|Negative x Negative = Positive| Kyoya x Reader ♡
Ouran High School Host Club
⚠︎Warning(s): Slight Cursing; Bullying; Mentions of Seclusion
Edited on: (1/14/18)
Your POV:
2017 has come and gone and 2018 is taking its place. The sun's powerful rays shun my face, making me scrunch my eyes shut.
Sighing, I roll off my bed and prepare myself for school.
Most people would be all giddy with excitement about a new year. I am not part of 'most people'. To be frank, I hate, no, loathe the New Year.
Why do you ask? To make it simple, nothing changes. My life is miserable and it will stay that way.
Gripping my custom-made uniform, I slip it on. Instead of the puffy, yellow, princess dress (which I despised by the way), I made it a skirt and tie outfit.
It consisted of a white dress shirt, black tie, black Mary Janes, white socks, and one of the guy's blazers. Surprisingly, the headmaster didn't condemn my rebellious act.
Making sure I'm presentable, I trudge down the stairs to the kitchen. I see the maid holding a tray of eggs and pancakes.
"Your breakfast, miss," she bows down while pushing it towards me.
"Thank you," I humbly take it from her and make my way to the dining table.
Sliding it onto the table, I pour maple syrup all over the stack of flapjacks, the sticky liquid dripping down. I stab a fork into the food and pull up to take a bite.
Clamping down the breakfast cake, it slides down my throat smoothly. I repeat the process for the meal and finish in a short amount of time. I dump the plate down inside the sink.
"Prepare the limo for me," I command a nearby maid. She utters out a quick 'yes miss' and scurries off.
I grab my bag and coat. Wearing my jacket, I sling the bag over my shoulder and head out.
The sleek limo was parked perfectly in the front of my house. Sighing once more, I head over to the car and sit on the comforting seat.
The car accelerates and drives over to the famous school, Ouran Academy. I peer out the window, trees turning into slight blurs.
In a few minutes, I arrive at the school. Thanking the driver, I step out of the car and amble my way to the gates.
As I pass by the prestigious students of the academy, I hear murmurs surrounding me. However, a high pitched voice stood out the most.
"Who does she think she is?" The voice squeals and footsteps can be heard closer and closer to me.
I pay no attention and just go at a faster pace. It's quite obvious she was disturbed by the fact she was completely ignored.
"Sh!" One of her evil henchmen tries to quiet her down, "She'll hear you."
"Don't worry," I stop in mid place and turn my head to confront the bitches, "I already did."
Her lackeys all have shocked expression while their leader gives a condescending look.
"Good then," she smirks, "Now you're aware of what the people think of you."
"I like how you consider yourself a person," I retort, "Because your face is caked with makeup, I thought you were a robot trying to disguise yourself as a human."
Her eyebrows furrow and her eyes look a bit..wild.
"What did you just say!?"
She swings her hand to my face and I close my eyes, awaiting the impact. However, I don't feel any contact on my cheek.
Slowly fluttering my eyes open, I gasp at what I'm seeing. It was Kyoya, clutching her wrist. The girl shrieks in the appearance of the megane and is putty in his hands.
He gives me a sideways look, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, thanks," I mutter and was about to say something else until I see the mean girl flirting with him, horribly.
Seeing as he was busy at the moment, I just turn and saunter through the front doors. I dash up the long sets of stairs and head into my homeroom. As I am also a second year, I'm glad we don't have the same homeroom.
Walking inside, there were chalk writings all over the chalkboard and insults spewed across my desk.
Shocked? Disgusted? No, I feel nothing. As I have said before, my life is miserable and will remain so.
Nothing can or will change that.
Kyoya's POV
I sigh in irritance. My classmate, or the girl who was about to punch someone, was bothering me for quite some time. Not only that, but she didn't give me a chance to talk to that peculiar girl.
I don't see her around campus or in the host club. Her uniform's also different. How have I not noticed her?
Going over to the cafeteria, I spot the special uniform girl sitting by herself, munching on a sandwich.
Doesn't she have any friends?
"Kyoya," Tamaki calls out to me, "Whatcha looking at?"
"Hey, Tamaki," I don't answer his question, "Do you know who that girl is?"
"Who?" I point to the lone female and his smile is a solemn one, "Oh, um, well. Her name's (Y/N) (L/N).She's a second-year student like us and doesn't wear the usual uniform. She is being...bullied...at the moment and...no one hangs out with her."
My eyes slight widen at the sudden description. I regain my stoic expression and stare at the schoolgirl.
"Do you know why she's getting bullied?"
"I overheard from somewhere..." he gives a thoughtful look and catches the memory, "That she apparently looks down upon everyone and doesn't want to be friends with anyone."
"Where did you hear this?" I indulge in the topic a bit more than I thought I would.
"Someone's nosy," he nudges me, "Are you interested in her?"
"Yeah, answer my question."
He gives a blank stare, "You're tactful as always. Well, in the host club, girls talk. I was planning to record them to report the authorities but they don't talk about her anymore. I always keep the recorder on me though."
I nod in agreement and (Y/N)'s eyes meet my gaze. I escape her eyes and continue to walk off with Tamaki.
As we did arrive late, there was no one on the line. I give my order after Takamaki. Once we retrieve our meals, I tell Takamaki that I would go eat lunch with (Y/N).
"What!?" He gives his usual puppy face, "But I want to eat with you today."
"Tomorrow," I negotiate with him and he reluctantly agrees as he goes off to who knows where.
Discreetly shuffling over to the bench she's sitting on, I stop partway. Her head snaps up to where I am standing and I freeze.
Your POV
I hear the pattering of footsteps and my reflexes kick in. I snap my head up to see the same guy from before, Kyoya.
I raise an eyebrow, "What are you doing here?"
"(L/N)," he addresses me with my last name, making me a tad annoyed, "I was wondering if I can join you."
"Be my guest," I scoot over my stuff so he can sit on the bench as well, "Also just use (Y/N) next time."
"Noted," he replies stiffly.
After he sits down, he takes a bite of his lunch, swallows, and opens his mouth to say something.
"It's the new year," he sets one of the things I hate as a subject, "Are you excited for anything?"
"Nothing," I frown as the subject, "I hate the celebration of a new year. It's pointless."
"Explain please."
I hesitate if I should just open up to him and he can tell how I feel.
"I won't tell anyone," he gives a serious look.
"Well," I place my sandwich beside me, "Every year is the same miserable life. Alone and bullied."
His face shows a look of solemnity, "I'm sorry to hear that."
"It's okay," I shrug as if it's no big deal, "So what about you? Anything good this new year?"
"Can't say anything," he sips on his drink, "I guess I'm similar to you. I've been waiting for a change each year but nothing has changed. The same shrieking, annoying girls pierce my eardrums. Most of them only wanting me for my fame, money, and looks. None of the girls see me for my personality."
"That sucks," I feel sympathy for him, "Well, as one negative person to another, I wish you happiness."
"I've already got it," he smirks and I show a puzzled expression.
"What do you mean?"
"You never chased after me or became annoying in my presence," he smiles at me, "I guess it's nice to have a change."
"Well then," I blush of his previous confession, "I guess I have a change this year as well."
"It's you," I return the gracious smile, "Not one single person had ever bothered to come to me except you. Despite hearing about how I am, you introduced yourself and even ate lunch with me. It's been a while since that happened so I consider it a change in my life this year as well."
He remains speechless and I keep on beaming my smile as if I've never smiled in my life (well, it has been a long time since I have so).
"Do you recall negatives and positives in math?"
"Of course, why?" I furrow my eyebrows.
"As you said, we are negatives and you know what happens when you multiply a negative by a negative?"
"In our case, we're the negatives and the outcome was positive."
Word Count: 1570
(A/N): I hate my school so much
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