|Don't Shy Away| Kageyama x Shy!Reader ♡

Requested by Rainynightsky (Thank you so much for requesting! It means a lot! 🙏🏼🤗😊)
⚠︎Warning(s): Features panic attacks
Edited on: (1/14/18)


Your POV:

"Yachi, why did you invite me to this!?" I start to freak out.

One of my best friends, Yachi, invited me to be co-manager of Karasuno's volleyball team. I would be all up for it, butttt, I have one tiny problem.

I am incredibly shy when it comes to interacting with people in general. I only managed to befriend Yachi because she thought I was adorable and would watch whatever I did. I eventually got tired of her watching me and just decided to talk to her.

I walk alongside Yachi nervously to the gym in the back. As we arrive in front of the sliding doors, I break down.

"Yachi, this is a bad idea," I reason with her, "What if they don't like me? What if I make them mess up? What if-?"

"(Y/N), chill," she tries to calm me down, "You'll be fine! All you got to do is say hi and it'll escalate from there."

"I'm already screwed then," I try to make my grand escape until Yachi pulls me back by the collar of my shirt.

"No, you're not," she keeps me on a tight hold, "You're doing this with me."

I groan and wrench her hand off of me.

"Fine, fine," I reluctantly agree, "Just let me go."

She removes her grip on me and opens the door. She steps in, attracting the attention of the males in the room.

"Yachi San!" An orange haired boy jumps up at her.

"Oh, hey, Hinata Kun," she replies back and they all surround her, leaving me in the back.

Maybe I should take this chance to leave and run. Yachi notices that I wasn't next to her and calls me over. This gives me the stares of over ten guys. I'm so dead.

"(Y/N), come on!" She pulls me over there by the wrist, "Guys, this is (Y/N) (L/N). She's going to be here as a co-manager. Please treat her with the same treatment you treat me. (Y/N), introduce yourself!"

I come out of the shadows and fidget uncomfortably.

"Um," I don't know how I'm going to do this, "M-My name's (Y/N) (L/N). O-Oh, you already know that. W-Well, um, I-I'm a first year like Y-Yachi. I hope to get a-along with you all."

I bow down respectively and to hide the blush evident on my face. They bow and yell, "Welcome to Karasuno!" I flinch as to how loud they were and rise up. They do as well.

They start to introduce themselves one by one and almost finished. They were down to a black haired guy who had the number 9 on his jersey until a voice calls out to them.

"Okay, back to practice!" A stern looking man with blonde hair commands. They all go back to what they were doing before.

A graceful looking woman walks up to us.

"Ah, Shimizu Senpai!" Yachi calls out to her and I look in her direction.

"Hello, Yachi," she smiles, "Who's this?"

"M-My name's (Y/N) (L/N)," I stutter but manage to be less nervous because, well, she's a girl like me.

"Nice to meet you, (Y/N)," she takes my hand and shakes. I flinch at the sudden contact but relax when she shakes it.

"I was wondering if she could be a co-manager," she gives puppy eyes.

"Sure, why not?" she maintains that smile, "Welcome to the club, (Y/N)! We need to get you a jacket, I'll talk to Takeda Sensei about that. Make yourself at home, (Y/N). Yachi, can you guide here while I'm gone?"

"No problem!" She gives a small salute before Shimizu leaves.

"Okay, so this is what we have to do...," she takes out a notebook and I focus all my attention on what she's saying. However, I lose concentration halfway when the black haired boy from before went up to set.

I see him stay in place and his eyes fixated on the ball. I can tell he's analyzing as to where he's going to hit the ball.

When the ball came to him, the blue and yellow volleyball almost looked as if it floated off of his hands. The ball was snuggled perfectly in the palms of his hand.

Yachi notices my lack of attention and she gasps.

"You like Kageyama!" She nearly shouts, catching everyone's attention except the black-haired, who I believe is Kageyama, and the orange-haired guy, I think his name is Hinata.

"What's this?" Tanaka walks up to us. I remember his name because he's really loud.

I shake hands in refusal, but they just won't pay attention.

"Okay, break!" Coach Ukai claps his hand.

Everyone takes this time to approach me, causing me to have my innards explode. What the am I going to do?

"(Y/N) here likes Kageyama!" Yachi blurts out.

"Y-Yachi!" I scold her and everyone gives me this look, even Sawamura.

Luckily, Kageyama was still at the net, having a conversation with Hinata. I sigh in relief.

"Is this true, (Y/N)?" Sugawara asks.

"I don't know yet," I sheepishly tell them. Everyone else makes up their own assumptions, and Tanaka and Nishinoya start to mourn that I like Kageyama, which I don't know yet, instead of my 'senpais'.

Kageyama and Hinata finally notice the commotion gathered by me and join in.

"What happened here?" Kageyama asks and I don't say anything. Yachi talks for me.

"Oh, nothing!" She smiles innocently.

The two boys give a look of confusion but shrug it off.

"Okay, (Y/N)," Hinata jumps over to me like a bunny, "do you like steamed buns?"

"Yeah!" I reply with a smile.

Maybe, it's not so bad here after all.


It's been a couple of months since I've joined the Karasuno Volleyball Club. It's also December, the Christmas season. Today is the last practice before Christmas.

My shyness has improved a lot since when I first came here. I am comfortable around everyone except Kageyama.

It is established. I do have romantic feelings for Kageyama. Butterflies would fly around in my stomach every time he talks to me. When he does, I walk away, trying to avoid conversation.

I wish I could have a normal conversation with him. Alas, that'd probably won't happen.

I grasp a notebook in my hand, observing each spike, bump, set, and receive. Taking little notes, I hear someone shout, "Nice receive!"

Kageyama hurries up to the center of the court to set, most likely to Hinata. I lock my eyes on Kageyama not only to write notes but, well, to observe him as well. Not in a creepy way, no way.

However, instead of him tossing it to Hinata as usual, he did a dump. My eyes widen and I scribble down what had just happened in my notebook. Even though he had done something like this before, he can never fail to surprise me.

He turns his head over to me and gives a closed smile. I blush profusely and snap my head back to the notebook.

Yachi comes up to me, giving her puppy eyes. I furrow my eyebrows, wondering what she could want. 

"What is it, Yachi?" I raise one eyebrow.

"(Y/N), can you lock the doors, pleaseeeeeeee?" she pleads. I roll my eyes and smile.

"Fine," I get up and grab the keys from her, "You're locking them for me for the next three practices!"

"Sure! Thanks, (Y/N)!" Yachi runs off to give water to the team. I smile and stand up from the bench.

The practice's almost over and I gather the volleyballs. Everyone was leaving and I yell, "Bye guys!"

I push the cart into the storage room. When I come back out, there's no one inside left. The doorknob makes a 'click' noise.

"No, that didn't just happen!" I run over to it in a worrying state and grab the doorknob in haste. I try opening the door but fail in doing so.

"No, this isn't real!" I panic.

The door's lock and no one would be back in two weeks. The door could only be locked or unlocked outside.

"Wait, I have my phone!"

With shaky hands, I grab my phone from my bag. I unlock it and in the top corner the words 'No Service' appears.

My eyes widen and I try to open the door, banging my hands on it.

"SOMEONE PLEASE!" I yell out.

After a few minutes of screaming my lungs out, I slide down the door, crying. Suddenly, my breathing becomes short and I struggle to breathe.

I am having a panic attack. I was well aware I can have panic attacks.

The door suddenly slides open and I look up in hope.

Kageyama was standing there, bent down and panting. When he looks at my state, his face shows complete concern and pulls me into a tight hug.

"Sh," he strokes my hair in an attempt to calm me down, "It's okay, I'm here."

I let out shaky breaths and cry it all out. I finally stop crying. I clutch onto Kageyama and return the hug even tighter.

"I'm happy that you like the hug but," he tries to wiggle out of my grasp, "I can't breathe..."

I release my grip on him and he starts to cough.

"I am so sorry," I pat his back, not realizing that I'm touching him, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," he stops to cough, "I'm okay now, thanks."

I blush at how close we are and I try to back away from him. He grips my wrist and stops me in the process.

"I have a question," he gives me the same look he gives to everyone, a blank stare, "Why do you always run away from me?"


I'm pretty sure that my face is full of different expressions. I mean, I knew that I was avoiding him but I didn't think he cared.

"I said why do-."

I cut him off, "No, I know what you said. But why do you care?"

That came out harsher than expected.

"I'm not sure myself," he lets go of me and stands up himself.

"I guess it's because I feel uncomfortable around you?" I answer unsurely, "Not in a bad way! I just feel so flustered around you, like I would mess up and do something embarrassing in front of you."

Kageyama scratches the back of his neck.

"I do feel a certain way around your," he looks troubled trying to find the right words, "How do I describe this? Every time I see you here, it's not like nothing can ruin my day. Every time you smile, my stomach feels weird. When you look at me, my heart beats several times a second. When you avoid me, I feel as if I had gotten a million paper cuts."

He takes a pause and my once-steady heartbeat zooms up to an accelerated pace.

"What am I feeling, (Y/N)?" He gives me a look of innocence, "Should I ask Sugawara Senpai?"

I, for one, am at a loss for words. My longtime crush had just unconsciously confessed his feelings. Blood rushes to my cheeks. 

"(Y/N)? You there?"

"O-Oh sorry!" I yelp and clear my throat, "Um, well...it's kinda hard to explain. When your heart beats fast around a certain someone, you l-love them. When you feel sad after being ignored by someone, you feel neglected."


It was Kageyama's turn to blush.

"T-Then, (Y/N)," Kageyama stammers, "I l-love you."

Boof! I think my brain blew a fuse.

"R-Really?" I stutter and can feel my face grow extremely hot.


"I love y-you too, Kageyama," I hug him and he returns it.

He backs his head away and stares at my lips for a while. I look up to him with uncertainty. His eyes show a glint of lust (there will be no lemon, the last one was just 😳) only for a fleeting moment. Then he leans as I stay still, unaware of what's going to happen.

His lips come in contact with mine and I drown in the feeling. Even though Kageyama is quite awkward when it comes to this, his kiss would be something I would not forget.

It isn't one of those lecherous kisses where tongues were involved, no. It was one of those sweet lasting kisses, full of innocence and agape-type of love, unconditional love (You see what I did there, YOI fans?).

Sadly, the lack of oxygen prevents the kiss from continuing, and we both part. The feeling of the kiss lingers on my lips. The sounds of us panting fill the gym and we both share bashful smiles.

Suddenly, the thought of him finding me enters my mind.

"Kageyama-," I get halted by said man.

"Please, call me 'Tobio'," he blushes and I do the same.

"O-Okay, Tobio," I continue on, "How'd you find me?"

"The team and I were walking to the store until I realized that you were still in the gym," he explains and has a look of regret evident, "I'm sorry I didn't realize sooner."

"No, it's fine!" I shake my hands, "Thank you for finding me! I don't know what would've happened if you didn't."

"I-It's no problem," he looks the other way, obviously embarrassed. I giggle at his reaction.

We both leave the gym to meet up with the rest of the team, hand in hand. Little, white dots flutter down to the ground one by one.

"Gasp!" I smile at the sight and try to catch one with my tongue, "Tobio, look! It's snowing!"

He smiles as well until he notices the temperature drop. He sneezes and I turn my attention to him.

"We should probably get our coats and stuff," I laugh and we go to the cubbies (does anyone remember this from their school? No? Okay...moving on) to get our stuff.

"Let's go meet up with everyone else, they should still be in the shop," Tobio smiles at me and takes my hand.

"Okay," I agree and we walk in the direction of the shop.

My shyness and relationship with Tobio changed in less than a day.

Tobio approaches closer to my ear.

He whispers something.

"Don't shy away."


Everyone's heads turn toward me and Tobio. They all have concerned expressions, except Tsukki.

Yachi notices how my hand was intertwined with Tobio's. Her mouth makes a huge gap in a smiling way.

"OH MY GOD!," she pulls out her phone and snaps a couple of pictures, "MA SHIP HAS SAILED! YESSSSSSS! (Y/N) AND KAGEYAMA SITTING IN A TREE, KI-!"

"YACHI!" I blush extensively.

Everyone congratulates on our relationship, except Tsukishima of course. Nishinoya and Tanaka cry in the corner, complaining that Kageyama had gotten a girlfriend before their 'senpais'.

Sugawara calls Tobio over for a 'talk'. What it is about, I don't know. After a few minutes, Tobio comes back with a confused look.

"What was that about?" I ask.

"Nothing," he utters out and I drop it.

Suddenly, the attention shifts from us to Hinata almost knocking down one of the shelves of the store.

I laugh a little and Tobio does as well and kisses me on the cheek.

I blush and Yachi doesn't fail to see this.

"KYAAAAAAA!" Yachi does a fangirl scream and takes pictures before the moment ends.

"YACHI!" I scold her and Tobio laughs.

Word Count: 2551


(A/N): This wasn't as Christmasy as I'd like it to be...

So, I told my friend that I made a smut and she read it. I was on FaceTime with her and her reactions were just amazing.

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