|Happy (Belated) Valentine's Day!| Shokugeki no Soma x Reader ♡
Shokugeki no Soma
Published on: 2/25/18
Your POV:
"Hey (Y/N) Chan!"
A bubbly voice can be heard from above as I slowly rub my eyes from tiredness. My vision clears up and I see a certain someone poking their head from the ceiling.
"Isshiki Senpai?" I blink twice in confusion, "What is it?"
"I was wondering if you can test something for me," he smiles at me from above, "Mind going down to the kitchen?"
"Sure, just give me five minutes," I roll off my bed sluggishly.
"See you then!" He shifts the ceiling piece back in its place and leaves me be.
I ruffle my hair slightly and dig through my dresser. Something casual should be fine, right? If I'm going to the kitchen, I'll probably be cooking something.
Slipping into something comfortable, I push my fatigue away and stroll around the halls and down the stairs. As I reach the kitchen, I spot Isshiki Senpai holding a tray of little, brown sweets. Instead of him being naked underneath his Kumi Bear apron, he was actually wearing clothes this time.
"Ah, (Y/N) Chan!" The orange-brown haired man calls out to me, "Can you try these for me?"
"What are they?" I come in closer for a better look.
"Chocolate," he chimes as he presents them proudly.
"Why, what's the occasion?" I raise an eyebrow in curiosity.
"You don't know today is?" He cocks his head to the side.
"The fourteenth of February?" I reply with befuddlement.
"Valentine's Day," he laughs with amusement.
"That's today!?" I giggle along with him, "I thought it was tomorrow. Are you giving those to someone?"
"Yeah," his cheeks show a tint of different pinks, "I wanted you to try them out."
"Really?" I snatch one from the plate, "Don't mind if I do!"
Popping one into my mouth, I chew a little and widen my eyes once I recognize the flavor. It was orange flavored.
Even though it is an uncommon flavor, the tanginess of the orange spreads throughout my tongue. The outer shell wasn't hard either; it was gooier in a refreshing way.
The shape of the sweet made it irresistible too! It was a sphere, allowing my tongue to swirl around as I please. Also, because of the round shape, you need to allow it to melt.
Once I finish, I close my eyes in satisfaction.
"That was amazing, Isshiki Senpai!" I praise his work, as usual, "The tanginess accentuates the chocolate really well. It was a great choice to make the shell gooey. It makes the chocolate last longer, giving me more time to enjoy it Whoever you're giving this to will love it!"
"Really?" He scratches the back of his neck, "In that case, it's all yours!"
"Huh?" I stare at him dumbfounded, "They were for me?"
"That's what I had intended," he chuckles warmly and smiles at me, "Happy Valentine's Day, (Y/N) Chan!"
"Thanks, Issihiki Senpai!" I express my gratitude and bow.
3rd POV:
"Tch!" Soma bites the tip of his thumb, "Do you see how Isshiki Senpai is looking at her!?"
"It is suspicious," Ibusaki leans against the wall of the kitchen by the open doors.
"We need to impress (Y/N) Chan as well!" Satō fist pumps the air as Aoki smirks.
"May the best man win," Marui pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
The four of them dash off to their dorms to prepare a recipe suitable for their desired one.
"Hayama?" Shiomi rubs her eyes after a night of studying spices, "What're you cooking?"
"Curry," the aqua-ombre haired man adds a dark brown substance in his pot.
"What did you just add now?" Shiomi leans in for better observation.
"Chocolate," Hayama replies as he stirs the contents together.
"What's the occasion?" The professor checks the calendar hanging on the refrigerator.
"You don't even know what today is?" The spice master stops what he's doing, "It's Valentine's Day."
"Valentine's!?" The woman-who-looks-too-young-for-her-age raises an eyebrow with mirth, "So~ Who's it for?"
"None of your business," he frowns in annoyance, "Also, don't you have to water the plants? It would be bad if that rare spice we just ordered died on us."
"I-I'll get right to it!" The dark-haired girl scurries off to the greenhouse to water the plants.
Silence from before fills the kitchen with the exception of water boiling and bubbles popping from heat.
A quaint grin appears on Hayama's face as he continues to brew.
"Big brother," the younger of the Aldini twins, Isami Aldini, peeks in the kitchen where his older brother, Takumi Aldini, was freezing something.
"Yes, Isami?" Takumi didn't once take his eyes off his dessert.
"What are you making?" The black-haired twin asks.
"Tartufo (a type of chocolate ice cream dessert)," he responds and turns over to look at his sibling, "That should be fine for Valentine's, right?"
"It is a chocolate," Isami affirms with slight hesitation, "Just make sure it doesn't melt, haha! Who are you giving it to?"
"(Y/N)," he shoves a spoonful in Isami's mouth, "How does it taste?"
"Pretty good, bro!" Isami smiles in delight before growing quiet, "...(Y/N), you say?"
"Yeah," Takumi becomes concerned, "Is something the matter, brother?"
"I am also giving chocolates to (Y/N)," Isami fidgets a little from anxiousness and stares at his shoes.
"Oh," Takumi utters out and the atmosphere becomes tense, "W-Well, we're still brothers, right? Nothing can get between us, not even a woman!"
"Yeah!" Isami agrees, "In the light of this, I hope (Y/N) accepts your chocolates!"
"As do I," Takumi shakes Isami's hand heartily.
"Ryo!" Alice strides into the manor's living room to find a sweaty Ryo.
"Yes, miss?" He gets us from his previous position on the floor.
"Blegh! This room stinks!" She begins to spray the whole room with air freshener she managed to obtain from out of nowhere.
"Sorry, miss," Ryo wipes his forehead, "Did you need me for something?"
"I was just wondering who the chocolates are for," she whistles, side-glancing at her servant.
"(Y/N)," the man with dual personalities replies.
"Really!?' The girl as pale as snow gasps, "Ryo has a crush~!"
Ryo doesn't respond as he didn't want to upset the mistress.
"How come you didn't make any for me!?" Alice bursts into a temper tantrum.
"I don't know if you'll like it," he snags a towel hanging over one of the coffee tables.
"Make it for me anyway!" Alice wails like a child and the fish cook reluctantly heads back into the kitchen in order to cool the miss off
Your POV:
"Soma Kun?"
Soma stuck his head out of his dorm's door and beckons me to come forward.
"(Y/N) Chan," Soma invites me inside through the gestures of his hand, "I've got something for you~"
"Is it going to be one of your gross creations?" I press my lips into a thin line.
"Not this time," he resembles a smile that could rival a devil's, "Unless you want some, I could whip up something especially for you~"
"No thanks," A shiver runs down my spine, "What did you make?"
"You'll find out if you come inside," Soma brushes the question off.
If this is Soma, there's a 50% chance that it's something amazing and I'll never be able to taste something like it again. Should I take that chance...?
I gulp and come to a decision. I'll go inside the room!
"Fine," I sigh, shaking off the feelings of doubt, "If it's something repulsive, I am going to bolt out of the door faster than All Might."
"Who?" Soma scratches his head with bafflement at my statement.
"Never mind," I dismiss my weeaboo statement.
"In that case," the pink-haired man ushers me into his room, "Come in, come in!"
"Uh, hold on!" I go inside with difficulty as I struggle against Soma's grasp.
"Ah, sorry," he lets go of me and grins apologetically, "The dish is over there, on the study table."
A vexing scent of chocolate enters my nostrils as I inhale.
"This smell..." I drool at the aroma, "Is this chocolate?"
"Yep!" He gives me thumbs up, "Yukihira-Style Chocolates!"
"This could be my overbearing ego but..." I trail off, "Are these for me?"
"Yep!" He repeats his one-word sentence.
"Wow, thanks!" I blush at the gesture, "Then, don't mind if I do!"
The chocolates inside the bag were white and dark chocolate mixed together mixed together, flattened to a narrow square. White chocolate is like a vanilla chocolate if that makes sense. Dark chocolate is usually bitter. Mixing those together can create an almost-balanced amount of sweetness and bitterness.
I pick out a thin, square-shaped sweet and slip it inside my wet cavern, aka my mouth. The two flavors swirl in a fusion of bittersweetness. Usually, I'm not into bittersweet flavors. However, Soma's cooking is amazing enough to change that.
"This is great, Soma Kun!" I compliment his baking skills, "Normally, I don't like bittersweet flavors like this. However, you managed to change that! That's truly superior if you can change one's preference!"
"Happy to serve!" He beams at me and recites his usual catchphrase.
Suddenly, my phone rings and I tap the receive option.
"Hello?" I chirp into the receiver, "Who is this?"
"Ibusaki," the no-hair guy identifies himself, "Can you come over to my room? I have something I'd like you to have."
"You too?" I exclaim, "I'll be right down!"
Ibusaki hangs up on me and I snag the bag of chocolates.
"As you may have heard," I begin to leave, "Ibusaki needs me. Thanks for the chocolates, Soma Kun!"
"Anytime, (Y/N) Chan," he coos and I close the door behind me.
What could Ibusaki give to me? The overbearing arrogance tells me it's chocolates. However, the doubtful side in me is telling me to not get my hopes up.
Walking down the stairs, I try to find room 208. As I get closer to the far end of the dorm, I see traces of fog trail off and dissipate into the air.
I cough a little, the air a bit suffocating. How is Ibusaki even able to breathe in this environment?
"Cough, cough!" I push a door open and try to squint in the dim lighting, "Ibusaki? You here?"
"Sorry for the smoke," I see a figure try to wave off the fog.
"It's-cough, cough,-fine," I search for a light switch or something to brighten the place up.
My fingers brush against something sticking out from the wall. Assuming it's a switch, I flick it up and a ceiling light illuminates the room. My eyes adjust to the light slowly.
"How did you get used to all this fog?" I open a window.
"I guess I was able to," he shrugs and reaches for something, "Here, have this."
In his hands was a bag filled with familiar looking sweets.
"Are these chocolates?" I peer in the bag as I obtain them like one would usually do in this scenario.
He nods and I withdraw one from the bag. On closer speculation, the confectionaries appear to be smoked by apple chips, giving it a sweet flavor.
Biting on the hard covering, a taste of McIntosh apples touch my tastebuds. As the covering was hard and crunchy, it gave a delectable, crispy feel to it.
To put it simply, they were basically the potato chips of chocolate, irresistible and addicting.
"These are great, Ibusaki!" I cheer as I instantly inhale the candy, "I can't help but get more!"
"Thank you," he sighs with what I believe to be relief.
Like before, I get another phone call. Puzzled, I take a look and answer.
"(Y/N) Chan!" Someone, I believe to be Satō, yells in my ear with ecstasy, "Mine coming over to my room!?"
"For what?" I hold the phone from me at a fair distance; that way my eardrums won't explode.
"You need to settle something for us," another voice, probably Aoki, shouts from the background. Did those two have another one of their food battles?
"Sigh, I'll be right there," I hang up before they could say anything else and make sure to get the chocolates before I go, "Thanks for these, Ibusaki!"
He nods in acknowledgment and closes the door after me.
Geez, why do so many people want to see me? If they are going to force me to decide which dish was better, I might just get a stomachache from all of this food I'm eating.
I arrive at the door and I can already hear the helpless bickering. Not even bothering to knock, I put some sense into them.
"Would you please shut up!?" I reprimand the two feuding rivals, "What is it you need me for?"
"(Y/N) Chan!" Satō rushes over to hug me but I go over to the side, causing him to crash into a wall.
"Taste these and see which is better," Aoki smiles triumphantly as if he's already won.
On the table, I see two plates of contrasting chocolates. Wait, chocolates?
"Are those chocolates?" I ask, groaning inwardly. At this rate, I'll definitely have a stomachache.
"Yeah," Satō comes back up from the floor, "We can't decide which would be more fitting for you so-."
"These are for me!?" I exclaim, startling them a little bit, "Sorry for the sudden shock, but I'm just surprised. First Isshiki Senpai, then Soma, then Ibusaki, and now your guys! It's like I'm in a shoujo manga."
"A what...?" They became clueless at my way of presenting the scenario and I shake my head.
"Nevermind," I make my way over to the plates, "I'll have a taste."
Deciding who's I should try first, I pick the one on the left side in terms of the placement order. Someone whispers a faint 'yes' in the background and I don't turn around to see who it is.
I slip on into my mouth and a silky taste explodes in my mouth. The smoothness of the bottom and an intricate design of a rose created by chocolate frosting intrigued me to suck on the sweet rather than chewing it.
This was milk chocolate! Milk chocolate was the first chocolate I ever had. Memories of me first trying chocolate fill my mind and add in nostalgia.
"Who's is this?" I point to the milk chocolates and satō raises his hand like a little kid.
"That one's mine!" He declares with a victorious aura, "What did you think!?"
"I like the way you made the rose design and flattened the bottom," I begin to critique his work, "And you're lucky. Milk chocolate was the first chocolate I have ever had."
"Ha, beat that, Aoki," Satō jeers at Aoki, whose chocolate I haven't tried yet.
As the two of them begin to squabble again, I nonchalantly take a piece of chocolate from, what I assume to be, Aoki.
Doing the same process of putting the chocolate in my mouth, this one had a more bitter taste to it. It was most likely dark chocolate, the counterpart of milk chocolate.
It wasn't bad at all. He added some sweet filling and I think caramel to outweigh the sour taste.
"Aoki," I assess his work like I did with Satō's, "I like the fact that you added some filling inside to cancel out the sourness, so great job!"
"Thank you," Aoki smirks as Satō bites his lip.
"Who do you think did better?" Satō cuts right to the point.
I need to think really hard about this. Both of their cooking is on the same level. Maybe I should announce this as a tie?
"Both of them were so great, I can't choose," I sweat nervously as I pray that they'll be satisfied.
"WHAT!?" The two boys shout and I inch away from them in fright.
The gods understand my pain as someone opens the door. It was the glasses guy, Marui.
"(Y/N)?" He pops his head in, "Mind coming to the kitchen again?"
"Sure?" I should get out of here before one of them pushes me to come to an answer.
"Wait, don't forget these!" Aoki chases after me with two bags clutched in his fist, "They were for you originally."
"Oh, thanks!" I thank him and run after Marui, who was already disappearing from my sight.
Arriving back in the kitchen again, I see chocolates yet again. Will I be able to eat anything else besides chocolates?
"What type of chocolates are these?" I ask Marui as I can't exactly identify every chocolate.
"They're stracciatella," he adjusts his glasses like every cliché anime character out there, "This was originally inspired by the ice cream, stracciatella. The ice cream was also inspired by the soup also named stracciatella. White chocolate is-"
I prevent him from briefing me a history as I chomp on the chocolate that reminded me of cookies and cream.
Seems my prediction was right! The sweet did indeed taste like cookies and cream! Flakes of chocolate were sprinkled on top and the sweetness from the white chocolate reminded me of Oreos.
"These remind me of Oreos!" I blurt outing eat on one more.
"Are they good?"
"If they're from you, then yeah!" I commend his cooking and Fumio calls out to me, intruding on my eating session.
"The Aldini twins are here for you," Fumios winks at me, "I think they have something for you."
"Oh, I'll be right there!" I stand up from the stool I was sitting on and reach out to the door in haste, leaving my chocolates there.
Slipping on a pair of flip-flops, I push open the door to find the Aldini twins: Isami with a bag in his hand, Takumi with a freezer box in his.
"Hey, guys!" I wave at them before going out there to join them, "What're you doing here?"
"We wanted to give you these," Isami spreads the plastic bag to show me what was inside as Takumi pops open the ice box.
Inside Isami's bag was a chocolate dessert, not the candy kind. They were classic chocolate chip cookies with both white and regular chocolate chip indented in the dough.
In the freezer box was a tub of a special kind of chocolate ice cream. It didn't seem to be the kind you find in the convenience store.
"You guys got chocolates as well!?" I widen my eyes with astonishment, "Jeez, I don't know what to say!"
"Here," the twins walk past me, "We'll bring it inside."
"You don't have to!" I call out after them but it seems they didn't listen.
Chasing after the two, they end up in the cafeteria where everyone else was, eating their lunch.
"Whoa, what's this?" Soma's interest is piqued as he sees Takumi's freezer box.
"Not for you," the blond twin huffs as he protects the box adorably.
"Then who are they for?" Nikumi joins in the conversation and tries to peek what was inside.
No response came from either of the fraternal siblings and I answer for them.
"They're for me," I search for a bowl and a spoon.
"What is it anyway?" Megumi questions as I come back with the proper utensils for eating ice cream.
"Chocolate ice cream," I prop open the lid and scoop out some ice cream, "Isami got me chocolate chip cookies."
"Chocolate!?" All of the boys in the room shout in a bewildered-manner.
"Yeah, why are you shouting like that?" Takumi winces from the volume level produced by the four students.
"They all gave me chocolate," I declare as I reach for the cookies to crumble them in the ice cream, "Also thanks for the chocolate-themed stuff! It's hot out so I needed ice cream."
"No problem," Isami give me one of his Pikachu smiles as I like to call them.
Using my spoon, I dig out some of the frozen food combined with cookies as sprinkles and chomp on the spoon. I sigh from the coldness of the treat with satisfaction.
The ice cream was creamy and mousselike as the crunchiness from the cookies deliver a great boom to the snack, allowing me to actually chew on the light meal.
"This is what I need," I let out a breath of contentment, "Is it okay if I let everyone else try this? It is pretty hot out."
"Be my guest," Takumi sits back with a smile placed on his face., "I'll get the plates."
"Thanks," I trail off while I devour the ice cream.
Soon, everyone is eating the ice cream combination. The boys do appear to be jealous but the girls, including Ms. Fumio, are appeased to the meal.
My phone disturbs the tranquil scenery as it rings rather loudly. Checking the contact this time, Hayama was calling me.
"Shoot!" I escape the spell of peace as I sit upright, "I forgot I had to do a few things at Jun's!"
I press the receive button with anxiety and a voice answers on the other end.
"Hayama! I'm so sorry, I forgot I had to be over!" I bow my head on to the table as a force of habit, "I'll be right over."
"You had to be here today?" He asks with slight confusion, "Well, I was going to ask if you could come over but it seems you were going to eventually. I'll see you soon then."
Hanging up on me, I deadpan.
"I didn't have any work?" I groan inwardly, "Ugh, I involuntarily got involved in work! I'll see you guys later."
Exiting from the room, I leave the manor with my phone in my pocket and make the journey over to the seminar.
Not even halfway there and I realized how stupidly huge this campus was.
Panting slightly, I make it to the slightly run-down building and make myself known as I enter. Passing a few doors on my way, a blurring aroma tickles my nose and I end up following it. Wherever a scent could be smelled, Hayama was most likely there.
"Hayama?" I nudge the door ajar and peek inside the fragrant room.
"Oh, (Y/N)," he stops and comes over to me, "You should've told me you were here."
"Forgot," I shrug as I stand on my tippy toes to see what was bubbling in that pot of his, "What did you need me for?"
"I cooked something for you," the ombre chef guides me over.
"Does that mean I can eat it?"
"Here," he presents me with a plate of curry.
However, this isn't just some spicy curry. It was chocolate curry!
Sure, chocolate doesn't seem to be the staple ingredient in curry. Believe it or not, chocolate is actually one of the superior components to curry.
"You used chocolate?"
"It is Valentine's Day so," he trails off, hoping I'd get the gist of it.
"So are you planning to give this to someone or...?" I take the spoon placed by the side.
"I already gave it," Hayama sits on a stool next to me.
"Who?" I ask cluelessly, me being the dumbest person in the world.
"You," he rolls his eyes, disappointed that I didn't even get that.
"Me!?" How many people are going to force feed me chocolates? I guess I'm just that fabulous.
"Who else would I give it to," his cheeks represent a hue of red.
"Sorry, it's just that so many people have given me chocolate for Valentine's so," I chuckle a little.
"I mean, it makes sense," he mumbles and of course I wouldn't understand what he meant by that.
"What do you mean?"
Hayama shows a face saying 'you've got to be kidding me' and shake his head helplessly, "Never mind, just eat the curry or else I'll feed you my self."
"Okay, okay!" I shove a spoonful of the meal in my mouth and a shock wave surges through me.
Spices combined with the chocolate end up with an electrifying feeling and pierce me straight to the heart.
"Hahh," I pant a little from the sudden spicy flavor, "That was great, Hayama! Gosh, that was a bit different from the others so it was refreshing in a good way."
"Thank you," he smiles, "Also, before you said that you had some work to do?"
"W-What?" I try and play coy but he catches on.
"It's fine, I'll just let Jun cover it anyway," the soon-to-be chef sighs.
A loud 'what!?' can be heard from the back and we both laugh at the statement.
Out of nowhere, my phone emits out a 'ding' noise and apparently, Ryo had texted me.
Ryo: Do you mind coming over to the miss's house?
"Who is that?" Hayama attempts to have a peek at my phone.
"It's Ryo," I back away from him in order to protect my secrets, "He wants me to come over."
"Go ahead then," he gets up from his chair, "He may have something for you."
"How do you know?" I eye him with suspicion.
"Intuition," he uses a poorly thought up excuse.
"Sureeee," I stretch out the word as I start to head out, "Do you mind if you give me a ride on your motorcycle (I'm just assuming he has one becuz he's badass that way)? My energy was almost drained on my way here."
"Sure," he heads out into the back room, "Let me go get my stuff and we'll go."
"'Kay," I beam and become relieved at the thought of not working out my legs anymore,
There was a slight pause and Hayama comes out with a few keys and two helmets.
"No problem," he begins to go out into the parking lot as I tread behind him.
The vehicle comes to a stop as we reach the Nakiri household, the one for Alice anyway.
"Again, thanks for the ride," I alight myself from the motorcycle and bow.
"Anytime, (Y/N)," he presents a faint smile, "I'll wait right here so you won't have to walk home."
"You don't have to do that!" I shake my hands, "I can just ask Alice to give me a ride back."
"I want to," he mumbles as I barely catch on to what he was saying.
"(Y/N)? Is that you!" An energetic voice calls out to me from the behind.
"Alice!" I wave out to her as she does the same and runs over to me.
"Hayama?" She tilts over to the side to see what was going on, "Why are you here?"
"I'll be waiting for her here," he stubbornly sits still on the cushion of the motorcycle.
"You'll die out in the heat here!" The pale girl exclaims, "Besides, doesn't Shimoi San need you to run errands for her?"
"No-" he stops midway and sighs, "Make sure you have a ride back to the dorms, okay? I have to go buy a few things."
"See?" I show a smug look, "Yeah, I'll see you in class, Hayama!"
"Bye," he speeds away, wind blowing my hair a bit.
"Do you know what Ryo wants from me," I fix my hair in order to look presentable.
"I may have a clue~" she replies in a singing voice.
"Huh...?" I back away slightly. What is it that Ryo could possibly have prepared?
As Alice and I go inside the extravagant manor, she yells out to nothing.
"She's here~!"
All of a sudden, Ryo pops in from who-knows-where.
"Thank for coming, (Y/N)," he nods to me, acknowledging my presence, "I have prepared something for you, so please follow me."
"No problemo," I smile, "Where are we going anyway?"
"To the kitchen," he responds monotonously and we arrive in a state-of-the-art designed kitchen, as expected from the Nakiri family. Alice had already left us a while ago.
"What am I supposed to do here?" I asked, oblivious to a highly familiar smell.
"Enjoy," he pushes me a plate of salmon covered in a chocolate sauce, most likely syrup.
"Wait, I'm eating this?" My stomach suddenly aches at the sight, and not in a good way. I ate way too many chocolates today, I don't know if I can have any more food in my stomach.
"Of course," his expression doesn't change at all.
"S-Sorry, Ryo," I feel the sins crawling on my back as I decline the delicacy he had made especially for me, "But I ate way too many sweets today and-."
"You are going to eat this, and you will enjoy it!"
The instant my eyes meet up to see his, the fiery bandana that had the power to completely flip one's personality was wrapped tightly around the once-calm man. His pupils had contracted to a minuscule size and his lips were curled up into a duplicitous smirk.
"B-But-!" I get cut off yet again.
"I don't want to force feed, do I!?" The wild-haired man gives me a crazed look. Shoot, either I eat or die.
"O-Okay," I shakily seize the fork and knife conveniently there for me and cut off a slab of the seafood.
Glancing over at Ryo, his face was telling me 'Yes! Eat it!'. Surely this wasn't poisoned, right?
Sticking the utensil in my mouth, I bite down and a tsunami of flavors hit my taste buds. From the delectable salmon to the gentle chocolate covering, wavelengths of winsome tastes come crashing down completely. In simpler terms, it was great.
"This is congenial, Ryo!" I sigh as my stomach was completely full, "Thanks for-!"
"You're done already?" his eyes shrink even more, making him look insane, "You're not leaving until you finish every crumb!"
"So, how are the two lovebirds doing?" Alice walks into the room with a lovely aura around her. Suddenly, she gasps.
In the room, there was one (Y/N) passed out on the counter and one Ryo acting completely calm in the situation.
"Ryo!" Alice shouts with shock evident in her voice, "What happened?"
"She passed out from eating too much," he stares blankly back at his mistress.
"How did she eat so much!?" Alice clamors.
"I may have forced her to," the dual personality man scratches the back of his neck with guilt.
"Did you wear your bandana?" The white-haired girl pressed her lips into a thin line and doesn't allow him to answer, "Of course you did. Now, let's get (Y/N) back home."
I groggily budge at the feeling of someone slinging me over their shoulder but didn't wake up. Someone tosses me into what I think is a chair and someone else can be heard scolding whoever threw me. Well, it makes perfect sense. Throwing people around is rude.
Fluttering my eyes open, I find myself gazing at a car ceiling. I sit upright in haste as I check the window.
The eerie manor was definitely the Polaris Dorm that I had resided in. Seriously, why don't they fix the place up?
"We're here, (Y/N)!" Someone shakes me and I jolt at the sudden action. Turning around, it was Alice.
"Thanks, Alice," I grin at her gratefully.
"Anytime, (Y/N)," Alice opens the car for me to exit, "Don't be a stranger, (Y/N)!"
"Okay," I giggle a little and leave, "Bye, Alice and Ryo!"
Ryo was silent as Alice was waving me bye from the car as it had started to speed away. Once the automobile was no longer in my peripheral vision, I head back inside.
I can hear loud shouting above me and I assume that there was party being held at Marui's room as always. Chuckling quietly, I pad back to my room and see the chocolates everyone had given me on my study table.
However, there was one item present in the pile of treats that I had not received from anyone. It was a card with the three words printed out in a fancy font.
"Happy Valentine's Day!"
Word Count: 5142
(A/N): Today's totallyyy Valetine's Day...
i need to keep on writing...
Please answer the polls, I have only gotten one response! It would mean a lot to me, please. Please, keep them in one comment thread so it would be easier to see.
The Question of the Day (new thing, I know): Got any good anime/manga to recommend? I don't know what to read/watch....
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