|Crazy Moodswings| Yuri Plisetsky x Reader ♡
Yuri on Ice
Warning(s): Cursing
Edited: (3.21.18)
"Ughhhhhhhhhh," I bury my face in my pillow and cry out in anguish, almost like a pokémon's but deeper.
Hello, my name is (Y/N) (L/N)! I am part of Coach Yakov's team and am participating in a duet ice skating world championship with Yuri Plisetsky. He and I apparently had good chemistry and were paired up as the final team. The theme for our ice skating issssssss: Hard to Hate! The concept is there's this girl who is friends with this guy and she doesn't want to be in love with. However, he is a guy that is hard to hate. But nevermind that!
Now, why was I in so much pain? Yep, it was that favorite time of the month. Where conversations turn into a war zone, where I actually crave for chocolate covered potato chips, and where I have learned the ability to cry every minute. Not only that but in each week, there will always be that one day when you have extremely bad cramps and mood swings.
"I'm so lonelyyyyyy. I need someone to talk too. Maybe I can call Victor, we haven't talked in a while." I was about to tap on his contact, but I realize something.
"Wait, hold on, isn't he still on his honeymoon with Yuuri?"I form a small pout and scroll down my contacts.
"Definitely not Popovich, he'll just talk and talk non-fucking-stop about his new girlfriend. How the hell did he even manage to date Mila?" I keep on scrolling, "No, fuck no, definitely fucking not." My finger stops at 'Yurio'.
"Hmmm, should I ask him to hang out? He probably has practice. "Oh, shit!"
I gasp a little and try to find the name 'Coach Yakov'. I press the call option and wait in anticipation for the scolding. After three rings, I hear a millisecond pause and then intense yelling afterward.
I put the phone almost six inches away from my ear and rant out too, "I JUST FORGOT TO ASK IF I CAN CALL IN SICK!!!"
There was a pause in the conversation, I was panting from lack of breath.
"...(Y/N), don't tell me," he didn't need to continue for me to understand.
"Yeah, it fucking is, what're you going to do about it?" I growl.
"I'm going to send over Yuri," his stern voice calms me down a little bit, "You need to be in proper shape and if you can't move, you won't be able to eat properly. He also needs to review you what he's learned while you were gone, got it?"
"Okay, thank you, Coach!" I reply cheerfully, not even sounding like I was yelling a minute ago. "Be here tomorrow" he replies before he hangs up. I place the phone in my drawer and look at my room.
"Geez, this place is messy as shit," I try to get up only to fall. "Motherfucker...," I grasp my stomach in pain and crawl back into my bed, "Maybe Yurio can clean for me? Ha, nah! His room is also messy as shit." I grab my phone and decided to scroll down Wattpad, "What should I read today?"
Ding, dong! I hear the doorbell ring and try to get up from my bed.
I groan in pain but at least it wasn't as bad as before and trudge down the stairs. When I reach the downstairs, the doorbell starts to ring repeatedly.
"OKAY, I'M COMING!!" I yell in frustration. I open my door to see Yuri in his tiger pattern jack and the backpack I gave for his birthday standing in front of my door, his finger tempting to push the button again.
"Oh, hey Yuri!" I give him a small hug and invite him inside. "Hey," he replies back and takes off his red sneakers. He comes up to my room and I notice his face scrunching up at the sight.
"Don't make a comment," I say before he can insult my room, "Your room is in the same condition." He growls but obeys anyways.
"Fine. The coach said that you can't move or something? Looks like you're moving right now, so bye." He begins to walk away and I latch onto his arm.
"You don't want to be with me...?" I start crying and he freaks out. "H-Hey, what are you crying for!?" He tries to wave off my hand on his arm, but my tight grip stops him.
I hear him sigh, "F-Fine. I'll stay with you for the time being. C-Can you stop crying like a four-year-old now?"
My tears soon evaporate into the air and a huge smile appears on my face, "YAAAYY, thanks, Yuri!" He looks at me and says something under his breath.
"What did you say?" I ask.
"Never mind." He's avoiding the question I see. "Did you eat anything? The coach also told me you can't get fucking food."
"Oh, I ate something," I grin mischievously.
He gives me a blank stare, "You just ate Pocky, didn't you?"
"Yep!" I say, quite proud of myself.
Yuri facepalms and drags me to the dining table, "Sit."
I do as he says and he walks over to the kitchen.
"Oh HELL NO!" I shout at him and stomp over to him, "You are not cooking ANYTHING in my house!"
"And why the fuck can't I?" He curses at me.
"Because your food probably tastes like shit," I insult him, "And you'll burn the fucking place down!"
"Tone the fuck down," He exhales, "I've cooked before, and you've tried my cooking a week ago!"
"Really?" I try and play coy, "It must've been so bad I don't even remember."
"OI!" He yells at me and pushes me back to a chair by the kitchen, "Just sit your ass down and relax. I'm going to cook something special just for your whining ass, so be grateful."
I roll my eyes and watch his every move. The kitchen and dining room were connected so I could tell if something was smoking.
"Do you have a hair tie?" I roll the one off my hair and give it to him. "...Do you have one that isn't from your head?" He demands.
"ARE YOU SAYING MY HAIR'S NOT CLEAN!?" God, what an asshole.
"You do know it isn't healthy to share those, right?" When I don't say anything back, he just snatches the hair tie from me. He makes a tiny ponytail and takes a few cooking utensils.
"Hey, what're you making?" I question.
"Something special," He replies and then everything goes silent, with the exception of the sounds of him preparing.
"This is way too quiet for me," I get up from the chair, "I'll be right back."
I run to my room, knowing exactly what to do. I open the door and try to find something through the landfill. I dig my arm into my electronics box and find something circular.
"Ah ha!" I laugh in triumph, "I have found it!" I unlock my phone and look for a certain radio station.
"Mwahaha, he won't know what hit him."
Yuri's POV:
"What the hell is she doing?"
I look up to the ceiling, "Is she taking a shit?"
Because she's taking so long, the 'special' piroshkis were already waiting for her. Thank god she had everything I needed. But, what the fuck was that back there? She is having extreme mood swings. I wonder why?
I ponder for a bit and give up. As I was about to call her, I hear her speaker blaring.
"What the hell is she doing!?"
Your POV:
I hold the vibrating speaker in my hand and strut down the stairs.
"Oh, Yuri~!" I call out as I hold my weapon in my hand. As I arrive in the kitchen, I see Yuri wrinkle his face.
"Turn. That. Shit. Off. Right. Now!" He threatens as he tries to grab the speaker. What was I playing? Christmas carols! He HATES it when I play Christmas carols before December.
I turn it up louder and start to sing, well more like shout, along, "HAVE A HOLLY JOLLY CHRISTMAS!!! IT'S THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR!!"
I see him put his hands on his ears and says, "I'LL LET YOU PLAY THAT CRAP IF YOU TURN IT DOWN AND STOP SCREECHING ALONG!!"
I smirk and put the volume to medium, "I have won! Victory is mine!" I could hear him mumble a string of curses under his breath. I was about to say something but I smell something, something good.
"Hey Yuri," I sniff once more, "What's that smell?"
"You would've known what it was if you didn't play that crap," he sighs and removes his hands from his ears, "They're what you're going to eat. I'll be right back."
"Okay!" I sit at the table and hum to the carols. When he comes back, I see him holding a plate of steaming piroshkis. "OOOOO," I try to reach for one, but he slaps my hand.
"What the fuck was that for?!"
"Did you wash your shit-smelling hands?" He retorts and puts the plate up in a higher position. Curse my shortness!
"N-No," I stutter and sprint to the sink. I do a quickie and run back.
"Okay now you can eat," He places the plate down and hands me one of the piroshkis. I try to grab it from him, but he raises it up so I couldn't get it.
"No," he puts it in front of my face, "Eat."
No way. Is this prick actually feeding me!? I was about to interject, but my stomach enunciated a large growl.
"Eat or no food," he shoves the piroshki in my face.
I hesitantly open my mouth and clamp onto the piroshki. I back up and chew for a few seconds. I widen my eyes.
What is this immense flavor!? The way all of the ingredients tie in together makes me weak in the knees. I swallow and moan out in satisfaction (guys, no). I pretty much inhale the delicacy. I see him blush a bit with a small smile.
I grab my phone and take a quick picture of him. He notices what I did and tries to snatch my phone.
"Delete that right now!" he attempts to take it but fails in doing so.
"I'll delete it so calm down," I pretend to tap the delete button and mass forward it to everyone in the team. He seems satisfied and he reaches for a piroshki. I slap his hand and hold one in my hand.
"Oi, are you fucking feeding me?" he tries to push it away.
"Just returning the favor," I give him an 'angelic smile'. He looks away for a little while, but then takes a bite of the meal and smiles.
"See?" I grin, "That wasn't too hard." "Hmmm," he hums as he chews the food. I see him swallow and I forgot to ask him.
"What did you do to this piroshki? I've never had anything like it!"
"It's a family secret" he blatantly responds. "Whaatt!?" I pout, "Tell meeeee!"
"I told you, it's a family secret," he repeats.
"Fine," I try to negotiate with this guy, "I'll respect that decision if you come here whenever I want you to." He'll have to tell me the secret this way!
"Sure," he reaches out to grab the last one, "You want this?" I nod quickly and steal it from him. Then I remember his answer.
"You would spend time with me?" "Why not?" he shrugs.
I stand up from my chair and hug him from behind, "THANKS SO MUCH YURI!!" He tries to squirm out of my grasp, "O-Okay! Get the fuck off of me!" I reluctantly do so and chomp on the piroshki happily.
"I have also been meaning to ask you," he inquires with such seriousness. I gulp. What could he possibly be so serious about?
"What the hell do you have such crazy mood swings?"
Eh? He continues on and on about how I've been a pain in the ass and I burst out into laughter.
"What the hell are you laughing at?" "Ohohoho, nothing!" I wave it off, "If you really want to know, ask Mila."
He gives me a look of confusion and I giggle a little. He still hasn't caught on.
"Wait, don't we have to go over the routine?" I remind him. He gives me a look of alarm, "What time is it?" I look at the clock, "It's almost 4:30, why?"
"The old man wants me to back by 6," he sighs, "We have a little time." He pulls out a notebook and starts to review what they did while I was gone.
"Wait, Georgi did what!?" I laugh a little as he does too. "Yeah and-!" A call from Yuri's phone interrupts us. He picks it up, "Hello?"
A muffled voice comes on, not making me able to understand the conversation. "Oh, sorry I lost track of time...I'm at (Y/N)'s house." He suddenly blushes when the other person was talking. "No, I don't!...Really?...Okay, thanks, I'll be there in a few...Yeah, love you too." He presses the hang-up button.
"Who was that?" I ask him, tilting my head a bit. "That was my grandpa," he responds getting his things together, "Is it okay if I sleepover here? He said it was okay with him if I wanted to."
I beam and tackle him down, "Of course it's okay! It's more than okay!"
"Okay great," he tries to free himself from my grip, "Do you mind getting the fuck off? I need to get my things first." "Oh sure," I get off of him and he gets up. I follow him out and once he reaches the doorway, I tell him.
"Make sure to tell me you're on your way here! Later, Yurio!" "Yeah, I'll see you later (Y/N)!" He walks farther and farther, and I close my door.
"Gah, I can't wait for tonight!" I squeal with excitement, "Maybe I should build a fortress!" I start to gather all the pillows, boxes, and blankets I can find. "Let's get building!"
Yuri's POV
I start to walk to my house and smile to myself.
"Guess I'll have to deal with your crazy mood swings."
Word Count: 2449
(A/N): Hallo Again! The second oneshot of this book has appeared! After the first one shot was published, I couldn't help that feeling of wanting to publish more. I'm not completely proud of this, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless! I'm also thinking of making a part two for the sleepover, so can't wait for that! Also, please request, it would mean a lot to me! Thank you and have a good day/evening/night/morning/afternoon!
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