|Subway Hero| Hayato x Reader ♡

My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As I Expected/SNAFU
Published: (4.23.18)


Your POV:

Tapping on my phone a few times, I check over my side to see if my subway buddy had arrived yet. As per usual, a taller figure comes jogging over to me, panting every five seconds.

"Sorry I'm late, (Y/N) Chan," Hayato Hayama, my subway buddy, halts in front of me and tries to catch his breath, "Woke up late this morning... *pant, pant* Alarm didn't go off."

"It's fine," I slightly chuckle at his antics, "As long as you go here before the train came here. Did you finish the homework last night? I have no idea how to do the question on page 173, the one with the pentagon."

"Well, it was a pretty difficult one," he admits before continuing, "I'll tell you on the train."

"But I don't feel like talking about math," I whine while puffing my cheeks out, "And I highly doubt that you found it difficult. You're one of the smartest students in the grade!"

"I guess, haha!" The blond classmate scratches the nape of his neck and laughs a little, "Oh, the train's here."

As I turn around to check out the dark, quiet tunnel, a sudden rush of wind comes blasting my way. A pair of head lights blares their brightness and I squint in order to decrease the glare.

"Yep," I confirm with sarcasm laced in my voice, "That's the train alright."

"It's been over a year and yet you're barely used to trains," he sighs and flashes me with his signature smile.

"Sh-Shut up!" I pout before waiting for the train to stop.

A sudden gust of wind slaps me on the back, causing me to stumble forward. Before I had time to even realize, Hayato extends his arm and props me back up.

"Be careful," he mutters, "If I wasn't there, you would be dead."

"Exaggerating much?" Despite saying that, I knew that if Hayato wasn't there for me, things would not end so well, "Thank you, subway hero."

The train finally halts in front of us and the door slide open. For common courtesy, the blonde and I step back to allow exiting passengers to, well, exit.

After the few people rush out of the doors, Hayato and I step inside the train to try and find available. Since it was so early in the morning and this stations was one of the first ones, most seats were empty.

I almost jump into the plastic seat and begin to slump as fatigue from last night hits me.

"Tired?" Hayato withdraws a few papers from his book bag.

"Yeah," I admit and do the same as him, "Give me your answers, I need to finish my homework."

"Without saying 'please'!?" The popular student feigns a sign of shock.

Rolling my eyes, I huff out a short and brief 'please'. Satisfied, he passes me one of the papers locked away neatly in his fat binder.

I scribble the answers in as quickly as possible. Sure, the handwriting didn't look too great but the end result should be sufficient.

Glancing over to the side, I spot Hayato bent over and writing very slowly. What's up with the pace?

"Hayato," I slide over his, of course, tidily done homework, "Here you go, thanks!"

"No problem," he hides the paper he was previously writing away while putting the sheet of answers in his binder.

"What are you doing?" Me being the nosiest person in the world, I stretch all around in an attempt to hunt down the secretive note.

"What do you mean?" He coyly smiles before following my actions as a way to hide whatever he's hiding.

"You were literally writing on something a few seconds ago," I go at a faster rate.

"I think you're seeing things, (Y/N)."

"I think not!"

While trying to battle each other for that stupid piece of paper, I can sense a few looks from the peaceful citizens on their morning commute. Twisting my head around (not 360 though, that's creepy), I spot a few people giving us looks. And they are not the good type of looks.

My face burns red with embarrassment as I back down on the fight.

"Fine, it doesn't matter anyway..." I puff m cheeks out, hoping to guilt trip him.

"Aw, you'll find out about it later today," he ruffles my hair, causing random strands to go astray.

"Why not now?" My impatient side comes out.

"Because I have to finish it, obviously," he shoves the paper he was previously hiding from me into a folder, "Since you found out about this, I can't finish it now, can I?"

"I suppose not," I grumble as an imaginative rain cloud dooms over my head.

"Just be a good girl for now," he smiles innocently as my mind depicts obscene scenarios. Stop it, pervy thoughts!

I shoo them away as the statement beforehand threw me off balance.

"You're too innocent for your own good," I facepalm while mumbling a few incoherent words.

"Better than being dirty minded like you," Hayato shoots back.

"Hey! I can't help it. It's like my mind set on dirty thoughts 24/7!" I refute, even though it didn't exactly help me in any way.

"That's not what you should want," he shakes his head. His eyes shift towards the doors that were about to open.

In the few people coming on to our part of the train, a young girl comes in with her pregnant mom guiding her. The seats near her were full and it did seem like quite a trouble to walk the distance for an empty chair.

Out of respect and kindness, I stand up and offer them my seat.

"Excuse me, ma'am," I tap on her shoulder, "You can have my seat and your daughter could have my friend's seat."

Hayato furrows his brows before looking over my side. Catching my drift, he politely moves and grabs ahold of the metal pole, sticking out of the floor.

"Thank you, dears," her eyes crinkle a little at the side when she grins and me before plopping into her seat.

"Not a problem!" I place my hands on my hips, "Subway heroes to the rescue!"

"My, that is an adorable name," she places a hand on her cheek, "I wish you and your boyfriend the best of luck!"

"B-Boyfriend!?" I almost yell from the shock, "No, no. It's not like that all! We're just friends..."

"Mmhmm," she puckers her lips in a sassy way, "Sureee you are. Well, no matter. It's only a matter of time before one of you confesses."

"It's not like that, ma'am," I sigh before calming my heated cheeks.

"I still ship it," she ignores my statements with a smirk, "Have fun and do good in school!"

"Thank you, ma'am," I bow with respect.

In all that time, I didn't hold one of the poles. Due to my careless mistake, the train speeds away.

Failing to keep my balance, I end up wobbling and, finally, submit to the force. I feel myself falling backward before someone clutches me with their...leg?

"Yo-You okay?" A voice from above asks me with a shaky voice.

That voice had been from none other than Hayato. Hayato was visibly shaking and his leg had appeared to be outstretched.

Following the leg's whereabouts, it seemed to be underneath me! He's seriously able to carry me with his single leg!? Nani!?

"Yeah!" I stand up straight immediately, "Is your leg okay!? How'd you do that!?"

"It-It was nothing," he waves the questions off, "It must have been from that intense soccer practice I have. Anyway, you should be more careful. You're getting into more problems than usual."

"Wow, that's so cool!" My eyes gleam with admiration and surprise, "What can you not do?"

"Confess to my crush," he blurts out in an almost hinting manner.

"Oh?" I cock a brow at the response, "And who is this mystery girl?"

"You'll know soon enough," he holds on to the pole firmly.

"But why not-?" I was cut off by a sudden noise, or noises more so.

A massive sea of people starts to throng the train. Rush hour already!?

From the startling shock of the horde of people, I begin to be swept away from Hayato and into a whole, different location.

"H-Hayato!" I try and reach out to something as I cry out for help. Unfortunately, the effort had proved to fruitless as I am forced to the side of the doors.

Trying to breathe, heavy breaths tickle the back of my neck and someone pushes me even further. Is that Hayato?

I crank my head and a sweaty hand forces my head back into place. My heart rate skyrockets as I begin to sweat bullets.

"Just stay nice and quiet for me, okay?" A desperate-sounding voice breathes into my ear, "Nothing will happen if you don't struggle."

Before I can even let out a sound for help, his hand gags my mouth. Tears brim my eyes as I fear for what happens next.

His other hand ghosts over my inner thigh. The lascivious act causes for discomfiture to course through my veins.

Expecting for even more to happen, I squeeze my eyes shut. The expected touch never came, thank goodness.

The sudden weight that was holding me down had disappeared as well. I pivot around slowly and gasp at what I saw.

"You really shouldn't do that to girls, especially one like that." I see the perpetrator down on the floor and Hayato dusting off imaginary fluff on his jacket.

"Hayato!" I wipe away my moist eyes and rush into him, not really thinking much about it, "Thanks so much!"

"I should be able to do this much for my crush," he embraces me tightly, possible cutting off my respiratory system.

"Too...tight," I squeak out and he releases me almost immediately.

"Sorry, sorry," he avoids my gaze, "Your answer, (Y/N)?"

"O-Oh!" I hadn't really thought much about the fact that he's my crush or if I had ever liked him, "I was wondering if I could have a little time to answer."

"Take all the time you need," he blows out, "It's better than being rejected."

"Yep," I chuckle while trying to calm my nerves, "I think now would be good to say our catchphrase!"


"Why not?"

"Sigh, fine," he places a hand on his face.

"Subway heroes, to the rescue!"

Word Count: 1659


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