{REQUESTED} Found My Place: Haru X Reader (Fluff) -Part Two-

(This is part two, yay. But this was requested by @HerimoneKNanase. This is from the anime Free!)

Laterz! ( ̄▽ ̄)

It has been about a month since you joined the swim team. And you had two more months until you compete. You know you won't be able to swim with the others, but you were excited to see how well you do. Plus, you've been training a lot with the guys. But you still haven't chose what to do, but Goro-sensai is going to see which one you do best. So you had a week before he comes.

"(YYY/NNN)-Chaaannn!" Nagisa yells as he runs towards you and hugs you.

"Hey, Nagisa-chan. What are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be at the roof?"

"Well, I was just going to the office cause I forgot my lunch and I'm getting it. Speaking of which, I gotta go, but let's see who gets up there faster, me or you. Bai bai, (Y/N)-chan!" And he ran to the office for his lunch.

You were heading to the school roof since that's where Haru, Makoto, Nagisa, Rei, and Gou are during lunch.

  You run to the door and push your arms forward to open it, but something was in your way. That resulted yourself falling backwards, luckily you landed on the flat surface on top of the stairs.

  The door opened and you saw Haru. It looked like he was about to kill someone, but then his face changed into back to his regular one when he saw you. He lent you his hand as he helped you up. You walk to the roof and see Nagisa rolling on the floor saying 'ow' while crying crocodile tears.

  "(Y/N), what was that for... was it because I beat you to the roof?" Nagisa was crying a little and you felt bad while Makoto asked if he was 'ok' and Rei checked his head. Gou was just laughing at the poor boy.

  "I'm so sorry, Nagisa! I didn't know you were there. Is there anything that'll make you feel better?"

  Nagisa stopped crying all the sudden and had an evil smirk on his face.

  "So, that means you'll do anything?" Nagisa asked as he gave you the puppy dog face.

"Yep... but only if it's nothing perverted."

"Ok, but I want you to... hm... kiss my cheek!"

Everybody had a surprised look in there face. Even Haru, and that's rare.

"Oh, and on the head too. Since I also beat you up here," he said pouting and pointing to his cheek and head.

"Ok, fine. But do I have to do it now?"


"O-ok? Here I go, I guess," you said but we're stopped as you were walking towards him. You saw Haru pulling on your sleeve to come back. But you kept on walking since you were only two steps away, but then he grabbed your wrist.

"H-Haru, what are you doing?"

"P-please. Please d-don't do it."

"But that's what he wants, since I accidentally hurt him. I don't think there's anything else he would want."

"Food?" He then turned to Nagisa and asked, "Do you want as much sweets? You can have as many as you want?"

Nagisa beamed with happiness then said, "Of course, but I get anything I want, oh, and (Y/N) has to pay!"


"Food it is, next time we all go out, you'll get me something, k? And I won't forget!"

You were surprised that he forgot about what he wanted earlier so fast, but also surprised that Haru stopped you. On his own will.

"Haru, what was that for?"

"Nothing in particular. Just don't like people kissing in front of me," he mumbled.

You could see the tiny pink in his cheeks and see that he is very relieved. You giggle as you thought of him liking you, but that's just a fantasy of yours.

Haru wouldn't like a girl like me, I mean, he treats me the same like the others. So why would he have feelings for me?

You sigh loudly as you were thinking and kept on repeating them.

"(Y/N)!" Gou yelled in your ears behind you.

"What the hell, Gou! Don't scare me like that!"

"My names Kou!"

"Whatever, meanie."

"Get on to practicing. You need it."

"Whatever, mom."And you jumped into the pool with the others.

You had lessons with each one since one had the ability to do one swim the best. So you learned a lot from all of them.

"Haru, it's your turn to teach me freestyle," you say as you start swimming near him.

"Ok, but you're good enough."

"No, it's not good enough. I want the ability to swim just as fast as you. You're the fastest one here, Haru. I want to learn freestyle better. And when I do, I'm gonna race you, but we have to bet on something. Cause if I win, you get to be my maid, not butler, maid," you said already giggling at the thought.

"And if I win, what do I get?"

"Whatever you want, choose."

He thought for a while and finally thought if something.

"I have something, but I'm not gonna tell you. I'll wait to see who wins."

"Man, you're talkative today. Are you sick?" you asked as you put your forehead to his. He immediately blushed and as you remove your forehead from his.

"Well time to teach me, since you're not sick!"


The club members were going home and you made it safely, but collapsed on your bed. You were all comfy and warm until you get a call. You groan and you think, it's a mother f-ing Friday, why do my friends call me when they know I'll get mad.

You grab the phone and it says, 'Haru♡'. Your mood quickly changes to excitement after seeing the caller ID, but you're also surprised since he rarely calls.


  "Hey, (Y/N). I-I was wondering-uh, hold on."

  You could here Makoto, Nagisa, Rei and even Gou talking as if you can't here them. They're lucky you can only hear mumbling of whispers.

  "Are you still there?" Haru asks.

  "Ya, I'm still here. So what were you going to ask?"

  "I was going to ask if you wanna... um... meet me at the train station to do something... fun? Fun, that's what I mean."

  Your eyes grow big in shock. So you answered, "I would love to Haru. Thank you for inviting me."

  "O-oh, but we're going... together? And no one else?"

  It seemed this was either staged, or he doesn't really say the word, 'fun' 'together' and 'no one else'.

  "Th-that's fine, I guess."

  "Ok, I will meet you at... 2... pm."

  "Ok, see you until then. Bye, Haru."

  "B-bye, (Y-Y/N)."

  And the call ended with excitement running through your body. After that, you fell into a deep sleep.

Morning rose as you went downstairs to eat and binge watch anime until 1:30.

Sadly it was close to 1:30, so you got up to change.
Time Skip to Train Station since I don't need to explain the rest

Haru's not here and it's been about fifteen minutes. You're starting to think he's running late, blowing you off, or it was a dare and never wanted to hang out with you today. But, you know he wouldn't blow you off or come 'cause it's a dare. Haru is straight forward when he doesn't want to do something. Plus, he's your friend, he'd never do something so mean to you.

Another ten minutes went by and Haru still isn't here. Now you're worried so you get up from the bench to look for him and call him at the same time. You didn't get the phone call to pick up. So you started running around close to the train station looking and yelling out to Haru. But then you hear your name being called out. It sounded like Haru, so you were walking towards the direction of your name while saying his.

  Your shoulder runs into another person shoulder really hard as you spin from the impact. You were about to fall when a someone grabbed the front of your shirt.

  "I-I'm sorry... (Y/N)? Wait! Are you ok, what happened to you, I've been looking for you everywhere, I thought you were being kidnapped, and, and..."

  Your eyes widen as Haru talks a lot really fast. He's never done this.

  "(Y/N), I thought you were hurt," he said as if he was about to cry then and there, but hugged you tight. As tight as if he let go, someone better would take you away from him. It felt like... a lovers hug.

  "H-Haru, it's ok, I'm fine. But I was worried about you too," you say in a sweet comforting voice.

  Something warm and wet began to fall on you shoulder. He was crying.

  "How about we go to my house, ok?"


  You soon took his hand and led him towards you house as he looked down so people wouldn't look at the state he's in.

  You returned and placed him on your couch.

  "Haru, just stay here. I'll be right back."

  You left for upstairs, luckily your parents weren't home, but you got tissues from your room and returned to Haru. When you returned, he had his head in his hands saying something. You couldn't quite make it out, but you did get some. He said, "When am I... tell her... her."

  That was all you could make out. But then you walked over to the couch and said, "Here, wipe your face off. Or if you want, you could cry some more," you said softly as you sat next to him.


  "What, Haru?" you said in a sweet voice again.

  He removed the tissue from his hand and embraced you into another hug. His face was in your shoulder as he wrapped your arms around while you comforted him.

  "It's ok, you can tell me."

  "... I..." he shoved his face deeper into your shoulder and mumbled, "lob... ou."

  "Hm," you said since you didn't hear. But you didn't say it in a mean way, you said it in an calm nice way, I guess.

  He removed himself from your shoulder and then he said, "I love you."

  You were shocked.

  "Y-you l-love me?"

  "I-I do. A lot. You're special to me. To me, you're the most precious thing in the world."

  "H-Haru, I l... love you too! A lot," you said smiling happily.

  You except me?" Haru asked unsurely.

  "Of course. You're the one who understood me the most. Who gave me hope of not being alone in school anymore. You're also the most precious thing to me too."

  You and Haru looked at each other for a while, then you slowly move forward. Haru does the same. Then BAM! You kiss, yours and his first kiss. It was so weird at first, but then you melted into it as you realized this is from the person you loved. You'd be doing this more often too.

  "I love you," you both say in delight.
(Haha, finally finished this. I will be doing 3 other requests, so I won't have time to do mine yet. That's all. By the way, Haru won. Obviously. And you can imagine whatever he asked you to do. Let your imagination run WILD!!
( ̄∇ ̄))
Laterz! ( ̄▽ ̄)

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