TW: suggestive themes (one sex joke and suggestive ending), cursing, bad grades/reader feels stupid and stressed because of school (bakugou certainly doesn't help), hero name spoiler (bakugou's), food (breakfast)

KEY TAGS: gender-neutral reader, aged-up/pro hero characters, quirkless reader, bakugou is an asshole in the first half, he's bad with feelings, angst and fluff, hurt/comfort


OPENING NOTE: thanks for clicking on this! please do not repost, copy, modify, or overall plagiarize this work anywhere else please. plagiarism is never acceptable, both in mla 8 format and in fanfiction! for translations, message me, and we can talk about it!

SUMMARY: "Nevertheless, being his lover didn't spare you from his razor-sharp tongue. Again, it didn't matter who he was talking to; he will still be as callous as ever. It never really bothered you when he insulted you because you knew that he didn't actually mean it.

Or, that's what you've been telling yourself these past few weeks.

You knew that he didn't really mean it when he called you stupid after you told him you failed your college exam. You knew that he didn't really mean it when he told you that you were an annoying pest when you asked him to help you. You knew that he didn't really mean it when he called you useless for not having a quirk."

Or where you're tired of Bakugou Katsuki treating you like shit for the past month.


For those who first meet him, they would say Bakugou Katsuki is not the nicest person around.

He never tried to hide his explosive and belligerent personality anywhere. Bump into his shoulder by accident? Get threats of "exploding your damn shoulder" in return. He never held his harsh tongue back either. It didn't matter if he was talking to you, his friends, or even his family; he won't hesitate to spit out an insult like it was poison.

Not exactly pro hero material, but he catches the villains at the end of the day. So, who cares?

Blunt, tactless, and insensitive. All are, unfortunately, justifiable words one could use to describe your boyfriend at first glance. While you believe that Bakugou can be blunt, tactless, and insensitive, you also believe that he can be protective, vulnerable, and even embarrassed as well.

Bakugou just didn't express kindness in ways most had. You couldn't phrase it as appropriately as his friends had: Bakugou Katsuki is emotionally constipated. In other words, he isn't good at showing affection or kindness. However, that doesn't mean he never does.

He was never a big fan of PDA, but he doesn't waste a second to wrap a hand around your waist or place a hand against your back should anyone look at you with desire in their eyes. He'll deny it, but his constant glances and flushed cheeks whenever you dressed all nice for a date tell you that he thought you were absolutely stunning. He'll never admit it, but he's the reason why your pantry and refrigerator never have an absence of your favorite snacks.

Nevertheless, being his lover didn't spare you from his razor-sharp tongue. Again, it didn't matter who he was talking to; he will still be as callous as ever. It never really bothered you when he insulted you because you knew that he didn't actually mean it.

Or, that's what you've been telling yourself these past few weeks.

You knew that he didn't really mean it when he called you stupid after you told him you failed your college exam. You knew that he didn't really mean it when he told you that you were an annoying pest when you asked him to help you. You knew that he didn't really mean it when he called you useless for not having a quirk.

With each caustic comment that comes your way, your resolve chips away gradually, but you try to convince yourself that what he says isn't true. You tell yourself that maybe he was having a bad couple of weeks or that maybe something happened at the hero agency. Whatever it was, you would understand, just like you always have, and try not to take his words to heart.

Even if your train was late by almost thirty minutes, making you late to your first class. Even if you forgot your homework at the apartment. Even if your professor gave you a failing grade for the assignment. Even if you ended up getting caught in the rain without an umbrella, even though the weather report said it would be clear and sunny all day. Even if a car speedily driving by indirectly splashed rainwater on you. Even if the train to go back home was also late.

You finally arrive at your apartment and search languidly for your keys to get inside, wanting the day to be over. Bakugou isn't home right now because of his hero duties, so you couldn't turn to him for comfort. You didn't want to call him over either; your troubles are insignificant compared to villains wreaking havoc over the city.

"I'm home..." you whisper out of habit and bend down to take your shoes off.

"What took you so long?"

You instantly snap back up to find the blonde sitting on the couch and looking at you with the usual disgruntled expression. Before you could ask why he's there, he beats you to it.

"I took off early," he states simply, "My quirk won't be of much help in the rain."

"Oh," you smile a little at the idea of being able to spend some quality time with him, especially because his hero duties have made him so busy lately, "and I was later than usual because the trains were incredibly slow today, sorry."

"Tch, what're you saying sorry for, dumbass?" he gets up from the couch but halts in his steps once he sees you, soaking wet on the wooden floor, "Shit, you're getting the floor all wet!"

You just realize that your clothes had been dripping with rainwater the entire time and freak out, ignoring what he called you, "A-Ah, I'm sorry! I'll clean it up! L-Let me just-!"

"Take a shower first," he grunts at you with a cold look in his eyes, "I don't want to get sick if you catch a cold or something."

"Thanks..." you pad off to the bathroom after removing your shoes, trying to not make the floor as wet as possible.

"And don't use too much hot water!" he calls after you before heading into the kitchen.

You make a sound of affirmation, disappointed. Even though a hot bath would be nice, you'll just have to settle for a quick and hot shower. You walk inside the bathroom and close the door behind you. Leaning against the door, you let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding in.

Making sure to not waste a lot of time, you instantly start stripping off your clothes and hop in the shower.


While drying your hair with a towel, you come out of the bedroom after changing into some comfortable and breathable pajamas. You look at the floor on your way out and remember that you had to clean up the floor only to find the floor already dry. Touched by your boyfriend, you look at him, who was playing some video games with his friends from high school. They're all pro heroes, but you guess they're free for the day as well.

You drape the towel on your shoulders, so your shirt doesn't get wet. You join Bakugou on the couch awkwardly while he growls out some curses into his headset, furiously pressing the buttons on his controller.

"Fuck, stop teaming on me just because I'm way better than all of you!" he furrows his brows at the TV screen.

His friends shout back, but you can't hear them well enough to know exactly what they were saying. You sit there for ten more minutes, feeling very out of place, before getting the courage to tap him on the shoulder. He doesn't say anything, so you decide to call him by his nickname. He remains unresponsive and you say it a few more times. You then switch to his last name, and it finally gets his attention.

"What do you want, (Y/N)?" he asks agitated, not even looking at you.

You try not to flinch at his harsh tone and answer him, "Well, this is the first time you've been off in a long time, so I was wondering if we could, well, watch a movie or just...cuddle?"

You didn't think it would be so difficult to ask your boyfriend if you guys could just hang out, but your words came out as smoothly as pushing a cart with only three functioning wheels.

"Ten minutes, (Y/N)," he blindly says, still intensely focused on the video game.

"Okay..." you let out, unable to hide the disappointment but willing to wait.

You recline on the couch, taking more space. Since your phone was in the other room, you had nothing to do but watch Bakugou play with his other friends. Ten minutes pass, and you remind him that it was time.

"In a minute," he grumbles out, earning no response from you.

Pressing your lips in a thin line, you remain silent and try to understand. This is the first time he's been off in a while, so it's obvious he wants to spend his time with his friends. You're not the only person he knows. You can't hog him all for yourself.

Checking the clock, you realize it's already late evening, and you wouldn't have much time left to spend with him. Fortunately, you didn't have school tomorrow since it's going to be the weekend, but Bakugou still had hero duties. You purse your lips and cross your arms. Were you really being selfish in asking your boyfriend to hang out with you? Was it too much to ask from him?

Tired of it, you ask him again, "Bakugou, can we please-?"

He quickly interrupts you, this time giving you a side-glare, "Shut the fuck up, (Y/N). You've done nothing but irritate the shit out of me since you got here."

"What are you talking about?" you sit up straighter now, getting aggravated at his sudden callousness, "You weren't like this when I first got here! I'm just asking to spend time with you! Is that too much to ask for?"

"I have other people I want to hang out with," he doesn't even look at you and continues playing, dying even more on-screen, "Stop thinking only about yourself."

You can feel anger coursing through your veins but remain calm, "Bakugou, what is going on with you lately? You've been nothing but disrespectful and downright rude this past month. Did something happen at the hero agency? Tell me, please."

There's a pause as if Bakugou is considering his words carefully. You gulp in anticipation, scared of what he's going to say.

"You want me to tell you?" he taps away at his controller, not expecting an answer from you and continuing, "Fine, I'll tell you then. I am sick and tired of you bitching and moaning about your grades. Like, God, can't you just get better grades? I was number three in grades at U.A., and it wasn't even that hard. Jesus, you should be spending your time studying instead of hanging out with me, dumb bitch."

A tear immediately slides down your left cheek, and you didn't even realize you were on the verge of tears until Bakugou finished speaking. You can't even properly respond to him. You knew your grades were far from stellar, but it didn't mean you weren't trying. In fact, you've been doing nothing but work hard to improve your grades for the past month. Because he hasn't been home during the day in a long time, you've used the time to dedicate yourself to your studies. Now that he's here, you didn't want to let this opportunity slip by, but Bakugou seems to differ.

"Why the hell are you so qui-?" he finally turns his head around to find you silently and angrily crying, "You're actually crying? Wow, I didn't think you were so sensiti-."

"Yeah, I am crying, Bakugou," you interrupt him this time, shocking him, "Fuck you. While you've been out saving the world from villains and whatnot, I've been doing nothing but studying. You've never seen it since you've been coming home at at least midnight. God forbid, I take a little break from studying to spend time with my beloved boyfriend!"

You take the time to inhale a huge breath, oxygen exhausted from you trying to speak through your hot and angry tears, "And congratulations on being number three in your high school class, especially since college and high school are the same thing. If you're so smart, why don't you just help me? Hell, when I asked you for help, you called me a pest."

Wiping your eyes quickly, you see Bakugou giving you an uneasy but still costive expression, "For the past month, I didn't know what you were being so rude for, but I overlooked it, thinking you were going through a rough time, even though I'm the one struggling with school right now."

Bakugou doesn't make any movement, not knowing what to say, and you decide to end it here for him, "Bakugou, I know you don't usually give positive affirmations, but sometimes I just want you to just tell me that everything is going to be okay, that I'm not stupid. Actually, you don't even have to say anything! Just you holding me in your arms is good enough. I don't want you to tell me that I'm just a dumb bitch who does nothing but complain, regardless if you mean it or say it out of anger. I-I love you, Bakugou, but I have had enough."

Before Bakugou can say anything to get you to come back (it didn't seem like he was going to in the first place), you rush to the bedroom you two shared and lock the door. When you finish locking the door behind you, you slide down to the floor and attempt to stifle your cries. It doesn't work, and you eventually sob aloud, deservedly releasing catharsis.

Meanwhile, Bakugou was still in the living room, playing with his buddies, who heard the entire fight.

Kaminari whistles into his microphone, "Soooooo...does this mean (Y/N)'s single?"

"Fuck off, Dunce Face," he grunts, disguising his guilt with unabashed frustration, "(Y/N) is still mine, so don't get any funny ideas!"

"But for real, Bakugou," Kirishima voices out his concern for his friends' relationship, "Why did you snap at (Y/N) like that? It's not like you."

"Does it matter why?" he avoids the subject since he's too ashamed and insecure to admit why, "I'm sure they're fine."

"Are you crazy?" Mina chimes in on the conversation, "Of course they aren't fine! You really hurt their feelings, y'know? Man, if I was them, I would have broken up with you on the spot."

Bakugou doesn't say anything, not even wanting to think about the idea of you leaving him. He knew he wasn't good at showing affection nor was he proud about that. However, he didn't think it was absolutely necessary to say cheesy stuff, like, "I love you," or, "You're beautiful." You guys were so compatible, he thought he didn't have to because you knew already. He's been content with how he's been treating you until the beginning of that month.

Now, Bakugou doesn't eavesdrop on his free time. He just happened to overhear you talking to your friends about him when he was patrolling outside the café you were at. They kept on asking you what it was like to date the second-best hero, Dynamight, and you were about to tell them your answer. If there's something Bakugou loves, it's people stroking his ego, so he stayed behind the bushes, waiting to hear your response. How he managed to stay hidden from the public is unexplainable, especially because he's such a popular hero.

While Sero and Mina were talking about something in the background, Bakugou bitterly recalls what you told them, word for word.

"I do wish he'd compliment every now and then. I mean, we've been dating for almost four months and even moved in together—he insisted, saying something like, 'So I can protect you from villains, dumbass'—, but he rarely says anything, uh, lovey-dovey, for lack of a better word, let alone an, 'I love you.' W-Well, I guess saying you love someone takes some time, so I understand. It's just...it would be nice to hear it come from him, y'know?"

After hearing that, he became insecure of himself and his capability as your boyfriend. He also wondered why you didn't just tell him what you told your friends. Were you too afraid to tell him? As stupid as it sounds, especially when he's reflecting on it now, his insecurity and pride led him to take it out on you. He was never good at giving compliments or comforting people due to his pride, so, whenever he wanted to tell you how beautiful you are, how strong you are, how smart you are, he ended up panicking and doing the exact opposite.

The more he reflects on what just happened in the past thirty minutes, the more he becomes restless, afraid you're actually going to leave him. You didn't deserve to be treated like that, and nothing could excuse him for what he did to you. It was all because of his stupid, stubborn pride and uncertainty about himself.

"Hey, Bakugou, your HP is low!" Kirishima snaps him out of his trance, "Hey! You listening over there?"

"He's probably banging (Y/N) right now," Sero jokes, earning a high-five from Kaminari (one of the many "benefits" that come from them being roommates is them being able to joke together in real-time), "After all, they say angry sex is the best sex."

"Shut up," Bakugou instantly ducks and hides while trying to restore his health, "I was just thinking."

"That's rare," Kaminari snickers to himself.

"Let me guess, you're trying to figure out as to how you're going to make this up to (Y/N)?" Kirishima is undoubtedly the closest to Bakugou in the friend group and always knows what he's thinking.

"...Yeah," he admits but doesn't say anything else.

"What're you going to do then?" Mina asks, interested and hoping to guide her friend to a happy ending like in dating simulators, "Isn't this your first big fight with them?"

"I'm not sure," he's still trying to come up with something, even though there is nothing he could possibly do to make it up to you, "Focus on the game. You have zero kills."

"Why don't you just spend the entire day with them tomorrow?" Kaminari offers, "I heard them say you haven't been home lately, and I know the city can survive without their favorite hero blowing up buildings and private property for a day."

"Ooooo, Denki, that's actually a good idea!" Mina approves of her friend's plan before killing him in the game.

"Yeah, since when do you ever have good ideas?" Sero pokes fun at Kaminari, earning angry yells caused by his death and the insult.

"That's not a...terrible idea," the ranked-second hero doesn't want to admit that it was actually an ingenious idea, especially to Dunce Face, "but what if they want to break up with me?"

"Then they can date a real man, me," Kaminari jokingly jabs, making it increasingly difficult for Bakugou to not explode the controller in his hands (this is his third controller this month alone).

"Do you want to die?" he snarls into his headset, itching to let the sparks come flying out of his hand.

"Let's calm down now," Kirishima laughs to try and ease the tension, even though for them it was just friendly banter, "Bakugou, I don't think (Y/N) would leave you, especially if you apologize as soon as possible! Besides, didn't they say they love you? I don't think they would say that and intend to break up with you the next day."

What Kirishima tells him sends his head for a whirl, dizzying him for a quick second, "Shitty Hair, what did you say?"

"Huh?" Kirishima is confused but recounts what he said, "That they won't break up with you?"

"I got that, dumbass," Bakugou urges him to say what he said before that, "A little before you said that."

"...That they said they lovesyou?"

Bakugou's blood freezes at the confirmation. He thought he heard Shitty Hair wrong before, but you really had said you love him... And he didn't even get to say it first as you wanted.

"Wait, was that the first 'I love you', Bakugou!?" Mina asks excitedly, "Oh my God, and it was during an argument, too! Man, that's kind of unromantic."

"That's not the point, Mina," Kirishima refocuses back to Bakugou, "Bakugou, how have you not told them you loved them yet? You won't stop talking about them at work."

"I don't know why!" he angrily counters back, upset at himself for not telling you sooner, "You all know I suck at showing my emotions."

"Yeah, I know you're emotionally constipated and all, but I didn't think this constipated!" Kaminari gives his two cents, angering Bakugou once again.

"Somehow, I'm going to blow that stupid, idiotic face of yours through the screen if you don't shut up, Dunce Face," Bakugou threatens him for the nth time that night.

"Right, sure," he snorts and dismisses Bakugou's threat, as usual, "Anyways, I have work tomorrow, so this is going to be my last round."

"Yeah, we should end it here," Kirishima agrees, "It's almost midnight, and we have work tomorrow. Bakugou, I'll tell the agency you're not going in tomorrow. They won't care. In fact, I think they'll be relieved since you won't give them taxes to pay, haha!"

"Also Bakugou has to get comfy on the couch tonight," Sero jeers, earning another high-five from Kaminari.

"You're all going to die," Bakugou and immediately kills Kaminari on spawn.

The rest of them run away from him, trying to escape the clutches of death from Bakugou's hands. Meanwhile, Bakugou comes up with ideas of what to do for tomorrow, determined to try his best for you.


You wake up to the sunlight shining through the window's blinds. It's nice to wake up to the sound of birds chirping and not your blaring alarm like you had for the past week. You get up and stretch your arms out to find the other side of your bed untouched. Memories of last night come flooding back in, and your mood gets worse tenfold.

It was a good thing Bakugou is out doing his hero work, so you wouldn't have to confront him today. You could blast music while making breakfast. Maybe you can go out later today with your friends, distract yourself from the impending consequences of last night. A small smile slips on your face as you look forward to your Saturday a bit more happily than before.

Half-asleep, you sluggishly turn the knob to get out of the room only to remember you locked it last night. A tiny amount of guilt trickles into your system, deducing that Bakugou slept on the couch last night. Pushing past it and concluding that he deserved it, you unlock the door and get hit with a whiff of food. Your curiosity piques; did Bakugou cook something and leave it out for you?

Walking into the kitchen, you're immediately woken up from seeing Bakugou flipping some flapjacks on the pan. You see the dining table is already set up, including a pitcher of orange juice that's standing tall and full in the middle. When Bakugou turns around to place the next set of pancakes on the plate on the dining table, he notices your presence and flinches, clearly surprised to see it.

"Y-You're up earlier than expected," his eyes dart everywhere and anywhere else other than your own, "I...made some breakfast, if you're hungry."

"What're you doing here?" you stoically ask, even though your heart melts at the gesture.

A flicker of surprise flashes across his features before he answers your question with his normal, crabby mien, "Kirishima told the agency that I wasn't coming into today. I wanted...to spend the day with you and talk about last night."

You mentally groan, not liking confrontation so early in the day, "Won't the agency get mad at you? You're already on thin ice with the amount of taxes in you pile on them."

"They're honestly going to be glad that I didn't come in today," he chuckles mockingly, "A day of me not working is another set of taxes in damages that won't be filed."

"Okay," you hold back a giggle, trying to maintain the stoicism to intimidate him.

A brief spell of silence passes over before he breaks it, "W-Well, don't wait for me to give you permission. Eat."

Cautiously taking a seat at the end of the table, Bakugou does the same on the opposite end. There's already a thin stack of pancakes and a glass of orange juice stationed in front of you. You awkwardly take the utensils and begin cutting away at one pancake. Eating the piece you cut out, your body straightens at the taste.

"So? It's good, right?" Bakugou chews on his own pancake, staring at you with mirth on his features.

"It's all right," you're too petty to say the truth, but you're positive the reaction you made differs.

There's another short period of silence, and you decide to break it this time, "So...you said you wanted to talk about last night?"

"Y-Yeah," he clears his throat and struggles to look at you in the eye, "I...I'm sorry for what I said last night."

He stops there, and you blink dumbly at the short apology, "...That's it?"

"No, d-!" he stops himself from calling you a "dumbass", realizing the name has bad connotations for you, "No, I have more. I'm just...not very good at apologizing."

"We have time," you bask in the rare, apologetic state Bakugou is in but haven't totally forgiven him just yet.

"Right," he inhales sharply before continuing, "...What I said last night was inexcusable, and I get it if you want to break up with a l-."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, break up?" you immediately cut your boyfriend off when he mentions the idea of breaking up, "I don't want to break up with you!"

"...You don't?" he lights up with disbelief up at your words.

"Well, not really" you baffle at him thinking you want to break up with him, "What you said really hurt me, but I want to hear what you have to say first. This is our first major argument. It's going to take a lot more than that to break us apart, don't you agree?"

"Oh, thank God," his body visibly releases all of the stress and tension it had, slumping more in his chair.

"Don't think you're out of the doghouse just yet," you cross your arms and lean further out of the chair, asserting playful authority, "You still have to tell me why you said that...You don't actually think I'm stupid, do you?"

"Are you fucking stupid?" Bakugou sees the hurt on your face and curses, "Shit, sorry poor choice of words. No, I don't actually think you're stupid. If anything, your professors are the stupid ones, giving you bad grades."

"Tell them that," you scoff but are extremely relieved to know that he didn't mean it, "So, why did you say that last night? Is something going on? You can always tell me, y'know."

He softens at your kindness but doesn't want to tell you, his pride getting in the way, "...No thanks."

"Come on, please?" you pout at him, hoping it would coerce him to reveal whatever's bothering him.

His words are hushed as he mumbles the real reason why he said those things.

"Sorry, I couldn't hear you, what?" you lean in closer comically, angering him.

"I said I was insecure!" he shouts this time, "You deaf or something?"

You couldn't believe what you were hearing, "Bakugou Katsuki? My boyfriend? The number two hero? Insecure? About what?"

He looks to the side and doesn't meet your eyes (you note this is something he's done a lot of in the past twenty-four hours), "I was patrolling near the café you were hanging out at with your friends almost a month ago. I overheard you talking about me and how you wanted me to be more...verbally communicative. I know I'm not very good at showing my feelings, so I got insecure over something as stupid as that, not that it excuses my actions or anything."

"Oh, you heard that?" you ask embarrassed, even though you already knew the answer, "But...didn't you hear what I said at the end?"

"Yeah, something about telling you that I love you or whatever," his cheeks burn with a pink, almost red color.

"T-That's not what I said at the end!" you blush as well, not enjoying the fact he heard you say that, "I-I don't really remember the exact words since it was so long ago, but what I said at the end was that, even if you don't show me love through your words, you never failed to show me love through your actions, which was enough for me."

"Huh?" Bakugou is shocked to hear that there was more to what you said after he left, "But you said it would be nice if I told you mushy shit from time to time. It doesn't sound like it was enough for you."

"W-Well, it would be nice, but I understand why you don't really do it," you're fully flustered from talking about this, but you gradually gain confidence as you continue talking, "I know you don't like to display your affection in big, grand ways, and it's hard for you to say good things about people because of your pride. R-Regardless, you never fail to make my heart pound when you..."

You get out of your chair and begin sauntering over to him to the other side of the table, continuing your sentence with every step, "...buy me my favorite snacks all the time..."

Bakugou is quick to deny, "They're my favorite ones too. Don't think they're for you."

You don't buy it and continue, getting closer with your lips curving into a mischievous smile, "When you act like a high school boy and very obviously check me out whenever we're going somewhere..."

"You don't have any proof," he huffs and looks away, alarmed to see you so close to his face, "Wh-What're you doing?"

"And last but not least," you lean in right to his face, lips only mere centimeters away from his, "I love it when you pull me in close whenever someone's looking at me, claiming me as yours."

Before he can say anything, you swiftly press his lips to yours, connecting the two of you together. Bakugou's body freezes for a second before melting into the kiss, leaning in to reciprocate your passion. Sparks ignite all over, and it's no surprise that someone whose quirk is creating explosions has this effect on you. The moment lasts only for a few seconds with Bakugou pulling away, breath taken away both by you and the sudden kiss.

"God, I fucking love you," he lets out, clearly mesmerized by you and not even realizing he said it.

"I love you too," you smile blissfully at your boyfriend and yelp when he suddenly pulls you onto his lap.

He lands several kisses on your exposed neck, collarbone, and anywhere else he can reach. In response, you explode into giggles, feeling elated by the gentle touches his brief yet multiple pecks leave you.

"So," you pause to giggle even more, "what're we going to do now?"

Bakugou stops to stare into your eyes, a smirk sliding onto his face, "I can think of a few things."


(a/n): ,,,so guess who's back with another fic?

something kinda angsty happened last night (i'm writing this on april 8), and, even though i felt super tired, i felt so inspired to write smth, creating this 5100 word baby. i wrote this for six hours, starting at 1 am, and i'm still writing summaries and stuff for fanfiction sites. i'm honestly so proud of this, i rather not sleep and continue to make edits.

ik i said i wouldn't be writing very frequently, but a sudden gust of inspiration came over and blew my sleep schedule away. i felt so so happy when writing this, and i don't regret staying up. i think it's too early to say that all my insecurities about my writing have disappeared (ik i have a LOT to improve on), but i think it is safe to say that im proud that i wrote smth in one sitting for once.

maybe i should write more? i'm on spring break right now, so not a lot of guarantee i can keep on writing like this in the future,,, i hope i get to tho! until next time!

comments and votes are super appreciated :> if you have any other tags or tws i should mention, lemme know in the comments! i'm not good at tagging or tws yet, so i'm not sure if there's anything i missed.  

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