|Sick| Mutsumi x Reader ♡
Kiss Him Not Me!
Your POV:
"Sniff, Sniff," I try to inhale clearly but it came out stuffy and unclear, "Am I...sick? Last night, I did have a sore throat. Well, this -cough!- is just great."
Sighing, I roll off the bed and head into the bathroom next to me. Living by myself was such a hassle but it has its perks.
"Do I even have medicine?" I fumble through the medicine cabinet, trying to find something for a cough and runny nose relief.
Sadly, I only had one pill left in the Luminex packet that could only last for four hours. It's better than nothing, I guess.
Swallowing the pill, I squeeze my eyes shut. I was never good at doing pills like at all.
"Maybe my boyfriend can bring some," I clutch my head with dizziness as I stumble on my way back to my room, "I'll just get some rest after I call the school that I'm sick."
Dialing the number on my phone, the phone rings for a bit and the secretary answers.
"Who is this?"
"This is (Y/N) (L/N) of Class 3-A, third year," I respond while sniffling, "I called to say that I won't be coming to school today due to sickness."
"You don't sound sick to me," the secretary pauses for a bit before I add a convincing cough, "Fine. I'll be telling your homeroom teacher. Have a good day."
"You too," I hang up and flop on my bed, "I guess this is a good time to catch up on my K-Drama!"
Mutsumi's POV:
"Hey, Daichi San," I ask my seatmate something, "Do you know where (Y/N) is?"
"She could be running late," he shrugs in response, "Why do you want to know?"
"I don't know," I sigh and peer over at the empty desk in front of me. It was unlike her to be running late.
"Maybe you have the hots for her?" Daichi's remark makes me jolt in my chair.
"Wh-What do you mean by that?" I stammer, perplexed by the comment.
"Someone likes (L/N) Sannnnn~!" Daichi teases while nudging me in the stomach, "I mean, it's so obvious! You address her by using her first name, you hang out almost every day, and who knows what's going on in that clubroom of yours..."
"It's not like that at all!" I reject the idea, being it the most preposterous thing I've heard all day, "Besides, she has a boyfriend already. I can't interfere like that..."
"See? Aha!" The orange-haired student points at me accusingly, "You do like her!"
"For the last time, I don't!" I can feel the blood rush up to my cheeks.
Suddenly, the teacher comes into the room and I stand up straight. As class president, I have the obligation of doing morning introductions.
"Stand," I announce as everyone does so, "Bow."
All of the students obey my command and go back to their seats.
"Thank you, Mutsumi San," my teacher nods to me before continuing on, "(L/N) San will be out today due to her having a cold."
"Well, that should put an ease to your worries," my seatmate wriggles his eyebrows at me, "Or increase them?"
"She should be fine," I smile at him gently contrasting to what Had actually felt on the inside. Despite my smile, I did feel a sort of unease from the girl's absence.
"Hmm-mmm," he rolls his eyes and then glances over to a guy in the back seat, "Ohohoho, what do we have here?"
Interested, I turn over slightly to see what was going on. My eyes widen at the sight.
(Y/N)'s boyfriend was getting a bit...handsy...with the girl next to him. For some unknown reason, my hands instinctually clench and my blood begins to boil.
"Isn't that Miura?" Daichi squints his own eyes in disbelief of what he's seeing, "Man, I knew he was a player! Let me just take a quick picture..."
He pulls out his phone and captures the moment.
"Would you like to be the bearer of bad news?" He taps a few times on the screen and looks at me with a special, devious expression.
"Should I be scared?" I sweatdrop, "Besides, the teacher is right there."
Dumbfounded, Daichi whips his head to the opposite of me and sure enough, the teacher was there.
"I'll be taking your phone, Yoshi San," she stretches her hand out.
Reluctantly, Daichi gives the cellular device to her and pouts. The students chuckle at the situation as I stare blankly.
What...just happened?
"Huh, he can't come? I told him I was sick too..."
I gape at the too-bright phone screen. After asking my boyfriend, Miura, if he could come over, he replied with a simple 'I can't'.
Of course, I should be sad but I'm actually not. I thought this would happen anyway.
He's been so strange lately. Standing me up on dates, ignoring my texts most of the time. You may be asking why don't I just break up with him or talk to him about this matter.
Truth is, I have no clue why. Maybe because he'll give me a poop answer like always.
Maybe I can call Asuma? He'll probably be here instead of that a-hole.
Wait, dangit, he has club activities today. Gosh, I'll just die here, it's cool.
Suddenly, someone rings my doorbell and I groan with laziness.
"Coming!" I yell as I trudge down the stairs and scratch my head before opening the door.
Twisting the doorknob, I widen my eyes at who it was.
"Asuma?" I open the door a bit wider, "I thought you had club activities today?"
"I canceled it," he replies while holding a bag full of books, "I have some schoolwork for you, unfortunately. How are you feeling?"
"Worse now that I have to do work," I take the bag from his hands, "I know this might be a bit much too ask, but can you get me some medicine? I'll give you the money!"
"No, it's fine, (Y/N)," Asuma smiles gently before leaving, "I'll be back soon."
"Okay, thanks so much, Asuma," I wave to the glasses-wearing teen before closing the door.
I pull out the revolting schoolbooks and a tiny slip of paper falls out. Curious, I pick up the note and read its contents.
"'Good luck and get better soon-Asuma'," I read aloud as a smile creeps up my face, "How thoughtful."
Mutsumi's POV:
"I hope these are the ones she likes," I unfold the bag and double-check the ice cream I had bought for her, "She did say before that she likes (F/F)."
Walking down the block over to her house, I frown as the thoughts of what had happened with her boyfriend this morning. I should tell her about it but then she would accuse me of dishonesty if I don't have any evidence.
Maybe I can ask Daichi for the picture? Before stopping at the front door, I shoot him a text and a reply comes flying right back at me.
I knock on the door but no response is heard. Knocking more firmly, I grow anxious at the disappearance of her voice.
Did something happen? I try to think rationally as to how I can get in there. In the past month, she said something about a genius idea with a rock.
Scanning the sidewalk, there was an abnormally, artificial rock standing out of the dirt. I chuckle at the choice of rock.
Knocking the rock out of place, I find a minuscule capsule with an extra key inside. How smart of her.
I screw the cap off and withdraw the key. Sliding the tip inside, I unlock the door and walk in with caution.
"(Y/N)?" I step into the living room to find a passed out (Y/N), "Heh, nice idea of putting the key under the rock."
Her breaths were shaky and a bit of panting mixed in. I place my head on her forehead and it was burning.
"Let's get you upstairs," I move her from her seat and carry her in my arms.
Stumbling up the stairs and to her bedroom, nostalgia fogs over my mind. The memories of the euphoric, fun-filled times we had running around the halls causes my lips to stretch the corners of my cheeks.
I push the door open to the best of my ability and slip inside. Resting her on her bed, I adjust her so she can feel comfortable.
"I'll be right back," I tell her before leaving, "Where are the cloths?"
Heading into the bathroom, I snag one of the face towels and saturate with cold, freezing water. Once I finish that, I go back to the room and (Y/N) was still asleep calmly.
I take the towel in my hand and place on her forehead in an attempt to diminish the temperature resemblant to a fire.
"This should be okay for now," I slide a piece of hair away from her face (in a not so creepy way), "I'll just stay here in case something happens."
As I gaze at her sleeping figure, I begin to rethink our relationship. And this isn't the first time I had done so.
Ever since (Y/N) started dating Miura, we haven't been hanging out as much. I guess it is under normal circumstances as Miura is her boyfriend and I'm not. I still feel left out and hate myself for doing so.
Is it normal for me to be jealous of my friend's relationships? Why am I feeling this way? Do I...like her?
My eyes widen as the realization of my feelings for her hits me like a truck.
I think I do like her...and I'm glad I do.
Your POV:
"Hmmm...?" I rub my eyes with weariness, "Did I fall asleep?"
I feel a presence on my lap and I see a passed out Asuma on my lap. Did he wait for me?
Grinning with gaiety, I poke him a bit which causes him to stir in his sleep.
"(Y/N)...?" He blinks a bit as he tries to re-focus his vision.
"Hey, Asuma," I sneeze before continuing, "Sorry, I kept you here longer than needed."
"It's fine, (Y/N)," Asuma waves it off dismissively, "If it's for you, I wouldn't mind if it's you."
MY cheeks flush furiously and I nudge him gently, "Don't say stuff like that!"
"Okay, okay," he laughs playfully before biting his lip, "As your friend, I have something of high importance to show you but I don't know if I should."
"What is it Asuma?" I furrow my brows from concern, "You can tell me anything."
"Well, during class," he pulls out his phone and unlocks it, "Your boyfriend was, um, doing a few things with this girl."
Before I can question what, he presents me a picture of my boyfriend certainly doing a few things with my boyfriend. Of course, my blood pressure skyrockets as I sigh heavily.
"You okay, (Y/N)?" He reaches out to me and searches my face for an answer.
"Sigh, I kind of did expect this," I calm my nerves and groan, "It's just worse when it happens to be true...Well, his loss."
"I thought you'd be more..." He tries to find the right word, "angry."
"Oh, trust me," I chuckle devilishly, "I am. I'm just forming a plan in my head rationally and calmly, MUHAHAHA!!"
"There she is," Asuma rests his head on his hands and gives a mochi smile, "So, what're you going to do?"
"Dunno," I sigh with defeat, "Got an idea?"
"Can't say I do."
There's an awkward silence between the two of us. As I part my lips to say something, he manages to say something first.
"(Y/N)," his forest, green eyes peer into my own, "What are we?"
"Huh?" I cock a brow at the peculiar question, "We're friends, aren't we?"
"Should we remain friends?"
"Where are you going with this?" I shuffle in my spot, slightly afraid of what was going on.
"Maybe it's just me, but I think I like you...a lot, (Y/N)," he escapes my eyes and looks the other way.
Me, being the most stupid person in the world, just says, "Huh?"
"I'm not exactly sure when I started feeling this way but it's possibly around the time you started dating that jerk," his fists slightly clench before releasing the tight grip, "You would go on dates with him most of the time and not hang out with me as much."
"Asuma..." I backtrack to this month. The more I think about it, it was true to what he had said. Heck, I even skipped our famous movie night once all for that idiot.
"At first, I thought it was okay because he was your boyfriend," he continues, "However, as time had passed on, I had gotten jealous of your relationship. I wasn't sure if it was normal for me to think like that so I waved it off as mistaken emotions. After a few months of you two dating, I began asked myself if I had romantic feelings for you and the answer rings true."
He pauses for a minute to put together his words as I break out into a cold sweat. What's going to happen?
"(Y/N) (L/N)," he inhales sharply and lets out a shaky breath, "It is undeniably so that I have fallen in love with you unconditionally. I apologize as this confession was a bit on the spot and the timing is wrong. It is understandable that you don't reciprocate these feelings."
Asuma tilts his head, afraid of my answer.
My heart jumps a mile a minute from the short words he had said. Heck, I don't even think that my boyfriend's -more like ex- confession was that sweet. My lips curve up into a smile as I cover my mouth with my hands.
"Asuma," I let out, "I'm not entirely sure as to how I feel about you, so please give me some time to think about it. However, I do believe that my answer to your confession should be a satisfactory one."
"(Y/N)..." Asuma snaps his head back up with his eyes tearing up, "Thank you, so much."
"No problem," I smirk as I come up with a joke, "What're friends for?"
"H-Huh?" He freezes in his spot, "Oh, right. Friends."
"I'm just joking!" I slap him on the back, "First, I need to break up with that meat sack."
"What're you going to do?"
"Probably humiliate him and his one-timer," I shrug as if it's no big deal.
"Is it okay if I...." He bites his tongue to prevent him from saying anything else.
"You...?" I ask, perplexed with what he's going to say.
"Is it okay if I kiss you?" He says really fast, hoping I wouldn't hear him, Unfortunate for him, I did.
"No, you'll get sick!"
"I have a strong immune system," he makes up an excuse, "Plus, you'd have to take care of me."
"Wh-," I blush at last sentence, "Fine, don't blame me for anything that will happen to you."
The dark-haired man simply nods before steadily leaning in. I stay frozen in my spot and close my eyes in anticipation of what is going to happen.
The thing about closing your eyes is that you'll never know what's going to happen in front of you. Hence why I flutter my eyelids open and they widen at how close Asuma was.
Asuma had his eyes closed to while he holds my chin, tilting my head upward. This kiss wasn't like one of those kisses where tongue and lust were involved.
This kiss was far more pure and decent than any other Only our lips would make direct contact and the tips of our noses would brush against each other.
My cheeks get warm, most likely looking like a tomato. My heart flutters from the start to the finish.
The green-spectacled man parted from me with lips slightly parted. Suddenly, he began to sneeze.
"That fast!?" I gasp at how fast he became sick. We weren't kissing for that long!
"Just some dust," he replies before grabbing one of my tissues, "You're a good kisser..."
"You're not so bad yourself," I nudge him on the shoulder, "For someone's first time, you did pretty good."
"Thank you," he coughs a little, pink spreading throughout his cheeks. I smile and take his hand in mine.
"Maybe I should get sick more often."
"Cough, cough!"
I pull out the thermometer out of the stubborn student's mouth, "Yep, it's a fever. What did I say about you kissing me?"
"I was wrong, you were right," Asuma mumbles before smiling innocently at me, "Though, I think that the kiss was worth it."
"Shut up!"
Word Count: 2791
(A/N): I need to get my life together.
Also, I'll be going down my list of anime/games to see who I haven't done yet. That means I won't be doing the popular ones (unless I haven't done it yet).
And we are almost at 2K!! LIKE, HOW!?
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT AND SHOUT OUT TO THOSE WHO VOTED (you know who you are *wink, wink*). It really does push me to write more and more 🤗.
See you soon!
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