|L-O-V-E| Haruka x Reader ♡

Fluff; Song Fic
Free!! Eternal Summer
Published: 3/7/18


Your POV:

"Thank you for helping out, (Y/N)," Gou, I mean Kou, bows with appreciation, "The finals are coming up and I thought I could use someone with expert swimming advice!"

"I only work at the local swimming club..." I scratch my neck bashfully, "You're my friend anyway, Kou!"

"Thanks," she starts pointing to four different guys I have never met with before, "The one with the blue hair and glasses is Rei. His specialty is the butterfly. Over there is Nagisa. He's really good at breaststroke. The tall guy by Amakata Sensei is Makoto and he does the backstroke. And the one with dark blue hair swimming like a dolphin, Haruka. He likes to do free and nothing else."

Underneath the chlorine-filled water, the image of the 'dolphin' was slightly distorted from the rippling waves. I tune out whatever Kou was talking about as I examine the swimmer who emerges from the pool. My eyes widen at the glorious sight.

His navy blue locks flip like an idol's but in slo-mo. Water drips off his well-chiseled chest and hair. But out of all the numerous things that appear godly in my eyes, it was his eyes.

Irises that had resembled the clear, transparent color of ocean tides pierces me straight in the heart, almost like an arrow. His eyes didn't unnerve me or made me uncomfortable in any way. It did the opposite actually.

It felt like a mighty gust of wind blew in my direction. His gaze had a manly yet gently feel to it if that makes sense.

Before long, I can tell I was staring at him and a small hand waves in front of my face.

"(Y/N)!" Kou snaps me back to reality, "What are you looking at? Have you been listening to what I had just said?"

"Uh, noooooo?" I chuckle nervously, "Sorry, I was...occupied...by something."

"What was that exactly," she places her hands on her hips, "Well, anyway, I want you to help Rei with other swimming techniques starting with the backstroke. I hope you brought your swimsuit!"

"Of course I did," I become flustered, "It's just that I feel a bit embarrassed. The swimsuit shows a bit too much of me."

"Even better," the maroon-haired girl beams, "With a body like yours, you shouldn't be afraid to show what you have! If you felt uncomfortable, why didn't you just bring a different one?"

"My school one got soiled," I frown, "That was the only one I had."

"Too bad," she ushers me into a bathroom, "Go and get changed. After that, do what I asked you to do earlier."

Nodding meekly, I step into a bathroom stall and pull out two articles of clothing from my bag.

"Sigh," I slip out of my school uniform, "This will be the end of me..."

Haru's POV:

"Makoto..." I trail off as I stare at the two girls disappearing off into the bathroom, "Who was that?"

"The girl with Kou Chan?" Makoto drys his hair with a towel that matches his eyes, "I think she's a friend of Kou and I've seen her helping out at Sasabe's swimming club."

"Oh," I continue to stare blankly at the closed bathroom door.

"What're you looking, Haru Chan?" Nagisa comes up to me and follows my gaze, "The bathroom...?"

"It's nothing," I jump back in the pool as I hear Makoto call from behind me.

Who is she? Her eyes...so bright and endearing. The way her (E/C) eyes shine and dazzle can rival the sun's striking rays.

A moment ago, when our eyes met, the look she gave me could stir up such euphoria. It was almost as if we were in our own little world, oblivious to those around us.

As I reach back to the beginning of the line, I emerge from the water. The intriguing girl fidgets as she tries to fix her outfit to cover up more.

"Kou..." she blushes shyly, "Can I go home?"

"But you said you'd help me," Kou whines as the girl succumbs to her friend's complaints.

"You owe me something after this," she sighs, "I should start helping out Rei, right?"

"Introduce yourself first!" Kou calls all of us over. Everyone here besides Amakata Sensei files in close.

"This is (Y/N) Chan," Kou gestures over to a blushing girl, "She'll be helping us out, starting with Rei. Please treat her like you have to me."

"Nice to meet you, (Y/N) Chan!" The blonde boy shakes her hand without asking first, "I'm Nagisa!"

"I'm Rei," the blue-haired megane bows, "I look forward to working with you."

"Ah, no need to bow, Rei Kun," (Y/N)'s melodic chuckles cause my heart to give it a run for its money, "Nice to meet both of you, I can't wait to help you guys out!"

"My name is Makoto and this is Haru," my brown-haired friend introduces me and I instantly turn my head but side-glance.

"Nice to meet you..." I utter out meekly, which isn't exactly like me.

"It's great to meet you too," (Y/N) smiles at me gently.

"Okay, guys, back to work!" Kou cheers as all of us go back to what we were doing before this, "(Y/N), go help Rei out."

Nodding, she leaves off with Rei and begins to ask questions about what he can and cannot do, what he does and does not have trouble with. However, as she dips into the pool, the (H/C) haired coach glimpses at me and then continues on.

I look back but don't leave the interaction and peer at her intently.

🎵L is for the way you look at me🎵

Your POV:

It 's been a while since I've started helping out. Out of all the people I have been working with, Haru was never assigned to me.

Well then again, his swimming is one that rivals a sea creature's form.

"Kou," I ask her while she was checking a few papers, "What do I have to do for today?"

"Haru seems to be struggling these few days," the girl that loves muscles smiles coyly at me, "I think this is your time to shine!"

"Wh-What do you mean?" I stutter; has she caught on?

"I've seen the way you look at him," she smirks, obviously caught on, "So, go and get him!"

She pushes me toward the blue-haired swimmer and sticks out her thumb in a 'you got this!'. I sigh with exasperation.

"Hey, Haru," I greet him softly, "Kou said you have been having difficulty with swimming these past few days. Mind doing a lap for me? I may be able to see what's wrong, if there is anything, of course!"

He gulps from the sudden confrontations as he does what he is told. Standing on the platform, he takes a shaky breath before leaping off.

Examining his actions precisely, nothing seems to be wrong with his form.

He paddles off to the end in the same way he always does, only slower. It's not like he was doing anything wrong, he just seems sluggish. As if something was giving him a hard time.

"How was that?" He asks with that stoic expression as always.

"Everything seems to be fine," I try to word my phrasing as gentle as possible, "It's just that, there seems to be something bothering you. Are you feeling okay?"

"I..." he pauses, hesitant to confess his strife.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me," I add before he can say anything more, "But if you need to talk to someone, you can always come to me."

"Thank you, (Y/N)," the blue-haired man thanks me with sincerity, "Forgive me, but I don't feel so comfortable talking about this now."

"It's totally fine!" I nod in understanding, "I have only been here for a few days after all. In the meantime, want to have a race? My skills may not be as magnificent as yours but I want to see how far I am behind, haha."

"Sure," he doesn't return the enthusiasm verbally but in those eyes, I have come to admire, there's a twinkle sparkling like the North Star.

"Kou, mind timing us?" I request and Kou already had a timer pulled out as she gives me a thumbs-up, "You ready, Haru?"

He nods cooly and steps up on the pedestal.

"Ready?" The girl holding the timer glances at both of us, "Set...Go!"

At the sound of her last word, we both jump off in sync. I go with the flow and kick off.

I sing Dory's song of just 'Keep Swimming' as I push forward. It's a basic rule of thumb that you never look at your opponent.

The split second I reach the end, I twist around and force myself to go the other way. The wall comes in my vision and I slap my hand against it.

In what was probably a minute felt like mere seconds. Rising up majestically, I whip my hair back and gasp for air. I snap my head next to me to see if a certain bluenette was there.

Much to my dismay, the swimmer was already there, drying himself in my presence.

"Was I that slow?" I furrow my eyebrows from the shock of him there before me and even having the time to get out of the pool, "I underestimated you."

"That's not it..." Kou gasps at the numbers displayed on the timer, "He beat his previous record....He was serious this time. This is a surprise! To think that he would come out of his slump!"

"Huh?" I stare at him dumbfounded as Haru looks the other way, "Then, let's see if we can push him forward! Onward, my faithful liege!"

I climb out of the pool and sneakily shove him into the pool. He didn't have enough time to respond and stumble into the chlorine-filled water.

Rising up, there's a very faint pout visible and I laugh at his reaction.

"Haha!" I jump in with him and a splash of water sprays everywhere, "Let's get to work!"

Haru's POV:

"Sure," I stand there with (Y/N), unsure of what to do, "What do we do, then?"

"Swim like you did before with me!" She chirps with a cheerful grin on her lips, "I'll see if there's anything I can give you advice on!"

"Okay," I step out as she switches to an unused lane.

I didn't even know I was swimming 'seriously'. I thought it was the same as always.

What spell did (Y/N) cast on me?

Catching a glimpse of her there, she gives me the 'okay' sign and I tuck myself into a ready position.

"3," she pauses, "2....1!"

I leap off the concrete base and accept the embrace of the cool water. Wiggling (I have no clue how to swim soooo 😂) under, I feel myself slowly rise up to the water's surface.

I repeat the same routine I had always followed whenever I swam. Changing the arms, I reverse the other way and start to reach the end. Soon enough, I hit the stone wall of the pool and ascend from the heavy amounts of H2O.

"Hmmm, not as good as last time but definitely better than when we first tried," the (H/C)-haired beauty strokes her chin in a way to find some way to improve my time, "Try this."

She swims under the line and comes over to my lane.

"Think of the thing you want the most from the ends of both sides and you'll won't get it unless you swim. Don't use too much energy in the beginning. It'll exert your energy and you won't be able to reach the end at the same speed you did before."

I bob my head up and down to show I had understood. Clambering up and out of the pool, I make my way back to the slab of stone.

Getting prepared, I wait for (Y/N)'s call.

"3," she stops for a bit, "2....1!"

Diving off, I try and use the mentality (Y/N) set me up with. Unconsciously, an image of the same girl who counted down develops in my mind.

Sure enough, the feeling of effervescence surges throughout me and I go at it harder. Before I knew it, the second end comes close and I slam my hand against the panel.

"Great job, Haru!" The (E/C) eyes I first notice about her shimmer and the whole background blurs, "That was better than before! Do you want to take a break? You've been working hard lately."


She extends a hand to me in which I gladly take. Her hand was gentle with a luscious softness. I almost mistake it for a cloud.

Pulling me up, I exit the pool and the two of us sit on an unoccupied bench.

"Soooooo," she tries to engage in conversation, "What's your favorite food?"

"Mackerel," I answer without a single thought and become intent in knowing hers, "What about you?"

"Just mackerel?" Her head cocks to the side but dismisses my response, "That's interesting, most people have a hard time choosing. I like (F/F). The taste is just...amazing! Have you tried it before?"

"No," I admit bashfully, afraid that she would be 'I thought we were friends' and all that.

"You've never had that!?" She widens her eyes, "I'll make some for you next time!"

"You don't need to," I lie, wanting to taste her cooking.

"No, my treat," she giggles a melodic laugh, "I want you to experience the almighty taste of (F/F)! Ahem! Anyway, why do you like mackerel?"

"Maybe because of its simplicity?" I shrug, unable to come up with a proper response, "What about you?"

"Well!" At this moment, I knew she was going to release a sermon about why.


"Jeez, you weren't going to stay here forever, were you?" Nagisa comes up to the two of us with a teasing grin, "Let's go, the school is going to close."

"Huh?" She grows wide-eyed and checks her watch that was wrapped around her wrist, "That much time had past!? If I'm working with you, Haru, I don't think we can afford to take breaks!"

I don't respond but am too shocked by the time difference. The conversation we had only seemed to be a few seconds.

"I'll be taking the train now," (Y/N) drapes a jacket around her and carries her bag on her shoulder, "Bye, guys!"

"Bye-bye, (Y/N) Chan!" Nagisa waves at her vigorously as I stare at her.

It could just be me but (Y/N) appears to be looking at me specifically, a smile accentuating her emotions.

🎵O is for the only one I see🎵

Your POV:

"Okay, final exams are coming up," the girl obsessed with muscles sighs with reluctance, "That means the teachers want us to cancel the practices and have you focus on studying rather than swimming. Sorry to cancel last minute."

"It's cool," I let out a breath of disappointment; I really hoped I would be helping out Haru again.

"(Y/N)," the dark-haired approaches me, "Do you mind if you help me study? I don't understand the circumference of a circle and Rei told me you were good in that especially."

"Sure," I brighten up at the thought of me spending time with Haru, "My house or yours?"

"Is it okay if I go to your house?" He suggests as I nod in comprehension.

"Sure, my little brother will be there though. Is that okay with you?"

"Fine," he huffs a little and I chuckle warmly at his reaction.

"I'll be taking the train with Rei and Nagisa," I motion for him to follow me, "Come on!"

Walking after me casually, I chat with Rei, Nagisa, Haru; Haru being the more reclusive out of all of them.

"Now that I think about it," I turn over to see Haru, "Why didn't you ask Rei for help? Not that I mind helping you or anything!"

"Rei is already tutoring Nagisa," the human-dolphin responds without a second thought, "I don't want to burden him more if I don't need to."

"Haruka Senpai!" Rei tears up with admiration for his upperclassman.

I laugh at the thought of Rei resembling a certain anime character.

We all board the train as it halts in front of us. Of course, the train was packed like usual and I was squished in between the cramped pairs of people, crowding and scrambling for seats.

It was hard for me to even grab on to the pole or hook so I had to stand there, susceptible to danger. Soon enough, I feel an arm snake around me in a protective manner.

Afraid for my well-being, I snap my head to see who was going to die. Fortunately, it was Haru and embarrassed, avoiding my line of eyesight. I smile with appreciation at the gesture.

I hear snickering from the front and I mentally facepalm at who it is. It was Nagisa, trying to stifle his laughs as Rei was attempting to quiet him down.

I catch the laughs as well and Haru looks at me questionably. Brushing it off, I gently smile at him, causing tints of pink to rise in his cheeks.


"It's our stop," I nudge Haru gently as he fell asleep during the ride.

My apartment was far from the school and the farther we traveled, the number of people decreased. Luckily, we managed to find seats.

"Hmm?" His eyelids flutter slowly and he yawns tiredly, "Did I fall asleep?"

"It's okay," I get up from the cushioned chair and grab ahold of a pole, "The ride was quite long anyway."

He gets up as well and tries to stay balanced without holding on to anything. When the train slows to a stop, he topples over. Smart decision.

However, he grabs a hold of my shirt and I fall along with him.

"H-Hey!" I yelp at the sudden drop and close my eyes, awaiting the harsh impact.


Flickering my eyes open, I gasp at the sight I saw. Underneath me, I see a slightly tousled Haru with a strained look. That's right, underneath me. I struggle to contain my nosebleed.

"A-Ah, sorry!" I clamber my way off as the train completely brakes, "W-We should go now, the train's doors will close."

"Y-Yeah," Haru stands up calmly but his face tells a different story. One hand was covering his mouth while his cheeks flush a crimson, glowing red.

Normally, I would laugh at his appearance but instead, my heart was doing somersaults. Barely able to meet his eyes, I glance at the back to see a pair of familiar-looking sneakers, shuffling behind me.

Gosh, this guy must be something else to make me feel this way.

Haru's POV:

(Y/N) keeps on glimpsing at me as she walks on ahead. Is she embarrassed?

I quicken my pace and try to see (Y/N) expression. My heart beats at the view.

Her cheeks blush fifty shades of red and her (E/C) pupils slide to the other side. In shorter terms, she is extremely cute.

"Where are we going?" I ask, unsure of my surroundings. I haven't been this far into city before.

"My apartment building," she speaks softly but clears her throat, "It's right next to the apartment building."

"It's good that it's so close by," I reply, trying to initiate a conversation, "How long should I stay for?"

Orange rays from the sun hit the both of our faces once we exit the terminal.

"Maybe an hour?" She shields her eyes, "Up to you, as long as you get home safe."


We walk to the right and sure enough, there was an apartment complex right where she said there would be.

"It's over here," (Y/N) pushes the transparent, turnstile doors and I follow her.

"Do you own this whole apartment complex?"

"No, my parents do," she scratches the back of her neck nervously and arrives before the receptionist in the lobby, "Hey, my friend and I are going to be studying for a bit."

"Okay, Ms. (L/N)," the receptionist smiles at her and bows her head.

"I told you to just call me (Y/N)," she laughs, "Come on, Haru. My room's up here."

We wait by the elevators and I take this time to discern the building.

By the looks on the outside, it would seem like an ordinary apartment complex. However, the inside was a completely different story.

White interior spreads from the floors to the ceilings. Transparent, glass coffee tables stand before luxurious couches also colored white. Heck, even a bar and casino are present!

"The elevator's here," the girl wearing a uniform similar to me pokes me in the shoulder, "Shocked?"

"The interior looks completely different from the outside," I admit and step into moving chamber with her, "How many floors are there?"

"Around thirty," she scans the illuminated buttons, "Actually twenty-nine floors, not including the garage and the lobby. You shouldn't judge a book by its cover."

"Yeah," I fade off before asking another question, "Why don't your parents remodel the outside? You could attract more customers that way."

"My parents came up with the philosophy that..." The elevator doors part and we get out together

She continues, "...people need to find out what's truly on the inside rather than judging by the outside. Besides, the rent fees here aren't too pricey."

"That's a good view to live by," I shake my head with understanding, "Do your parents give you a whole apartment room or...?"

"Kind of," her brows furrow with debate, "My parents are gone most of the time so technically it is my own apartment with the exception of my brother."

"Oh, I forgot," I make a turn alongside with the (H/L), (H/C)-haired girl, "How old is your brother?"

"Ten-years-old," she stops at a door and fumbles with a few keys, "If I'm lucky, he might be at a friend's house. And if he isn't, then I apologize in advance for anything he does."

"Okay..." I have no idea how to respond.

She unlocks the door and a boy, half my size, comes hurling towards us.

"Onee-San!" The little guy greets us while eyeing me suspiciously, "...Who's he?"

"This is Haru," (Y/N) introduces the both of us while pushing past the hallway, "Haru, this is the little rascal I told you about, (B/N). We're going to be studying, so don't bother us please."

"No promises," (B/N) smirks and crosses his arms, "Can you make me popcorn?"

"I thought you knew how?" (Y/N) sighs and smiles gently, "Fine, give me a minute. You can just go into my room, Haru. Make yourself comfortable!"

"Why your room?" The kid shorter than me huffs with annoyance.

"That way you won't bother us," she withdraws a bag from the pantry and opens it, "Aren't you going to watch a movie anyway?"

"I guess," he stares me down as I look at the other way, "Hey, you."

I point to myself and he nods.

"Yeah, you. Haru, right? How do you know my sister?"

"She helps out in the swimming club," I respond, slightly afraid of him.

"So are you guys dating or...?"

"OKAY!" (Y/N) slams down the bowl of snacks in front of (B/N), "That's enough from you, go ahead and do whatever it is you want to. Haru, come with me."

Shuffling over to her with my bag over my shoulder, I can't shake the feeling off of someone staring at me.

Down the hallway, (Y/N) opens the door to a room and I am suddenly greeted with anime posters and a (F/C) color scheme. There was a tiny bit of mess but I think that's the same for everyone.

"Sorry for the mess," she pushes things to the side and tries to clear up some room, "Oh, I forgot my bag in the living room. I'll be back. Sit anywhere, just don't touch that notebook."

Her finger stretches to a (F/C) spiral notebook on a shelf. I never understand why you would tell anyone to not touch something? It only makes them want to have it even more.

Leaving the room, I stare at my surroundings. Like before, anime-related objects were littered almost everywhere with one window ajar. There was a bookshelf with manga, a few novels, and that one notebook she doesn't want me to touch. Then, on the bed, there was this adorable, egg plush.

The one thing that surprised and refreshed me at the same time was the fact that there was nothing there that would be too gaudy.

For a girl from a family that owns a business, it's interesting that there isn't anything like gold or expensive clothing brands. Her room was none other than an ordinary person's bedroom.

I chuckle a bit. She is certainly a remarkable person.

🎵V is very, very extraordinary🎵

Your POV:

"Sorry for the wait," I close the door behind me with my foot, "So, let's get started! What do you want to study first?"

"Math," he replies, pulling out a few math-related books.

"Okay," I do the same, "You needed help with the area and circumference of circles, right?"

"Yeah," he confesses shyly.

"Okay, not a problem," I tie a headband with the words 'you can do it!' printed on it, "We'll start with the circumference. Here, let me draw something real quick."

Drawing a deformed-looking circle, I sketch a line across the circle and write the number '20'.

"So this is the diameter," I gesture to the line, "We use the formula pi times diameter. However, we don't use the pi button on the calculator. We use either 3.14 or 22/7, estimates of pi."

"So, I multiply 3.14 or 22/7 by 20?" He jots down the formula I just taught him.

"You got it!" I grin when he understands what to do, "So, the answer is...?"

"62.8 units?"

"Yep!" I hand him a few more problems, "If you need any help, just ask!"

"Okay," he solves the problems one by one.


Halfway through the session, I can tell my bladder needs some release.

"I'm going to use a bathroom break," I announce before leaving the room.

"Okay," his voice annunciates from my bedroom.

Making my way to the bathroom, a voice enters my mind.

"Hey there!" The feminine voice greets me and a miniature form of myself appears on my shoulder.

"Who are you?" I whisper, trying not to alert anyone near me. Am I going insane?

"I'm that little voice in your head that talks to you whenever you're discussing relationships or arguing with yourself," she winks at me, "Don't worry, you're not schizophrenic or going insane."

"Wait, wasn't I talking to you in the bathroom?"

"Yeah, I usually appear before you use the lavatory or go to sleep," the tiny figure informs me.

"It would be great if you didn't talk to me before I sleep, it's hard to do so."

"Yeah, yeah," the person waves my previous statement away, "Anyway, Haru, hmmmm?"

"What?" I take my time going to the toilet.

"I know what you think about him," little me jiggles her eyebrows up and down, "Remember, I'm in your head."

"S-So?" I respond, flustered, "Can I talk in my head now? It's weird talking to no one that's physically here."

"Sure, sure," she, again, waves it off, "But, my oh my! Haru is just..."

'Yeah, I know.' This time I let my thought do the talking while sitting down on the toilet.

'Question is though,' the tiny sprite rests her head on her hands, 'how do you feel towards Haru?'

'How do I feel?' I repeat the question and think for a little bit.

'Face it, you love this man,' the girl taps her temple, 'I can hear your thoughts, so I can tell by your reasoning.'

'L-Love!?' I gasp a little at the thought, 'How can I love him? I...only met...him...'

'See? You know it's true as well,' the other me smirks, 'Don't find that feeling anymore1'

'I-I don't know,' I roll out some toilet paper, 'Wh-What if he doesn't like me back?'

'Honey,' she facepalms, 'Have you seen the way he looks at you? He's looking at you as if you're his prey and he's the predator!'

'Sure,' I roll my eyes and flush the toilet.

'Confess, my dear,' little me hops on to the top of the sink's faucet, 'What do you have to lose?'

'Oh, I don't know, maybe my relationship I have with him now?' I say, my voice laced with sarcasm.

'That's not a lot,' she kicks her tiny feet to and fro and I give her a look of 'are you kidding me?'

'I'm just saying,' she bounces off and on to the side, 'There might be something good that can come out of this.'

'What do you-'

She fades away and I'm left with the water rushing down from the faucet.

One thing's for sure, I am in love with Haruka Nanase more than ever.


Haru's POV:

"Why is she taking so long?" I catch a glimpse at the closed door, "I hope she's okay there." 

"Probably taking a dump," a young voice explains.

Startled, I snap my head up to see who it was. It was (Y/N)'s little brother, (B/N) I think.

"She's not taking a 'dump'," I use the same word (B/N) had used, "What are you doing here anyway?"

"Just wanted to see the new guy, that's all," he shrugs, "Are you sure you're not dating?"

"No," I sigh with frustration.

"But you look at her like you guy are a couple," he points out.

"H-How would you know?" I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Intuition," (B/N) smirks playfully, "Soooooo, do you like her?"


"You know what I mean," he takes a seat on the floor across from me, "Do you like her or not?"

"I-," I pause a bit before coming to an answer, "I do."

"Ha! I knew it!" The boy cheers, "Do you loveeee her?"

"L-Love!?" I exclaim.

"L-O-V-E, love?" He facepalms.

"I know what you mean but," I bite my lip with confusion, "I only met her. I can't possibly love her!"

"Sure you can't," the (H/C) kid huffs, "Admit it, you do love her!"

"I-I," I stammer, trying to find my words correctly.

"Gosh, do I need to spell it out for you?"

"I do love her, more than anything," I say with a flash of confidence.

"There you go," he pats me on the back, "You told me, now you tell (Y/N)!"

"H-Huh?" I widen my eyes, "No, no, I can't."

"Why not, (Y/N) won't shut up about you," he entices me with my words, "I am positively positive she feels the same."

"Really?" I brighten up at the sudden revelation, "She...talks about me?"

"Oh, yes, especially in that diary of her," he gestures over to the forbidden book, perched on a shelf.

"You've read it?"

"Yep," he goes up to get it and flips to a page, "'Haru was so great today! His eyes were so beautiful and-'"

"Stop...just stop," I cover my rosy cheeks. That was too much for me.

"(B/N)...!?" A melodic voice enters the room and I inhale sharply at who it was.


Your POV:

Finally finished with my bathroom break, I head over to my room and hear two male voices.

"...'Haru was so great today! His eyes were so beautiful and-'"

Hold on, that's from my journal!

Bursting into the room, I let out a breath at the picture of two people: one reading my secrets for the whole world to know and the other looking quite disheveled.

"(B/N)...!?" I yell with shock at him.

"O-Oh, hey, S-Sis," my mischievous brother flings the book away from him and makes a run for it.

"GET BACK HERE!" I try to chase after him but he escapes my view. I decide to stop in my efforts as the consequences would end up being fruitless.

Turning around, I see Haru avoiding my gaze as blood rushes to my cheeks.

"Did you- Did he read everything?" I stutter, afraid of the answer.

"He only read some of it," he mumbles, still not looking at me in the eye.

"O-Oh," I sink to the ground, near the kotatsu table set up. Then, I bury my head in my arms.


"...Mmmm?" I respond meekly, not rising my head.

"Why are you hiding?"

"Because you probably think I'm a weirdo," I groan at the thought of where this relationship was going.

"Why would I think that?"

"Because of my entries in that blasted book," I admit, upset at myself for writing so openly where anyone could have their grubby hands on it.

"Why should they make you a weirdo?"

"Huh?" I peek a little through an opening my arms provided, "Because isn't it weird?"

"To me, it isn't," he peers at me through the crack, "I think it's adorable."

"How so?" I go back to hiding.

"Well," he stops for a minute, "The way you express your admiration is a factor."

"What else is in the mix?"

"The fact that I love you," he says rather quickly. I thought it was just the wind.

"W-What?" I whip my head up to see Haru blushing and fidgeting uncomfortably.

"I guess I need to spell it out," he sighs.

"L is for the way you look at me."

"O is for the only one I see."

"V is very, very extraordinary."

He stops there and there was one last letter.

"What about E?"

"Well, E," he leans in close, "E is even more than anyone that you adore can love."

His lips gently place on to mine, almost like two puzzle pieces coming together. My mind buzzes and goes completely blank. Attempting to decipher that line, an analysis hits me.

He meant that he loves me more than anyone possibly could.

Unfortunately, he needed to part for air as he was the dominant one in the exchange.

"Haru?" I ask him, trying to meet his eyes.

"Yes, (Y/N)?"

"I L-O-V-E you~"

Word Count: 5424


(A/N): Gosh, I need to stop with the late updates. But cut me some slack, this was 4000 words more than normal. I hope I'm not being too cocky with this. 

While looking at the demographics, I was shocked. 

Even though I'm a small time writer, I'm surprised that this would be so spread out! Here are the percentages in case you're wondering:

America- 60.317%
United Kingdom, Canada, Philippines (Eyyyyy! High Five! 🖐🏼): 4.762%
Sweden, Australia: 3.175%
Greece, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, India, Thailand, Lao PDR, Indonesia Belgium, Germany, Finland: 1.587%

Again, thanks so much for reading this! I hope to see you again and on time LOLZ 😂

Question of the Day: Who's your favorite senpai? 

Also, little side notes, please answer the polls! It would be a great help to me and please keep them in a single comment thread. 

REQUESTS ARE OPEN! I will be taking only characters as well so no need for a plot!

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