|Happy New Year!| Persona 5 x Reader♡
Persona 5; Akechi is in this
⚠︎Warning(s): Spoilers past Kamoshida; Cursing
Edited on (1/14/18)
Your POV:
"Man, I'm exhausted!" Ryuji complains to no one in particular.
We had just finished changing someone's heart due to a request on the Phan Site.
"How so?" Makoto raises an eyebrow in question.
"Yeah, you did almost nothing!" Ann adds on and I chuckle a little.
"Hey, I did too something!" The rash boy defends, "Tell them, (Y/N)!"
"Ryuji did something," I smile at him.
"See that?"
"She only said that because you asked her to," Futaba states bluntly.
Ryuji looks at me and I respond with a shrug.
"Anyways," Makoto coughs, "I believe that today is a special day for us Phantomhive Thieves."
"Why is that?" Yusuke's deep voice catches me off guard. Like, honestly, that voice can match a god's!
"That heart was the 100th heart we've changed," Makoto affirms, "I believe we deserve a celebration?"
"I agree!" The blonde model agrees cheerfully.
"Then how about New Year's?" I blurt out.
"That's fine with me," Akechi, whom I almost forgot was here, speaks out.
"Hell yeah!" Ryuji does a fist pump to the air, "Partay!"
"Ann and I should be there," Makoto confirms her reservation.
"Why not?" Yusuke concurs.
Akira gives a silent nod.
"Great," I beam with joy, hearing that everyone would be there, "Is it okay if we have it at Cafe Leblanc, Akira?"
Said man bobs his head once again to show his approval.
"WOO, thanks, Akira!" I smile at him and he just smiles back.
"What time should it be held on?" Haru's gentle voice inquires.
"Would seven in the afternoon be okay?" I suggest.
Everyone agrees with this notion and make plans as to what we could do. Akira said he could take care of the drinks and Ann decided that we should all eat hotpot. Makoto and she would cook it; I just hope their cooking skills are good enough.
We all part our ways and I start to prepare my outfit for the destined day.
After smoothing down my outfit's bottom, I knock firmly on the door of the quiet cafè. I hear footsteps pattering down the stairs and see Akira's figure come closer and closer to me.
"Hey, Akira!" I greet him enthusiastically.
"Hey, (Y/N)," he responds but with words this time!
Normally, Akira doesn't like to talk and uses body language to express his feelings that much. I am shocked by what had just happened but hide my expression, that way I won't seem rude.
He lets me in and I inhale the nostalgic scent of coffee beans.
"Is anyone else here?" I look around but don't see anyone else, not even Sojiro.
He shakes his head as a sign of telling me 'no'. Not knowing what else to do, I sit at one of the empty booths, peering in the window.
Akira joins me with two cups of freshly brewed coffee.
"Ah, thanks," I carefully take the coffee from his hands and take a sip. The caffeine filled liquid slides down my throat and I let out a satisfied sigh.
"Satisfying as always, Akira," I commend him on his brewing skills, earning a smile from him, "Soooo, where is Sojiro?"
"He went out to a party and told me to take care of himself," he answers my question and I nod in understanding.
The silence comes back with the exception of the heater radiating heat. Akira reaches out for the remote to the TV and presses the 'on' button.
"Now on to the news about the Phantom Thieves," the reporter reads off a report printed out, "Following after the death of Kunikazu Okumura, CEO of Okumura Foods, the SIU has confirmed everyone suspicions. The Phantom Thieves have indeed murdered Okumura. The SIU..."
I slam my cup down on to the table with rage, almost spilling the contents in it. Akira looks at me with alarm and concern.
"(Y/N), are you okay?" Akira's voice was laced with unease.
"How can I be!?" I snap at him, tears brimming the corners of my eyes, "I know for a fact that we did not kill Okumura. I was there with you, with everyone else! We are bringers of justice, not murders!"
"They can't place the blame on anyone else," the black-haired man maintains his calm demeanor, "We just need to keep our cool, it'll be over soon. In the meantime, smile. Please?"
He then grasps my hand in reassurance and all the anger dissipates. I look up at him, and I can tell he's troubled but isn't showing it, for my sake. I remember him telling me to smile before. Doing so, my lips curve up into a smile, a small one, but a smile nevertheless.
"(Y/N), I-" Akira wanted to say something but was cut off by someone knocking the door.
Sighing, he gets up and opens the door. Because the door was transparent, I can clearly tell who it was.
It was Futaba! (you cockblock 😂)
"Futaba, hi!" I leap up from my seat
"Hey, (Y/N)!" She waves at me and I wave back, "Akira, think you can make me one of your yummy parfaits?"
He nods and disappears into the kitchen. Wait, didn't he have something to say to me? He had a serious face while trying so. I'll ask him about it later.
"Futaba," I give her a mischievous grin, "Ready for a round two? I am determined I'm going to beat you this time!"
"Oh really?" She taunts me, "You're on! Akira, we're going up to the attic!"
There was no response but I know that Akira would be okay with it. Our feet pad against the stairs as we ascend to the top floor.
Once we get there, I see Morgana resting on the table. Inwardly, I squeal from the adorableness. What can I say? I'm a sucker for cute things, like cats.
Futaba, already knowing her way around, she grabs a video game hiding behind the gaming console. Popping it into the DVD slot, she grabs two wireless game controllers.
"Ready?" She hands me a blue one while keeping the red one.
"You know it!" I turn it on as she does as well.
The TV screen turns on and reveals the game menu. Futaba moves her joystick to select the 'multiplayer' mode. Pressing 'x', the screen splits into two. Each side had a menu to choose your character.
We both finish selecting a character and Futaba presses the option to start the game.
"READY!?" The TV yells out, "FIGHT!"
I instantly jump in the air, escaping the sight of Futaba's character. Before she can even guess where I am, I dive on top of her avatar. I one-punch their head, dropping their health to at least half.
"YES!" I do a silent fist bump.
I glance over to see Futaba's reaction and she seems carefree about the situation. In fact, she's smiling. I turn my guard back on and make my head do a sharp turn.
Futaba does almost nothing while I completely demolish her, the health bar swiftly plummeting.
"KO!" Futaba's character falls to the ground, "PLAYER 2 WINS!"
For some reason, I don't feel happy with my win. This is the first time I have ever beaten Futaba in this game, so why am I not pleased?
"Great job, (Y/N)!" Futaba extends her out as a way to say 'shake my hand'
I clasp her hand in mine and give a hearty shake. However, the way she played so easy was gnawing at me.
"Yeah?" She responds, turning off all the electronics.
"I may be totally wrong, but," I stare at her, attempting to find the answer, "why were you going easy on me?"
"So you noticed," she simple shows a smile on her face, "Nothing can get past you."
"So you were going easy on me?" I feel betrayed? "Why? Am I not good enough for you to go seriously with me?"
"No, no!" She waves her hands in defense, "Not at all! I thought you would like to win before the new year and I wanted you to feel the glory."
I remain silent. She did that? For me? I give her a tackle-hug.
"AWW THANKS, FUTABA!" I almost suffocate her with my tight grip.
"(Y/N)...can't...breathe," she manages to utter out and I suddenly drop the hug.
"Sorry, sorry," I give a small chuckle while scratching the back of my head.
"It's okay," Futaba coughs a little, "I'm glad you're happy."
"Yeah, but," I trail off, searching for the best way to say this, "Don't go easy on me, okay? I want to win on my own merit, not by someone letting me win."
"Got it!" She gives me a thumbs up in response.
All of a sudden, I hear someone come in. Hearing whose voice it is, I rush down the stairs.
"Ryuji!" I jump off the last two steps and see him conversing with Akira.
"'Sup (Y/N)," he raises one hand as a sign of greeting, "How've ya been?"
"Good, and you, Ryuji?" I ask back with the same question.
"Been doing good," he responds and I spot Akira holding a delectable parfait, most likely for Futaba.
He goes up the stairs probably going to deliver it to the female hacker.
"You're actually early for once," I playfully nudge him in a way to tease him.
"Shaddap!" He pouts and murmurs something but I couldn't hear.
"Hmm?" I raise an eyebrow in question, "What was that?"
"N-Nothing!" He squeaks out.
Of course, I am suspicious but decide to let it go. Someone knocks on the door again and instead of Akira opening it, I open it for him.
"Akira, I'll open the door," I yell before I do so.
Opening the door, two people were standing together, holding a bag of food. Those two people are Ann and Makoto!
"Hey, guys!" I help them out with carrying the hotpot, "Here, lemme help."
"Thanks, (Y/N)!" Ann thanks me for my gratitude.
"Your help is greatly appreciated," Makoto says sincerely.
"Akira!" I shout, "Hotpot! Prepare table!"
Hearing a movement of something upstairs, I believe he heard me. Helping to carry the hotpot, we cautiously amble up the steps.
Once we arrive, we place the hotpot on the table in the center.
"Whew," I wipe the imaginary sweat off of my forehead, panting a little.
Gazing at the magnificent hotpot. my mouth waters involuntarily.
"Makoto, Ann," I begin to praise their culinary skills, "You guys really have outdone yourself! This hotpot looks and smells spectacular! I bet it tastes wonderful!"
"Thank you for the kind words, (Y/N)," Makoto tucks a few strands of hair hanging in front of her face behind her ear, "Of course this wouldn't have been possible without the help of Ann."
"It was nothing," Ann smiles gleefully in response, "Glad I could be of help!"
"You can cook!?" Ryuji, who I had not known was here, points an accusing finger at Ann, "I remember in Home Ec, you'd always mix up sugar and salt!"
"Hey, I've gotten better!" The blonde asserts back.
"Don't worry, Ryuji," Secretary Girl, aka Makoto, sighs, "I made sure she didn't mix them up."
Most of us let out a breath of relief and continue to chat with one another, mostly Ann and Ryuji arguing with each other.
A thumping noise emanates from the downstairs. Seeing Akira pull away from the conversation to go see who it was, I take his place.
"I'll take care of it, Akira."
He shakes his head as if telling me 'no.' Being the stubborn person I am, I don't take no for an answer.
"Nope," I cut in front of him to halt Akira in opening the door, "You sit back and relax. You've already done a lot of letting us host the party here. I'll handle opening the doors from here."
"Fine," he backs away reluctantly and goes back to help make peace between the fighting couple. What, I ship them.
A knock comes from behind the door once again and I yell, "Coming!" to notify that I'm on my way. Picking up my pace, I almost tear open the door from its hinge in a hasty fashion.
Yusuke and Akechi were standing together, chatting about...lobsters?
"And their red shell..." Yusuke trails off once he sees me, "Ah, I apologize if I have kept you waiting, (Y/N)."
"No," I chuckle warmly at his previous conversation topic, "If anything, I should be apologizing if I have kept both of you guy waiting. Come in."
"Thank you, (Y/N)," Akechi puts on his signature smile, "It's quite cold out, I suggest you put on a coat when you go outside."
"I'll keep that in mind," I hear someone calling out to me from up above.
"(Y/N)! Mind getting dishes for everyone?"
"Sure!" I yell and then go back to my regular tone of voice, "As you can tell, everyone's upstairs. Can one of you help me?"
"I-I'll do it!" The detective stammers and in such urgency, it surprised me. Yusuke has a sour face on as he trudges up the stairs.
"'Kay, thanks, Akechi," I express my gratitude, "I think the dishes should be in the kitchen, follow me."
Accompanying me to the kitchen, I file through the cabinets, trying to find the silverware.
It seemed it would take a while for us to find it, so I might as well make small talk. He's also new to the crew so I might as well find out more about the young detective.
"So, Akechi," I talk to him, "Are you getting used to the Metaverse yet?"
"I'm handling it quite well," he smiles at me, "Thank you for the concern."
"No problem," I was about to say something else but Akechi had cut me to it
"I think I found it," Akechi calls out as his head is ducked into one of the closets.
I walk over to him and indeed there were stacks of plates, plates, and more plates.
"Great job, Akechi!" I stick my thumb out in approval, "I think we need about...nine plates?"
We start to pick plate off a plate to make a total of nine plates stacked on top of my hands. I struggle to balance them correctly and one of them even falls off.
Quickly noticing that, Akechi swiftly captures the plate before it shatters on the ground.
"Close one there," he regains his posture but doesn't give me back the dish, "Let me carry some, I shouldn't let you burden all the work."
"Are you sure?"
"Don't worry about it," he starts to pile up five plates on his hands, allowing me to have the lighter load.
"Thanks a lot," I thank him, obviously.
We delicately make our way up the steps. I hear bustling laughter louder and louder as we reach the top floor.
Reaching the table, Akechi and I place them with caution on it.
"Aw yeah!" Ryuji rushes over to grab a plate, "Time ta dig in!"
I smack him upside the head.
"Not yet!" I scold him, Ryuji rubbing his head in return, "We have to wait for Haru!"
"Okay, geez," he frowns at me, "No need to scold me like that, (Y/N)."
Rolling my eyes, I hear someone knocking on the door.
"That's probably Haru," I guess while Ryuji pushes me.
"Well then, what are you waiting for?" Ryuji almost shoves me down the stairs, "Open the door already!"
"Okay, calm yourself," I lose my balance, "Give me a minute."
Walking down the stairs, I hear snapping noises from a multitude of cameras behind the door.
"Ms. Okurmura!" A male voice calls out to her.
Blocking out all the noise, I open the door and drag her in instantly. People bang on the door and I fear that they will break it down.
I see Haru shaking a little. She's probably scared from all those reporters, poor girl.
"You okay, Haru?"
"I-I'm fine," she replies with her eyebrows furrowed, "I'm really sorry I'm late! All those reporters just couldn't let me leave."
"You're not late!" I drag her up the stairs, "C'mon, everyone's upstairs."
Arriving at the top floor, I spot Ryuji trying to sneak a bite of the hotpot.
"Ryuji!" I smack his hand that was greedily reaching a piece of meat, "Haru's here, just wait!"
"Sorry to keep you waiting, Ryuji," she bows politely.
"Yeah, yeah," Ryuji just snatches a plate from the stack and starts piling almost a whole half of the plate.
"Save some for us!" Futaba manages to slap his head somehow. Poor Ryuji, he's getting hit a lot lately.
"Can everyone just stop wacking me!?" he yells, but not in an angry way.
We all laugh a little, besides Akira. He just smiles.
"Why aren't there any lobsters?" Yusuke criticizes the food while taking pieces of meat.
"We didn't know how to make lobster hotpot, Yusuke," Ann sweatdrops.
"I see," the artist drops the subject.
After everyone has at least a plateful of food, the TV had the New Year's Program. Fireworks had gone off in the back as it was less than 30 minutes until 201x.
I head over to Yusuke, who was sipping on a teacup.
"Hey Yusuke," I greet him once again, "I have a question. Why do you have a strong passion for lobsters?"
His eyes sparkle as he prepares a speech as to why lobsters are so wonderful.
"You see (Y/N)," he clears his throat, "The first thing that makes a lobster stand out is how their shell can appear to be such a vibrant red. The red can make one's eyes..."
He continues to drone on about lobsters and halfway, I giggle. Raising an eyebrow, he halts his debate.
"What's so funny?" He shows a questioning look on his face.
"No, I just like how passionate you are when you talk about something you like," I smile, "It's adorable."
His cheeks soon fill up with the vibrant red he was preaching about before.
"T-Thank you, (Y/N)," he stutters.
His face was completely red, leaving me a little concern.
"Are you okay? Your fac-"
"(Y/N), over here!" Ann waves to me as if she wants me to come over.
"Coming!" I respond while smiling apologetically, "Sorry, Yusuke. My girls need me."
"It's fine."
I can tell that he's a bit disappointed.
"To make it up to you, I'll buy you two fresh lobsters! How's that?"
"You don't need to," he denies the offer.
I don't pay attention and wave away. Heading over, I see each of them give mischievous smirks.
"So you and Yusuke, huh?" Ann nudges me.
"W-Wha, no!" I blush and try to oppose all the foolish accusations.
"She's not lying," Makoto peers into my face, "I can tell."
"Sureeeeee," Ann isn't convinced.
I roll my eyes and hear the countdown. I hurry to the TV and plop myself down.
Everyone starts at 10 and I join in.
I was never able to say the number '1'.
Because someone had pulled me in for a kiss.
Word Count: 3170
Let your wildest imaginations run wild with who kissed you.
2018 I hope will be more peaceful than 2017. Wishes? End to poverty and wars. Resolutions? Write more for you guys! I feel as if I haven't been very active. Of course, once a week updates would still be in action. I am however writing a new book that I will hope to be in action.
Here's the cover:
Not the best cover but yeah. I plan to write everything first before publishing it so I won't fall short on updates. I hope to publish this before the end of 2018.
Again, Happy New Year and see you next week!
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