Chapter two


I woke up to my alarm clock on my bed side. It was 7:00 and school started at 8:20. I knew Annora heard my alarm cause of her heighten hearing. So I went and got ready. Im not sure if Annora is going but I'll know if I find her at school.

I'm wearing a red shirt, my grey jacket and some blue jeans. I also put in some red studs in my ears and yes I stole them.

I walked out of my room with my book bag. I went into the living room and looked around but I didn't see Ann. I guess Ann isn't coming. Oh well.

I walked to school which was only a few miles using the short cut Annora told me about.


I got to Middle Town High just in time. I still have a few minutes to get my schedule so I went to get my schedule from the principle's office.

I knock on the door to the office.

"Come in." said a voice.

I went into the office to see a dirty blond head man. Sitting in a chair behind a desk.

"May I help you?" He ask

"Yes I'm here for my schedule for school. I'm new." I said

"Ah yes. So you are Lillian King?"

"Yes sir."

"I'm Principle Coulson.

Here's your schedule and locker number. Have a nice day Lillian." He said handing me my schedule.

"Thank you sir." I said before leaving the office.

I began walking down the hall till a voice stopped me.

"Hey, you! I saw you walk out of Coulson's office. Are you new here?" I turned around and see that boy with brown hair and brown eyes from Annora's sketch. I stop walking and turn around.

"Yes?" I question.

"Are you new here? Of course you are. I never seen You before. My name is Peter Parker. I been going to this school pretty much my whole life. So um what brought you here?"

"Oh me and my sister Annora moved here. "

"Oh is your sister going to this school too? or is she a little kid or older then you?"

"She will go to this school. I enrolled her along with me, but I'm not sure if she will be going here today."

"Oh... what's your name? I never got your name?"

"My name is Lillian King."

I said before the bell rings. Peter said bye then began to walk.

"Wait Peter!" I yelled out. He stops and turns around.

"Do you know where Mr. Blip's room is?"

"Oh right your new here. I'm going there now So follow me." Then began walking again with me following.


I knew Lillian already left for school. I'm still deciding if I want to go to school.

I mean walking around and finding the places I need to go will be easy, but I won be able to see the writing they will give me. Maybe if I go to the principle office and ask him to use blind people paper for me so I can work on my work the teachers will give me.

If he won't be able to then I guess I will just have to not go to school. I don't really have to go to school. With my I.Q I can go to college already. But I have to watch out for my sister. Some people go after her powers because she can create anything out of her imagination.

She can make an ultimate weapon, that can blow up a whole country like a nuclear bomb but worse. So if anyone had an intention to use her and kidnap her, I'll know because I linked our minds. I can find her anywhere she goes, no matter the distance.

I use a lot of energy when I link people or try to find the person I link. It's not bad if she was close to me, like a few states away, But if it was across the ocean then I'll pass out.

I decided to go to school so I can watch out for her. She is all I have. Even through I hate large groups, I'll do this for her.

I got dressed fast and use the short cut to school. I was wearing a grey T-shirt and black boot cut pants. I was wearing my necklace that I found when I was walking through a forest one day. I don't know what it looks like, but I felt around the necklace. The shape and pattern is unfamiliar, It felt odd so I took it.

I got to school the bell already rang so I had to hurry and get my schedule.

I found the principle's office and went in side without knocking.

"S-sir I need my schedule and I have a- a question to ask y-you." I said shyly. I was meeting a new person. So of course I was shy, I'm not as brave as Lillian.

"Yes of course. Here's your schedule Annora I knew you would be coming, I have you all the same classes with your sister Lillian. What's your question?" He said slightly annoyed from me coming in without knocking. Then handed me my schedule.

"Thank you, An-and I w-was wondering if I-I, I mean y-you can have blind paper for me to use, so I m-may do my work?"

"Oh, yes of course, I had already had that covered for you. Don't worry." He said.

"O-ok, Thank you."

" No problem, Hurry and get to class." I nod my head, then left his office.

I tracked Lillian, Almost immediately, found her them ran to where she was, and being careful running.


Class was going through just fine, but I kept feeling glances at me. There was a knock on the classroom door. The teacher went to the door and opened it.

"Yes?" He asked.

"I-I'm new and I-I have this c-class." A recognized voice said.

"Oh right. Annora King. You may come in." Annora! She came! Annora came into the classroom.

"Please introduce yourself to the class." Oh no, she hates feeling people stare at her.

"U-um, m-m-my n-name I-I-is A-Annora K-King."

Alright you may sit down in a empty seat." I looked around me and noticed that their was an empty chair next to me. She came over and sat down next to me.

The teacher begin class again.


Finally it was lunch. Annora had to go find her locker. I would have helped her but she didn't want any help. She doesn't like it when she needs people to help her because of her blindness.

I headed down to the cafeteria when some yelled out my name.

"Lillian!" I turned around to see Annora.

"Found your locker?" I asked.

"Yes, It didn't take long. A teacher came by to help. I told him I can do it, but he said he was suppose to help me cause of my blindness." She said.

"Ann, You need people sometimes. You can't always follow my mind." She looked down and then nodded.

"Hey! Lillian! Want to sit with me?" Said a voice behind me. I can already tell it was Peter. I turned around smiling at Peter, Before saying.

"As long as my sister can." Peter turned to Annora, finally noticing her.

"Oh, yea! She can sit with us too." He said.

"Then we will sit with you guys." I said Me and my sister follow Peter to his group of friends.

They were all in Annora's drawling. She was right about me meeting them, But she's always right.

I took a seat next to Peter and Annora sat down in front of me by the blond head kid.

"Guys, This is Lillian King and her sister Annora King.

Lillian, Annora, these are my friends, Danny, Luke, Ava, Harry, Mary or just M.J and......Sam."Pointing to each person as he said their names.

"Hey(Hi)" They all said.

"Hey Annora, Rumors around school that your blind." Sam said.

"The r-rumors are true. I am indeed b-b-blind." Ann stuttered. Everybody looked shocked except me.

"How is it like being blind?" Peter asked.

"It s-sucks, but it has it's a-advantages." she said shyly.

"What are they?" Luke asked.

"I can feel my s-surroundings better then people w-who can see and I can hear further."

"So when did you move into the city?" Ava asked.

"We moved three days ago." I lied. We actually lived here all our lives.

"Oh that's cool, Where did you move from?" M.J asked.

"We move here from Little Rock, Arkansas"

"Is it nice there?" Danny asked.

"Yes, very nice." Danny nodded, then looked at Annora before continuing eating. After our conversation we finished our food. Later it was time to head to class again.


School was over and me and Annora were in the living room. I was watching TV (That I stole) and Annora was sketching something that looked like the blond head boy.

Then suddenly Annora gasped. I stood up real quickly and ran over to her.

"What's wrong? Did you have a bad vision? Did you Hear thoughts that plan on killing you?" I rushed out.

"Nothing, it's nothing sis." she said before sketching again.


I didn't know what it was but I felt a surge of power run through me like electricity. But whatever it was it shouldn't be important. Right?

((((YES!!!! It didn't take Long for this chapter to come out!!! Yeppie!!! I had to go to the lake today. There were a lot of people. So I didn't go swim everybody. Im pretty much Anti Social when it comes to faces and person. So I sat out and finished this chapter!!!))))

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