|Big Butts| Christophe x Reader ♡
Yuri On Ice!!!
Warnings⚠︎: Butts and dirty mentions for dirty me
Requested by: -Http-Michaelis Thanks so much for requesting! 🤗
Published: (5.3.18)
3rd POV:
"Oh no, here she comes," one skater leaning by the rink's wall walls whispers to another.
"Cover your butts, literally," the other responds and places the palms of his hands on his butt.
The doors swing wide open as a (H/C) young girl comes striding in. Her lips make a smacking noise that came from the bubblegum she was chewing.
"HELLLOOOO~!" The girl rubs her hands maliciously, "Where are my favorite butts?"
Your POV:
Everyone in the room puts a stop as to what they were doing. Their eyes widen and I visibly smirk.
"No...please..." One skater trembles at the very sight of me.
"Spare some mercy on me, please?" Another cowers behind the rink.
"Don't worry, boys," I relieve them of their frights, for now, "I'm not in the mood at the moment."
"Thank goodness," one of them sighs, "We also have a new person joining us, so please, don't defile him with your hands."
"It's not like I grope you or anything," I whistle a small tune. The sound fades away as I see fresh meat talking to one of the coaches.
"Is that him?" My interest is piqued and my eyes roam for them sweet cheeks.
"Yes," a brunette comes skating towards me, "Don't defile him with your eyes as well. He's barely an adult."
"Every boy at that age is a pervert," I roll my eyes and make my way over to the two.
As I got closer, the young adult had seemed to be a dark, blonde with forest green irises. The vibes that waft off of him...he's too innocent!
I can't believe it! He's like a Febreeze air freshener with a spring breeze scent.
"Oh, (Y/N)," the coach waves over for me to come, "This is Christophe Giacometti, a new skater that will be participating in the next Junior Grand Prix. I think this is one assignment you'll enjoy."
"Oh?" I cock a brow, "And how so?"
"As you can tell, Christophe is a breath of fresh air," he pinches the bridge of his nose, "However, he wants the theme of...seduction and such sexual topics."
"OHOHO!" I laugh and clutch my stomach, "Yes! A project worthy of my expertise! You and I are going to have lots of fun, Chris. Not in a weird way though."
"Yes," Christophe smiles, his innocent showing the most, "I am very glad to meet you, (Y/N)."
"Same here," I crouch down and observe his petite figure only with my pupils, "Hmm, you don't have killer abs. Same thing with muscles..."
Trying to find out what is his most sexual asset, a sudden roundness curves out when I reach the bottom half. An idea pops into my head, and I slam a fist on to an open hand.
"That's it!" I cheer with happiness, "Your butt!"
A sudden silence sweeps the whole arena. Not even the sound of scratching ice had erupted.
"Oh no..." A faint and feminine voice is heard from the background.
"My butt...?"
"Your butt!" I confirm and begin to preach, "Such roundness should never be ignored. The cheeks are bulging and yet kept captive by the-!"
"We get the picture," the middle-aged man next to me holds his hand out for interference, "You should help him out now."
"Got it, sir!" I salute him before dragging Chris with me to the lockers, "Put on your skates. We got work to do!"
"Okay," he unlocks the locker hatch and then pulls out a set of black skates.
"Do you have a choreography or something?" I ask while leaning on the side of the wall.
"Yes, but I apparently can't seem to get it right," his teeth nibble on his plump lips.
"With me, I'll whip you into a sexy state!" I give him a thumbs up, "Don't worry, I won't rape you or anything. I have my own standards."
"I didn't really think you would anyway," he replies with a grin.
"Still, someone of your age is as innocent as a daffodil," I push my finger down with my chin, "Why would you choose sexiness over purity? You'd be great at the concept."
"I thought it would be nice if I should have a change for once," he ties the laces of the shoes tightly, "Besides, someone wrote to me through a fan letter saying something about sexiness. Thought I should see what would happen."
"Well, she's not wrong," my eyes travel down to them luscious curves before shooting back up, "Ahem! Anyway, ready to hit the rink?"
"Yep!" He gets up from the bench with no hesitation.
"Okay, I'll go ahead and ask the coach for the CD and put in the player," I started to make my way out, "When the music starts, you can begin."
"Okay," his voice became faint as I walk farther and farther.
"Hey, Coach?" I alert the balding man, "Mind giving me Chris's CD for his choreography?"
"It's already in the CD player," he points to the CD player and I run off to its location.
"Thanks!" I reach near the rink and press down the play button.
A mellow and sweet melody starts out and, suddenly, an intense melody that would make any girl's panties fall off fills the arena. From the emptiness, the sound bounces off the walls and creates an echoey effect.
It's good that he wants to use some of his innocence and then slowly slide into an eros type of feel.
Chris begins to glide across the ice with a speed that accelerates slowly. Quadruple Lutzs and Triple Axels were each landed to perfection.
His face had changed drastically from the childish smile to one of complete seriousness. It can be clearly visible that he was trying his hardest.
His form was flawless, not a single mistake. However, there was almost no feeling in his skating. At least, not the one that was intended.
The song stops and I snap out of my trance.
"How was that, (Y/N)?" The skater skims over to me while panting slightly.
"Your form and jumps are amazing!" I grin at him, "The only thing that needs to be fixed is the aura you should give off. An aura of sexiness!"
"How should I do that?" He raises an eyebrow at me.
"The butt is the key to all of this!" I clap my hands together, "So, I think we should focus on that thick booty you have there!"
"How so?" He appears unfazed by my choice of words.
"By letting your butt be shown in the spotlight," my breathing becomes heavy as I imagine the countless opportunities he could use, "Like clutching on the cheeks or crouching down halfway. Those both accentuate them cheeks."
"O-Okay!" He had a determined expression on his face while clutching his fists.
"Let's do some butt exercises!" I begin to get pumped up.
"B-Butt exercises!?"
"(Y/N), want to go swimming?"
"Not at this hour!" I flop onto the comfy and luxurious bed of my hotel room, "Tomorrow is the start of the Grand Prix Final! You need rest!"
Glancing over at the now sexy beast, I smile at the thought of how mature he had become over the years. Ever since his debut, both he and his skating have become sexier than ever.
"But the weather's great, especially for skinny dipping," he smirks playfully at me.
"No!" My shouts become muffle as I bury my face in the pillow, "I'm jet-lagged and I want to sleep!"
"Hmph, you're no fun," I can sense his pout from here, "I'll be wearing my speedo but I guess you don't want to feast your eyes on me."
"HOLD UP!" I jump off the bed, "Let me go change!"
"Thought so," he smiles coyly, "I'll be where the upstairs pool is. Make sure you change into something risqué for me."
"Sure I will," I roll my eyes and proceed to the bathroom with a swimsuit.
It's no joke as to how much Chris had changed over the course of a few years. From the cute and innocent young man I had met to the now sexy and mature beast I had transformed him into.
The reason I am his coach now is that of how extremely well he did in his debut on the ice. For an amateur just beginning, he had won first place and the judges, who were known to be very strict, were impressed.
Slipping into the waterproof suit, I wrapped one of the hotel's bathrobes around me. As the furriness embraces my body, I notice that the bottle of champagne and a wine glass had gone missing.
"Of course he would go drinking," I facepalm.
I snag my phone that was lying on the bedside table and the hotel key. I twist the knob open and step outside.
The pool would be up on the rooftop, out in the open air. Even though it was supposed to be nice and cool here, Barcelona was still experiencing the bitter cold from the previous winter.
Hopefully, Chris doesn't catch a cold. He's only wearing a speedo!
I decide to walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator. It would probably be faster like that.
My steps echo up and down the wall. My mind also pulls a blank as I have no idea what to think about.
I finally reach the top of the floor and push open the metal door. As I push it open, I see Viktor, a world-famous skater, and Chris conversing together.
Viktor had seemed to be holding a phone while Chris had posed in front of him.
"Oh, it's (Y/N)!" Viktor's mouth forms into a heart, "I should probably leave now."
"Shame," the blonde skater pouts childishly, "I guess (Y/N) and I will have fun by ourselves."
"That's why I'm leaving," the gay- I mean, gray-haired man winks at the two of us before going off to who knows wherever.
"What does he think we're going to do...?" I sweatdrop before turning over to the man next to me.
"I think I do," he smiles seductively at me.
"There's a line between sexy and just plain creepy," I distance myself from him, "How is the water?"
"Would be warmer if you were there," he keeps the same expression he always has.
"Welp, let's find out!" I cannonball into the lukewarm water and shiver at the temperature, "I-It's c-c-cold!"
"Here, let me warm it up for you," he slinks into the chlorine-filled water without any hesitation.
I see a figure swim underneath me and giggle since I knew who it was. Out of nowhere, the figure drags me in with him, and I gasp for air before submerging down.
I scrunch my eyes together from instinct. Feeling a soft presence on my lips, I regrettably open my eyes.
Through one kiss, I can feel all the passion and love being emitted from the man in front of me. Kissing back, I smile mentally because I knew this wasn't one of his attempts at being flirty.
Chris was in front of me with his eyes shut and his lips on mine. The both of us weren't the most skilled in holding our breaths, so we instantly rise up to the surface.
Panting, I glance at him and heat surges up to my cheeks. Chris had seemed to be completely fine but was also trying to catch his breath.
"What was...up with the...dolphin kiss?" I take breaks in between in order to calm my nerves.
"We were alone," he slides over to me, "I thought I should show you how I feel."
"H-How you feel!?" I become flustered immediately, "Y-You have feelings for me?"
"I thought my kiss was enough to prove that," he didn't seem as nervous as I was.
"It-It did!" I clear my throat.
"Your answer?" His eyes show more twinkles than normal. He then sneezes rather cutely before I could say anything.
"I'll tell you when we get in the bedroom," I chuckle slightly while nudging him to get out of the pool, "We need to get you back before you catch a cold."
"Maybe you can scream your answer when we get there," the flirtatious man winks at me while ascending from the pool.
"Urgh, shut up!" I blush instantaneously and I tail behind him once I'm out of the water.
I smack his cheeks as I would do most of the time when I was more of a freelance coach.
"Ahhn!" He lets out a sexy moan and side-glances at me, "You never did that to me before."
"What can I say?" I shrug without a care.
"I love big butts and I cannot lie."
Word Counts: 2043
(A/N): I feel like I made him too OOC T-T
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