|The Last Leaf|Kaneki X Reader☂
Songfic; Angst
Tokyo Ghoul
Edited on: (1/14/18)
*This doesn't relate to the storyline (except the possible mention of ghouls and the 20th ward) and this is going to be black-haired Kaneki; I strongly recommend listening to the audio because this song is from the 60s (I know, don't judge) and if you're using your phone then it will be hard to listen.*
The last leaf clings to the bough
Just one leaf, that's all there is now
And my last hope live with that lonely leaf, lonely leaf
With the last leaf that clings to the bough
Kaneki's POV:
(Y/N), where are you? It's almost December. Why aren't you here?
Last summer beneath this tree
My love said she'd come back to me
Before the leaves of autumn touched the ground, touched the ground
My love promised they'd be homeward bound
It was a hot, sticky day in August. I was reading a book by the One-Eyed Owl called 'Black Goat's Egg' under a gigantic, oak tree in the middle of the park. I was waiting for her, and still am.
"Hey, Kaneki!" someone with (H/C), (H/L) hair rushed over to me, hand waving in the air as a greeting. I smiled and closed my book.
"Hey, (Y/N)," I waved to her back and motioned for her to sit next to me. She sat down beside me and her eyes perked up with curiosity when she noticed my book.
"What're you reading now?" she asked me. "Oh," I picked up the book for her to let her see it, "It's called 'Black Goat's Egg' written by the One-Eyed Owl."
"Weren't you just reading something else last week?" she raised an eyebrow, "Don't tell me you finished it already."
I nodded and laughed a little as she pouted. "How are you so good and reading?" she groaned in frustration and I smile.
We talked about what had happened in the past week and before I knew it, the sun was setting. (Y/N) notices this and frowns.
"And I wanted to spend more time with you too..." (Y/N) mutters, but I heard her. "It's okay," I smile, "There's always next week."
"That's the thing," she gave me a sorrowful look, "There won't be a next week..."
"W-What...?" My eyes widened, "What do you mean?"
"Sigh," tears threatened to fall out of her eyes, "I won't be here for a while. I have...an internship abroad. But I'll be back for before all the leaves fall off of this tree!"
"Are you sure?" I asked while unconsciously clutching her hands.
A reassuring grin appeared on her face. She stuck out her thumb, "Yep!"
I drew her into a heartwarming hug and squeezed her as if I never wanted to her to leave.
She stiffened at first and then hugged back. She nuzzled her face into my shoulder and I felt it becoming wet. She was crying.
I felt her lips moving but I couldn't hear what she had said.
"What was that, (Y/N)?" I asked but got no response. She pushed away and said the last words I heard from her.
Then one by one the leaves began to fall
It was a rainy day in September. I sat in the coffee shop, Anteiku, reading a novel. I sipped a coffee and gazed out the window.
It was over a month since (Y/N) had left, and I already miss her. She never told me what day she would come back.
The trees near Anteiku were changing colors and some were falling down to the ground.
"Maybe she's already here?" I muttered to myself. I got up from my seat, paid the bill, and left a tip for the waitress that had served me.
I walked out of the door and strolled over to the park where the tree was. With the hope that she could be there, my pace quickened.
When I reached there, I panted out and tried to look for the (H/C) haired girl. My shoulders drooped in disappointment when I couldn't find her.
I dragged my feet back to my home and shove my hands in my pocket. However, I was filled with determination (*Megalovania intensifies*) that she will be back.
It was October meaning it was already the middle of fall. She wasn't back yet. Maybe she has family issues?
Since then, I've been visiting the park each day that passes by and re-reading 'Black Goat's Egg'. She hasn't appeared in any of those days.
I grabbed the paperback novel and exited my apartment. It was getting chillier and the leaves were descending faster and faster.
I called a cab and one stopped by me in minutes.
"Where ya goin' kid?" the taxi driver snuffed out the cigarette he had just been smoking.
"Itomori (if you get this, ZEN ZEN ZENSE!) Park," I told him and he drove away. It was a quiet drive and I just stared at the trees passing by.
Some of them still have their leaves preserving their greenness, while most were turning brown, orange, or red. They would drift down to the pavement of the sidewalk.
"We're here," the driver alerted me and I snapped out of my trance.
"Ah, sorry," I handed him the correct amount of fare. I exited the cab and headed down to the tree in the middle.
When I arrive there, (Y/N) was nowhere to be seen again. I sighed and sat down at the base, opening my book.
After a few pages, I looked up at the sky.
"(Y/N)," I called out to her, trying to get her back, "Where are you?"
October rolled into the first week of November. I've still been going to the park. I was, however, losing hope she wouldn't be coming back.
I was on a stroll and noticed some of the trees were stripped bare or had very few leaves.
"Maybe I should go check out the park?" I asked myself and turned around in the direction of the park.
I arrived at the gates of the park and walked along the path leading to the tree. When I arrived there, the tree had only three leaves left. I spotted some people with worn out faces talking to someone who looked like a business official.
"What happened?" I wanted to ask them but didn't believe that it was in my place to.
It seemed they had some business to speak about and I shouldn't have been there. I made my way back to my apartment.
Besides, (Y/N) wasn't there.
And now that winter's come to call
I've still been going to the park. There were only a few leaves left.
She had told me she would be back before all the leaves fell to the ground. Almost all of the leaves had fallen and she wasn't there. What could I do?
As I was walking down the corridor to my apartment, I check my mailbox.
There were a few letters peeking out. I bury my hand inside and retrieve the letters.
I try to find my keys in my pocket. I pull them out and unlock the door. I shut the door with my foot and dump my bag on the floor.
I look through the letters. "Bill, bill," I shuffle through them, "Porn subscription? Oh, wrong address." I look at the last letter.
It was unique out of all of them. It appears to be highly formal, and it was in one of those card envelopes you'd find in stores.
My heart rate increases. I open the letter with such care and slide out the paper inside with trembling hands.
I drop the letter.
(Y/N)'s...dead..? How could this be? No, this is just a nightmare, right?
I pinch myself as a way to reassure myself. I let out a small whimper as I wince from the pain. No, it's not. I wish it is, though.
I feel my face growing a bit damp. I instinctively wipe the tears flowing down my cheeks.
"Dammit!" I cry in frustration, "Why did you have to die!? Huh, (Y/N)!? Out of the 8 billion people in this world, why did it have to be you..."
I slowly crumble to the floor, my legs losing all feeling. I read over the letter a numeral of times to make sure I was mistaken and my eyes were playing tricks on me.
They weren't and instead focus on the word 'eulogy'. I have to make a speech for her. I've always wanted to create one for her, but for a whole different purpose.
Instead of writing a eulogy for her funeral, I wanted to write my vows for her on our wedding day.
Almost all the tears have stopped escaping my eyes, but that doesn't change how devastated I am. I wipe away the remaining tears and head over to my desk.
I grab a piece of paper and start to pour my love and compassion I had for her, and still do, into my eulogy
It was the fated day. I dress up in a black suit that consists of a black colored blazer, pants, and tie and a white shirt tucked in. I walk as slow as a sail to my bathroom. I do my whole morning routine and try to find the hair gel.
I slick back my hair using the gel and stare at myself in the mirror, my own eyes boring into the reflection's eyes.
Heavy eyebags were visible underneath them. My eyes were puffy and a bit red from crying. I let out a heavy sigh and I finish up styling my hair.
I grab my prepared speech before I leave. I mumble to myself the speech, choking up at times until I feel satisfied with what I wrote.
I call a cab and get ready to leave. I slip on my shoes and coat. I hear a car honk outside and I walk out.
I lack the energy to hurry up, so I take my time. This results in the car honking yet again.
I reach the cab, in which the driver gives me a dirty look, and I tell her to go to Itomori Park.
The car parks to the curb of the park. I hand her the fee and when I close the door, she speeds away. I didn't have the spirit to get angry or complain.
I check my watch that was wrapped around my right wrist. It was a little less than ten minutes from 12.
I make my way to the tree to see the funeral simple and not too extravagant. I see some of the people talking to one other but in a hushed tone. Some were mourning and comforting each other.
I know that Hide knew (Y/N) because he's the one who introduced me. He said he was invited, but I didn't see the blonde.
As I walk down the separation between the rows and I count down to see where row 2 is. Someone notices me looking for my seat and approaches me.
"Hello, I assume you are here for the funeral?" A slightly aged woman asks me with a gentle smile.
"Um, yes," I bow as a sign of respect to her and she does the same, "I was wondering where row 2, seat 3 is?"
"Oh, follow me," she gets up from her previous position and leads me.
She stops at a row fairly close up to where the funeral was in action (I can't think of a better explanation😣). The seats were barely filled up. There was a sticker on one of the seats that had the number '3' shown on it.
"There's your seat over there," she points over to the chair and maintains that smile, "You must be Kaneki Ken, correct? (Y/N) wouldn't stop talking about you when she left. I'm (Y/N)'s mother, nice to meet you."
She offers a hand to me and I shake it.
"Yes, I am," I reply and make sure to answer properly, "It's also nice to finally meet you. I just had hoped it wouldn't be under these circumstances."
She nods and closes her eyes, "Same here. Sigh, she would talk to us about this tree and tell us all sort of things about you. How your eyes would peak with interest when you were concerned with a topic that would attract you and what books you read, almost everything. I need to admit, (Y/N) had good taste."
She chuckles and I blush, "You flatter me too much, Mrs. (L/N)."
"Please, call me (Mother's name)," She checks her watch, "It's almost time, I need to go. Again, it was nice seeing you. Hopefully, we meet again"
I wave my hand and sit down.
"Hey, Kaneki," Someone calls out to me, right next to me.
I flinch and see that it was Hide. He gives me a sorrowful smile but smiles anyway.
"Oh, hey Hide," I mutter and he frowns at the tone of my voice.
"How you feeling?" He asks me and I let out a heavy sigh to show my, what seemed to be endless, sadness. He says nothing back.
A piano starts to play and I snap my head to the back. It was the procession. Everyone stands up immediately as I do as well.
The priest leading it and family members following. When almost all of them were close up to the front, there was the see-through casket.
Three men on each side lifting the coffin. The transparent glass enables me to see (Y/N) on the inside. She looked truly beautiful, almost immaculate.
Her (H/C) hair flowed with white roses planted in them. A baby powder white dress hugged her body perfectly. Her hands looked almost as if they were clutching the bouquet of white flowers, even though they were only situated in between her soft and delicate hands.
Seeing her alone made me want to cry. She was dressed almost how I would've wanted her to in our wedding I wished to have.
We all sit back down once it was over and the funeral went on. Minutes had passed and it was time to give the eulogies. I was last and patiently waited for everyone to finish.
Everyone was on the brink of tears if they hadn't cried already before the eulogies.
It is my turn to speak. I shuffle to the stand and position the microphone close to my mouth.
"Hello everyone," I start and let out a shaky breath, "Most of you may not know me. My name is Kaneki Ken. I met (Y/N) under this tree near the start of June. We would always meet each other here at least once a week. Before I knew it, I started to fall for her, hard. In the last few days of August, that would be the last time I would speak to her. She had an internship abroad and said she would be back before all of the leaves had fallen from this tree."
I choke back a sob and continue on.
"I believed her. When September started, I would come here every day to see if she would be here, smiling and running towards me. The last time I came here, almost all of the leaves had descended to the ground."
I take a moment to point at the tree. There was one remaining leaf, clinging to the tip of the branch.
The last leaf that clings to the bough
Just one leaf, that's all there is now
"She didn't break her promise, however. There's one leaf still here and she's here with me. The only thing is that she wasn't smiling and running to me. It's devasting that (Y/N) isn't here with us physically. She is here with us spiritually. Please take comfort in knowing she's watching over us from above. That is all, thank you."
I walk down from the stand and back to my seat. The tears were sliding down my face and I silently weep. Hide rubs a hand on my back as a sign of comforting.
The funeral closed with its recession. I stay back to take a good look at (Y/N)'s body in the casket. There she was, laying there so peacefully. I run a hand across the surface and a few tears fell on the coffin.
Regrettably, I had to leave soon. I step down from the setup and look back. When I turn my head back to head home, I overhear an old couple talking.
Will my last hope fall with that lonely leaf, lonely leaf
With the last leaf, the last leaf
"What a tragic death," one of the elders say, "Dying from murder? How horrendous!"
M-Murder? (Y/N) died from murder? Who would do such a thing!?
I run back to my apartment and Hide calls after me.
I take my shoes off in a hurry and throw my coat on the hook. I dash to my computer in my room.
I open it up and click on Google Chrime. I type in the words '(Y/N) (L/N) murder'.
Entries from different news sources pop up and I click on the most recent one. It had the title of 'Suspect found, not captured'.
I read over the paragraphs and my eyes widen.
"(Y/N) (L/N) was...stabbed...over 50 times," I read aloud. I can feel the shock and focus on the suspect.
"Suspect is Sleve Mcdichael," I drill the details in my mind, "32 years old, unemployed. Last seen in the 20th ward...I was there last month."
I slam my laptop in fury and drop on my bed.
It is a snowy and blistering cold December. I became a half-ghoul and seek vengeance for (Y/N).
The murderer was last seen in the 20th ward and I am chasing after him. I carry a picture of him with me and study it so I can easily recognize him from any distance.
I bump into a man in a back alleyway. I look at his face as he scowls at me.
"Hey, watch where you're going!" He yells at me and I give no response.
It is him, Sleve Mcdichael.
"Hey, answer me!" he pulls out a knife, most likely the same one he used on (Y/N).
Suddenly, everything turns red. I lose consciousness.
When I wake up, I see him dead on the ground, blood leaking out of his back. I look on my hands, but there is no evidence of blood anywhere. Then I feel something twitch on my back.
I look behind in fear and it was some tentacle thing (How I describe kagunes 🤣)
"Hey, you," a feminine voice calls out to me, "Come with me."
I turn around and see a navy-haired girl with her hands on her hips. I follow her reluctantly and look back at the murderer on the ground.
At least I got revenge for (Y/N).
With the last leaf that clings to the bough
Bough, bough, bough
The leaf may have been forgotten, but my memories with (Y/N) will not.
☂☂☂ Word Count: 3154
(A/N): Okay, the story behind the song isn't completely like this, but somewhat similar. This girl had to leave this guy but said she'd be back before all the leaves had fallen. Then as time goes on, the girl doesn't come back and more leaves fall. Then all the leaves had fallen and the guy receives a call that the girls died from a disease. The leaves signaled her lifespan. Frustrated, the guy glues the leaves back to the tree as if he's saying 'please bring her back'.
What do you think of the note image? Good? Bad? Also, a few days ago, I had gotten an alert from someone (they wouldn't let me tag you 😕)telling me something glitchy happened to my Karma x Reader oneshot. I apologize for any confusion it may have caused you. That is now fixed and a bit edited. Now, I need a favor from anyone.
PLEASE REQUEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also, you know what time of year it is!
all of my one-shots will deal with any Christmas topics or anything that falls on Christmas *cough, cough...Victor's and Levi's Birthday...cough, cough*
have a good day/morning/night/evening/afternoon!
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