Here we see you, Lute, and Sera at an archaeological dig site near Jordan Montana where you both see a whole town called Temperance buried underground which is designated SCP-4003.
(Y/N): "A town from the Gold Rush era ended up in the prehistoric past."
Lute: "Yikes, so what are we doing here?"
(Y/N): *hands Lute and Sera a shovel*"Do a little digging."
You and the girls joined the others to dig up the area.
Lute: *While digging* "How do we know if we hit something?"
Lute then sees something buried in the dirt and it was a silver crucifix and it was in good condition and she picks it up as Sera sees the crucifix and she was shocked to see it.
Sera: "It-it can't be."
We then see Dr. Bright walks up to you and the angels and he talks to you.
Dr. Bright: "The rest of the team found a saloon, sheriff's office, trading post, general store, domestic buildings, and a church."
(Y/N): "Guess the church was obvious."
Dr. Bright: "Why did you say that?"
You then point to the angels looking at the recently excavated town church as they were crying due to the cruel fate that has become of it.
Sera: "How could this have happened to a church, the home of god himself?"
Lute: "Why?! Why?!"
(Y/N): "Well we better get back to work."
You then get back to digging and you dug up a revolver, some glass shards, a rifle, and 7 horseshoes.
(Y/N): *looks at the guns*"The wooden parts have decayed away, but the metallic parts are in perfect condition."
Lute: *Picks up a rifle* "And the weapons are in perfect condition."
(Y/N): "For being buried underground for 66 million years."*to Markiplier*"Hey Mark, found any bones?"
Markiplier: "Not yet."
(Y/N): *to Cory and Ruby*"What about you two?"
Cory: "Nothing yet."
(Y/N): *to the other diggers* "How about you guys?"
Digger: "We didn't find shit!"
Just then, Markiplier then found some bones and then he moved the dirt out of the way and it was the skeleton of a T-Rex but it was missing a head. Then Cory and Ruby found other dinosaur bones as we see you uncover bones of modern humans.
(Y/N): "Doc, get some supplies and a research team and get a full analysis of the bones."
Dr. Bright: "Alright, I won't try to make a Jurassic Park in the process."
We then see Dr. Bright leaves the area and you turn to the angels. Sometime later, we see the bones have been recovered and you look through the remains and the angels were sad to see fossilized bones of modern humans.
Sera: "Humans, how did humans end up in the age of the dinosaurs?"
(Y/N): "Well we are investigating that mystery at the moment. The Paleontological science team analyzed the bones of the humans and found 22 adult specimens, 3 youth, and 1 infant."
Lute: "So, 26 humans were sent back in time where they were buried in the dirt for 66 million years."
(Y/N): "Yeah they probably died from Oxygen poisoning since the human body can't handle the atmosphere of the Upper Cretaceous era. And the Megafauna of the era as well like raptors, triceratops, and T-Rexes. Plus dwindling food supply and potable water sources."
Sera: "Which is probably expired and filthy."
Lute: "I can't believe humans died in prehistoric times."
(Y/N): "Well while the research team looked over the bones."
You then head to a safe that has been dug up and you open it up.
(Y/N): "We found this safe, in it was some musket balls, revolver rounds, daguerreotypes, a journal, and this rosary."
You then pull out the rosary and the angels see that it's in perfect condition and they are in tears at the sight of the rosary.
Sera: "They had faith in God and yet they were left to rot."
Lute: "...Now I feel guilty for killing sinners that might be the people of this town."
Sera: "Agreed."
(Y/N): "Let's look through the journal and see what happened to them."*reads the journal*" 15th of November, anno Domini 1866. Sheriff Boone and I still can't make sense of what happened. Everyone remembers a white light and then nothin', me and the Sheriff too. We all got up with our heads poundin' and feelin' like we drank the town dry. Old Pete, Mary, and Annette's kids was all dead, s'well as most of the chickens and one of the horses. The out of towners were alright, said they saw the same thing too. But what's strangest is the boonies. It ain't how it used to be, it's all green now and with trees too. I ain't never seen nothin' like it before. It's like I was in paradise when I saw it. Sheriff Boone says it ain't right though, says something's very wrong. Sheriff Boone's fixing to hold a town meeting with the outsiders and all the folks at first hour tomorrow. We's buryin' the dead tonight."
Sera: "Sheriff Boone, I've heard about him, he's that old winner back in Heaven. I thought he was crazy when he said his town was in a bright light that took them to a forest."
(Y/N): *reads another entry*"16th of November, anno Domini 1866. Everyone's real uneasy 'bout the situation. Folks are grievin' and the out of towners are itchin' to take off. Sheriff Boone says no one can leave 'less they's part of the scouting posse he's gettin' together, says we need to know what's around us. Somethin' took the chickens too, left some strange tracks. Sure as hell ain't no coyote. Damn thing left tracks lookin' like real big chicken tracks. Must'a come at night cause ain't no one seen it. One of the dogs brought in a varmint too big to be a rat, it looked ugly and had a long face. Ain't ever seen nothin' like it, but he ain't seem to mind. That old boy ate it anyway. Father Jacob says we's needing to be strong and God will guide us. I pray we figure out what's happenin' soon, and for the posse's safe return.
Lute: "I don't get cowboy talk, is there a translation?"
Sera: "He's talking about raptors going through the livestock and a dog eating a prehistoric animal."
(Y/N): *reads another entry*"19th of November, anno Domini 1866. A bunch of the out of towners stabbed up Merle in the middle of the night and stole everything they could from his shop before taking off with some horses. They were in a real damn hurry, I reckon, cause they left behind their caravan. From the looks of things they was prospectors heading to California. A lot of diggin tools and some dynamite. We's burying Merle later, but we is low on supplies now. Father Jacob and I are workin on rationing what we got, but it won't last too long. Father Jacob keeps sayin he's hearing things at night, but he don't know what. He's asked for me to stay out by the church and keep an eye out tonight. I reckon since we's buryin' Merle I might as well stay a spell. I pray Merle goes to heaven, he ain't deserve what come to him. S'all my fault for not bein' able to protect him."
Sera: "They were not able to save one of their own people, and they run off like cowards and end up getting killed in the wild possibly."
(Y/N): *reads another entry*"20th of November, anno Domini 1866. I swear on God, Father Jacob and I saw a demon last night. It was big, like a person, and it walked on two feet but it had a neck like a snake and eyes like one too. It was making these sounds from hell and it was digging at Merle's grave. We wasn't able to bury him too deep cause of the mud, and I saw that monster eating at old Merle's body. I fired at it, but it was too dark for me to hit the dang thing. Father Jacob says we's in hell, bein' punished by God for not believing. He went and told everyone and now they's in a panic, but he says so long as we keep prayin God will spare us from his wrath. I ain't thunk I was a sinner. No man's perfect, but I reckon I try being as close to God as one can. I reckon I got a lot to think 'bout. But now the whole town's gone to the dogs, everyone's panickin' over what Father Jacob says. I put my foot down and told 'em to quit it, told 'em to pack it up and take it to the church if he wanted to proselytize. Can't have 'em scarin' everyone like that even if we's surrounded by devils. Tonight I will pray for forgiveness, and for protection."
Sera: *Wipes a tear* "Ohh, they were under attack by a T-rex and they thought God punished them."
(Y/N): "That's not God's work, it was just a temporal displacement."
Sera: "Which is...?"
Lute: "It means they went back in time without leaving the same spot."
(Y/N): "Exactly, they were displaced temporally not spatially. They haven't left the spot they were on but the town was on a much higher elevation than back at the Upper Cretaceous Era."
Sera: "Okay, so what do we do now?"
(Y/N): "Read more of the journal."*reads another entry*"21st of November, anno Domini 1866. Sheriff Boone, Red, and Jeremiah came back, but they was missing a horse. Sheriff Boone says a giant devil with a head as big as a man snuck up on them when they was sleeping and picked up a horse in its mouth, then tossed it like it was a toy. They hid and watched it eat up until the devil went away. 'Twas big as a building and longer than two, they says. The others said they seen more, smaller, bigger, and of all colors. Food is scarce and these rat varmints ain't big enough to feed one person, let alone 30. Safety and food will be in my prayers tonight."
Lute: "A T-rex was attacking the town."
Sera: "But how did a dinosaur end up in a modern town?."
(Y/N): "The town ended up in the Upper Cretaceous period."
Lute: "Duh, where have you been, pay attention Sera?"
Sera: "Oh yeah sorry."
(Y/N): *reads another entry*"23rd of November, anno Domini 1866. I reckon Father Jacob was right sayin we's in hell after seein' what happened yesterday. We was attacked by dozens of little demons, all of them with long necks, teeth like knives, and claws like vultures. They came from nowhere and killed a bunch of folk before we was able to drive them off. Sheriff Boone and Father Jacob got into it real nasty after. Sheriff Boone wanted to try and eat from the remains of these things. Father Jacob accused him of being a blasphemer, tryin' to tempt us to sin by eating the flesh of a demon. Says God is watching us, he sees Him at night; but that ain't stop Sheriff Boone I reckon I am a sinner after all. I will pray to God for forgiveness tonight; I know not what I done, but I beg you, my Lord, to wash away my sin.
Sera: "Oh dear..."
Lute: "Dang, that is terrible, dinosaurs attacking them left and right."
(Y/N): *reads another entry*"25th of November, anno Domini 1866. The night those demons attacked us, Father Jacob lead the townsfolk to destroy all the alcohol in the town. They smashed it all up in the church, then locked themselves in there till just today. They says they was prayin' for our town, says me and Sheriff Boone is sinners and the reason we's been cursed to be in hell. I still dunno what I done to make everyone deserve this. Sheriff Boone says I ain't at fault, but the townsfolk won't even look me in the eye no more. I got half a mind to go over and put lead between Father Jacob's eyes for makin' a bad situation worse, but then I'd be the same as he. Tonight I will pray for forgiveness again, as well as for this rain to stop. The damn frogs won't let me sleep."
Sera: "They destroyed all of the alcohol in the town in the church and locked themselves in it."
Lute: "Why would he do that?"
(Y/N): "They think that God has punished them so they are doing everything they can to get him to forgive them when in reality a temporal anomaly sent them back to the age of the dinosaurs."
Sera: " Well while drinking alcohol is a sin, they didn't have to go that far to get God's forgiveness."
(Y/N): "It's not really a sin cause some alcoholic beverages can be the blood of Jesus Christ."
After saying that, both angels were shocked to hear that and realized their thoughts on alcohol.
Lute: "Oh god..."
Sera: "How could we have missed that?!"
(Y/N): "I don't really drink alcohol myself but Angel Dust's favorite alcoholic beverage is Christ's Blood Wine."
Lute: "The more we spend time with you, the more we understand about humans."
(Y/N): *reads another entry*"Lots of folks are dead. Sheriff Boone is dead. The rain won't stop. I ain't sleep in what feels like forever. A giant monster like I never seen before came in, makin' the whole town shake with its footsteps. It was bigger than any building I seen before, and it walked right up to the pile of demons and started eatin' 'em. Father Jacob and a few others came scramblin' out of the church tryin' to excorcise it, but it ate him. Was the scariest thing; one second he was there shoutin' 'bout Christ and then all we was hearin' was the rain. Then it roared the worst sound I ever heard; somethin' fittin the demon it was. The townsfolk tried shootin' at it but the damn thing didn't even care. Just made it angrier. All I could do was sit there an watch while Sheriff Boone ran out and grab some dynamite. The monster was fixin' to kill the townsfolk but Sheriff Boone caught its attention. Blew the damn thing's head clean off, and himself too. The rain got worse before we could even try and move the demon away. I made everyone go home after that. Ain't no sense in bein' outside near all them bodies if it's gonna make more of 'em come. I don't reckon I know what to pray for no more."
Sera: "They're losing faith in God....."
Lute: "How can they lose their faith in the big guy?!"
(Y/N): "Some SCPs can be so dangerous and monstrous that they make you give up your faith in god just to survive or worse."
Lute: "Damn, what could be worse than losing faith in the big guy?"
(Y/N): "Something worse than Death."
Sera: "What can be worse than death?"
(Y/N): "You do not want to know. Trust me."
Lute: "We'll take your word for it."
(Y/N): "Alright onto the last few entries."*reads the entries*"I saw God last night. I saw His light in the sky, shinin' so bright next to the moon. It was beautiful. I begged Him for forgiveness, I begged Him to learn what I did wrong. But God ain't answerin' me. I been begging God for the rain to stop, for forgiveness, and clarity. I see Him in the sky in the day now too. He's so bright behind these clouds, I can feel His touch. But God ain't happy with me. I know my punishment is comin', and God almighty himself is deliverin' it. One last time I will pray for forgiveness tonight."
Sera: "Well at least he still has faith in God."
(Y/N): "Yeah too bad he didn't survive the environment he was in during prehistoric times."
Lute: "Yeah, and even if he did find a way to survive the jungle he would still die after 66 million years."
You and Lute see Sera crying while holding the silver crucifix in her hands and you see that she's looking at the fossilized remains of the townspeople.
Sera: *While crying* "It's so awful to what happened to these people. What made this town go back to a time where they are destined to die!?"
(Y/N): "My guess is a random fluctuation in the space time continuum that sent them to the past or a sadistic lesser demigod wants to cause trouble for humanity. The Department of Temporal Anomalies is on the case on this mystery."
Lute: "Which explains why the town was sent to when dinosaurs existed."
(Y/N): "And what happened to the town. We'll use this place to teach new researchers about anomalies that came from the distant past. Now that is settled, I'll leave you two with your thoughts on this place."
You then leave the room as Lute then comforts Sera while she is crying in sadness. Later, we see you on a facetime call with the Glam Sisters and you see them practicing their juggling act.
(Y/N): "Hey Glitz and Glam, how's Herman Fuller's Circus of the Disquieting?"
Glitz and Glam: *over the call*"Amazing!"
Glitz: *over the call*"You picked the right place for us!"
Glam: *over the call*"Weird, but amazing!"
Glitz: *over the call* "Really amazing!"
(Y/N): "Glad you girls are fitting well there."
Glam: *over the call*"Hey babe, do you know what happened to the past performers of the circus?"
(Y/N): "Actually I do, most of them ended up in the SCP Foundation and became SCPs either because they ran away, betrayed the circus, captured by us, or left behind."
Glitz: *over the call*"That would explain why Manny was so eager to have us part of the circus."
(Y/N): "Their methods of finding new talent can be questionable and against the law, but the Foundation has kept their eyes on the circus for a while and we kept their former performers in containment for a while to keep them safe from the outside world."
Glitz: *over the call*"Huh, guess you have a point."
Glam: *over the call*"But we won't betray the circus, we love the new circus even though they have weird stuff like clown breeders and black cotton candy."
(Y/N): "Oh yeah, the clown breeders are quite odd, they made the perfect clowns by making their own clowns instead of having human clowns, and the black cotton candy just gets people to experience the joy of being in the circus by giving them euphoria."
Glitz: *over the call*"That explains why the audience was super happy in the audience."
Glam: *over the call*"So it's cotton candy with drugs in them?"
(Y/N): "It's not drugs, it's actually clown milk."
The Glam sisters were shocked to hear you say that as they were in a pause.
Glitz: *over the call*"When you say Clown milk, do you mean..."
(Y/N): "As in, milk that comes from a clown like milk comes from a cow."
Glam: *over the call*"Sounds... kinda gross."
(Y/N): *sees Glitz eating the black cotton candy*"Glitz, are you eating the cotton candy?
Glam then sees Glitz eating the cotton candy.
Glam: *over the call*"Glitz! WHy are you eating that?!"
Glitz: *over the call**While in a state of euphoria* "I'm just so happy right now, and I just feel so great now sister!"*hugs Glam in a tight hug*"I love you so much sis!"
Glam: *over the call*"How long do the effects last?"
(Y/N): "Not sure, it could be as soon as it goes through her stomach."
Glam: *over the call*"So in other words, when she has to take a dump."
(Y/N): "Pretty much."
Meanwhile, we see Sera and Lute eavesdropping on your call with the Glam Sisters and they see that you're on facetime with hellborn demons.
Sera: "He's talking to hellborn demons on facetime and they're living on Earth!?"
Lute: "How are those hellborns on earth?! In a circus no less?!"
Back to you.
Glam: *over the call*"Thanks to you (Y/N), we are now living the clown life of our dreams!"
(Y/N): "Well I use my dimension hopping abilities to help anyone who needs to go somewhere, like you two."
Back to the angels, they overheard you having the power to jump in between dimensions and they looked at each other in shock.
Sera: "He can do that?!"
Lute: "A human capable of going anywhere in creation made by God himself!? Impossible!"
Sera: "How can this be?! I need to call my sister!"
Sometime later, we see Sera on facetime with Emily who is in Heaven and she told her about your dimension hopping power.
Emily: *over the call*"He can do what!?"
Sera: "It's true, he can go any world he pleases, including Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, and alternate universes!"
We then see Rick come out of your bathroom and he grabs a can of soda from your fridge and he sees Sera and Emily looking at him with a shocked expression.
Rick: "What's with you assholes?"
Sera: "Did you come out of the bathroom?"
Rick: "Yeah, there's an interdimensional portal that Medaka set up so that (Y/N)'s pals from other universes, I call it the Portal Potty."
We then see Morty come out of the bathroom and he turns to Rick.
Morty: "Rick why did you use the portal me and Summer used to go to work at the Foundation?"
Rick: "Cause the clone of Jerry I made in case he dies from being Jerry thought it would be smart to pour portal fluid down the toilet cause he wants family time with all of us. Now everytime we take a shit in our own toilet, our shit ends up somewhere else."
Meanwhile in Dimension 457, we see Jerry eating cereal.
Jerry: "Nothing like cereal for breakfast."
We then see poop fall into Jerry's cereal as he sees it happen.
Jerry: "Oh come on! Who shit in my cereal?!"
Back to Rick and Morty.
Summer: *comes into the room*"So where did it end up?"
Rick: "Probably in a random Jerry's cereal bowl while he's eating cereal. I set the portal fluid to the location of every Jerry in the multiverse so that they would get payback from me."
Morty: "So for every time we take a dump in our toilet, our business goes to a random dad in the multiverse."
Rick: "Yep, pretty much my revenge for dumping portal fluid in the toilet."
Summer: *sees Sera and Emily*"Who are they?"
Rick: "That's Sera and the girl on facetime is her sister Emily, they're seraphim from Heaven."
Summer: "Heaven? As in, Heaven from the bible."
Rick: "Pretty much, our religion is real."
Morty: *looks at Sera*"Holy shit she's tall."
Sera: "Thank you Morty."
Morty: "How did you know my name?"
Rick: "Christ Morty she's a Seraph, she has eyes everywhere."
Summer: "Yeah you should've done your homework if you want to rank up from Low Risk containment."
Morty: "Umm....when you see you see?"
Sera: "Yes and you are going to Hell for what you did."
Morty: "Ah Jeez."
Rick: *to Morty*"I've been up there and guess what, they have zero idea on how to get people to Heaven."
Summer: "Wait what?!"
Sera: "We did have a meeting with the princess of Hell about that."
Rick: "Yeah and the first asshole won the case for being the biggest asshole in the history of assholes. He fucked up being a dad and that's saying something considering I am a bad father myself."
Summer: "I'm not following."
Sera: "He's talking about Adam."
Summer: "Oh fuck that guy!"
Emily: *over the call* "He's not a nice guy."
Summer: "So where's the other angel who's living here?"
Sera: "She said she has some work to do."
Meanwhile with Lute, we see her watching scary movies with you and she is terrified out of her life from watching the movies.
(Y/N): "Scared?"
Lute: *clearly lying*"Nope, not scared at all."
Then she saw the monster roar on the TV and she hugged your arm in fear.
Lute: "I lied, I am terrified!"
(Y/N): "Weren't you a soldier of heaven? I thought a soldier like you would be brave."
Lute: "Me too, but your human movies proved me wrong. I am gonna have nightmares for weeks."
(Y/N): "Weren't you haunted by what you did to Vaggie?"
Lute: "...Yes and these movies made it worse."
(Y/N): "Because they remind you of the horrible things you did to Vaggie?"
Lute: "....yes..." *looks a bit down* "She followed what she thought was right, saving a kid even if he was a sinner, and I took her eye, halo, and wings for that."
(Y/N): " You think Emily would be sending the other exorcist angels to my apartment complex?"
Lute: "I don't think she would be naive enough to send in an army of angels on your doorstep."
Meanwhile with the others, Rick hears a doorbell ring and he answer it and he sees Exorcist angels on your doorstep.
Rick: "What the fuck are you all doing here?"
Exorcist angel: "Head Seraph Emily sent us here to live among humans and she chose this location to be stationed."
Rick: *to Sera*"Hey, it's for you."
Sera: *Sees the exorist angels* "What are you all doing here?"
Exorcist angel: "Emily sent us to live among humans and she chose this location as our base of operations."
Emily: *over the call*"Surprise sis!"
Sera: "....(Y/N) is gonna flip when he sees this."
Emily: *over the call*"It'll be fun for them to learn more about humans in person."
Sera: "Did you take their weapons away?"
Exorcist angel: "She did."
Sera: "And is Adam here?"
Emily: *over the call*"Nope."
Sera: "Hmm, alright."
We then see you and Lute come into the room and you see the Exorcist angels on your doorstep.
(Y/N): "Let me guess, Emily thought it would be a good idea for you girls to be living here with me?"
Angels(except Lute): "Yes."
(Y/N): "Hm, well alright but first ditch the uniforms."*sees the exorcist angels looking at you angrily*"Why are they looking at me like that?"
Sera: "I think it's a bad time to tell you that they don't have any other clothing."
(Y/N): "Oh well I guess it's time for shopping then."
Sometime later, we see the exorcist angels in normal clothing and they put their uniforms in the closets of their new apartments.
(Y/N): "Alright girls, now you will be paired up with our resident attendants with them and learn about our human ways."
Exorcist angel 1: "Okay then."
(Y/N): "Now choose a human to be paired up with and then return here to when the day is done."
Exorcist Angels: "Okay."
The exorcists then choose the girls to be paired up with and you see them leave the room.
(Y/N): "Well then, let's see them do this for a week and see how things go."
Frenchie: 1 week later
We see the Exorcist angels went from brutal warriors to nice neighbors with some of them watching TV, some of them reading comic books, and some even starting relationships with each other.
Emily: "So how did it go?"
(Y/N): "They are adjusting well on Earth and they're getting along with humans. Though some of them are still a work in progress."
Emily: "It's not Lute is it?"
(Y/N): "No, she's doing pretty fine, she's watching romance movies as part of her work."
Meanwhile with Lute, we see her crying to the beautiful romance in the movie.
Lute: *while crying*"Why can't Romeo and Juilet get together and end the feud?!"
Back with you, Emily sees that most of the exorcist angels were looking at you weird but they're not angry but rather they admire you.
Emily: "Wow, they are admiring you."
(Y/N): "Really, why would they admire me?"
Emily: "Well you are the one who taught them to be more sensitive about humans, and to stop them from killing people which they mistaken people for cultists but rather people passing out fliers for a charity event."
(Y/N): "Yeah that one was a bit hard to teach them but they know now."
You then leave the room as we see Lute enter the room crying with tears of sadness.
Lute: *while crying*"Their romance was beautiful and they destroyed it!"
Emily: *comforts Lute*"You've watched romance movies?"
Lute: *Sniffles* "Yes."
Meanwhile with the exorcists, we see them talking about you.
Exorcist 1: "Is it just me or does (Y/N) happen to be handsome to you girls?"
Exorcist 2: "I was just thinking about that too."
Courtney: "What are you girls talking about?"
Exorcists: "Nothing!"
Leshawna: "Have you girls ever met any other men?"
Exorcist 1: "Nope just Adam."
Exorcist 2: "But that fatass is an asshole."
Courtney: "But how is (Y/N) different from Adam?"
Exorcist 1: "For one, he's nicer and he's not an asshole."
Exorcist 2: "And he doesn't do weird stuff with us."
Leshawna: "What kind of weird stuff?"
One explanation later.
Leshawna: "That is disgusting!"
Courtney: "He raped yo u all?!"
Exorcist 5: "He made us from his ribs, what can we do?"
Lindsay: "Tell him off like I did with Heather."
Heather: "Hey! Well it's true though."
Exorcist 6: "Okay then."
The Exorcist angels then pull out their phones and they send mean texts to Adam. Meanwhile with Adam, we see him crying like a baby from all the mean things the Exorcists texted him.
Adam: *while crying*"Why are they so mean?!"
Back to you, we see that the exorcists made a giant dinner for you everyone in the apartment complex.
Exorcist: "We hope this is to your liking (Y/N) and company."
(Y/N): "Something tells me you all went from deadly warriors to maid staff."
Sera: "What made you say that?"
You then put on a deadpan expression and you pointed to the Exorcists wearing maid outfits.
Sera: "Well it is nice to have some help around the complex."
(Y/N): "Were they always like this when they were taking orders from Adam?"
Sera: "Well they were fiercely loyal to their superiors such as myself, but I never actually saw them in maid outfits before or ever."
(Y/N): "One of them is giving me a foot massage under the table."
Sera then looks under the table and see an exorcist giving you a foot massage
and another coming in with a pair of toenail clippers as Sera then turns to you.
Sera: "This is bizarre."
(Y/N): "Did they ever do this before?"
Sera: "No, this is new even to me."
(Y/N): "Let's hope they don't go overboard."
Montage sequence.
We see you taking a shower and you tried to wash your hair with shampoo but the bottle is empty as we see a hand give you a bottle of shampoo and you see it was an exorcist who gave you the bottle.
(Y/N): "Gah!"*covers yourself with the shower curtain*"Don't do that!!"
Exorcist: "Oh sorry master."
(Y/N): "I have a name."
Exorcist: "Oh, sorry master (Y/N)."
Next, we see you watching TV and you are out of popcorn.
(Y/N): "Crap out of popcorn."
We then see 3 Exorcists come in and give you a new bowl of popcorn and then they give you a shoulder rub and a foot rub while a 4th one is feeding you some pudding.
(Y/N): "I can eat this stuff myself!"
Later, we see you in the bathroom and you ran out of toilet paper.
(Y/N): "Crud."
???: "Here's a new roll master."
You then see that 15 exorcists were holding a new roll of toilet paper in each of your hands.
(Y/N): "Would you get out of here?!"
We later see you taking a nap on the couch and we see the exorcists around you. Moments later, we see you wake up and you are wrapped up like a baby in a blanket.
(Y/N): "Help! I'm stuck in this and I need to get to work!"
Montage sequence ends
After sometime, we see you exhausted as the girls notice this.
Courtney: "What happened to you?"
(Y/N): "The exorcists were driving me crazy! And they keep calling me their master!"
Lindsay: "Since when did they do that?"
(Y/N): "4 weeks ago!!"
Lindsay: "Well to be fair, you were the one that taught them how to live normal lives."
(Y/N): "Yeah but this wasn't what I was expecting, I can take care of myself."
Courtney: "They mean well, but they are loyal to you."
(Y/N): "They've been treating me like a baby!"*to Sera*"Say something Sera, they'll listen to you."
Sera: "I wish it was that simple but they are fiercely loyal to their master, which is you."
(Y/N): "Aw fuck me."
Sometime later, we see you on the couch and we see the exorcists pampering you like you are a baby instead of an adult.
(Y/N): "Can you stop treating me like a baby?"
Exorcists: "Sorry master."
(Y/N): "And stop calling me that!?"
???(Lute): "Apologies sir."
You then see Lute in a maid outfit and you see that she's the head maid and you teleported out of your couch as the girls see you are gone. Later, in the Hazbin Hotel, you explained what happened with the Exorcists at your house to Vaggie and she was shocked but not surprised.
Vaggie: "Uhh, yeah I never thought that would happen?"
(Y/N): "Are you like this with Charlie?"
Vaggie: "Fuck no! I don't barge into Charlie's bathroom to give her a new roll of toilet paper. Charlie may be Charlie but she's an adult not a baby."
(Y/N): "That's what I've told them 40x today!"
Vaggie: "Well maybe there's something I can do to help."
Later, we see you and the others set up an intervention for the exorcist angels and we see you all talking to them.
Vaggie: "Everyone, this is an intervention, you all need to stop treating (Y/N) like he's a baby, he's a grown man and he has a job."
Exorcist 1: "But he's our master."
(Y/N): "Don't call me that."
Charlie: "He's not the kind of person who likes nice things, he's the kind of guy that is all 'if it's not broken, don't fix it'."
Exorcists: "Ooooooh."
(Y/N): "I mean it's great that you all are helping around the place, just take it down a notch."
Lute: "Alright."*to the exorcists*"Everyone, master wants us to tone down the services. He's an adult and he can take care of himself, now let's clean up this place. Let's move out!"
We see the exorcists grab cleaning supplies and leave the room as you and the others then turn to each other.
(Y/N): "I am gonna need some time to get used to being called, master. And in the meantime, I am gonna get to work, the O5 needs me for something."
Next: Chapter 88: SCP-001 "Dead Men"
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