|You're Lucky| Shinomiya x Reader ♡

Shokugeki no Soma
⚠︎Warning(s): Alcohol use
Requested by: Fandom_World069 (sorry it's so late 😅)


Your POV

"Thanks, Shinomiya," I gratefully receive a coffee from his hands.

He doesn't reply as he sips on his own drink.

Ever since that little incident from before, he and I have been hanging out a whole lot. Apparently, he won an award at France and was the first Japanese person to do so. After a while, he opened his own restaurant here in Japan.

Ever since the first time Shinomiya invited me to eat at his eatery, I think it's the first time in awhile I've felt so comfortable.

"So how was your day, Shinomiya?" I ask him as I add sugar to my beverage.

"Tiring," he chugs down his coffee.

"You need to take breaks," I grow concerned for him, "You're going to work to death."

"It's okay, (Y/N)," he assures me with annoyance laced in his voice, "I'm fine, really."

"If you say so," I trail off, not believing him one bit.

We continue our day like normal until Shinomiya's phone rings.

Sighing, he pulls out his phone and stands up from his chair.

"What is it, Hinako?" He grumbles as I can hear a chirpy voice from the other end of the line.

"Mizuhara and everyone else is holding a party!" Hinako cheers, "Can you come?"

"What time?" He checks his watch.

"Around seven," she squeals in return, "You got to go!"

"That's what you say about every party," the salmon-haired man replies with a sigh, "Is it okay if I bring someone else?"

"Of course!" I can tell she was smiling from the other end, "The more, the merrier! Also, it's not a formal party so no need to dress up all fancy."

"Okay, bye," Shinomiya hangs up before Minako can say anything else, "Are you free today, (Y/N)?"

"I've got nothing else to do," I shrug, "Why?"

"Can you come to the party with me?" He asks, "Hanging out with those idiots alone will be tiresome. Since you are a sensible person, I think it will be more interesting with you around."

"Thanks?" I don't know if that's a compliment but I'll take it.

"I'l drive you home and pick you up around 6:45," the man walks out the door with me following him like a lost puppy.

"Okay, thanks."

Opening the side passenger door like a gentleman, I slide inside gracefully. He closes the door after me and walks over to the driver seat door.

Much to my disappointment, the ride back to my home was a silent one.

"I'll see you soon," I step out of the car and wave at him by my front door. He nods and speeds away.

I unlock my door in a preppy manner. Treading up to my stairs which goes up to my bedroom, I decide on what to wear for the informal party.


All dressed up and ready to go, I await my ride. I check the watch wrapped around my wrist. The analog characters indicated it's close to 6:45.

Someone honks nearby and I push away the flow curtains dangling from my ceiling to see who it is. The same sleek car from before was parked in the front and I rush down to not cause any lateness.

I slip into my All Star Lo Converses and head out.

Shinomiya was holding the steering wheel. As if he knew I came out, his head swivels in m general direction. I squint, trying to see his reaction.

For a little bit, he doesn't show any response and I begin to think that my outfit is trash. However much to my surprise, a smirk became visible on his lips.

Making sure I locked the door, I sprint over to the 4-wheeled vehicle.

"Hello again," I open the door and fasten my seatbelt.

"Hey," he glances over to me, "You look great."

"Really?" I examine what Shinomiya was wearing.

He had an open-collared shirt with beige pants, accompanied by a belt. It was a bit more formal compared to my black leggings and simple, white T-Shirt.

"Your outfit looks way better than mine," I chuckle nervously as the well-dressed man keeps his eyes on the road.

"I still think you look great," he mumbles but I catch on to what he had said.

Grinning like an idiot, Shinomiya notices.

"What're you smiling for?" He sneers and the car slows to a stop at the red light.

"Nothing~," I chime, "Where are we going anyway?"

"To the host's restaurant," he replies and drives off as soon as the light turns green.

"Do all of your friends own some sort of business?" I ask with curiosity.

"Just about," Shinomiya turns to the left.

There was a little bit of quietness as we had run out of conversation topics. I stare at his face, which was more interesting than the plains outside which seemed to go on forever. The more I think about it, he looks familiar. I feel like I've seen him in my school before.

"Why are you staring?" His lips curve up into a smirk, "Is it because of my good looks?"

"Not entirely," I blurt out in a daze, "You just seemed really familiar to me now that I think about it. What high school did you go to?"

"Totsuki," he answers with no boasting-like manner, "Why?"

My eyes widen to the size of saucers, "I went there!"

"Really?" Shinomiya grows surprised, "What year were you in?"

"80th graduating class," I say with such pride.

"Did you know Hinako Inui?" He asks and I perk up at the mention of her name.

"Of course! We were practically sisters!" I laugh at the fond memories we shared until something hit me, "Wait, were you that Shinomiya she cried over for at your graduating ceremony?"


"Whoa!" I peek at him closely, "You looked different without your glasses! That's why I couldn't have recognized you! Man, this is really cool!"

"If I remember, weren't you that (H/C) haired girl who was always with her?" I can tell his interest is piqued.

"Yep!" I beam, "This has to be fate or something!"

"Do you own a restaurant?"

"Yeah, but it's nothing too special," I shrug.

"What's the theme?" He begins to ask for a description.

"Focusing on American," I answer.

Nodding in approval, we reach the restaurant.

"Would I know anyone here?" I gape at the huge gates, looming over me.

"You should be highly familiar with them," my used-to-be upperclassman takes out his phone, "Didn't you come in contact with any of them?"

 "Once I graduated, I traveled to America to pursue my career," I explain, "I haven't gotten the chance to contact anyone, unfortunately."

"Oh," he responds and starts to talk into the phone, "Hey, Dojima, we're here."

A muffled voice on the other end answers, "Okay."

The gates slowly separated and I gasp in awe. My restaurant wasn't on the high end of the economy so I didn't feel like adding anything extravagant.

"Stop gawking at the entrance and let's go," Shinomiya urges me to go on as I comply.

Behind the gates were very traditional themed decorations and a pair of doors in the front.

"Wow," I whisper as Shinomiya strides on.

He pushes the doors open instead of pulling. I snort and contain my laughter. Annoyed, he pulls the door open like he should have done originally.

"Shinomiya!" A familiar, black-haired woman runs over to the said man with arms open.

Instead of coming in contact with her like that, Shinomiya outstretches his arm and once she was close enough, he squeezes her head with his hand.

"Owwww," the girl hisses in pain while clutching on to her head, "Is that any way to treat a friend?"
"When it's one like you, yes," he turns over to me, "(Y/N), it's her."

On closer speculation, I know who it is.

"Hinako!" I tackle hug her, "It's me, (Y/N)!"

"(Y/N)!?" Hinako returns the hug, "Since when did you get back!? You should've called me!"

"I tried but I got a new phone as my phone fell from a ship," I pout.

"Oh, it's so good to see you!" Hinako squeals, "Come on, Mizuhara and everyone else is this way!"

"They're here too!?" I beam at the very thought of seeing my old friends again.

Guiding us to the banquet hall, excitement fills me up. I haven't seen any of them in years! What will they look like? Do they own restaurants?

Questions build up as we near the room.

"Guys, look who's here!" Hinako slides the doors open and presents Shinomiya and me, "It's (Y/N)!"

"(Y/N!)" They all shout. By they, I mean Donato, Mizuhara, Sekimori, and Dojima.

"Uh, hey, guys," I laugh anxiously.

"Where have you been?" Donato is the first one to ask a question, "You haven't contacted us since you left for America!"
"My phone fell into the sea," I tear up at the memory. I had so many anime pictures in that phone and I didn't have iCloud.

"That sucks," Mizuhara hugs me in which I return it, "Nice to see you again, (Y/N)."
"Same here, Mizu Chan," I address her by the old nickname I had for her in the past.

"You know I don't like that name, (Y/N)," she pouts, something she never does.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Sekimori greets me as I do the same.

"Hey, Sekimori," I wave.

Seki and I haven't known each other closely but we didn't hate each other.

"How are you, (Y/N)?" Dojima smiles at me, "Running a restaurant?"

"I'm great, Dojima," I give him a thumbs up, "And you bet I have a restaurant!"

"We should go there next time," Donato suggests and I nod.

"Sure, why not?"

"How did you meet Shinomiya?" Mizuhara asks.

"Long story," I frown at the incident, "but we have time."

"Let's take a seat first," Shinomiya is the first one to sit down and soon everyone else follows, "And how about some food?"

"I'll cook," I stand up from my chair, "It's been a while since I've cooked something for you guys."

"But you're the guest!" Hinako argues.

"Don't you want to see how I've improved?" I place my hands on my hips and sassily walk over to the kitchen.

"Do you even know what to make?" Shinomiya retorts.

"I thought I'd just wing it," I shrug while fumbling around the fridge and pantry, "Don't worry, I got this! Your food will be ready soon."

Pushing Shinomiya and Hinako out of the kitchen, I tie my hair up and sigh.

"Let's do this!"


Strutting over to the group, I hold trays of American style foods.

"Bon Appétit!" I slide down the trays and lift the silver covering off.

Everyone gasps at my choice. I had chosen one of America's most known for foods, hamburgers and buffalo wings.

"To impress us, you chose this?" Shinomiya scoffs, "Anyone out there can create a hamburger and some wings."
"Ah!" I stick my pointer finger out, "But this isn't just any ordinary slop. Try it!"

"I guess I shouldn't judge a book by its cover," Sekimori takes a chomp from the burger first and his pupils become smaller.

He turns to look at me, "What did you do to this burger? This is something I've never tasted before!"

"Added a little bit of me," I smile as everyone's faces look morbid.

Catching on, I add, "Cooking wise, not physically!"

Sighing in relief, they eye the foods until all of the world famous chefs give in. Shinomiya was the last one to do so.

Hinako bites the wing and pants a little once the piece of spicy meat goes down her throat, "It's spicy...but I can't help but take more."

"You've definitely improved since last time," Dojima closes his eyes with nostalgia, "I remember eating some of your food before at the Moon Festival. You had potential before but this is on an entire level."
"Hehe," I giggle happily, "Thank you, chef."

We all begin to converse about what's been going on in our lives, how Shinomiya and I met, and some gossip about the new students in Totsuki.


Night falls upon us and with energy still pumping in our veins, we ask someone to cook dessert for us.

"Shinomiya!" Hinako orders, "You make dessert!"

"Why?" The said man scrunches his nose for I could tell he was too lazy.

"Because I asked," Hinako answers, "And you will do what I say!"

"I guess I can't fight you," Shinomiya lets out a string of complaints before disappearing off into the kitchen.

"Soooo, (Y/N)," Hinako slams her fist on the table, "How do you feel about Shinomiya?"

"Uh, what?" I shift my eyes to one side, not wishing for this type conversation to come up.

"Don't lie to me," she hiccups, "I see the way you look at him."

"With eyes?" I reply rather stupidly.

"No kidding," the black haired girl rolls her eyes, "With love, you idiot!"

"What're you talking about?" My cheeks flush pink.

"See?" Hinako points an accusing finger at me, "You're blushing!"

"No, I...just had too much to drink," I come up with an excuse. I only drank one cup.

"But you didn't drink much?" Mizuhara joins in.

"Sh-Shut up!"I take a swig of sake.

I see Mizuhara lean in close to Hinako. Once the blue-haired girl parted, Hinako giggles devilishly.

"Here, (Y/N)," she smiles innocently while pushing a shot of sake towards me, "Let's see who can hold their liquor the best!"

"Why?" My eyesight blurs for a second.

"Afraid to lose?" Hinako hiccups and keeps on indulging me in her 'party games'.

"No, I'm not!" I defend and instantly guzzle down the bitter drink.

After a few rounds of sake, I begin to feel less and less sober as Hinako keeps on pouring alcohol in my tiny glass.

"Come on, (Y/N)," she cheers, "I'm still sober!"

"N-No more," I groan as the liquor overriding my system.
"Yes more!" Hinako even decides to force-drink me before I stop her.

"Okay...okay," I try to stay balanced, "Just...give me a minute..."

Reluctantly taking a gulp of the bitter-sweet drink, I begin to feel woozy.


"What the hell is going on here?" A popping vein can be visible Shinomiya's forehead.

Even though my vision was hazy, I can tell who it is.

"Shinomiya-chi!" I cling on to his arm, almost dropping the desserts he was balancing.
"Gah!" He shakes a bit, "What are you doing!?"

"She had a bit too much to drink," Mizuhara explains.

"I wonder how that happened," he stares at Hinako while she whistles, "Sigh, here's the dessert."

Plates of delicate and most likely delicious crêpes appear in front of us. I coo in amazement of its presentation.

"Yay, crêpes!" I grab a fork and dig in, "Thank you Shinomiya-chi!"

"...How much did she drink?" He ignores my gratitude and goes straight to the questions.

"More than five shots," Mizuhara counts on her fingers, "I don't think she can take care of herself..."

Shinomiya catches on, "You want me to take care of her? Why not Hinako?"
"None of us besides you know where she lives," Donato adds in, "I don't think she can give directions clearly."

"Fine," the short-tempered man huffs, "After she finishes, we'll leave."

I gobble down my crêpes and yell out my goodbyes before Shinomiya shoves me inside his car.

"What was that for?" I pout as Shinomiya glances at me.

"I need to get you home," he clicks his tongue while we drive in silence.

The lulling sound of the radio puts me into slumber and I fall on something circular. The thing I was sleeping on stiffens up as I don't even know what I am on.

"Oi!" My consciousness slowly comes back to me as I'm being shaken awake.

"Hmm?" I rub my eyes a little and my head throbs, "What's going on?"

"We're at your house," a masculine voice informs me and a door closing can be heard behind me, "Get up."

I stumble out of the car and totter across the path going to my door. Through the dimmed streetlights, I see a man around my age with salmon hair supporting me.

"You're such a pain," the voice grumbles, "Give me your keys so I can unlock the door."

"No!" I fling my arms around like a kid, "I'll do it by myself!"

Searching for the keys, I slip a hand into my back pocket. I hear a jingle emit when my fingers brush against something metallic. I pull it out to reveal that it was my house keys.

I try to aim correctly but being in a drunk state isn't very helpful. Instead of inserting the tip in the knob, I kept on hitting air as I go for the empty space besides where I should be going for. After a few seconds of me acting like an idiot, the man behind me grew impatient as he yanks the keys from my hand.

"Hey!" I shout rather loudly and he tries to shut me up.

"You obviously can't do a damn thing," the pink-haired male tut-tuts, "I'll have to do everything for you."

"No!" I shake my head furiously, "I don't want that!"

Passersby stare at the commotion I was causing, some creating rumors while others laugh silently at the ordeal.

"Urgh," the man leans in, "I guess I'm going to have to quiet you down by force."

I stay still, oblivious to the current situation. When the unidentifiable male comes in closer, I finally recognize him. It was Shinomiya, the guy I met in December.

"Shinomiya?" I utter out, disturbing the atmosphere a bit.

Shinomiya pays no attention to me calling his name and continues on going forward. Soon, we are so close I can feel his breath fan over me. By this time, I know I resemble a tomato.

Suddenly, his lips collide with mine. I widen my eyes at the sudden interaction but accept it. I drown in the blissful kiss and allow Shinomiya to take dominance.

What was a simple peck now turns into a heated make-out session. A minute later, I can find myself needing oxygen. Pushing him away, regrettably, I pant from the intensity.

"You taste like liquor," Shinomiya sticks his tongue out and backs away.

He unlocks the door. I stumble behind Shinomiya as he strides in as if he owns the place.

"Where's your room?" He turns to me and I point to the upper level of the house.

Understanding my hand gesture, he helps me up the stairs. I open the door but yet again, fail.
Shinomiya lets out a breath and opens it for me. I stagger over to the bathroom and the guy with me rushes in after me.

"Bleghhhhhhhh," I vomit down the toilet bowl and feel a bit queasy.

"Are you okay?" Shinomiya crouches beside me and holds my hair up.

I would have responded but I'm interrupted by another puking session.

"I guess not," he says for me. I nod in agreement.

After one or two rounds of green stuff coming out of my mouth, I wipe my mouth with toilet paper.

"Can I go to the bed now?" I plead and go over to my domain.

"I'm going to get a few things for you," Shinomiya walks away from me before I latch my hand on his.

"Don't," I whisper, "Don't go, please?"

He stares at my puppy eyes before submitting to my demands.

"Fine," he huddles in the blankets with me, "Just tell me when you're going to vomit and don't sleep looking at the ceiling."

"Okayyy," I sing and soon fall asleep.

However, before I can go into the state of REM, I feel something soft touch my forehead. A voice speaks softly in my ear.

"You're lucky I love you." 

Word Count: 3142




Please forgive me! So much has been going on and my exams didn't help either. As an apology, I will be updating another part today.

Again, I'm so sorry, I'll try to be more responsible from now on (i feel like i'm talking to my mom lolz 😂).



At 1k, I will be revealing three new books but I won't be publishing them because I want to finish writing them first. I'm sorry 🙏🏼

I forgot to take off all caps so this happened: 

Anyways, I'll see you soon with the next update...'swish'. 

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