|Our Chemical Romance| Reiji x Reader ☂︎
Diabolik Lovers
Warnings: Forced Love, Obsessiveness, Poison, Yandere-like themes, and Insane-like Behavior
Inspired by a Tumblr post
Your POV:
Walking down the corridors of the Sakamaki mansion, Reiji stops me and pushes me into a wall.
"E-Eep!" I yelp in fear as he inches closer and closer, "Y-Yes, Reiji?"
"(Y/N)," he growls.
"Y-Yes?" I flinch at his sudden change of demeanor.
"Do you love me?" He raises an eyebrow in question, "And I hope you will be honest. Otherwise, a punishment would have to be in order."
I shiver at the very thought of what might happen to me. I can't lie because he'll punish me, but if I tell the truth...
"N-No," I look away from him, "I-I'm sorry, but I-I don't love you."
He stays still, making me more and more scared, and then lets out an unhappy grunt.
"Fine," he backs away from me, causing confusion inside of me, "Continue on with what you were doing previously."
He walks away from me, his footsteps echoing in the halls.
"What was that about?"
I was brought over here because my parents had sold me as a blood bag. Ever since I've been here, I'm always afraid of them.
Reiji had always given me the most amount of terror. I don't know why, but I've always been wary of him.
"(Y/N)!" Ayato calls me, "Ore Sama need more takoyaki!"
"C-Coming!" I turn back to go cook Ayato's precious takoyaki.
Reiji POV
"Damnit!" I punch the wall in frustration.
Normally I wouldn't lose my cool like this but when it comes to her, I don't know if I can control myself.
Ever since (Y/N) came here, something sparked inside of me. As usual, we were given a blood bag. Instead of visioning her as food, I vision her as who she is.
The more she stayed, the more I wanted her. However, she had always feared me and the others. She'll never change her mind about me.
"What to do?" I close my eyes and massage my temples with my fingers. An idea pops inside of my head.
"Of course," I stand up from my armchair and run my fingers across the multiple books occupied on my shelf.
There is a specific book I'm looking for, a potion-making one to be exact.
A thick, purple book stands out from the rest. Pulling it out, I check the title.
"Potion-Making," I mutter to myself, "This is perfect."
I flip over to the table of contents, searching for the 'L' section. Finding it, I skip over the pages to reach page 130.
"Here it is," I read over the recipe, "This should require no difficulty."
Preparing the ingredients, I smirk devilishly to myself. Little does (Y/N) know that she has in store.
Your POV
"You promised you would stay with me today though," Kanato clings on to my arm while his teddy bear was tucked tightly in his other arm.
"I'm sorry, Kanato," I flash him an apologetic smile, "Reiji wanted to see me today, I don't want to keep him waiting."
"You choose him over me?" Kanato eyes tell me that I need to stay with him or else I'm screwed.
"T-That's not it at all!" I try to wave my hands in defense, "I-I just-"
"Kanato," a deep yet sophisticated voice captures our attention, "(Y/N) needs to come with me. She and I have...very important business to attend to."
Kanato frowns and walks away to who knows where.
"What business to we have to do?" I ask him as I cock my head in confusion.
"You'll learn soon enough," Reiji leaves me behind, forcing me to chase after him, "Hurry up."
"S-Sorry," I sprint in an effort to catch up.
Even though his pace is a bit hurried, almost as if he's excited, I manage to match his pace. We arrive at the black door with two separate locks attached.
Using a specially shaped key, he unlocks all of them. Reiji pushes the door open and the quaint scent of Chamomile tea hits my nose.
"Please, make yourself at home," Reiji disappears in what I assume to be his lab, "I'll be right back."
Taking his orders into mind, I situate myself in a comfy looking chair. I examine the room from boredom.
Books were strewn across a mahogany desk with papers scattered all over. A tea set was sitting on a side table with one mug saying, "I'm a genius." Laito probably gave that to him as a joke.
I chuckle at the cup.
"What're you laughing at?" Reiji comes in through the back, a glass vial filled with a strange, dark purple liquid.
"Nothing," I stare at the peculiar drink, "Reiji...what is that?"
"You can say it's a gift from me," he gives me a blank expression but his eyes sparkle in excitement,
"Drink it, (Y/N)."
"But..." I shift my eyes away from the bottle, "Do I have to?"
"I don't wish to hurt you," Reiji threatens, a shiver crawling up my spine, "It would be wise if you drank this."
I gulp and with shaking hands, take the bottle. Giving him a hesitant look, Reiji doesn't change his persistence.
I twist the cap open and sip a tiny portion. Seeing as nothing was wrong with me, I take another sip but larger this time.
Something jolts inside of me and I lurch forward. I feel a sweltering pain inside my head.
"Ugh!" I clasp the side of my head, attempting to lessen the pain, "What...What did you give me!?"
"You'll know soon enough," Reiji leans in close to my face, "The pain seems to be more crucifying than I thought it to be. It should end in a short period of time."
"Reiji!" I groan in pain as I crumble to the ground, "Please...Make it stop!"
"Just bear through it," he grabs me by my chin, "You'll feel euphoric once it's all over."
"Are you serious!?" I wince in discomfort, "How can I keep this up...? Do you...have any pain relief pills...or something?"
"I'll see what I have," he backs away from me, "But I won't be giving you anything. I'm afraid it will affect the potion's effects."
"Urgh," I grunt as my brain feels as if it's being eaten from the inside.
At this rate, he won't give in. I'll just have to suck it up. Ugh, what the hell is this!?
Something fills me up on the inside, almost bubbling. My mind turns into white slate. My eyes fog over with lust.
As the pain dissipates, I lift my head to see someone, someone who's perfect in my eyes.
"(Y/N)?" The handsome man with glasses calls out to me with a voice that could rival Jimin's.
Staring at him, I shoot a smile, "Hello there~"
Reiji POV
I widen my eyes. (Y/N) called me 'love'? This is quite interesting.
"(Y/N)" I address her by her first name, "I will need to check a few things, do you mind?"
"If it's you, of course not," (Y/N) flickers her eyes in a submissive look, "What do you need to do?"
"Come with me," I casually take her hand and lead her in the lair, "Think of it as a doctor's appointment."
Her cheeks flush salmon as she peers at our hand, joined. I smirk to myself. This ought to be fun.
"Sit here," I point to the patient table and she hops on it, "Are you feeling any pain at all?"
"Lovesick," she jokes playfully and I laugh a little, "Besides that, I seem to be fine."
"Okay," I write down a few notes on a piece of paper, "Let me check your eyes."
I peer into her eyes, our faces very close to each other. Once again, she blushes.
As I observe her eyes, I notice a few things that are different. First, instead of the clear (E/C) eyes, the color was bit hazed, blurred even. Second, her irises had tiny hearts in them.
"Is your vision blurred or faulty at all?" I ask and back up from her.
"No," she answers and fidgets with her fingers, "Anything else?"
"Anything wrong with your body?" I adjust my glasses, "Heart rate? Labored breathing? Hearing?"
"My heart beats faster when you're around," the (H/C) girl admits, "That seems to be it."
"Interesting," I mumble before clicking the pen, "You should be fine to go then. You may sleep or get your blood sucked."
"Can't I stay with you though?" She questions puppy eyes.
"I wish to be with you as well," I sigh, "But, I have to take care of a few things. Also, my brothers would act suspicious if you stay here too long."
"Okay..." she pouts, making me feel guilty, "I'll see you tomorrow, Reiji."
"Sure," I nod as I look over the papers I had recorded data on, "Good night, (Y/N)."
"Night, Reiji," (Y/N) says before closing the door behind her.
"The potion only lasts for a month," I sit satisfied in my chair, "(Y/N) has been acting the way I would like her to, I'm happy. However, I need to keep this on for quite some time. Also, if the recipient receives plenty of doses, the effect lasts longer. It can even be permanent."
I begin to prepare the next potions with blissful thoughts of the future.
Your POV
"Urgh," I hold my head in agony, "I should see Reiji. He'll know what to do."
Stumbling my way to his study, I use the walls for support. In the past few weeks, Reiji and I have gotten closer. I'm practically drawn to him, I want us to be more than friends.
However, I don't know how Reiji feels. You know, the more I think about it, I don't know what I was doing at his study before.
Whatever, it probably doesn't matter.
"R-Reiji?" I knock weakly on the door due to my lack of strength, "C-Can I come in?"
He opens the door with a worried expression, "Is something the matter, (Y/N)?"
"I don't feel too good," I stagger inside and collapses on the armchair.
"It's that time," Reiji mutters and I would question what he was talking about but I don't have the energy to bother, "Here take this, it'll be painful but once it's all over, you'll feel fine."
"O-Okay," I instantly retrieve the drink that was in his hands and chug it.
A splitting pain enters my mind and I groan.
"I thought this was supposed to help!?" I battle my torment.
"I said you would be feeling anguish," he repeats, "It'll only last a few seconds."
Soon enough, I feel slightly better. Instead of the strain I felt, I get clouded over with fervor.
"Hey there," I bite my lip seductively, "The pain's all gone."
"That's good," he leans in closer, "How do you feel?"
"Perfectly fine," I seductively smile at him, "I want to be with you, can I, Reiji?"
"Of course," He embraces me, "We'll stay like this as long as you'd like."
Reiji POV
It's been a few months since (Y/N) has been taking her monthly doses. I believe this should be enough to make the effects permanent.
However, she's been acting quite strange. More obsessive and clingy. Almost makes me question my love for her.
"Reiji~!" A sweet voice calls out to me, "Let's hang out together!"
"It seems I have some things to attend to," I sigh with irritation, "Next time, (Y/N)."
"You don't want to hang out anymore?" Her eyes go insane, "I thought you loved me, Reiji. Was your love just a lie!?"
"Calm down," I hold my hands up in a way to calm her, "What is up with you lately? You've been acting almost insane."
"Insane!?" She shrieks, "I just want to be with you, is that so bad!?"
"You've been too clingy," I look away from her, "I don't know if we can maintain a healthy relationship like this."
"What?" (Y/N) steps back in disbelief and her expression darkens, "Fine, I'll leave you be."
"Thank you," I adjust my glasses and continue with my work. I hear the door slam shut.
"I need to end things."
A few hours of work pass by and I grow weary soon enough.
"Reiji?" I hear someone knocking on my door.
"Come in," I turn over to see who it is. It was (Y/N).
"I thought you could drink something," she grins sickeningly sweet.
With caution, I take it from her and drink the liquid. Instead of the surge of energy I've been feeling, I felt my life force drain away.
"We'll be together forever."
That's the last thing I hear before blacking out.
"Oh, you're awake~!"
I hear someone squeal while slowly opening my eyelids. Remembering what had happened, I lunge toward but was held back by restraints.
"(Y/N)!?" I shout at her while her back was turned to me, "What is the meaning of this!?"
"Oh, well," she turns over to me with a crazed look in her eyes, "You've been disobedient lately, so I thought I should teach you a lesson."
"What do you mean!?" I try to break free but to no avail.
"You've been distant lately," she giggles with a deranged sense, "Now that I have you here, you and I can be together all the time! Isn't that great!?"
"Let me go!" I command her.
"Don't think I will," she hums in amusement while waving around a knife, "If you try to leave me...I think you know what happens."
"Urgh," I frown in displeasure.
"Now...let's have fun together," she saunters over to me.
"Let's begin our chemical romance."
Word Count: 2305
(A/N): This was a bit dark...oh well.
I should be celebrating when it actually happens, but thank you so much! As I promised, the books I've been planning will be revealed.
There will be a Valentine's Day Special at the end of the week because I'm not exactly done with that one yet.
Welp, until then!
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