|Happy Thanksgiving!| Haikyuu! x Reader♡

Edited: (3.21.18)


Your POV

"Sigh," I run a hand through my hair, "How is this going to work?"

Since Thanksgiving was coming close, we decided to have a Thanksgiving feast and to give thanks to our most recent win against Shiratoriza. My parents work abroad, so they wouldn't be home for Thanksgiving. 

As co-manager of the team, I thought it would be best if we could have it my house. I am also a second-year student in the same class as Nishinoya and Tanaka.

Everyone agreed and said it should be held the day before, so we could spend Thanksgiving with our friends and family. We did invite the coaches, but they humbly told us no and 'didn't want to get in our way'.

It was a few days before and everything was fine, except there was one teeny, tiny problem. I have a small family, so the table wasn't suited for a huge group. I thought it would be best if we could all eat together.

"Hmmm," I stroke my chin in thought, "Maybe I can make the feast buffet style? Yeah, and put all the food on the table! The living room is big enough to fit everyone, so we could all eat there!" I put my hands on my hips in a prideful manner and smile for a minute silently telling myself how much of a genius I am.

"Okay," I head out to the bathroom and grab the cleaning supplies, "I need to make this place spotless! Let's get to work!"


I look around the kitchen and find the state satisfying. I check the living room and all the other rooms to see if the cleanliness is up to my personal standards, which are pretty high.

"Good," I nod in approval, "This place is perfect! It's up to me to see if I can keep this condition for two more days."

Next, there was the food. Everyone had to contribute something to the celebration. Kiyoko said she would take care of the turkey and Yachi would bring strawberry shortcake. Tsukishima's going to be happy.

"What should I cook?" I ponder to myself.

Yes, I was going to cook. My cooking is actually pretty good.

"Maybe I'll make barbeque ribs?" I think over the choice, "I remember at the training camp, Tanaka, Noya, Kageyama, and Hinata were extremely excited about the barbecue. There's also a grill in the backyard."

I rack my brain for an answer, "Question is what type of ribs should I make?"

I go to my room and open my laptop. I click on Google Chrime and search different types of ribs. A whole list appears on the page.

"How am I gonna choose?" I mutter to myself as I scroll down the page, "I'll just be more specific, this'll take me hours."

I type in the search bar again. I type in 'best type of barbecue ribs'. One type of ribs pops up on the screen.

"Smoked barbecue baby back ribs," I repeat what's on the screen, "Tastes good to me. What's the recipe?" I click on the link to the recipe and wrote it down on a piece of paper.

"I got the recipe," I finish writing the last step, "I should do a practice run to ensure I won't screw this up."

I get up from my chair and head to the kitchen.

"What do I need? It's only a practice run, so I don't need everything." 

My eyes scan the list and I somehow have all of the ingredients. How convenient. I grab the necessary items before I head out.

The weather was alright, but I still needed a jacket. I get a light fluffy jacket and walk out of the house through the back door.

I close it and head to the grill, which was underneath the patio up above. I carefully placed the items jumbled in my arms on the table near the grill.

"This isn't my first time using a grill," I look at the grill, "What do I do first?"

I start to follow the directions of the recipe and everything was going well. I start to cook the ribs on the grill and finished in two hours.

"God, this looks good!" I place the ribs on a plate and let it cool for a bit. 

Once I believed it was good enough, I reach for one of the mouthwatering ribs. I delicately place my lips on the piece of meat and then let my teeth come in contact. It tears apart the meat from the bone and my tastebuds did the work.

My eyes widen in surprise. I-It was pretty good for the first time of me cooking this! The seasonings melding with the ribs is phenomenal! And don't even get me started on the tenderness! In ribs, there is supposed to be a good amount of both tenderness and roughness. This meal perfectly compliments that!

"S-So good," I swallow the food down my throat, "This is my dinner for sure!" I quickly bring the plate of ribs inside and put a plastic wrap over it. I put it in the microwave to keep its heat a little.

"Because that was only a small proportion of the actual meal," I tell myself, "That wouldn't be the total amount of time for the actual cooking. How much time does it say in the recipe?"

The time on the piece of paper was 6 hours and 45 minutes!?

"What!?" I almost yell out, "I would need to wake up early, the party starts at 6:30!"

I check the ingredients part of the recipe as well and it seems that I used up almost all of them. "Ugh, I need to go shopping as well," I groan in frustration, "What time is it?"

I check the clock for its led lights to display the numbers. It was 7:40 p.m.

"It's that late?" I go over to the microwave, "Might as well have dinner. The supermarket is going to close soon so I'll go tomorrow."

I pull out the delicious ribs and praise them at the same time.


"Bleh, what time is it?" I reach for my phone and saw the time on the too-bright screen, "10:43!? I set an alarm for 8 o'clock! What happened?"

I tap on the time app and saw that the alarm was set for 8 at night. "Oh, that explains it," I make an 'o' shape with my mouth, "I might as well get dressed."

I go to my closet and search for comfy and casual clothes. I pick out a pair of jeans, short sleeve shirt, and the volleyball jacket for Karasuno. I fix my hair a bit and smile a bit in satisfaction.

"This should be fine."

I grab a list I made last night, get some money from my pineapple, and take the keys from the hook. Yes, I keep money in a pineapple. 

I stuff them in my pockets and make my way to the store. I have to walk because I have no one to drive me, so yeah.


I arrive at the store in a panting mess. "Last time, I'm pretty sure that I wasn't so tired," I try and catch my breath.

I grab a cart and push through the automatic doors. 

"Okay, first on the list," I pull my list out and read through the contents, "2 racks of ribs. Is that too much for them? ...Nah!" 

I head to the meat aisle and repeat the same process for all the other ingredients except one.

"Okay, the last thing on the list is...," I look at the remaining item unchecked, "Chili powder."

I head over to the spices aisle and hunt for the powder. My eyes land on it only to find out it was placed on the highest shelf.

"They've got to be kidding me," I tell myself in disbelief, "Hinata-Kun's jumping skills would be really helpful now!" 

I wasn't the tallest of people, so things weren't in my favor.

I stand on my tippy toes in an effort to grab the chili powder bottle. I almost thought the bottle was mocking me. I was about to go to Plan B, aka, climb the shelves.

I latch my foot on one of the shelves and start to continue until someone looms over me and snatches the bottle from me. I was about to turn to ask him if they could get me one.

"Um, excuse me," I turn around only to see it was a familiar friend of mine, "Can you-? Huh? Kuroo? What're you doing here?"

Kuroo was with Kenma, holding a shopping basket full of food. 

"Hm?" he looks down on me, height issues, "Oh, (Y/N)! I was just shopping and I saw a midget trying to grab something. Thought I could help."

He outstretches his arm and drops it in the cart next to me. 

"Thanks," I reply with a grin, "Hey Kenma! How're you?"

He looks up from his PSP, "I'm alright. How about you?"

"I'm good, thanks for asking," I smile gently, "And what about you, Kuroo?"

"I'm swell, (Y/N)," he answers, "We got to go to checkout, so bye!" They start to walk away to the cashier.

"Oh, I'm going there as well," I push the cart in their direction, "Mind if I join?"

"No, it's fine, (Y/N)," Kenma replies, not looking up from his PSP.

"Thanks," I push the cart a bit faster to match their pace, "Are you guys making anything?"

"Yeah," he holds up the basket and shows me a bucketload of apples, "Kenma wanted to make apple pie. What're you making?"

"Smoked barbecue baby back ribs," I say rather proudly.

"Wow, that sounds good," Kuroo licks his lips and Kenma's eyes glint for a second.

"Maybe I'll make it at my next Fourth of July and invite you guys," I giggle and Kuroo chuckles while Kena smiles.

We both arrive at the cashier, but Kuroo let me go first. The tired yet optimistic looking cashier rings up all of my items, totaling to 5725 yen (around 51 dollars). Shoot, I only brought 5613 yen (around 50 dollars)!

Kenma notices my worried face and pulls out two 100 yen coins. He hands them to me, but I refuse.

"No, Kenma, it's okay!" I shake my hands, but he takes one of my hands and drops them in my palm. 

I reluctantly take it and bow, "Thanks, Kenma!"

I give the cashier lady the money and she hands me the remaining change. She puts all of the groceries in plastic bags and I place them in my cart. I wish her a Happy Thanksgiving and push my cart to the side.

I decide it would be best if I wait for the dynamic duo as I call them. I check to see if everything was there, and they were. When I finished checking, the dynamic duo had finished checking out and I approached them.

"Here, Kenma," I take one of his hands and drop the remaining change, "I'll pay you back in full during the nationals! Thanks so much! Have a great Thanksgiving!"

I wave to them and leave the store. From behind, I hear Kuroo wishing me a great Thanksgiving as well.

When I leave the shop, realization hits me.

"How am I going to carry all of this back to the house?" I groan in frustration, earning a few looks.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" I hear someone's oh-so-familiar voice, "Need a ride?"

I look up to see Oikawa in a car with 'Iwa-Chan'. 

"Are you sure I can?" I head over to the car and look inside.

"Yeah, it's fine with me," Iwaizumi nods, "Oi, Shittykawa, don't make decisions without me!"

"Yeah, yeah," He waves it off, not paying attention, "Let me go help you get the stuff in the trunk!"

"Thanks so much, guys!" I bow to the delightful duo and start to grab all of the things from the cart.

"Ah, ah, you shouldn't carry so much (Y/N)," Oikawa takes some of the load off my arms, "You could seriously hurt your arms like that!"

"Sorry, Oikawa," I display a nervous smile on my lips. 

Iwaizumi opens the trunk for us and we almost drop the bags from the heaviness the bags' weight. Once that was done, I was about to sit in the backseat until Iwaizumi stops me.

"You sit in the front," He orders me and I look at Oikawa. He seems to be fine with it, so I decide to go in the passenger seat up front.

"Thanks," I close the door and hear Oikawa getting comfortable in the backseat, "Are you okay with this, Oikawa?"

"Yep, anything for you (Y/N)," he winks at me and I blush a faint pink. "Oi, shut up Trashykawa," he scowls and I laugh a little. In the rearview mirror, I can see Oikawa smiling.

As we start to drive, I give directions to my house to Iwaizumi. When we arrive there, I let Iwaizumi and Oikawa help with the groceries. 

I open the door for them and give them permission to come inside. Oikawa looks around my house in awe while Iwaizumi asks where to put the bags.

"Just put them in the kitchen," I lead him to the kitchen, "Thanks."

"No problem," he releases his grip on the bags, "Anything else I can do?"

"No," I shake my head, "You've done a lot for me already!"

"Least I can do," he smiles and wanders off to look for Oikawa. I follow him and see that Oikawa was in my room, peeping through drawers. I can feel a vein popping out.

"Leave, Oikawa," I glare at him and he dashes over to Iwaizumi.

"(Y/N) is scaring me!" he cowers behind Iwaizumi's back. 

"You deserved it," he tries to pull Oikawa off of his back, "C'mon, we're leaving. See you soon, (Y/N)!"

"Yeah, see ya!" Oikawa waves and goes with his companion. I see them off, "Bye guys, have a happy Thanksgiving!"

"You too!" Oikawa yells before he gets shoved into the car. I facepalm and heave out a big sigh.

"Maybe I'll just do my homework for Thanksgiving break," I trudge up the stairs and into my room.

I groan as I pull out my books. 

"Torture me," I say sarcastically as I open the page to my vocabulary and start copying.


"Today's the day!" I beam and almost fly out of my bed. 

This day is going to be great. I managed to set my alarm right! Kudos to me!

I skip to my closet and pick out a turkey shirt and deep brown pants. I prance down the hallway and end up in the kitchen. Before I left my room, I snag my phone and cram it in my pocket.

I get an apron and other essentials collected in a basket. The night before, I prepped the ribs and covered it in a roasting pan and placed it in the refrigerator. 

I swing the basket around and did a little dance before making my way to the grill outside.

Luckily, the weather's nice so it's a good day to cook outside! I set the basket of goods on the table and start to get the recipe going!

I gather an apple and my wood chips and add 1/4 of it to the smoker box on the grill. I set a timer on my phone for 30 minutes. In 30 minutes, I would need to get the ribs from the fridge. I sprint to the kitchen and dig my hand in one of the cabinets. I pull out a timer and set that one for an hour.

"I gotta feeling!" I sing(?), "That today's going to be a good day! That today's going to be a good day!" I lay out the utensils on the table as I 'sing' the song.


I feel my phone vibrate. I rush to the kitchen and pull out the ribs in the pan gently. I tiptoe to the grill as delicately as I can.

"I'm holding a baby, I'm holding a baby," I murmur to myself as a way of saying 'you drop this, you're dead'. 

I slide it on the table and exhale. I shake and mix the apple juice, Worcestershire sauce and vinegar in a small spray bottle.

I turn on the grill to 250 degrees Farenheight. I hum to myself as I position the ribs on the grill. I did a little twirl and close the grill and let them smoke. 

I dump 1/4 woodchips and another apple to the smoker box. I had to do the same process every hour until they looked ready. 

In a few hours, the ribs start to turn into a nice brown and the meat shrunk from the bone. I need to stop adding the wood chips at this point. 

They weren't fully cooked so I had to wait for almost 2 hours.

"What's on Wattpad?" I open my phone as I set a timer for 2 hours.


I hear a ding from my timer and open the grill. I take a whiff of the ribs and boy, they smell AMAZING! I used a tong to reach for the ribs and I had to rest them for 5 minutes.

I turn off the grill and check the time on my phone. "4:32," I remind myself and look in the group chat we made to see if anything interesting happened. 

I laugh a little as I see Tsukishima's insults. I mean, they are witty and funny but mean. I see the time on my phone and it states '4:36'.

I stare at the numbers and dart to the ribs the second the 6 turned to a 7. I began to cut the meat and work on my presentation. 

Once I finished, I gently pick it up and take one lunge at a time. I miraculously arrive at the table unscathed and slide the plate of ribs to a side of the table.

"Whew," I wipe the imaginary sweat off my forehead, "Let me tidy the table a bit."

I seize the plastic plates, forks, spoons, knives, and cup from a cabinet. I get all the things I used and drop all of them sloppily in the basket.

I come back inside and set up the utensils accordingly. I put the knives, spoons, and forks in three separate cups. 

I settle the napkins and plates adjacent to each other. I shove bottles of soda and juice on the table. I try to find the best position for the ribs.

I check the time and it was only 5:24. I sigh and ask anyone in the group chat if they wanted to come early. 

Sugawara, Hinata, and Tsukishima answer with a yes. Kageyama's answer was him saying he was going to carpool with Hinata.

Suga would be the first one here and the perfect pair, or Kageyama and Hinata, would come second. My phone buzzes and I see that Yamaguchi was also carpooling with Tsukki.

"Man, this is going to be so fun!" I jump with joy and decide to leave the ribs in the oven to keep their heat. I put on 'A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving' on my TV and try to be cozy on my couch.


I hear the doorbell ring. "Coming!" I yell out. I slide down the railing of the stairs and stop at the door. I open it to see the team mom.

"Hey, Suga!" I hug him and he returns it. We let go of each other and I see him smiling that smile moms have when they're happy. 

"Hey (Y/N)," he tugs at Ascics sneakers, "How're you?" 

"I'm great, Suga," I lift the pan to give him the ability to take off his shoes, "What about you?" 

I give him back the pan and I see him wearing his baby blue scarf. 

"Thanks," he flashes me a look of gratitude, "I'm great as well. Is there anyone else here?"

I shake my head, "Nope! You're the only one!"

"Huh," he looks relieved. 

"Is there something wrong?" I ask him. 

"Ah, no," he gives me his signature smile, "I just have you all to myself for a while."

Blood rushes to my cheeks and he let out a laugh, making me more flustered. "A-Anyway," I try to turn things around, "W-What did you bring?"

"Oh, I just brought some mapo tofu, but don't worry," I lead him up the stairs and into the dining room, "It won't be spicy, I remember how you can't handle spicy stuff."

"Thanks..." I let out. 

He remembered. Why do I feel all fuzzy? I carry the pan to the table put it on the left to symbolize that it was the first dish.

"Also, because the dining room is so small, we'll have it buffet style," I explain, "We'll be eating all together in the living room. Sorry, I forgot to explain it in the chat."

"No, it's fine," he heads over to the living room to see the special program of Charlie Brown repeated. Linus comes on the screen with his baby blue blanket. It almost resembles Suga's scarf. I let out a chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Suga raises an eyebrow at me. 

"Linus's blanket reminds me of your scarf," I point to his scarf. 

"Oh, I forgot to take it off," he unwraps the fabric off his neck. 

"Here," I extend my arm, suggesting I'll take it for him, "I'll put it in my closet."

He nods and hands it to me. I take it and walk to room. I place it on my bed and walk back to the living room. I find Suga watching the Thanksgiving feature with a smile as if he's feeling nostalgic.

"Y'know," he breaks the silence, "I haven't watched this in years. It has a nice feel to it." 

"Well," I take a seat next to him, hugging my legs, "It's a classic." 

We both watch together and listen to the voices of Charlie and Pepper.

I can see from the corner of my eye Suga's arm moving to pull me closer, but I pay almost no attention. Right before it was about to reach my shoulder, the doorbell rings.

"Ah, I got to go get that," I get up from my spot, "I'll be back!" 

He lets out a 'hmmm' and continues watching with a look of dismay. I stare at him for a few seconds until the doorbell rings again, making me flinch.

"Coming!" I rush down the stairs. 

I open the door and see the perfect pair at the doorstep, arguing about who has to carry all the food. Hinata had an orange and black hat while Kageyama had a navy blue scarf.

"Whoa, guys," I laugh a little, "Calm down. Here, I'll take it for you. C'mon in and make sure to take off your shoes." 

I clasp on the bags of food and carry them up in the dining room. Sugawara notices me with two big bags and gets up.

"Here, let me help," he reaches for one of the bags and I hand it to him with gratitude. 

"Thanks," I smile causing him to blush with a nervous smile. I haul the bag on to the table and I see Kageyama and Hinata coming up the steps.

I both give them my greeting hug and they try to return it, but I think where their hands would be is where they think it's inappropriate to touch, aka the waist. 

"How is my perfect pair doing?" 

"I'm good, (Y/N)," Hinata radiates a ray of sunlight through his smile. 

"I'm fine, (Y/N)," Kageyama also responds and looks through the pan Suga brought.

"No eating or looking till everyone is here," I slap his hand gently, "That goes for me too."

"Why did you remind yourself that?" Hinata asks. 

"Because," I give my explanation, "I will most likely be the one to break that promise." 

They all laugh as do I.

"Charlie Brown is playing on the TV," I show them the living room, "Also, the food is going to be served buffet style since the dining room is small. I hope you don't mind."

"No, it's okay," Hinata adds in. I giggle a little and say one more thing. 

"Make yourselves comfortable and if you want to know where a room is, ask me. Suga can you help me set the table up for the Kageyama's and Hinata's stuff?" 

Before Suga could say anything, Kageyama interjects.

"Me and Hinata could help," he elbows Hinata. 

"O-Oh yeah," he stutters, "We don't want to be a burden or make you guys do all the work! Let us do some too!"

I give them a look of suspicion but shrug it off.

"Okay then," I hand them their bags, "You take out whatever you got in there and Hinata, I'll take your hat and Kageyama, I'll take your scarf."

They both give me a look of shock and take off their hat and scarf. 

"I-I forgot we had these on," Hinata looks at the hat in his hand and gives it to me. 

Kageyama folds his scarf first and then hands it to me.

"Thank you," I walk over to my room and place them on my bed. 

I separate them far apart to keep it organized and easy to grab. I walk out of the room and see the food covered in aluminum foil and organized in a neat order. 

In the living room, I can see Hinata and Kageyama asking questions to their senpai. I smile and hear the doorbell ring once.

"Coming," I leave them be and go down the steps. Then the doorbell rings multiple times. 

"Okay, calm thyself!" I yell and rush down the last remaining steps. 

The ringing just increases and I boil with rage and annoyance each second that passes by.

I open the door to see Tsukki's finger on alert to press the doorbell and Yams hold servings of food in each hand like a waiter. 

"Hey!" I shout at Tsukishima, "First of all, calm thyself. Second of all, don't make Yamaguchi carry all of the food! Think about how he feels."

"N-No, it's okay," he stutters and gives me an adorable smile, "I'm fine with it like this. How're you feeling (Y/N)?"

I squeal seeing how cute Yamaguchi was being and pay zero attention to 'The Grinch who Stole Thanksgiving', or Tsukishima. I can hear him 'tch' under his breath.

"I'm certainly feeling better than the Grinch here," I smirk and look at said Grinch. 

He glares at me for a bit and then takes one of the containers of food from Yams.

"At least I'm taller than you, senpai," He retorts, putting much emphasis on 'senpai'. 

I growl and an irk mark appears on my forehead.

"Why don't you come in?" I say with much annoyance laced in my voice, "Don't forget to take off your shoes, I don't want you to be embarrassed by everyone judging your shoes." 

He frowns and complies, staying silent the whole time.

Why do I feel so guilty now? I sulk for a bit but confront Tsukki. 

"Ne, Tsukki," I look up to him in sincerity, "I apologize for being extremely rude, that insult was uncalled for. Please forgive me." 

I give a curt bow and wait for his response.

He says nothing for a bit and then lets out a snicker. 

"Wow, (Y/N)," he sneers, "I was deeply hurt by what you said. Maybe I won't forgive you." 

Then we have poor Yamaguchi watching from the sidelines. He was obviously playing with me and all the rage comes back.

"I know your lying," I try to stay calm, "Just accept my apology, dammit!" 

I hear a gasp from upstairs. Sugawara is probably covering the perfect pair's ears.

"Tsk, tsk," he clicks his tongue, "Is that any way to apologize? Now do it properly." 

I bite back an insult and manage to utter out what he wanted. 

"I've done wrong," I cringe on the inside, "Please forgive me."

"Hmmm, no," he goes up the stairs with Yams tagging behind. I sigh and go back to the living room. Tsukishima walks up to me and says something.

"I'll forgive you if you give me a kiss," he gives a shit-eating-grin. 

All of the boys in the room take notice of what he had said. Kageyama and Hinata start to attack him while Sugawara tries to push them apart. And Yamaguchi is watching from the sidelines. Again.

I let out a chuckle, forming a plan inside of my head. 

"I'll give you a kiss, Tsukishima," I give a sly smile, "Just give me a sec." 

Hinata slides off of Tsukishima, Kageyama freezes, and Suga looks at me dumbfounded. And Yamaguchi is watching from the sidelines only with widened eyes. 

Tsukishima widens his eyes for only a second until they revert back to normal and has this smug look as if he's saying, "I got it!"

I skip to the kitchen's candy stash. 

"It should be in here," I fumble through the bags and find the one I was looking for, "Eureka! (does anyone still say this?😂)" 

I take one and tuck it in my palm.

"Oh, Tsukki~," I come out of the kitchen, "Close your eyes!" 

He obeys and waits like a good little boy. I hold out what was in my palm and they all snicker, Yams trying to hide his laughter from the sidelines.

"Okay, open them!" I jumble the item in my hand as his eyelids slowly rise. 

I clutch my hand on his and drop the item inside his slightly closed palm. He gives me a puzzled look and checks what's in his hand. He gives it a blank look and we all burst into laughter.

It was a Hershey KISS! GET IT?!

He sighs and shoves it in his pocket, "Better than nothing I suppose." 

He looks at the TV to see the Charlie Brown playing. 

"How childish," he finds his way to the dining room, "You're still watching Charlie Brown at your age?"

"What's so bad about that?" Hinata defends. 

"Yeah!" I join in and give him the pouty face. 

Yamaguchi follows him, takes the container of food, and puts it right next to the food Hinata had brought in. 

Tsukki does the same and puts his next to Yams. He rolls his eyes and sits on the couch. I take a spot next to him and hug my knees close to my chest.

The doorbell rings yet again and I forcibly get up. This time it was Tanaka and Nishinoya. 

"Hey, guys!" I give them a hug, "How're you guys?"

"We're good (Y/N)," Nishinoya pipes up and steps inside, "How about you?" 

"I'm fine, thanks for asking," I smile and see Tanaka with tears in his eyes, "Is something wrong, Tanaka?" 

Tanaka freaks out, "Nishinoya! We just got hugged by one of the goddesses of our life!" Nishinoya realizes this and starts prancing before the stairway.

I facepalm and hear Tsukishima speak. 

"Why didn't we get hugs, huh (Y/N)?" he says and I rebut, of course. 

"Because I don't give hugs to sourpusses. Except for you Yams, I'll give you a hug when I get back up there." 

"Oh well," Tsukki sighs, "At least I got a KISS from you."

Nishinoya and Tanaka stop in their tracks. 

"What," they give off a menacing aura, "What did you get?" 

"A," he takes a pause, "Kiss." 

They go on full beast modes and I notice they still had their shoes on.

"OI," I cup my hands around my mouth, "SHOES OFF!" 

They bolt down to the doors, kick off their shoes, and go back to what they were previously doing. I sigh and arrange their shoes to appear in a nice orderly fashion.

I come up and see Tsukki trying to brush off Tanaka and Nishinoya off of his shoulder blades. Nishinoya was biting him, which was a bit extreme. 

"Guys, I need to explain," I pull them off of him like cats.

I give them my story of how I was so witty and disappointed Tsukki. They seemed to have calmed themselves afterward.

"Oh," Tanaka put a fist in his hand to show he understands, "Anyways, you first-years shouldn't get kissed before your senpais." 

"Are you saying no one's ever kissed you before, Tanaka," Tsukishima retaliates. 

Tanaka chases after him with Nishinoya accompanying him. We all laugh and I go over to hug Yams really tight.

"(Y-Y/N)," Yams blushes and stutters, how cute! 

"I said I would hug you!" I chirp back and he returns the hug. 

We stay like that until the doorbell had given off the ding noise, which was only a few seconds later.

"On my way," I scurry down the stairs and open the door in a hurry. 

There outside was Kiyoko and Yachi. 

"Hey (Y/N)," Yachi waves to me and give them both a huge hug in which they try to return, but fail because they were holding heft platters of food. 

"Hey guys, almost everyone is here," I lead them inside, "Take off your shoes before you come in and I will just take those platters from you." 

I catch hold of the dishes and leave them to put on the table and for them to have time to take off their shoes.

"Nishinoya, Tanaka," I call out to them and get their attention, "Your two goddesses are downstairs. Go and say hi." 

They both look at each other and rush down the stairs.

"Kiyoko, you look lovely as always," I can hear Tanaka praise them from downstairs. 

After a small pause, I can hear Tanaka say something else. "Ah, she ignored me as always! How refreshing!"

I chuckle to myself and placed Kiyoko's turkey in the middle and Yachi's cake in the middle as well. 

"Hey, Tsukishima," I see his eyes look in my direction, "Yachi brought in strawberry shortcake, but no eating until we say grace. I mean it!"

His eyes flicker with interest and I can tell he's fighting the temptation to snag a taste. The doorbell rings again. 

"They're coming in as fast as flies," I say to myself and go down the stairs, "Coming!"

I open the door to see Ennoshita, Kinoshita, and Narita altogether. 

"Wow, Triple Trouble," I give them a hug and take the trays of food from them, "Make sure to take off your shoes before you come up and everyone except Sawamura and Asahi is up there."

I leave them be and organize the foods. The doorbell rings again. 

"Jeez, one after the other." I jump down the stairs and crack open the door. 

I see Asahi and Sawamura conversing with one another until they notice me.

"Ah, hey (Y/N)," Asahi greets me, "Happy early Thanksgiving!" 

I give them both a hug and I could feel Asahi freeze up under my grasp. Sawamura returns it and we part.

"You guys came in pairs as well?" I ask them, "Everyone went with someone at least."

"Well," Sawamura takes off his shoes as Asahi had already done so and was heading up the stairs to join the gang, "In this day and age, people could kidnap you. You be safe too (Y/N), okay?" 

I roll my eyes, "Yes, Dad." 

He ruffles my hair and goes upstairs carrying helpings of food for the feast.

I join them and add to Sawamura's warning. 

"I mean," I go to Asahi to slap his butt, "Who wouldn't want this?" 

"(Y-Y/N)!" Asahi blushes and tries to cover his face. Everyone looks at us funny but then start to approach everyone.

"Well, everyone seems to accounted for," I clap my hands together as to signal it is the time, "Let me just get something real quick and could you and Asahi put your food on the table? Thanks!"

I go to the kitchen and pull out my beautiful ribs with some heat preserved. I beam to myself and make my way to the kitchen table. I slide the tray on the right side.

"Sawamura, as captain of this amazing team," I push him to the table, "Can you say grace?"

He smiles and humbly says 'yes'. 

"Okay guys, gather around the table!" Yachi calls out for everyone. We all make a circle around the table and join hands.

Sawamura starts to say grace and we all bow our heads in reverence. 

Once he finishes, he adds in something, "Thank you for helping us win against Shiratorizawa and for having this incredible team with us today."

"Amen!" I yell out and everyone follows. I uncover the foil on any serving of food and we all look in wonder.

"(Y/N)," Kageyama calls out to me, "Did you make this?" He gestures to the ribs. 

"Yep!" I beam, "Made it myself!"

"Wah, really?" Hinata's eyes sparkle and he grabs a plate. 

I wait until everyone was finished until I could get my food. Everyone huddles near the couch and TV. 

Tsukishima changes the channel and I frown "Hey! What' wrong with Charlie Brown?"

"It ended," he replies bluntly. 

"Oh," an idea pops into my mind, "Wait, want to watch your match against Shiratorizawa? I have it on DVD." 

Everyone nods and I fetch it from the DVD rack. 

"Can someone put it on for me?" Narita takes it from me and inserts it into the DVD player.

I head over to the table to see what's left over. I dump one of everything onto my plate and I see that almost all of my ribs were gone. I smile to myself and finish getting everything.

I plop myself on the couch and see Hinata spiking. 

"Gwahhh!" Hinata jumps up and almost spills his food. 

"Oi, dumbass!" Kageyama scolds him. We all laugh for a little.

I chew on my food and everyone was praising themselves and commenting almost every minute. I laugh and open my mouth to say something.

"Happy Thanksgiving!"

Word Count: 6334 (Nani!?)


(A/N): Happy Thanksgiving, guys! Hope you're all having a fantastic, spectacular day and Thanksgiving! Sorry for making it so long and updating late, LOLZ 😂. I promise other holiday one-shots won't be as bad as this (I hope)! Hope you enjoyed this and two BIG announcements!

1. 100 Reads!

Thank you all so much for 100 reads. It means a whole lot to me! You're the reason I keep on writing! Thank you for staying and hope to see you in the next one-shot!


PLEASE, PLEASE REQUEST!! Author Chan is running out of brain juice and she needs your help! Please put your requests on the request page and I will update as soon as possible! Just give me the character, what anime/manga/video game they're from, and plot! Requests are greatly appreciated! 🙏🏼

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