|Piano Lessons| Masato x Reader ♡
Uta no Prince Sama
Requested by: inari-emperor Check out her most recent book, review book, or any of her 45 works (yes, 45 works)! Thanks so much for requesting and I'll do Akechi at a later date! If you want to see the review of this book, go check it out at her review book!
Your POV:
"Jeez, how the heck am I going to do this?" I groan with frustration as I had been informed the requirements for the new semester at Saotome Academy.
As I was taking the idol course, one of the necessities I had to complete was something hardly attainable in a solid month. I had to learn how to play at least one instrument in order to pass.
The thing is I don't know how to play any instrument, not even the school-classic recorder! This wasn't a problem for most as they had already known how to play an instrument, possibly even more than one.
"What's wrong?" My friend and classmate from the idol class, Shibuya Tomochika, peers into my troubled face, "Is it about the instrument requirement?"
"Yes!" I scratch my head, trying to find a solution to this mess, "What am I going to do? I only have a month!"
"I have an idea," she points to the sky with one of her manicured nails, "Why don't you learn the piano? It's fast and easy. Besides, you like Piano Tiles, so it shouldn't be any different. Your aunt had also given you a piano and it's sitting in the middle of your living room, collecting dust!"
"There is a vast difference, Tomo Chan," I facepalm with annoyance, "But I guess it's better than letting my piano 'collect dust'. Who is going to teach me though?"
"How about..." the red-haired beauty smirks, "Hijiriwaka San?"
"Who?" I ask, feeling stupid for not knowing someone.
"You seriously don't know him!?" Tomochika gasps with shock, "He's literally one of the top ten guys in this school!"
"Then how come I don't know him?" I tilt my head to the side.
"Never mind!" She huffs, "He's from the Hijiriwaka Finacial Group aka famous."
"Does he know how to play the piano?" I push aside the fact that he's from a completely different world from me.
"Of course!"
"Mind asking him to teach me? And for free since I'm broke as a joke."
"No problemo!" She rubs her hands together. She only does that when she's planning something!
"Should I be scared of what's going to happen...?" I furrow my brows and a chill runs down my spine.
♛♚ ♛
I lounge around in my apartment while reading a book called "How to Get Your Life Together 101!" To be honest, the book was interesting.
The doorbell rings and I flinch at the sudden sound.
"On my way!" I shout as I flop off of my hammock I was currently getting cozy in.
Making my way over to the door, I check through the peephole. I choke on my breath.
Holy crap, this guy was stunning. His deep-blue hair accentuates the Levi hairstyle (or one similar to it) he has going on there. He looked around my age and had a tall height to him.
Does he have the right house? The same doorbell noise from before snaps me out of my trance.
"I'm sorry," I apologize for holding him up while twisting the know to the door, "What can I do for you?"
"Are you (Y/N)?" I squeal internally at how deep the vocal pitch is in his voice.
"Yes, why?" I try to retain my calm composure.
"I'm Hirijiwaka Masato," the mysterious man introduces him, "Shibuya San told me you needed piano lessons."
"O-Oh, come on in then." Dangit Tomo, why didn't you tell me he was coming today!? Or that he is so freaking hot!?
"Thank you," he steps in and then tugs at his shoes, "Do you have a piano here?"
"Yes, it's right here," I lead him over to the grand piano.
Remembering the name from a previous conversation, I realize that this hot man is related a famous company. Straightening my back, I make sure that I don't behave like a slob.
Stopping at the piano, I sit on the stool, unsure of what to do. Hirijiwaka stands next to me while brushing his fingers on the piano keys.
"Well then, let's begin," his finger stops at the white key before the two black keys, "We'll start with hand placement. Using your right hand, begin with your thumb. Then, you use your pointer and middle finger. However, you do not continue to the ring finger. Your thumb crosses under the pointer and middle finger like so..."
He places his hand on the piano keys starting with the thumb and continuing up to the ring finger. His thumb crosses under the pointer and middle finger, as he had said.
"And you start the order over," he presses the rest of his fingers on the white keys, "You then follow out with the rest of the fingers. Try it yourself, on the key before the two black keys."
"O-Okay," I prepare my right hand and breathe out.
My thumb pushes down on the key and I follow out to the next two fingers. Remembering I had to use the thumb again, I cross it under with some difficulty and continue on.
"Good," Hirijiwaka nods with acknowledgment, "A little bit stiff but it is acceptable as it's your first time."
"Thanks?" Was that a compliment?
"Now, onto the notes," he clears his throat, "Every key before the two black keys will always be the note 'C'. From then on, not counting the black keys, it's 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'A', 'B', and then 'C'. The order will start over. If you may have noticed, 'H' or any letters after are not included."
I bob my head up and down to show that I had understood.
"Then, where is the 'C' note?" He questions.
I point on the key before the two black keys, as I had been reminded before.
"'A' key?"
I gesture to the key before the 'C' note.
"'H' note?"
I try and search but then I recall that there is no 'H' note.
"There's no such thing," I answer a bit meekly, afraid I was wrong.
"Correct," he smiles faintly, "That was a trick question, good job."
"Thank you," I beam, happy that I got it right. It wasn't really that much of a trick question, though...
His phone buzzes and he withdraws the device from his pocket.
"Oh..." he presses his lips into a thin line, "The session is now over, I have a few things to attend to. I'm sorry I have to leave."
"Oh, don't worry about it," I stand up from the seat and follow him out, "Thank you for coming over here and helping me out."
"It's not a problem," he puts his shoes back on, "I'll be meeting here again in two days, same time?"
"Should be fine with me," I open the door for him, "See you soon!"
"You too," he waves at me before escaping my line of vision.
I close the door and let out a sigh. Rushing over to my room, I grab my phone and dial Tomo's number.
"Calm down," she chuckles, "I simply forgot, that's all."
"Oh, really?" I squint with suspicion, "For some reason, I believe that's not the case."
"Okay, well how was it?"
"It wasn't as strict as I had expected," I admit, "He was easy to understand. The side fact that he's hot is a plus as well."
"See? I know what to do." I can feel her smirk from here.
"We'll be meeting again in two days," I add, "Thanks for setting me up, he's a good teacher."
"No problemo!" She chirps, "I'll see you tomorrow, I have to finish up my set of lyrics."
"Oh shoot!" I scramble to find my songbook, "I completely forgot!"
The pages that I wish have been filled out were completely blank.
"Good luck with that!"
"Hardy har har," I frown, "Thanks."
She hangs up, and I toss my phone on the bed. Pushing my hair away from my face, I click my ballpoint pen and try to think up a few lyrics.
For the past few weeks of constant practice, Hirijiwaka had told me this would be our final practice before my grading for this semester would be over. Due to his exceptional teachings, I have known a bit more than just the basics of playing the piano in less than a month.
Knowing that the bluette would be coming in some time, I actually try to look a bit more presentable. I'm currently wearing pajamas and that's not exactly...presentable.
I dig through my cluttered drawer to find something decent. Spotting a decent shirt and skirt, I withdraw them from the cabinet and lay them out on the bed.
The outfit consisted of a cut-out, shoulder shirt that was black with a striped, bell skirt. To me, it looked fan-flipping-tastic.
I unbutton my pajama shirt and slip off the matching bottoms. While throwing away the previously-discarded clothes into the hamper, I change into the attire. Going up to the mirror, I spin a little, my skirt floating up a bit.
The doorbell emits the familiar sound and I put an end to my self-appreciation.
"Just a sec," I rush over to the door, taking caution to not trip over something.
I push the door open to see Hirijiwaka standing before me, "Hello, Hirijiwaka San! Come in, come in!"
"H-Hello, (L/N) San," his posture stiffens up as his cheeks become slightly flushed, "Are you going somewhere today?"
"No, why?" I step aside to let him through while tilting my head with confusion.
"It's nothing," Hirijiwaka tries to focus on something else other than me, I think, "Should we get started?"
"Sure," I make my way over to the grand piano, "What are we going to do today? Will I be playing another song?"
"Yes, but this time," he pauses slightly before coming over to me, "We'll be playing this piece together."
"Oh?" I raise a brow with curiosity, "What song then?"
"Heart and Soul," his hands begin to place the sheet notes on top of the piano, "It's a two-player piece."
"Heart and Soul...?" My memory is no stranger to that musical composition, "Oh! Is it that song from the movie Big?"
"Yes," he nods and confirms my educated guess, "I'm assuming you've heard of it?"
"It's one of my favorites!" I beam a smile at him with glee.
I scoot over to the side so Hirijiwaka could sit beside me. As he takes a seat, blood rises to my cheeks when I realize how close he was next to me.
"Are you okay, (L/N) San?" He peers into my face, searching for an answer, "Your face is quite red."
"I-I'm fine," I stammer, "Al-Also, you can just call me (Y/N). I'm not such a huge fan of formalities."
"My apologies," he turns to look at the keys, "In that case, you can just call my by Masato."
"Well then, Masato," I address him by his first name this time, "Shall we begin?"
"Indeed," he shakes his hands a bit, "Since this is our last practice, I was wondering if you could lead off."
"No problem," I crack my knuckles before pressing down on the keys.
I read the notes as I push down on the opening note. The lighthearted melody fills the atmosphere and I smile at the tone. Soon after, Masato joins in.
The song still goes on without a mistake. It was almost as if we were performing in perfect unison.
I hum a little, nostalgia in the air. Even though I haven't seen the notes beforehand, instinct takes over me and I only need to spare a glance at the sheet.
Unfortunately, the music ends and I exhale. Geez, it was almost like I blacked out and my subconscious took control of me!
"Ah, that was great!" I stretch a little and sigh with satisfaction, "Gosh, we should join a music competition or something!"
His lips part open to say something but nothing comes out.
"Did you say something?" I cock my head to the side.
"No, nothing," he dismisses my question but I know that he says something. I resist the urge to press him further.
"Okay..." I trail off, highly suspicious, "So what's the plan, my man?"
"'M-My man?" His eye widen, "Wh-What do you mean by that?"
"I'm just wondering what we're doing next," I clarify my previous statement.
"You seem rather fidgety," I become concerned for his wellbeing, "Are you okay?"
"Just fine," he breathes out, "...I was just thinking it's a shame that this is our last practice."
"That doesn't mean we can't stop seeing each other," I defeat the pessimistic atmosphere with my optimism, "We could still hang out and stuff!"
"That's what I was about to say," he clears his throat before continuing, "I was wondering we could go over to the café after the semester ends."
"Sure, just tell me when!" I chirp and an idea sparks in my mind, "Here, let me give you my number. That way, you can tell me when you want to meet up!"
"Okay," Masato hands me his phone and I input my number in contacts.
Deciding to play around with the name, I couldn't come up with a good nickname, unfortunately. I type in my first name and then give his phone back.
"Text me whenever," I smile warmly at him, "Also, don't leave me hanging. I'm looking forward to our next meeting!"
"As I do I," the piano teacher agrees, "If you ever need me, just ask."
"Not a problem," I stick my thumb out.
Suddenly, someone's phone rings and Masato pulls out a cellular device.
"I'm sorry, I need to take this," he stands up from the piano stool and presses something on his phone, "Hello?...Right now?...Fine, I'll be there."
"Is something the matter?" I furrow my brows.
"The group needs me for an unexpected practice," his hand brushes through his bright, navy blue hair, "I'm sorry to cut this meeting short."
"Oh, it's fine."
If I had animal ears on my head, they would be drooping. In simpler terms, I am kind of upset about him leaving.
"I can have that café date with you tomorrow if you're free," his cheeks flush and his mouth goes ajar as soon as the words slip out.
"D-Date?" Blood rushes to my cheeks as I have a bit trouble speaking.
"Th-That's not what I had meant!" His usual, calm demeanor breaks, "It wasn't going to be a date! Not that I would mind...I mean, it's not a date!"
"Hehehe," I giggle with amusement, "Don't worry about it, Masato."
"What do you mean?"
"Let's make it a date!" I clap my hands together.
"A d-date!?" He gapes at me and repeats the word 'date' as if he had never heard of such.
"I don't mind, do you?" I question while going up close to him.
"O-Of course not," He averts his eyes from me.
"Then it's a date!" I peck his cheeks and push him out of the apartment, "CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT PIANO LESSONS! BYE!"
"(Y/N)-!" I shove Masato out of the door and realization hits me like a truck.
Holy moly, I...kissed him! What was I thinking?
I sink down the door's side and clutch my chest as an attempt to calm down my exploding heart.
Masato's POV:
I caress my cheek with the palm of my hand, contemplating if that had really just happened.
"She kissed me..." I manage to utter out while shock still rides in my system.
A smile creeps up my face as I hum a small tune with bliss.
"Heh, I can't wait for the next piano lessons."
Word Count: 2529
I thought I didn't finish this so I was pretty upset I couldn't publish it early T_T. BUT-
See you all Otacos laterz!
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