{REQUESTED} Cuts: Yukine X Reader (Angst+Fluff)

(This was requested by Kawaii_angelanne, this was all her idea, so credit to her! Also... Hey there ^^; I'm sorry for the really late updates. This book is probably the book that I least update because I don't have that many ideas like my other ones. It always takes me about 3 weeks to publish a chapter for this. I'll try to get better, promise!)

"(Y/N)! Finally! I get to see you!"

You start laughing as you say, "It's only been about 4 hours since the last time you saw me."

"But it's so boring without you in class with me! Everybody avoids me anyways, so it's EXTRA boring," Yukine said emphasizing the 'extra'.

"Haha, sorry. I wanted to be in the same class as you too, but I guess not."

Yukine then huffed like a little child not getting his cookie. He then grabbed your hand running in the direction of yours and his house. He then turned to the left where you live, so obviously you assumed you were going there. He then halted, making you bump into him a little.


  "S-sorry, I thought I saw a kitty."

  Your eyes sparkle as you think he was cute like a puppy for a moment.

  "I-it's ok. But I'm hungry, can we go in," you said about a block away from your house.

  "Ya! Let's go!" He grabs your hand and runs to your house as you arrive in about a minute. Both of you laugh out of breath as you grab your keys from your backpack to unlock the door.

  Once the door is unlocked, Yukine runs in like a child, rummaging through your food pantry.

  "Jeez, don't eat everything!" You said as you see him have 5 boxes of snacks.

  "R-right," He said as he put all of the boxes of snacks back and grabbed two fruit snacks. (I still eat those, who's with me XD)

"Hey, are you gonna give me mine?" You pouted.

"Uh... sorry, I forgot to grab you one. Both of these are for me."

"What? You hog. Thanks for getting me some," you said walking towards the pantry and grabbing two fruit snacks with an evil smirk.

"I'm not a hog! I mean, look at how much food you have."

"What?! Now I'm gonna murder you!" You then go to the fridge and grab about 5 cold oranges.

"Wh-Whoa. I was just joking, n-no need to get hasty now, r-right?"

"Haha, like hell," you said then threw an orange. The orange hit his right arm, and that was the arm he had his fruit snacks in. Which also fell to the floor.

"My food!" He said exaggeratedly and fell to the ground. But you didn't care, so you threw an orange at his head and left shoulder.

"Ok, ok! I surrender! I'm sorry."

You laughed in victory as you turn around and put away the two extra oranges back. But then you feel something hard hit your back. Then another thing hit you left thigh. You turn around and see Yukine has one more orange.

"Revenge," he said.

  "Now you're gonna get!"

The rest of the time you goofed off with each other, but you suddenly got a text from your classmates at about 4. Touma texted you as you like him a bit since he's nice. You then tell Yukine that Touma wants to meet you at the cafe. Yukine said ok as he told you to be safe and then left while you left.

  You arrived at the cafe nervous for some odd reason. You open the door to see Touma just looking at his hands.

  You walk up to him and then say, "Hey Touma."

  He looked at you surprised and said, "(Y-Y/N)? Oh, sorry." He then stood up from out of his chair and bowed while you bowed back.

You walk to the chair, pull it out, and then sit in it moving yourself and the chair close to the table. You then look at Touma as he looks more nervous than flustered.

"So, what'd you call me for? Did you have something to ask?"

"H-huh, oh, ya, I did. Um... this is hard..." he took a deep breath before saying, "will you go out with me?"

  You were shocked. You never expected this. I mean, you barely talk and he said it so casually. It was just strange, but you do kind of like him, but you don't like him that much.

  "I-I guess. One date and we'll see how it goes."

  His eyes light up as he says, "Really?! Th-thank you so much. You won't regret this!" He then ran out of the store just leaving you confused.

  That was a strange change in his mood? But what am I going to tell Yukine? I guess I'll tell him after the date? Ya, I'll do that.

  You get up from your chair and was about to leave the shop until you saw a group of boys from your school and they were looking at you weirdly. You gave them a confused look as they realized they looked at you. You just tilt your head in confusion before you leave the store back to normal.

  Once you're home, you collapse on your bed holding your shirt where your heart is. You then relax and take your phone out going to +•Touma•+.

(Y/N): Hey Touma, about earlier...

  It took him about 10 minutes before he actually replied when he read your message 8 minutes ago.

Touma: Sorry, I didn't know what to say, but what about it?

(Y/N): I was wondering when our date would be..?

Touma: Oh, that? Um... what about Sunday, since there's no school and today's Saturday?

(Y/N): Ok! Thanks, I'll meet you tomorrow at 6 if that's alright?

Touma: Sure, I'll see you tomorrow at the cafe! (*^ω^*)

You smiled at the little emoji he used as you turned off your phone.

Hm? This'll be fun?

You hear your phone buzz as you are in the bath.

"Of course someone has to call me while I'm in the bath," you groan.

You reach for the counter trying to stay in the warm water, and luckily you reach it not getting cold.


"(Y/N)! Can I come over?" You can tell it's Yukine by his puppy voice and excitement.

"Um, sorry, but I'm doing something now and later."

"What are you doing now and later?"

"Right now I taking a bath! I'll call you when I'm done, bye!" You said a little irritated, but became jokingly at the end.

"Bu-," you hung up before he could finish what he said.

Little did you know, Yukine was secretly blushing at his house.

You finally finish your bath and dry yourself. After that you change into normal clothes for the date as you call Yukine again.

It rings a bit before he answers.

"Hey (Y/N)."

"Hey Yukine... so about earlier, what'd you want to know, I forgot," you said, but really remembered just hoping he would forget.

  "I asked what you were going to do later."

"O-oh, that... right. Well..." you thought of something so you could keep it a secret just until after the date and said, "I'll tell you later!"

"Wh-what? Come on, tell me... pwease!"

It was really tempting, but you replied, "just wait little baby," you say sassily, but then see the time. "Oh... I'll call you later, I've gotta do something."

"Ok, bye (Y/N). Don't forget to text me what you were doing when you finish," he said sneakily, then hangs up as you put your phone in your pocket.

  "He's so childish," you say giggling to yourself.

  You grab your jacket and put your phone in your jacket pocket, just in case your phone falls out of your back pants pocket. You then walk out heading to the cafe.

  "(Y/N), hey!" Touma said yelling your name so you could go towards the table.

  "Hey Touma," you said giving a sweet smile while he gave one back.

You sat down in the chair and said, "So..."


You laugh inside as you see he's nervous... and around you of all people.

"You don't have to be nervous, I don't bite... except food."

He tried not laughing at your bad joke, but ended up laughing.

"Ha, that was a bad joke," he said laughing a little.

"Sorry, but I'm nervous too. This is probably my real first date, because the first one I had was terrible..."

"Oh, well, let's just talk about each other. I'll talk about myself first, and then you can," Touma suggested.


"But only if you want to! I don't want you to force yourself about talking about yourself."

"No, it's fine. We'll just do the generic things, like what you like," you said smiling.

The rest of the time you two spent was about two hours of talking about each other to get to know each other better.

  "O-oh, look at the time. It looks like I have to go home," you said packing your stuff.

  "Really, can we just talk for about 10 more minutes, please?"

  You were about to say yes, but instead you said, "I'm sorry, but I have to go... but I liked today's date. I look forward for a next one if you enjoyed it." You then gave him a big sweet smile and waved goodbye leaving the shop.

  Hm, he didn't respond, so maybe no second date? Man, I was really hoping for a next one.

You then get a text that says, "Wait for me!"

You turned around and see the cafe doors open and see Touma. He sees you and runs up to you.

"P-please go on a second date with me... and please let me walk you home."

You were surprised, but said, "of course!"

He gave you a goofy smile as you turned around to walk to your house. You guys talked a bit on the way, but little did you know, someone was watching you when you came home from afar.

  "Well, I'm home. It was nice to be with you today, I had fun... thanks."

  "Ha, I'm just glad you agreed to do this... so hopefully there's a next time."

  "Yeah... well, bye Touma."

"Bye (Y/N), I'll see you soon!" Touma said as he hugged you and left.

Th-that was weird, I have never felt so embarrassed in front of a guy...

You the walk inside your house and walk to your room sitting in your bed calling Yukine over. He answered and he said he'd come over, so you went downstairs and waited for him.

You heard a knock on the door and opened it to see Yukine standing there.

"Hey Yukine!"

"Hey... (Y/N)..."

Something was wrong with him, but you decided to ignore it because you were thinking of making him feel better.

He walked in as you brought him to the couch.

"Ok, ok... don't be mad at me, but," you were hesitant, but you said, "I like someone. He likes me too. I mean, I didn't like him at first, but I actually went on a date tonight and we talked... and I found out I liked him."

Yukine didn't say anything, but he did look down. You thought he looked pained.

"A-are you ok Yukine?"


You then feel your phone slip out of your pocket, so you bend down and pick it up. While you were doing that, you had no idea Yukine winced in pain... his first lie.

This world is different. Why? When you lie, you get cuts. The bigger lie, the bigger cut. The smaller lie, the smaller cut. You keep on lying, it gets worse, so worse you'd want to die. This is our universe, filled with truth, cause if you lie, someone will eventually find out... right?

*4 Months Later*

  It's finally summer, but you have summer classes since you didn't do so well on your exams, but Touma and Yukine didn't do that well either, so you're not really alone. But you and Yukine haven't talked as much, which was strange. It's like he's been trying to avoid you. You got worried, but maybe something personal happened and you don't want to butt in, considering how Yukine is with personal problems.

  You walk to school as you see Yukine walking.

  "Yukine! Wait up!" You yell excitedly giving a big smile.

  He stops, he doesn't turn around nor say anything, but when you walk closer, you notice something strange. You actually haven't seen Yukine for two weeks, so that's why it was strange.

  "Y-Yukine? You've lost weight, and you're wearing warm clothing... and why are your arms puffy in your sleeves?"

  He didn't answer for a second until he said, "Cause I just felt like it. I've been feeling cold recently, that's all... especially my arms."

  "That doesn't explain you losing wait though."

  "I'm not growing anymore, so that's w-why," he said. He actually looked pained for a second, but you thought maybe you hit a sensitive spot.

"O-oh, there's Touma. Bye Yukine!" You said leaving walking towards Touma.

"N-ok, bye, see you later."

No, stay with me, please.

You then hear a muffled pained like scream. You turn around worried and see Yukine on his phone biting his lip, bleeding a bit.

"Hey! Don't bite on your lip, that's bad for you," you said worriedly.

"Y-ya, ok."

Must have been his phone that made that muffled scream. You then continue forward towards Touma.

  "Touma!" You say childish, happy to see him.

  "Hey (Y/N)."

  Something was wrong with him. He's actually changed the past week also.

  "Are-," he interrupted you by saying, "(Y/N), can you actually meet me on the roof today. I want to tell you something."

  "Um, sure. Ok?"

  The rest of the time, you and Touma didn't talk and neither did you and Yukine, but that was also because he was behind you too.

  You all arrive at school not saying goodbye. You went to your classes and couldn't stop thinking about the two boys in your life that matter. Yukine, you know something is wrong. Touma, you're not sure, but you feel as if you need to figure out what's wrong with Yukine first. Friends are first before boyfriend or girlfriend.

  Finally the school bell rang and you quickly got up going to the roof. You arrive and Touma is already there. His back was facing you.


  He still didn't turn around.

  "Touma, is something wrong?"

  He finally turns around, but looks like he's never respected you. Confused, you tilt your head a little. He then lifts his sleeves up.

  "I... I've been lying to you the whole time. I've never liked you, in fact, this was all a mistake. I was dared to date you for a long time, then cut ties."

  You couldn't believe what you just heard. It was all so... sudden.


  "I-," you walk up to him and slap his face, tears coming down.

  "I hope you're happy now Touma. Also, I hope your friends are happy. Now I know you're a dick."

  You then left and ran out of the school going back home, but on your way home, you see Yukine.

  I don't want Yukine to see me like this.

  You start slowing down and wipe your tears off your face. You are now walking next to him, but it seems like he doesn't care, but you don't care that he doesn't notice you. You just want him by your side, even if he doesn't care about the situation. You needed a friend, and that friend is Yukine.

  He turns his head and looks at you, first as if he didn't care, but then turned to realization and worry.

  "(Y-Y/N), what happened, are you ok?"

  "Nothing... and I'm ok," you say, but then wince in pain. It felt like a paper cut, but it still hurts. Yukine hears and knows you're lying.

  "What happened... wait, where's Touma."

  You kept silent which caused another cut.

  "Ow," you whisper quietly.

  "(Y/N)... what happened. Obviously something is wrong. You're lying right now, your eyes are puffy, your hand is a little red, your voice sounds dry. Something happened with Touma, right?"

  You look in Yukine's bright yellow orange eyes, and say, "ya, something happened."

  "Did he cheat he you?!"

"No, but it's something that's equally bad."

  "And what's that?"

  "He never liked me... it was a dare for him to date me. It was he was supposed to date me until I actually liked him, and then break my heart into pieces... I-I have never felt so betrayed, and I lied to you!" You say, but the yell the last part sadly, crying while hugging yourself.

  Yukine's eyes widen, he then hugs you. Now you're crying in his chest, also happy he noticed.

  "I'm sorry for what happened. I-if I was your boyfriend, I would never hurt you, nor if I was asked that dare, I would say no."

  You look up from his chest and give him a sad smile saying, "thanks Yukine."

  He then puts his face in the crook of your neck as you feel something wet on your neck. They were tears. He then lifts his head a bit and whispers, "I like you (Y/N)."

  You barely heard, just barely, but you understood Yukine. He removes his face from your neck and looks at you crying.


"I'm sorry, I've lied to you. I wasn't ok when you liked Touma, I wasn't ok with you dating him, I'm wearing warm clothing because the cuts have gotten worse, and I lied to you that I didn't like you. I'm sorry."

  "For four months..?"

  "... ya."

  You give him a small smile and say, "I'm sorry Yukine, but I just broke up with someone. I don't think I'm ready to go out again."

  "It's ok. We can take it slow. We'll try when you are ready, ok?"

  You give him a sweeter and bigger smile saying, "ok. But don't lie to me, even if it's to protect me. Ok?"

  "Of course... just do the same," he said jokingly.

  "Ok. Thank you Yukine."

  You left with Yukine, but neither of you knew someone was watching.

  "Take care of her Yukine... I never deserved her in the first place."

  The voice then covers his arms, blood soaking into the sleeves.
(No part two, unless the requester wants another part XD Again, sorry for the really late updates, I'll try to get better.)
Laterz! (T ^ T)

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