were on him. This bewildered him. Whom would send Louis such a kind, reassuring note? But he couldn't help but wonder, who was catching onto his secret? Should he take more precautions when in public? Was it obvious he was starving himself to the innocent public eye?

Louis returned to the table, passing the napkins to Stan as he sopped up the mess of coffee on the table, and in his lap.

“Why do you look so… Lovey Dovey?” Stan simpered. Louis glared at him.

“Don’t give me that look. I don’t look lovey dovey.” Louis sassed.

“Whatever you say queen Louis.” The boy rolled his eyes at his friend’s dry humor.

But who gave him the note?

Now he was sure, this was no accident.

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