|Merry Christmas!| Mystic Messenger x Reader ♡

V and Saeran are also in this!
⚠︎Warning(s): Slight V and Saeyoung spoilers
Edited on: (1/14/18)


Your POV:

I hum a Christmas carol as I travel through the Cheritz mall, buying presents for all of the RFA members.

A 'ding!' noise emits from my phone, telling me that a new chatroom had opened. I unlock my phone to see the chatroom's name: Party?

I tap on the chatroom.

(Y/N) has entered the chatroom

ZEN: Hey (Y/N)

Yoosung★: Hi (Y/N)!

Jumin: Hello (Y/N)

Jaehee: Hey

707: 01001000 01101001

You: Hey guys!

Yoosung★: Seven, what is that?


You: It's just binary

ZEN: How do you know that?

You: I just do

707: 01011010 01100101 01101110 00100000 01111000 00100000 01001010 01110101 01101101 01101001 01101110 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100010 01100101 01110011 01110100 00100000 01110000 01100001 01101001 01110010 01101001 01101110 01100111

You: 01001001 00100000 01001011 01001110 01001111 01010111 00100000 01010010 01001001 01000111 01001000 01010100 00100001 00100001

Jumin: What did he just say?

You: Ehehehe

ZEN: That's creepy


Jaehee: Ahem! Anyway, we were trying to see if we can plan a Christmas party just for us.

You: Cool, I'm okay with that

Jaehee: But we don't have a house to host it in

Jumin: What about mine?


Jumin: Why not?

ZEN: The furball is there

707: You mean Elly

Jumin: Don't call her that

You: How about my house? I don't have anything big planned

Yoosung★: Sure!

Jumin: Fine with me

Jaehee: Okay, good

ZEN: I'll be there!

You: Great, when will we have it?

Jaehee: Christmas Eve?

V has entered the chatroom

V: Hello

You: Hey, V

V: What's this about a party?

Jaehee: We were thinking about having a Christmas party at (Y/N)'s house on Christmas Eve

V: I seem to be free that day

ZEN: I just have practice

Jumin: I might as well go

Yoosung★: I'll be there

707: I'll bring Saeran as well

You: Yay! What time?

Jumin: Six in the afternoon?

You: 👌

ZEN: I'll be a bit late T_T

You: That's fine, anyone else?

Yoosung★: I should be good

Jaehee: I'll bring a cake!

You: It's been forever since I've had one of your cakes!

707: 01001001 00100111 01101100 01101100 00100000 01110011 01100101 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01101110

You: 01100011 01101111 01101111 01101100 01101001 01101111 01110011

ZEN: Please stop

You: You're no fun

I check the time and it's almost time for me to have dinner.

You: I gtg now, I'll see you guys!

(Y/N) has left the chatroom

I let out a contented sigh, cold air coming out.

"I can't wait!" I jump in joy, "I should buy gifts for everyone now before I leave."

I head into one of the stores and buy presents for everyone.


"What should I cook?" I mumble to myself.

In an earlier chat, Zen suggested everyone bringing something to eat to the party. I was okay and everyone else seemed to be fine with it as well.

I was skimming through a cookbook in my house. The title 'Cooking Festivities' seemed good for a Christmas party. Each page had a picture of some delicious looking food displayed exquisitely on a silver platter.

"Maybe this?" I question myself as I read over the contents of the page. It was an inspired dish that came from the movie, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.

It was the Who Roast Beast. Seemed tasty and fun to make.

Reading the recipe, it had a medium difficulty of cooking.

"I should make a practice dish," I tell myself while searching for the ingredients.

"I don't have any meat," I frown, "I'll just stop by the grocery store."

I make my way to the door and snag my keys from its respectable hook. I press the button to open my car's door and sit inside.

I drive over to the nearest grocery store to buy the necessities. I exit the car and it emits a 'beep' noise, alerting me the doors were closed. Believing that I would be needing most of everything, I roll over a cart and stroll into the store.


Coming back, I crack open the door. I stride into my house, bags hanging on my arms like I'm a Christmas tree. Dropping the bags on the floor, I comb through the bags.

"Everything seems to be in order," I sigh satisfied and prep the food for cooking.

Cooking everything precisely, I set the timer for an hour as it says so. After twisting the timer's handle, I jump onto my couch and check out what's new on my phone.

No one had opened a new chatroom, which was odd. I shrug and scroll through my games, looking for a certain otome game.

"Ah," I smile and tap on the app, "I can't wait to see what's going to happen between me and Nolan!(Love Tangle, anyone?)"


The timer vibrated on the kitchen counter, an alarm going off. I reluctantly get up from the couch and tend to my food. The beef looked absolutely splendid.

"I can't wait to try this out!" I beam as I take the hunk of meat from the oven.

Closing the hatch from the oven, I set the meat on a plate.

"Time ta dig in!" I rub my hands, causing warmth between them.

I grab utensils and slice open the sliver of meat. The aroma surrounds the room and I instantly fall in love.

"The aroma..." I praise my own cooking.

I stab a slab of the glorious meat with my fork and sink my teeth into it. I squeal with delight.

"So tender!" I compliment it, "It practically slides down your throat! And what intense flavor! This ought to do the trick!"

I continue to eat the meat and eat the plate clean.

"Wah, that was amazing!" I pat my stomach, "I would need to get up early if I want to cook this for the party."

I yawn and head over to the bathroom to follow out my nightly rituals.


It was the fated day. I finish putting up a few ornaments dangling from the ceiling. The table was all nice and set up, all rooms of the house tidied up for this special occasion.

I hear the doorbell ring and I rush over to the door. Opening it, Yoosung was holding a bag of gifts and what he had cooked, clutched tightly in his hand.

"Yoosung!" I give him a hug, "Glad you can make it!"

"H-Hey, (Y/N)!" He tries to hug back to the best of his ability.

We part and he hurries in. A red blush was dusted across his cheeks. It was probably from the cold outside.

"Where can I put this?" He gestures to his bag.

"Oh, I'll take care of that," I grab the bag from him nicely.

He flashes a grateful smile at me and proceeds over to the kitchen. I place the bag of presents near the Christmas tree.

The doorbell rings again and I walk over. Opening it, I see Jumin and Jaehee at his side. Jaehee was holding all of the bags with a bit of difficulty while Jumin had a rare smile visible.

"Jaehee, let me help you with that!" I exclaim and instantly help her out. Jumin looked a tad bit displeased that I paid more attention to Jaehee rather than him.

"Thanks, (Y/N)," Jaehee looks relieved and comes in.

I lead her to the Christmas tree and plop the gift bags on the skirt of the tree.

"Hey, Jumin," I greet him, noticing that I didn't even say hello.

"Hello, (Y/N)," he gives a small nod, "Great job with the decorations."

"Sarcastically?" I joke around.

"Of course not," he says very seriously, not getting that I was being sarcastic.

I facepalm mentally. I suddenly hear a crash from the kitchen.

"Is everything okay there?" I run over there and see Yoosung wrapped in silver tinsel.

"Y-Yeah, sorry (Y/N)," Yoosung apologizes, "The tinsel had caught my shirt and I tried getting out but made it worse for me."

"It's okay, just hold on," I hide a smirk coming up as I go to fetch my phone.

When I come back down, Yoosung was still stuck and Jaehee was trying to help him. I snicker a little as I tap on the camera icon.

"Yoosung~," I coo while aiming the camera right, "Smile~!"

His head comes up to meet the camera and I hit the button. I smile as I view my finished product.

"Perfect," I spot Yoosung pouting and help untangle him.

"Not funny, (Y/N)," he frowns.

"I'm sorry," I offer a hand to him in which he takes gleefully, "You're just too adorable."

"No guy like to be called 'adorable', (Y/N)," he mumbles but I catch on.

"Aww, Yoosung," I give him a nice pat on his head, "Even if you're adorable, it doesn't make you any less of a man than you already are!"

"Thanks, (Y/N)," Yoosung blushes and was about to say something until the doorbell rings again.

"On my way," I say and shuffle over to the door.

I open it and see the twins, Saeran looking a bit uncomfortable.

"Hey, guys!" I simply wave, not wanting Saeran to feel any more discomfort than he probably already does.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Seven gives me a high five while Saeran fidgets.

"Hey, Saeran," I outstretch a hand and to my surprise, he takes it.

"Hi, (Y/N)," he escapes my gaze and I smile. Seven looks surprised.

"Saeran held hands with (Y/N)!" He shouts and everyone's eyes fall upon us.

Saeran looked especially flustered. The doorbell rings once again and I hope that it would be the last time for a few minutes.

Opening the door for the fourth time in a row, Zen and V were having a pleasant chat with each other.

"Hey, come on in!" I give them both a heart salute as they come in, "Zen, I thought you'd be late?"

"The director called in sick," he replies cheerfully, "How ya doing, (Y/N)?"

"Great, how about you?" I help V in as he had not taken the surgery for his eyes yet.

"Fine," he smiles and I hear a 'click' noise.

Turning, I see it was Jaehee. I give her a playful look and she notices me. Her cheeks flush and she fumbles with her phone.

Zen didn't seem to hear it and starts talking, well more like arguing, with Jumin. Yoosung and Seven use the TV to play the new multiplayer LOLOL game available on TV. Saeran was quietly watching the two of them.

"So, V," I grin at him gently, "How have you been? It's been a while since I've seen you."

"I'm been doing fairly alright," he responds as I lead him into the dining room, "How about you? I presume you've been doing good?"

"You're right," I chuckle and call everyone to come over and eat.

The dishes from everyone were already placed elegantly on the table.

"I'd like you, Saeran," I nudge him over to the end of the rectangular table, "to say grace."

"W-What!?" He gives me a look of disbelief, "W-Why should I do it!?"

"Because," I smile at him, "You're the newest addition to the RFA."

Everyone agrees with me silently. He looks around for a means of escape but fails. Sighing, he obliges.

"Fine, but only because you wanted to too!"

What a little tsundere! I giggle a little.

"W-What are you laughing for!?" He blushes, for that, I have no reason.

"You're such a tsundere! I respond gleefully.

"What's a tsundere?" Jumin questions.

I reach out to him, "We have much to discuss."

"Can we say grace?" Jaehee requests.

"Sure, sure," I wave it off, "Let's go, Saeran."

"Okay," he clears his throat real quick, "Thank you for the food, amen."

We all have blank faces as Saeran casually grabs a plate from the stack.

"Well," Jaehee hesitantly takes hold of a plate, "That was...something."

"He said thanks," Saeyoung is already picking off of plates, "It's just about the same thing."

Almost everyone sweatdrops except the stoic businessman.

"What are you guys waiting for?" I pick one of everything on the table.

Once I arrive at the living room where everyone had gathered, I notice Zen looking rather docile.

I peek at him, "Zen, you good? You're acting a little...quiet."

"Oh," he gives me a smile, a sad one, "I guess it's just the same Christmas as always."

"What do you mean?" I show him a questioning look, holding my hunger.

"Every Christmas is always the same for me, alone," his previous statement spreads his anguish over to me.

"Not you're not!" I grasp his hands together, "Look around you! If there's anything you are, it's not lonely!"

"(Y/N)..." Zen mutters.

"So smile," I present a smile for him to imitate.

He smiles awkwardly and starts to laugh.

"Haha!" He gets into a fit, "You really know how to cheer someone up, (Y/N). Thanks, needed that."

"My duty!" I smack him on the back, making him choke.

"A bit too much, (Y/N)," he coughs.

"Oops, sorry!" I laugh, "Have fun, Zen. Please, cheer up, okay?"

"Anything for you, princess," he winks at me, causing me to blush profusely.

"Sh-Shut up," I look away from his gaze.

I munch on the food until I hear Jumin call for me.

"What is it?" I answer back.

"Can you come over here?" Jumin beckons me to go over there.

"Sorry, Zen," I place my plate down on the table, "I got to go see what's going over there."

"As much as I hate that prick," he scowls, "I can't hog you over."

"Thanks for understanding," I nod and sprint over to see what was the commotion.

"What's up, Jumin?" I ask.

"Do you know where the wine is?" He opens all the cabinets.

"Um, I don't think that I have any," I see his disappointed face and I instantly try to turn the situation around, "B-But I can go check!"

"I'll go with you," he comes along with me as I go to the garage.

I push the door open and Jumin closes it as he goes in with me. I shuffle through the shelves and I find one last bottle of red wine with a good year as well.

"Aha, here you are!" I hold it up in triumph, "I found a bottle of red wine, Jumin. You good with that?"

"It's satisfactory," he bobs his head as a sign of agreement.

"Great, so let us go he-," I tug at the doorknob, but the door wouldn't open.

"It seems the door is locked," Jumin speaks very calmly, so calmly it gives me the chills. I, on the other hand, start to freak out.


"Someone should find us," he takes off his blazer and lays it down on the floor, "It might be a while till someone does so. Sit on here."

"A-Are you sure?" I tremble in fear.

"It's fine," he sits next to it, "Just calm down, we'll be okay."

I wordlessly sit my booty-patootie down. Perceiving as to how tense I was, Jumin draws me into his arms.

"J-Jumin?" My face heats up.

"Thought this might relax you a little."

I just remain silent as I don't know what to say. He isn't wrong, it has relieved me a little bit about the current situation. However, now I'm stressed out by this position.

This moment gets interrupted by a firm knocking on the door.

"(Y/N)!" Zen yells out, "Are you in there!?"

"Yeah, we are!" I shout back and jerk out of his grasp.

Someone jiggles the doorknob and the door bursts open.

"You guys okay?" Jaehe asks concerned.

"Yeah, we're fine," I spot in the corner of my eye Zen quarrel with Jumin.

"What were you guys doing anyway?"

"Jumin wanted some wine and we got locked in," I reply.

"I'm glad you guys are okay though," Jaehee leads me over back to the kitchen, "Come on, we're going to cut the cake."

"Okay!" I proceed over to the kitchen to meet everyone huddled around the cake.

"Where's the knife?" V asks me.

"Ah, hold on," I go through the drawers and finally find the sharp object.

"V, are you okay to cut?" I ask him with uncertainty.

"I should be fine, (Y/N)," he says and I hand it to him.

Zen and Jumin finally come back with an obvious tension between them. V starts to cut slices into acceptable sizes. I help distribute them to everyone by sliding them onto the plates.

I get one of my own and bite on to the soft sliver of cake.

"MMMM, IT'S SO GOOD, JAEHEE!" I praise her and gobble the rest of the cake.

Saeyoung chuckles at my reaction. I give him a puzzled look with cheeks puffed up.

"Wot is ith?" I try to speak clearly but all the cake prevents that.

"You've got a bit of cream righttttt here," his finger swipes at my cheek and sticks it in his mouth.

I blow a fuse and I just stand there, swallowing everything in my mouth. I suddenly remember something.

"Oh, guys!" I assemble the whole gang (Avengers Assemble!; sorry I had to), "Let's go and take a picture."

"I'll take it," V offers but I quickly deny it.

"This picture will have everyone who is a part of the RFA will be in this," I reason, "And you, V, are a part of the RFA."

"I can't argue with you," he sighs, "How do you want us to sit?"

"If you guys can sit on the couch, that'd be great," I grab my camera.

Everyone does as I said and I place the camera on the tripod. I set the option for 10 seconds.

"Okay everyone, say, 'Merry Christmas!'"

"Merry Christmas!"

Word Count: 2959



Thanks for being here with me. You guys here are present enough! I hope everyone has a safe and fun Christmas and God Bless! 🎄

[see, i told you this holiday one-shot would be way shorter than the other one (the thanksgiving one) 😂]

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